Calendar of Events
Upcoming events and things to do in Asheville, NC. Below is a list of events for festivals, concerts, art exhibitions, group meetups and more.
Interested in adding an event to our calendar? Please click the green “Post Your Event” button below.
Your voice matters, help shape a brighter tomorrow by joining one of our committees.
Early Childhood Committee:
The Early Childhood Education and Development Fund is a major driver in assuring every child in Buncombe County has an equal opportunity to thrive during their first 2,000 days. The focus of this initiative is to increase access to quality, affordable early childhood education. As such, Buncombe County’s Early Childhood Committee, featuring 15 total members including 3 County Commissioners, was established to guide how the fund is invested. The purpose of the committee is to engage with community partners, solicit public input, and make policy and funding recommendations to the Board of Commissioners. This committee typically meets monthly, on the 1st Tuesdays from 1:00 to 2:30 pm.
We have multiple vacancies on this committee for a 2-year term beginning 7/1/2024. We are seeking:
- one (1) business community or economic development professional
- one (1) funder or community investment professional
- one (1) pediatrician or medical professional in service to young children
- one (1) professor or higher education professional
- one (1) member of the public representing the community at large
Strategic Partnership Grant Committee:
The purpose of the Committee is to make Strategic Partnership Grant investment recommendations to the Board of Commissioners for Buncombe County. Strategic Partnership Grant funding is granted to nonprofit organizations working toward outcomes in alignment with County Commissioner goals. The committee generally meets the first Thursday of every month from 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm, with special meetings as needed.
We have one vacancy on this committee for a 3-year term beginning 7/1/2024. We are seeking members that bring expertise in one or more Strategic Plan Focus Areas (education, environment, well-being, economy) and represent the diversity of the County. Applicants should not have any conflicts of interest with nonprofits applying for Strategic Partnership Grants, to include not currently serving on the Board of Directors or staff of an applicant organization.
More information about both programs is available at
If you have any questions about these opportunities, please contact Angelyn Johnson ([email protected]) or Sara Joss ([email protected]).
Apply online:
We want to hear from you about what classes & workshops
you’d be interested in!
We would greatly appreciate if you took a minute out of your day to fill out this quick survey so we can best serve our community through our educational programming.
Liberation Tools is a cooperative subset of the 501c3 nonprofit Soul & Soil Project based in the unceded Tsalagi (Cherokee) territory of Western North Carolina.
Our mission is to build a collective that sustainably and skillfully crafts quality tools used for growing food, and freely distributes them to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. To support these efforts, we sell these tools for twice the cost of producing one, thereby allowing people with accumulated wealth to access high quality tools by also paying for an identical tool to be sent to a BIPOC land steward.
ASAP (Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project) has released a survey to learn more about how people in Western North Carolina shop for food and why they choose the food they do. The survey, part of a three-year project by ASAP’s Local Food Research Center, is for any resident of Western North Carolina over the age of 18, no matter where or how they shop for food. It can be completed online at or over the phone by calling ASAP at 828-236-1282. It should take approximately 8 to 12 minutes to complete and will be open through Oct. 31, 2024. Respondents are encouraged to share the survey widely with families, friends, and co-workers.
“By completing this survey, you are helping local farmers understand and connect with consumers,” said Amy Marion, ASAP Associate Director and lead researcher. “The challenges of our food system are constantly evolving. Improving it requires active participation from all community members. With this research we can better understand consumer values and the barriers they face, and help farmers and food producers improve communications with their customers and their communities.”
The survey is part of a three-year research project, “Connections in Direct Markets: Assessing the feedback loop between consumer values and farmers’ marketing strategies,” which will examine and improve communication and alignment between farmers and consumers in Western North Carolina. The research phase will also employ consumer focus groups, farmer interviews and case studies, and more targeted surveying. The broad consumer survey provides an update to the last consumer survey conducted by the Local Food Research Center in 2014. Results from the current research project will be shared in 2025.
ASAP founded the Local Food Research Center in 2011 to study the economic, environmental, and social impacts of localizing food systems. From its inception, ASAP’s programs and services have been grounded in research and evaluation, adjusting based on a strong feedback loop and observation of current conditions in the food system.
