Upcoming events and things to do in Asheville, NC. Below is a list of events for festivals, concerts, art exhibitions, group meetups and more.

Interested in adding an event to our calendar? Please click the green “Post Your Event” button below.

Thursday, May 9, 2024
Catalyst for Change: Volunteer for a Buncombe County Committee
May 9 all-day
online w /Buncombe County

Your voice matters, help shape a brighter tomorrow by joining one of our committees.

Early Childhood Committee:

The Early Childhood Education and Development Fund is a major driver in assuring every child in Buncombe County has an equal opportunity to thrive during their first 2,000 days. The focus of this initiative is to increase access to quality, affordable early childhood education. As such, Buncombe County’s Early Childhood Committee, featuring 15 total members including 3 County Commissioners, was established to guide how the fund is invested. The purpose of the committee is to engage with community partners, solicit public input, and make policy and funding recommendations to the Board of Commissioners. This committee typically meets monthly, on the 1st Tuesdays from 1:00 to 2:30 pm.

We have multiple vacancies on this committee for a 2-year term beginning 7/1/2024. We are seeking:

  • one (1) business community or economic development professional
  • one (1) funder or community investment professional
  • one (1) pediatrician or medical professional in service to young children
  • one (1) professor or higher education professional
  • one (1) member of the public representing the community at large

Strategic Partnership Grant Committee:

The purpose of the Committee is to make Strategic Partnership Grant investment recommendations to the Board of Commissioners for Buncombe County. Strategic Partnership Grant funding is granted to nonprofit organizations working toward outcomes in alignment with County Commissioner goals. The committee generally meets the first Thursday of every month from 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm, with special meetings as needed.

We have one vacancy on this committee for a 3-year term beginning 7/1/2024. We are seeking members that bring expertise in one or more Strategic Plan Focus Areas (education, environment, well-being, economy) and represent the diversity of the County. Applicants should not have any conflicts of interest with nonprofits applying for Strategic Partnership Grants, to include not currently serving on the Board of Directors or staff of an applicant organization.

More information about both programs is available at www.buncombecounty.org/grants.

If you have any questions about these opportunities, please contact Angelyn Johnson ([email protected]) or Sara Joss ([email protected]).

Apply online: https://boardapplications.buncombecounty.org/

GrindFest seeks volunteers
May 9 all-day
  • We’re excited to be approaching this year’s GRINDfest: the celebration of BIPOC business and entrepreneurship. It’s going to be bigger than ever!!!

    This event is an annual effort to bridge economic gaps so that local BIPOC folks can serve as many customers as possible. Together, we collaborate to support various makers, producers, artists, businesses, and entrepreneurs that work very hard all year to prepare to serve festival attendees.


    To sign-up for a specific shift time and role, please visit




    Depot St, River Arts District, Asheville, NC


    WHEN: May 24th to May 26th, 2024
    WHERE: A.B. Tech Conference Center | 16 Fernihurst Dr. Asheville, NC 28801


    • Friday (May 24th)
      • 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM – Annual Meeting
      • 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM – Partners Lunch
      • Friday Night – Vendor Setup (Time TBA)
      • 9:00 PM to 12:00 MN – Casino Night
    • Saturday (May 25th)
      • 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM – Vending
      • 5:30 PM to 11:30 PM – Salvage Station
    • Sunday (May 26th)
      • 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM – Vending
      • 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM – Gospel Showcase

    *****CARNIVAL RIDES start at 12:00 NOON*****

    We still have a lot of activities not included here! Stay Tuned for all our updates!


    Asheville on Bikes
    Carnival Rides
    Casino Nights
    Gospel Music Showcase
    Latin Bands
    Hiphop Aerobics


    Annual Meeting
    Casino Night
    Harlem Night
    Carnival Ride
    Gospel Showcase





    Email any questions to [email protected].

Volunteer Opportunities for Anne of Green Gables
May 9 all-day
Hendersonville Theatre

Volunteers help Hendersonville Theatre bring art to life! We still need a few volunteers for our upcoming performance of Anne of Green Gables.

Volunteer Opportunities

Usher: (ages 13+) must be able to stand, follow a seating chart, and help patrons find their seats. Can train 30 minutes before showtime.

Concession/Bar: (ages 18+) must complete the NC Seller/Server training program online and be able to lift 25 lbs. Must train on a non-show day.

Check-in: (ages 16+) must be comfortable standing, greeting patrons, and using an iPad to scan tickets. Can train 30 minutes before showtime.

Box Office: (ages 16+) Must know how to use Ludus Ticketing Software. Must train on a non-show day.

Friday, May 10, 2024
A “Killer” Opportunity: Volunteer for the Murder Mystery Experience
May 10 all-day
Hendersonville Theatre

Luciano and Carmella Pasquale cordially request the honor of your presence at the wedding reception for their daughter Angelica to Francesco Giovanni!

Award-winning Broadway Actor and Director Jimmy Ferraro produces one of the longest-running Musical Comedy Murder Mystery dinner shows in the country!

We are currently seeking servers for this “killer” show, where we will be serving a four-course dinner. Volunteers must have prior serving experience and be able to lift up to 25 lbs as there will be a lot of standing and walking involved.

As a non-profit organization, we heavily rely on the support of volunteers to make Hendersonville Theatre a thriving place for theatre enthusiasts. We understand and value the importance of your time and for this opportunity, we will be compensating each server with a wage of $7.25/hr. We want you to know that we deeply appreciate your efforts!

This event is going to be an unforgettable experience and we would love to have you onboard. If you are interested in serving for us, please reach out to me directly via email at [email protected] for more information.

DIY River + Road Cleanups
May 10 all-day
Asheville Area

Whenever you want!


Supplies available at

2 Sulphur Springs Road

If you need to request supplies for the same or next day, please call 828-254-1776.

Organizing a litter cleanup with your friends, neighbors, co-workers, or other community members is easier than you may think! Asheville GreenWorks provides cleanup supplies and safety information, and will coordinate trash pick up as needed. Available supplies include safety vests, gloves, trash grabbers, trash bags, and SHARPs containers (upon request).

Review the attached guides for instructions and safety information.

Need to know

Please review the attached documents and contact [email protected] with any questions. Your supplies will be available for pickup on the date you’ve requested at Asheville GreenWorks’ office at 2 Sulphur Springs Road, Asheville, NC 28806.

All cleanups should be reported using the online form and supplies should be returned after your cleanup.

GrindFest seeks volunteers
May 10 all-day
  • We’re excited to be approaching this year’s GRINDfest: the celebration of BIPOC business and entrepreneurship. It’s going to be bigger than ever!!!

    This event is an annual effort to bridge economic gaps so that local BIPOC folks can serve as many customers as possible. Together, we collaborate to support various makers, producers, artists, businesses, and entrepreneurs that work very hard all year to prepare to serve festival attendees.


    To sign-up for a specific shift time and role, please visit




    Depot St, River Arts District, Asheville, NC


    WHEN: May 24th to May 26th, 2024
    WHERE: A.B. Tech Conference Center | 16 Fernihurst Dr. Asheville, NC 28801


    • Friday (May 24th)
      • 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM – Annual Meeting
      • 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM – Partners Lunch
      • Friday Night – Vendor Setup (Time TBA)
      • 9:00 PM to 12:00 MN – Casino Night
    • Saturday (May 25th)
      • 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM – Vending
      • 5:30 PM to 11:30 PM – Salvage Station
    • Sunday (May 26th)
      • 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM – Vending
      • 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM – Gospel Showcase

    *****CARNIVAL RIDES start at 12:00 NOON*****

    We still have a lot of activities not included here! Stay Tuned for all our updates!


    Asheville on Bikes
    Carnival Rides
    Casino Nights
    Gospel Music Showcase
    Latin Bands
    Hiphop Aerobics


    Annual Meeting
    Casino Night
    Harlem Night
    Carnival Ride
    Gospel Showcase





    Email any questions to [email protected].

Volunteer Opportunities for Anne of Green Gables
May 10 all-day
Hendersonville Theatre

Volunteers help Hendersonville Theatre bring art to life! We still need a few volunteers for our upcoming performance of Anne of Green Gables.

Volunteer Opportunities

Usher: (ages 13+) must be able to stand, follow a seating chart, and help patrons find their seats. Can train 30 minutes before showtime.

Concession/Bar: (ages 18+) must complete the NC Seller/Server training program online and be able to lift 25 lbs. Must train on a non-show day.

Check-in: (ages 16+) must be comfortable standing, greeting patrons, and using an iPad to scan tickets. Can train 30 minutes before showtime.

Box Office: (ages 16+) Must know how to use Ludus Ticketing Software. Must train on a non-show day.