This project is supported in part by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, under award number 2022-38640-37488 through the Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program under subaward number LS23-382. USDA is an equal opportunity employer and service provider.
Let’s face it, 2020 and 2021 were difficult years as the COVID-19 pandemic upended lives and economies around the world. During the confusion, if you didn’t file taxes for 2020, or if you missed out on receiving a stimulus payment, time is running out to claim your money. The IRS’ deadline is May 17, 2024.
“Whether you are a non-filer or you missed a stimulus payment due to other circumstances, nonprofit Pisgah Legal Services may be able to help you access these funds,” said Mike McDonald, Managing Director of Pisgah Legal’s Health and Economic Opportunity Program. “If you live in Western North Carolina (WNC) and make less than $60,000/year, you may qualify for free help. Our certified tax preparers can guide you through the process, but you have to act quickly because the May 17 deadline is coming up fast.”
To learn more or make an appointment, visit or call 828-210-3404.
Pisgah Legal Services offer free in-person and virtual appointments. Bilingual Navigators are available to assist in Spanish, and free translation services are available for speakers of other languages. Appointments must be made by May 10. Last year, Pisgah Legal Services helped people in WNC access more than $1.2 million in tax refunds at no cost to them.
Nonprofit Pisgah Legal Services provides a broad a broad array of free, civil legal aid, anti-poverty advocacy and access to health care in 18 counties and the Qualla Boundary in WNC. Pisgah Legal has offices in Asheville, Brevard, Burnsville, Cashiers, Franklin, Hendersonville, Highlands, Marshall, Morganton, Newland, Rutherfordton, Spruce Pine and Waynesville. Last year Pisgah Legal assisted more than 23,500 people throughout the mountain region.
# # #
Whenever you want!
Supplies available at
2 Sulphur Springs Road
If you need to request supplies for the same or next day, please call 828-254-1776.
Organizing a litter cleanup with your friends, neighbors, co-workers, or other community members is easier than you may think! Asheville GreenWorks provides cleanup supplies and safety information, and will coordinate trash pick up as needed. Available supplies include safety vests, gloves, trash grabbers, trash bags, and SHARPs containers (upon request).
Review the attached guides for instructions and safety information.
Need to know
Please review the attached documents and contact [email protected] with any questions. Your supplies will be available for pickup on the date you’ve requested at Asheville GreenWorks’ office at 2 Sulphur Springs Road, Asheville, NC 28806.
All cleanups should be reported using the online form and supplies should be returned after your cleanup.
We want to hear from you about what classes & workshops
you’d be interested in!
We would greatly appreciate if you took a minute out of your day to fill out this quick survey so we can best serve our community through our educational programming.
Play like a kid again in Buncombe County Parks & Recreation’s first summer adult co-ed kickball league! The league will take place over the span of 4 weeks, culminating in a final game where all teams will have the chance to compete for the title. Games will take place on every Tuesday during the month of June from 6-8 p.m. at Charles D. Owen Park (875 Warren Wilson Road in Swannanoa). Each game will last 45 minutes, or 7 innings. This kickball league prioritizes recreational enjoyment over competitiveness, and emphasizes a social environment where participants can make new friends while having fun. Participants of all skill levels and backgrounds are welcome. “Kickball is a timeless sport that encourages friendly competition, laughter and exercise,” says Program Coordinator, Mac Stanley. “This is a wonderful way to spend time with friends at one of our many beautiful parks.” Registration for the kickball league opens on May 6, and closes on May 24. There must be 4 teams total, with a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 15 players per team. The cost to participate is $150 per team. All team members must be over 18 years old. The opening game is scheduled for Tuesday, June 4th at 6:00 p.m. on Field 1 at Charles D. Owen Park. A full game schedule will be provided to team captains prior to the start of the season. Teams can register here. Email [email protected] for additional information. |
2024 Days of Caring
Supports Henderson County Nonprofits!
Project Registration Now Open for Nonprofit Agencies – See Below.