Volunteer: Days of Caring
May 10 all-day
Hendersonville County NC

2024 Days of Caring

Supports Henderson County Nonprofits!

Project Registration Now Open for Nonprofit Agencies – See Below.

Days of Caring Timeline
March 20: Volunteer registration opens
April 8: T-Shirt registration deadline
May 3: Volunteer registration closes
May 10: Project work at local agencies
May 11: NCAL Food Drive at Postal Annex

Days of Caring is an opportunity for Henderson County residents to connect with local nonprofits for a day of volunteerism on Friday, May 10, 2024, and to support the National Association of Letter Carriers’ Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive on Saturday, May 11, 2024. Nearly 400 volunteers are needed to work on projects at local Henderson County nonprofit agencies.

Projects on Friday include a variety that appeal to all kinds of volunteers. For the gardener, projects include mulching, planting, and landscaping. For the handy-person, there is painting, small repairs, and construction. Food pantries and thrift stores often need help organizing and stocking products.

The National Association of Letter Carriers’ Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive is Saturday and volunteers are needed to assist drivers with food pick-up and sorting donations at the Henderson County Postal Annex to be distributed locally.

Individuals, families, civic groups, corporate teams, and others are all encouraged to participate. Volunteers can choose half or full day projects on either Friday or Saturday, or both days!


Volunteer: Grace Covenant Community Garden
May 10 all-day
YWCA of Asheville

Spring has sprung, and at the YWCA that means that our talented Nutrition team is cooking up new ways to serve fresh, in-season fruits and vegetables to the children in our Early Learning and Empowerment Child Care programs. We are so grateful to be partnering with the wonderful volunteers who operate Grace Covenant’s Community Garden to receive produce grown specifically for our kitchen! The YWCA has been partnering with Grace Covenant for three years, and we have received over 1000 pounds of healthy, local produce from the garden.

YWCA Nutrition Specialist Melinda Aponte works hard to make the most of the bounty from Grace Covenant, and she also nurtures our own YWCA garden to teach kiddos in our childcare programs healthy habits and get them in the garden. Love the idea of helping to feed children fresh, healthy foods? Volunteer with the YWCA Nutrition team this spring and summer to help out in the YW garden space.

Saturday, May 11, 2024
A “Killer” Opportunity: Volunteer for the Murder Mystery Experience
May 11 all-day
Hendersonville Theatre

Luciano and Carmella Pasquale cordially request the honor of your presence at the wedding reception for their daughter Angelica to Francesco Giovanni!

Award-winning Broadway Actor and Director Jimmy Ferraro produces one of the longest-running Musical Comedy Murder Mystery dinner shows in the country!

We are currently seeking servers for this “killer” show, where we will be serving a four-course dinner. Volunteers must have prior serving experience and be able to lift up to 25 lbs as there will be a lot of standing and walking involved.

As a non-profit organization, we heavily rely on the support of volunteers to make Hendersonville Theatre a thriving place for theatre enthusiasts. We understand and value the importance of your time and for this opportunity, we will be compensating each server with a wage of $7.25/hr. We want you to know that we deeply appreciate your efforts!

This event is going to be an unforgettable experience and we would love to have you onboard. If you are interested in serving for us, please reach out to me directly via email at [email protected] for more information.

GrindFest seeks volunteers
May 11 all-day
  • We’re excited to be approaching this year’s GRINDfest: the celebration of BIPOC business and entrepreneurship. It’s going to be bigger than ever!!!

    This event is an annual effort to bridge economic gaps so that local BIPOC folks can serve as many customers as possible. Together, we collaborate to support various makers, producers, artists, businesses, and entrepreneurs that work very hard all year to prepare to serve festival attendees.


    To sign-up for a specific shift time and role, please visit




    Depot St, River Arts District, Asheville, NC


    WHEN: May 24th to May 26th, 2024
    WHERE: A.B. Tech Conference Center | 16 Fernihurst Dr. Asheville, NC 28801


    • Friday (May 24th)
      • 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM – Annual Meeting
      • 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM – Partners Lunch
      • Friday Night – Vendor Setup (Time TBA)
      • 9:00 PM to 12:00 MN – Casino Night
    • Saturday (May 25th)
      • 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM – Vending
      • 5:30 PM to 11:30 PM – Salvage Station
    • Sunday (May 26th)
      • 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM – Vending
      • 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM – Gospel Showcase

    *****CARNIVAL RIDES start at 12:00 NOON*****

    We still have a lot of activities not included here! Stay Tuned for all our updates!