Days of Caring Timeline
March 20: Volunteer registration opens
April 8: T-Shirt registration deadline
May 3: Volunteer registration closes
May 10: Project work at local agencies
May 11: NCAL Food Drive at Postal Annex
Days of Caring is an opportunity for Henderson County residents to connect with local nonprofits for a day of volunteerism on Friday, May 10, 2024, and to support the National Association of Letter Carriers’ Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive on Saturday, May 11, 2024. Nearly 400 volunteers are needed to work on projects at local Henderson County nonprofit agencies.
Projects on Friday include a variety that appeal to all kinds of volunteers. For the gardener, projects include mulching, planting, and landscaping. For the handy-person, there is painting, small repairs, and construction. Food pantries and thrift stores often need help organizing and stocking products.
The National Association of Letter Carriers’ Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive is Saturday and volunteers are needed to assist drivers with food pick-up and sorting donations at the Henderson County Postal Annex to be distributed locally.
Individuals, families, civic groups, corporate teams, and others are all encouraged to participate. Volunteers can choose half or full day projects on either Friday or Saturday, or both days!
Following candidate requests, a second primary will be held for the Republican nominations for the offices of Lieutenant Governor and State Auditor, where no candidate received the 30 percent of votes required to avoid the possibility of a runoff. The second primary will take place on May 14, 2024.
Who is Eligible to Vote in a Second Primary?
All voters who live in the district for which a second primary is conducted and are registered with the political party of the candidates are eligible to vote in the second primary. For example, if a second primary is held for the Republican primary in a congressional district, then all registered Republicans who live in that congressional district would be eligible.
Unaffiliated voters who live in that district and either didn’t vote in the primary, or who voted the ballot of the party for which the second primary is being held, would also be eligible. For the example above, unaffiliated voters who voted a nonpartisan, Democratic, or Libertarian ballot in the first primary would not be eligible to vote in a second primary for Republican Party candidates.
In counties where second primaries are held, new registration of voters is not permitted between the first and second primaries. This means same-day registration is not available during early voting for the second primary. However, individuals who become eligible to vote between the primary and second primary and who are otherwise eligible to vote in the second primary may register and vote in the second primary.
In Buncombe County for this election eligibility is as follows:
- All registered Republicans
- Unaffiliated voters who voted Republican in the March 5 Primary
- Unaffiliated voters who did not vote in the March 5 Primary
What election contests will be on the ballot?
A second primary will take place on May 14, 2024, for the following contests:
- Republican nomination for lieutenant governor:
- Hal Weatherman
- Jim O’Neill
- Republican nomination for state auditor:
- Jack Clark
- Dave Boliek
Important dates and deadlines
Here are voter dates and deadlines for the 2024 second primary election in North Carolina:
- April 2, 2024: Absentee ballots in the mail
- April 25, 2024: In-person Early Voting begins
- May 7, 2024: Absentee ballot request deadline (5 p.m.)
- May 11, 2024: In-person early voting ends (3 p.m.)
- May 14, 2024: Election Day (6:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.)
- May 14, 2024: Absentee ballot return deadline (7:30 p.m.)
Find your sample ballot and voting location
To look up your sample ballot, along with your precinct, voting location, and other details, visit the State Board of Elections voter lookup tool or click the Voter Information button at
3 ways to vote in NC
1. Early Voting
For the Second Primary Election, Early Voting will run April 25-May 11 from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. during business hours and on Saturday May 4th 8am – 3 p.m. Early voting will take place at the Election Services Office at 59 Woodfin Place, Asheville 28801.
2. Absentee ballots by mail
You can request an absentee ballot now by completing an Absentee Ballot Request form. The deadline to submit an Absentee Ballot Request Form is May 7 at 5 p.m. Absentee ballots will be mailed out beginning April 2. Please note, the deadline to return completed domestic absentee ballots is now 7:30 p.m. on Election Day, which is May 14.