    Asheville on Bikes
    Carnival Rides
    Casino Nights
    Gospel Music Showcase
    Latin Bands
    Hiphop Aerobics


    Annual Meeting
    Casino Night
    Harlem Night
    Carnival Ride
    Gospel Showcase





    Email any questions to [email protected].

Volunteer Opportunities for Anne of Green Gables
May 11 all-day
Hendersonville Theatre

Volunteers help Hendersonville Theatre bring art to life! We still need a few volunteers for our upcoming performance of Anne of Green Gables.

Volunteer Opportunities

Usher: (ages 13+) must be able to stand, follow a seating chart, and help patrons find their seats. Can train 30 minutes before showtime.

Concession/Bar: (ages 18+) must complete the NC Seller/Server training program online and be able to lift 25 lbs. Must train on a non-show day.

Check-in: (ages 16+) must be comfortable standing, greeting patrons, and using an iPad to scan tickets. Can train 30 minutes before showtime.

Box Office: (ages 16+) Must know how to use Ludus Ticketing Software. Must train on a non-show day.

Volunteer: Days of Caring
May 11 all-day
Hendersonville County NC

2024 Days of Caring

Supports Henderson County Nonprofits!

Project Registration Now Open for Nonprofit Agencies – See Below.

Days of Caring Timeline
March 20: Volunteer registration opens
April 8: T-Shirt registration deadline
May 3: Volunteer registration closes
May 10: Project work at local agencies
May 11: NCAL Food Drive at Postal Annex

Days of Caring is an opportunity for Henderson County residents to connect with local nonprofits for a day of volunteerism on Friday, May 10, 2024, and to support the National Association of Letter Carriers’ Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive on Saturday, May 11, 2024. Nearly 400 volunteers are needed to work on projects at local Henderson County nonprofit agencies.

Projects on Friday include a variety that appeal to all kinds of volunteers. For the gardener, projects include mulching, planting, and landscaping. For the handy-person, there is painting, small repairs, and construction. Food pantries and thrift stores often need help organizing and stocking products.

The National Association of Letter Carriers’ Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive is Saturday and volunteers are needed to assist drivers with food pick-up and sorting donations at the Henderson County Postal Annex to be distributed locally.

Individuals, families, civic groups, corporate teams, and others are all encouraged to participate. Volunteers can choose half or full day projects on either Friday or Saturday, or both days!


State Street Cleanup with 12 Baskets
May 11 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
12 Baskets Cafe

Join the 12 Baskets Cafe & State street community for a State Street cleanup with Asheville GreenWorks.

Saturday May 11, 2024

Meet at 12 Baskets Café clean up from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. All supplies/gear will be provided.

We will also have an ice cream social at the end of the cleanup at 12 Baskets Cafe!

Knock Doors with Buncombe County Democrats
May 11 @ 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Buncombe County Democratic Party HQ

Calling all Buncombe County Democrats!

Join us for an afternoon of knocking on doors and talking with your Democratic neighbors.

After you’ve signed up to canvass, register for an online training on canvassing with MiniVan. https://www.mobilize.us/ncdems/event/602441/

Sunday, May 12, 2024
A “Killer” Opportunity: Volunteer for the Murder Mystery Experience
May 12 all-day
Hendersonville Theatre

Luciano and Carmella Pasquale cordially request the honor of your presence at the wedding reception for their daughter Angelica to Francesco Giovanni!

Award-winning Broadway Actor and Director Jimmy Ferraro produces one of the longest-running Musical Comedy Murder Mystery dinner shows in the country!

We are currently seeking servers for this “killer” show, where we will be serving a four-course dinner. Volunteers must have prior serving experience and be able to lift up to 25 lbs as there will be a lot of standing and walking involved.

As a non-profit organization, we heavily rely on the support of volunteers to make Hendersonville Theatre a thriving place for theatre enthusiasts. We understand and value the importance of your time and for this opportunity, we will be compensating each server with a wage of $7.25/hr. We want you to know that we deeply appreciate your efforts!

This event is going to be an unforgettable experience and we would love to have you onboard. If you are interested in serving for us, please reach out to me directly via email at [email protected] for more information.

DIY River + Road Cleanups
May 12 all-day
Asheville Area

Whenever you want!


Supplies available at

2 Sulphur Springs Road

If you need to request supplies for the same or next day, please call 828-254-1776.

Organizing a litter cleanup with your friends, neighbors, co-workers, or other community members is easier than you may think! Asheville GreenWorks provides cleanup supplies and safety information, and will coordinate trash pick up as needed. Available supplies include safety vests, gloves, trash grabbers, trash bags, and SHARPs containers (upon request).

Review the attached guides for instructions and safety information.

Need to know

Please review the attached documents and contact [email protected] with any questions. Your supplies will be available for pickup on the date you’ve requested at Asheville GreenWorks’ office at 2 Sulphur Springs Road, Asheville, NC 28806.

All cleanups should be reported using the online form and supplies should be returned after your cleanup.

GrindFest seeks volunteers
May 12 all-day
  • We’re excited to be approaching this year’s GRINDfest: the celebration of BIPOC business and entrepreneurship. It’s going to be bigger than ever!!!

    This event is an annual effort to bridge economic gaps so that local BIPOC folks can serve as many customers as possible. Together, we collaborate to support various makers, producers, artists, businesses, and entrepreneurs that work very hard all year to prepare to serve festival attendees.


    To sign-up for a specific shift time and role, please visit




    Depot St, River Arts District, Asheville, NC


    WHEN: May 24th to May 26th, 2024
    WHERE: A.B. Tech Conference Center | 16 Fernihurst Dr. Asheville, NC 28801


    • Friday (May 24th)
      • 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM – Annual Meeting
      • 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM – Partners Lunch
      • Friday Night – Vendor Setup (Time TBA)
      • 9:00 PM to 12:00 MN – Casino Night
    • Saturday (May 25th)
      • 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM – Vending
      • 5:30 PM to 11:30 PM – Salvage Station
    • Sunday (May 26th)
      • 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM – Vending
      • 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM – Gospel Showcase

    *****CARNIVAL RIDES start at 12:00 NOON*****

    We still have a lot of activities not included here! Stay Tuned for all our updates!


    Asheville on Bikes
    Carnival Rides
    Casino Nights
    Gospel Music Showcase
    Latin Bands
    Hiphop Aerobics


    Annual Meeting
    Casino Night
    Harlem Night
    Carnival Ride
    Gospel Showcase





    Email any questions to [email protected].

Volunteer Opportunities for Anne of Green Gables
May 12 all-day
Hendersonville Theatre

Volunteers help Hendersonville Theatre bring art to life! We still need a few volunteers for our upcoming performance of Anne of Green Gables.

Volunteer Opportunities

Usher: (ages 13+) must be able to stand, follow a seating chart, and help patrons find their seats. Can train 30 minutes before showtime.

Concession/Bar: (ages 18+) must complete the NC Seller/Server training program online and be able to lift 25 lbs. Must train on a non-show day.

Check-in: (ages 16+) must be comfortable standing, greeting patrons, and using an iPad to scan tickets. Can train 30 minutes before showtime.

Box Office: (ages 16+) Must know how to use Ludus Ticketing Software. Must train on a non-show day.

Monday, May 13, 2024
Catalyst for Change: Volunteer for a Buncombe County Committee
May 13 all-day
online w /Buncombe County

Your voice matters, help shape a brighter tomorrow by joining one of our committees.

Early Childhood Committee:

The Early Childhood Education and Development Fund is a major driver in assuring every child in Buncombe County has an equal opportunity to thrive during their first 2,000 days. The focus of this initiative is to increase access to quality, affordable early childhood education. As such, Buncombe County’s Early Childhood Committee, featuring 15 total members including 3 County Commissioners, was established to guide how the fund is invested. The purpose of the committee is to engage with community partners, solicit public input, and make policy and funding recommendations to the Board of Commissioners. This committee typically meets monthly, on the 1st Tuesdays from 1:00 to 2:30 pm.

We have multiple vacancies on this committee for a 2-year term beginning 7/1/2024. We are seeking:

  • one (1) business community or economic development professional
  • one (1) funder or community investment professional
  • one (1) pediatrician or medical professional in service to young children
  • one (1) professor or higher education professional
  • one (1) member of the public representing the community at large

Strategic Partnership Grant Committee:

The purpose of the Committee is to make Strategic Partnership Grant investment recommendations to the Board of Commissioners for Buncombe County. Strategic Partnership Grant funding is granted to nonprofit organizations working toward outcomes in alignment with County Commissioner goals. The committee generally meets the first Thursday of every month from 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm, with special meetings as needed.