Any North Carolina registered voter who is eligible for the election may request, receive, and vote an absentee ballot by mail. No special circumstance or reason is needed. Registered voters in North Carolina must request an absentee ballot with an official N.C. Absentee Ballot Request Form. There are two ways to access and submit the form:
Online – Request an Absentee Ballot at the N.C. Absentee Ballot Portal.
On paper – print the online N.C. Absentee Ballot Request Form for 2024 currently available on our website. A Spanish Absentee Ballot request form is also available by clicking here.
If you don’t have a printer, you may complete an absentee ballot request form at the Election Services office at 59 Woodfin Place, Asheville, 28801, or call (828) 250-4200 and one will be mailed to you.
For active-duty military, their family members, and U.S. citizens living abroad, click here. If you have questions about that process, you may call us at (828) 250-4200 or visit
You may return the request in one of the following ways:
Mail it to:
P.O. Box 7468, Asheville, NC 28802
Hand deliver it to:
Our office at 59 Woodfin Place, Asheville, NC 28801
Note: The Absentee Ballot Request Form may not be emailed or faxed. Request forms that are hand delivered to the office must be returned only by the voter or the voter’s near relative or legal guardian or, if you are not the voter or the voter’s near relative or legal guardian, the voter requested your assistance returning their request due to disability.
Returning an Absentee Ballot:
The deadline to return the completed absentee ballot is Tuesday, May 14 at 7:30 p.m. However, voters are encouraged to return the ballot as early as possible. In addition, voters will now be required to provide a copy of an acceptable photo ID when they return their absentee ballot. Specific instructions provided on the return envelope. You may return your ballot to us in one of the following ways:
By mail: Absentee ballots may be mailed to P.O. Box 7468 Asheville, NC 28802. Ballots must be received by May 14 at 7:30 p.m.
At the Early Voting site (Board of Elections Office at 59 Woodfin Place, Asheville 28801): Absentee ballots may be returned to the Early Voting site during the Early Voting period, but not at a voting location on Election Day. Voters will be directed to the Early Voting Help Desk to return an absentee ballot.
In person: Absentee ballots may be returned in person to our office at 59 Woodfin Place, Monday – Friday, from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Absentee ballots may only be returned by the voter or the voter’s near relative or legal guardian or, if you are not the voter or the voter’s near relative or legal guardian, the voter requested their assistance returning their ballot due to disability.
For more information about absentee voting, visit the North Carolina Board of Elections website.
3. Second Primary Election Day, Tuesday, May 14
On May 14, polls are open 6:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. As long as you are in line by 7:30 p.m., you will have the chance to vote.
Make sure you know your assigned voting location if you are casting a ballot on Election Day. Remember: During Early Voting, anyone can vote at the Early Voting location (Board of Elections Office at 59 Woodfin Place, Asheville 28801), but on Election Day you must vote at your assigned location. If you need help finding your voting location, enter your name at the Voter Search Tool. And lastly, wait numbers will also be available on Election Day. Check it out before you head out the door.
What’s new?
Voter ID: A new state law means new changes to how you vote. For 2024, you will be required to present photo identification when you go to the polls. Please review this information so that your ability to vote will not be affected. Below you will find information from the State Board of Elections on what IDs will be accepted, how to get a photo ID, how to vote without a photo ID, and more.
Quick links to useful information
- List of acceptable voter IDs
- Get a free photo ID from the Buncombe Board of Elections
- How to get a free ID card from the DMV
- Voter ID FAQs
Curbside voting
Curbside voting is available in North Carolina for those who are unable to go inside the voting location due to age or disability. Just pull up to the curbside voting sign, and an election official will come out and assist you. Curbside voting is available during Early Voting and on Election Day at all voting locations. Anyone voting curbside will also be asked to provide an acceptable photo ID.
ExpressVote: ExpressVote ballot marking machines will be in use at all Early Voting locations. Watch the voter experience video.
Helpful resources
Absentee Ballot Portal (N.C)
Absentee Ballot Request Form
Discover Buncombe Election and Property Information
Early Voting locations, times, and more
Election Services Website
Military and Overseas Voting Information
N.C. Board of Elections Website
Poll Worker Application
Register to Vote/Update Voter Information
Registering to Vote as a Person in the Criminal Justice System
Voter Search Tool
Voter Registration Application
Email [email protected]
Call (828) 250-4200
FEAST classes focus on:
- Problem-solving, communication, and teamwork.