We have one vacancy on this committee for a 3-year term beginning 7/1/2024. We are seeking members that bring expertise in one or more Strategic Plan Focus Areas (education, environment, well-being, economy) and represent the diversity of the County. Applicants should not have any conflicts of interest with nonprofits applying for Strategic Partnership Grants, to include not currently serving on the Board of Directors or staff of an applicant organization.

More information about both programs is available at www.buncombecounty.org/grants.

If you have any questions about these opportunities, please contact Angelyn Johnson ([email protected]) or Sara Joss ([email protected]).

Apply online: https://boardapplications.buncombecounty.org/

DIY River + Road Cleanups
May 13 all-day
Asheville Area

Whenever you want!


Supplies available at

2 Sulphur Springs Road

If you need to request supplies for the same or next day, please call 828-254-1776.

Organizing a litter cleanup with your friends, neighbors, co-workers, or other community members is easier than you may think! Asheville GreenWorks provides cleanup supplies and safety information, and will coordinate trash pick up as needed. Available supplies include safety vests, gloves, trash grabbers, trash bags, and SHARPs containers (upon request).

Review the attached guides for instructions and safety information.

Need to know

Please review the attached documents and contact [email protected] with any questions. Your supplies will be available for pickup on the date you’ve requested at Asheville GreenWorks’ office at 2 Sulphur Springs Road, Asheville, NC 28806.

All cleanups should be reported using the online form and supplies should be returned after your cleanup.

GrindFest seeks volunteers
May 13 all-day
  • We’re excited to be approaching this year’s GRINDfest: the celebration of BIPOC business and entrepreneurship. It’s going to be bigger than ever!!!

    This event is an annual effort to bridge economic gaps so that local BIPOC folks can serve as many customers as possible. Together, we collaborate to support various makers, producers, artists, businesses, and entrepreneurs that work very hard all year to prepare to serve festival attendees.


    To sign-up for a specific shift time and role, please visit




    Depot St, River Arts District, Asheville, NC


    WHEN: May 24th to May 26th, 2024
    WHERE: A.B. Tech Conference Center | 16 Fernihurst Dr. Asheville, NC 28801


    • Friday (May 24th)
      • 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM – Annual Meeting
      • 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM – Partners Lunch
      • Friday Night – Vendor Setup (Time TBA)
      • 9:00 PM to 12:00 MN – Casino Night
    • Saturday (May 25th)
      • 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM – Vending
      • 5:30 PM to 11:30 PM – Salvage Station
    • Sunday (May 26th)
      • 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM – Vending
      • 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM – Gospel Showcase

    *****CARNIVAL RIDES start at 12:00 NOON*****

    We still have a lot of activities not included here! Stay Tuned for all our updates!


    Asheville on Bikes
    Carnival Rides
    Casino Nights
    Gospel Music Showcase
    Latin Bands
    Hiphop Aerobics


    Annual Meeting
    Casino Night
    Harlem Night
    Carnival Ride
    Gospel Showcase





    Email any questions to [email protected].

Volunteer: Grace Covenant Community Garden
May 13 all-day
YWCA of Asheville

Spring has sprung, and at the YWCA that means that our talented Nutrition team is cooking up new ways to serve fresh, in-season fruits and vegetables to the children in our Early Learning and Empowerment Child Care programs. We are so grateful to be partnering with the wonderful volunteers who operate Grace Covenant’s Community Garden to receive produce grown specifically for our kitchen! The YWCA has been partnering with Grace Covenant for three years, and we have received over 1000 pounds of healthy, local produce from the garden.

YWCA Nutrition Specialist Melinda Aponte works hard to make the most of the bounty from Grace Covenant, and she also nurtures our own YWCA garden to teach kiddos in our childcare programs healthy habits and get them in the garden. Love the idea of helping to feed children fresh, healthy foods? Volunteer with the YWCA Nutrition team this spring and summer to help out in the YW garden space.

Buncombe County Democratic Party Phone Banking
May 13 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Buncombe County Democratic Party HQ

This year’s election will be won by mobilizing voters who want to preserve our democracy and protect the rights of our citizens. Our phone bankers will be reaching out to likely supporters in your precincts who don’t vote on a regular basis. We will also be making separate calls in your precincts to recruit more volunteers for our efforts.