- Increasing fresh, locally grown produce in everyday living.
- Gaining confidence by exploring different ways to grow and prepare fresh produce.
- Creating and changing recipes and substituting ingredients.
- Learning how food and the environment affects the brain and body.
- Connecting to Core Curriculum and Essential Standards in math, reading, writing, science, health, and nutrition.
Buncombe County Parks & Recreation is announcing the launch of its new online reservation system for park pavilions.
ACTIVENet, the new online reservation system, allows for a hassle-free user experience for Buncombe County park visitors. With just a few clicks, visitors can make and cancel reservations from the comfort of their home, in addition to checking real-time availability of the pavilions. Park pavilions are located at Lake Jullian, Charles D. Owen, and the Buncombe County Sports Park. Field rental is also available through this new portal.
Key takeaways of the new reservation system include:
Seamless Interface: The user-friendly layout of the reservation system allows for hassle-free bookings and cancelations.
Real-time Park Pavilion Availability: Users are able to check the availability of the park pavilions at their favorite park, and on their preferred date and time.
Secure Payment: ACTIVENet’s secure payment portal ensures data protection and encryption with Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliant technology.
Email confirmations: Once a reservation is made or canceled, users will receive a confirmation email with the details of their booking.
Click here to view a tutorial on how to book a park pavilion.
To access the new park pavilion reservation system, please visit There is a “Reserve & Register” button that will take users directly to the reservation portal. Please note that users must create an account prior to booking a park pavilion. For any inquiries or additional information, please contact [email protected] or call (828) 250-4260.
This City of Asheville is launching the Less Plastic Asheville Challenge to encourage residents to reduce their consumption of single-use plastics. The campaign has two key features, a social media challenge called Less Plastic Bingo and a Pass on Plastic Pledge. The City will provide information on the impacts of single-use plastic on our community and tips for how our residents can understand and reduce their consumption of single-use plastics at tabling events around town and on our social media platforms. Those participating in the social media challenge can post photos and videos of themselves taking action to reduce single-use plastic consumption. Those who take the pledge will make commitments to sustainable lifestyle choices such as using reusable grocery bags and refusing single-use plastics. Residents who participate in either the Less Plastic Bingo Challenge or Pass on Plastic Pledge will win great prizes! The Less Plastic Asheville Challenge will begin in February 14, 2024 and end May 31, 2024. Follow the link at the top of the page to learn more about how you can participate and win these great sustainable items.
BackgroundIn October 2022, Asheville City Council directed the Sustainability Department to take a phased approach to reduce the consumption of single-use plastic. The first phase included an update to Chapter 15 of the City Code to prohibit the use of plastic bags in curbside brush and leaf collection. This ordinance change was approved by City Council on January 10, 2023 and was implemented August 1, 2023. For more information about this change and resources available check out this sanitation webpage. The second phase included further analysis and stakeholder engagement with area businesses, residents and city staff to inform a recommendation on additional single-use plastic reduction strategies surrounding plastic bags at point of sale and expanded polystyrene (StyrofoamTM) disposable foodware products. To see the results of this engagement read this blog post. On September 22, 2023 the North Carolina General Assembly approved the state budget that included a law prohibiting local governments from banning single-use plastic products. Due to this regulation, the City cannot adopt an ordinance banning plastic bags or expanded polystyrene (StyrofoamTM) takeout containers. Instead, the City is providing information and resources to residents and businesses to reduce single-use plastic consumption voluntarily through the Less Plastic Asheville Challenge. For more information on the previous plastic-reduction projects go to this webpage.
Less Plastic Asheville ChallengeTo reduce single-use plastic consumption and litter in our community it will take all of us! We invite you to join us, have a little fun and earn some prizes in the process! There are two ways to participate in the Less Plastic Asheville Challenge. You can take the Pass on Plastic Pledge and/or play Less Plastic Asheville Bingo. The pledge asks for you to commit to changes in your life to reduce your own plastic footprint, and the Bingo Challenge asks you to spread the word and help educate and inspire others about the issue through social media. The Pass on Plastic PledgeThe Pass on Plastic Pledge asks you to look at your own habits regarding single-use plastics and commit to practices that cut down your consumption, simple acts that improve our community and the environment. By taking this pledge, you are taking the charge to reduce your own plastic consumption. You can do this in a number of ways and the City of Asheville is here to inspire, support and cheer you on! When you commit to any one of the sustainable practices in the pledge, you will win plastic reducing prizes from the City. Your actions alone can reduce hundreds of pounds of plastic waste every year! By taking this pledge, you are showing that you care about the health, cleanliness, and pristine environment of our home in Asheville. It’s a big deal, and the City of Asheville thanks you. Take the Pass on Plastic Pledge
Less Plastic Asheville BingoThis bingo game is a social media challenge. It’s a fun way for you to help spread the word about single-use plastics, and to inspire the people around you to make changes and support sustainable businesses and habits. When you sign up, you will be emailed a bingo card. Once you have your card, follow the steps below in order to earn your swag.
Sign up below to receive your Less Plastic Bingo Card. |
Join us on Friday, May 10, as we celebrate 10 years in business and thank you for your support! Visit Europa at 125 Cherry Street in Black Mountain, NC. Since its launch in 2014, Europa has grown from a modest startup to a regional destination for imported handcrafted gifts, including German cuckoo clocks and nutcrackers, Italian glass, French pocket knives, Swedish Dala horses, and Scottish tartan accessories. Europa now imports gifts from artisans in 17 European countries and has established itself as the largest purveyor of Polish pottery in North Carolina. See for more information about Europa.
Come glam up your life!
You can wash, brush, comb, curl, flat iron, (up to 450°!), color, straighten, perm, blow it dry, get your haircut, etc.
Do whatever you normally do to your hair -but most of all; ENJOY IT!
Long lasting, super fun, and affordable!
Covid precautions will be used.
Space is limited.
Reserve your Magical Sparkling Session at
The 2023-24 ArtsAVL Town Hall Series tackles important issues facing the arts community through four quarterly events: Arts Marketing, Arts Data, Arts Access, and Creative Spaces. Topics were selected through a poll conducted in early 2023, and planned in partnership with the Arts Coalition.
Events are at the Center for Craft from 3-4:30 pm. The series is free and open to the public but advanced registration is required for each event.
Friday, August 11, 2023
Just how is the local arts scene marketed outside of Asheville? And, how can you take advantage of these opportunities? Join us as the marketing team from Explore Asheville talks about their approach to marketing the arts and how to work with them to promote your creative offerings. The session will end with a breakout session to gather participant feedback.
Friday, November 10, 2023
It is clear from the data that the arts have a large impact in Buncombe County, but what do these numbers really mean? Join us as Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce Senior Director of Research Heidi Reiber breaks down the local creative economy, and Director of AEP6 Community Engagement & Equity for Americans for the Arts Dr. Genna Styles-Lyas zooms in on the results of the latest Arts & Economic Prosperity Report. The session will conclude with breakout groups to discuss how this data might be used and what data we might be missing.
Friday, February 9, 2024
Accessibility is giving equitable access to everyone along the continuum of human ability and experience. But, what does this mean for the local arts sector? During this event we will explore this question from both a disability and an arts equity perspective. Breakout groups will also examine ways we can work together to improve access, what resources are needed, and the larger access barriers that need to be addressed.
Friday, May 10, 2024
As the cost of living rises, creatives are getting priced out of Buncombe County. At this event, ArtsAVL will present the results of their Creative Space study. Attendees will also hear from a panel about different creative solutions they are trying to combat space challenges. The event will end with a break session to discuss how we might use/ support some of the ideas discussed, and what else might be done to address local creative space issues.
ArtsAVL will present the results of the Creative Spaces study, and a panel will discuss local impacts and creative solutions.
This event is free, but registration is required.