IF YOU HAVE A LAPTOP, PLEASE BE SURE TO BRING IT TO THE PHONE BANK. If you don’t have one, just be sure you bring your personal email login information (User ID & password) and you can use one of our Chromebooks. If you’ve canvassed or phone banked for Democrats in the past, you likely have an Action ID account, so please be sure to bring that login information as well. Of course, you will also need your cell phone.

Phone banking remains one of the best practices for winning elections and our phone banks are designed to reach those voters who rarely pick up their calls. We’ll leave a message on their voice mail, then also text them the same message. When someone does pick up their call, you’ll possibly have a lively conversation because we are targeting supporters!

Tuesday, May 14, 2024
A “Killer” Opportunity: Volunteer for the Murder Mystery Experience
May 14 all-day
Hendersonville Theatre

Luciano and Carmella Pasquale cordially request the honor of your presence at the wedding reception for their daughter Angelica to Francesco Giovanni!

Award-winning Broadway Actor and Director Jimmy Ferraro produces one of the longest-running Musical Comedy Murder Mystery dinner shows in the country!

We are currently seeking servers for this “killer” show, where we will be serving a four-course dinner. Volunteers must have prior serving experience and be able to lift up to 25 lbs as there will be a lot of standing and walking involved.

As a non-profit organization, we heavily rely on the support of volunteers to make Hendersonville Theatre a thriving place for theatre enthusiasts. We understand and value the importance of your time and for this opportunity, we will be compensating each server with a wage of $7.25/hr. We want you to know that we deeply appreciate your efforts!

This event is going to be an unforgettable experience and we would love to have you onboard. If you are interested in serving for us, please reach out to me directly via email at [email protected] for more information.

Catalyst for Change: Volunteer for a Buncombe County Committee
May 14 all-day
online w /Buncombe County

Your voice matters, help shape a brighter tomorrow by joining one of our committees.

Early Childhood Committee:

The Early Childhood Education and Development Fund is a major driver in assuring every child in Buncombe County has an equal opportunity to thrive during their first 2,000 days. The focus of this initiative is to increase access to quality, affordable early childhood education. As such, Buncombe County’s Early Childhood Committee, featuring 15 total members including 3 County Commissioners, was established to guide how the fund is invested. The purpose of the committee is to engage with community partners, solicit public input, and make policy and funding recommendations to the Board of Commissioners. This committee typically meets monthly, on the 1st Tuesdays from 1:00 to 2:30 pm.

We have multiple vacancies on this committee for a 2-year term beginning 7/1/2024. We are seeking:

  • one (1) business community or economic development professional
  • one (1) funder or community investment professional
  • one (1) pediatrician or medical professional in service to young children
  • one (1) professor or higher education professional
  • one (1) member of the public representing the community at large

Strategic Partnership Grant Committee:

The purpose of the Committee is to make Strategic Partnership Grant investment recommendations to the Board of Commissioners for Buncombe County. Strategic Partnership Grant funding is granted to nonprofit organizations working toward outcomes in alignment with County Commissioner goals. The committee generally meets the first Thursday of every month from 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm, with special meetings as needed.

We have one vacancy on this committee for a 3-year term beginning 7/1/2024. We are seeking members that bring expertise in one or more Strategic Plan Focus Areas (education, environment, well-being, economy) and represent the diversity of the County. Applicants should not have any conflicts of interest with nonprofits applying for Strategic Partnership Grants, to include not currently serving on the Board of Directors or staff of an applicant organization.

More information about both programs is available at www.buncombecounty.org/grants.

If you have any questions about these opportunities, please contact Angelyn Johnson ([email protected]) or Sara Joss ([email protected]).

Apply online: https://boardapplications.buncombecounty.org/

GrindFest seeks volunteers
May 14 all-day
  • We’re excited to be approaching this year’s GRINDfest: the celebration of BIPOC business and entrepreneurship. It’s going to be bigger than ever!!!

    This event is an annual effort to bridge economic gaps so that local BIPOC folks can serve as many customers as possible. Together, we collaborate to support various makers, producers, artists, businesses, and entrepreneurs that work very hard all year to prepare to serve festival attendees.


    To sign-up for a specific shift time and role, please visit




    Depot St, River Arts District, Asheville, NC


    WHEN: May 24th to May 26th, 2024
    WHERE: A.B. Tech Conference Center | 16 Fernihurst Dr. Asheville, NC 28801


    • Friday (May 24th)
      • 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM – Annual Meeting
      • 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM – Partners Lunch
      • Friday Night – Vendor Setup (Time TBA)
      • 9:00 PM to 12:00 MN – Casino Night
    • Saturday (May 25th)
      • 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM – Vending
      • 5:30 PM to 11:30 PM – Salvage Station
    • Sunday (May 26th)
      • 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM – Vending
      • 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM – Gospel Showcase

    *****CARNIVAL RIDES start at 12:00 NOON*****

    We still have a lot of activities not included here! Stay Tuned for all our updates!


    Asheville on Bikes
    Carnival Rides
    Casino Nights
    Gospel Music Showcase
    Latin Bands
    Hiphop Aerobics


    Annual Meeting
    Casino Night
    Harlem Night
    Carnival Ride
    Gospel Showcase





    Email any questions to [email protected].

Sand Hill Nursery Workday
May 14 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Sand Hill Nursery at the Buncombe County Sports Park

Join us for weekly workdays in the Sand Hill native tree nursery. Tasks vary and often include repotting, weeding, mulching, and other special projects to improve infrastructure and function.

Need to know

Please come dressed in work clothes with close toed shoes. Bring water and sun protection. All other gear and supplies are provided.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024
A “Killer” Opportunity: Volunteer for the Murder Mystery Experience
May 15 all-day
Hendersonville Theatre

Luciano and Carmella Pasquale cordially request the honor of your presence at the wedding reception for their daughter Angelica to Francesco Giovanni!

Award-winning Broadway Actor and Director Jimmy Ferraro produces one of the longest-running Musical Comedy Murder Mystery dinner shows in the country!

We are currently seeking servers for this “killer” show, where we will be serving a four-course dinner. Volunteers must have prior serving experience and be able to lift up to 25 lbs as there will be a lot of standing and walking involved.

As a non-profit organization, we heavily rely on the support of volunteers to make Hendersonville Theatre a thriving place for theatre enthusiasts. We understand and value the importance of your time and for this opportunity, we will be compensating each server with a wage of $7.25/hr. We want you to know that we deeply appreciate your efforts!

This event is going to be an unforgettable experience and we would love to have you onboard. If you are interested in serving for us, please reach out to me directly via email at [email protected] for more information.

Catalyst for Change: Volunteer for a Buncombe County Committee
May 15 all-day
online w /Buncombe County

Your voice matters, help shape a brighter tomorrow by joining one of our committees.

Early Childhood Committee:

The Early Childhood Education and Development Fund is a major driver in assuring every child in Buncombe County has an equal opportunity to thrive during their first 2,000 days. The focus of this initiative is to increase access to quality, affordable early childhood education. As such, Buncombe County’s Early Childhood Committee, featuring 15 total members including 3 County Commissioners, was established to guide how the fund is invested. The purpose of the committee is to engage with community partners, solicit public input, and make policy and funding recommendations to the Board of Commissioners. This committee typically meets monthly, on the 1st Tuesdays from 1:00 to 2:30 pm.

We have multiple vacancies on this committee for a 2-year term beginning 7/1/2024. We are seeking:

  • one (1) business community or economic development professional
  • one (1) funder or community investment professional
  • one (1) pediatrician or medical professional in service to young children
  • one (1) professor or higher education professional
  • one (1) member of the public representing the community at large

Strategic Partnership Grant Committee:

The purpose of the Committee is to make Strategic Partnership Grant investment recommendations to the Board of Commissioners for Buncombe County. Strategic Partnership Grant funding is granted to nonprofit organizations working toward outcomes in alignment with County Commissioner goals. The committee generally meets the first Thursday of every month from 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm, with special meetings as needed.

We have one vacancy on this committee for a 3-year term beginning 7/1/2024. We are seeking members that bring expertise in one or more Strategic Plan Focus Areas (education, environment, well-being, economy) and represent the diversity of the County. Applicants should not have any conflicts of interest with nonprofits applying for Strategic Partnership Grants, to include not currently serving on the Board of Directors or staff of an applicant organization.

More information about both programs is available at www.buncombecounty.org/grants.

If you have any questions about these opportunities, please contact Angelyn Johnson ([email protected]) or Sara Joss ([email protected]).

Apply online: https://boardapplications.buncombecounty.org/