Register Now |
The Montford Park Players is pleased to announce auditions for its 52nd Season:
Muse of Fire: Shakespeare’s Wars of the Roses
Jason Williams, Artistic Director
5/10/2024 5/24/2024 Edward III, directed by Mandy Bean
5/31/2024 6/23/2024 Richard II, directed by Jason Williams
6/28/2024 7/21/2024 Henry IV Parts 1 & 2, directed by Dr. George Brown, Callista Brown and Elizabeth DeVault
7/26/2024 8/25/2024 Henry V, directed by David Doersch
8/30/2024 9/22/2024 Henry VI Parts 1, 2 & 3, directed by Glenna Grant, Ariel Robinson and Adam Kampouris
9/27/2024 10/27/2024 Richard III, directed by Kristi DeVille
Conveniently located in the heart of the Historic Montford District of Asheville, North Carolina, the Outdoor Hazel Robinson Amphitheatre is easy to get to and accessible from I-240 and I-26. And, it’s just a short drive down Montford Avenue from downtown.
Movies in the Park returns with free family favorite films projected on a massive outdoor screen in Pack Square Park just after dusk on the second Friday of the month! Community members are invited to bring blankets and lawn chairs to the beloved summer tradition produced by Asheville Parks & Recreation (APR) and sponsored by Au Pair in America.
The APR Rec n Roll Play Zone opens about an hour before showtime with games, music, and other activities for kids and teens, as well as themed giveaways while supplies last.
.:. Movies in the Park 2024 Lineup .:.
🎩 May 10, begins around 8:25pm – Wonka – Kids receive free bottles of bubbles
🕶 June 14, begins around 8:45pm – Barbie – Kids snag free pink and black sunglasses with UV400 lenses providing 100% UVA and UVB protection
🦝 July 12, begins around 8:45pm – Guardians of the Galaxy – Kids get free Recycling Raccoon coloring books
🤠 August 9, begins around 8:25pm – Toy Story – Kids receive unique rubber duck toys that change color in water
.:. Make a Plan .:.
🌜 All movies begin after dusk in Pack Square Park on 80 Court Plaza in downtown Asheville. Approximate showtimes listed above, but plan to arrive at least 15 minutes prior.
🥰 Bring blankets and folding chairs for comfort.
🎨 APR Rec n Roll Play Zone activities start approximately an hour before showtime.
👛 Bring money for treats from local vendors Kona Ice of Asheville and Kernel Mike’s World Famous Kettle Corn.
🌮 Food truck and food tent spaces available for vendors who sell more substantial food like pizza, sandwiches, and other entrees. Please contact Calvin Owens at [email protected] or (828) 747-1347 for more info.
🚲 Parking is free in marked spaces on city streets and in city-owned lots on Marjorie and Valley streets after 6pm, so there’s no need to feed the meter.
🚫 Pets, smoking, and alcohol prohibited.
🥳 Have fun! Dress up as your favorite characters, invite friends, and celebrate cool summer nights. Be sure to tag APR on Instagram and Facebook.
⛈ Outdoor events may be impacted by summer weather. Follow APR on Instagram and Facebook for cancellation announcements.
Let’s face it, 2020 and 2021 were difficult years as the COVID-19 pandemic upended lives and economies around the world. During the confusion, if you didn’t file taxes for 2020, or if you missed out on receiving a stimulus payment, time is running out to claim your money. The IRS’ deadline is May 17, 2024.
“Whether you are a non-filer or you missed a stimulus payment due to other circumstances, nonprofit Pisgah Legal Services may be able to help you access these funds,” said Mike McDonald, Managing Director of Pisgah Legal’s Health and Economic Opportunity Program. “If you live in Western North Carolina (WNC) and make less than $60,000/year, you may qualify for free help. Our certified tax preparers can guide you through the process, but you have to act quickly because the May 17 deadline is coming up fast.”
To learn more or make an appointment, visit or call 828-210-3404.
Pisgah Legal Services offer free in-person and virtual appointments. Bilingual Navigators are available to assist in Spanish, and free translation services are available for speakers of other languages. Appointments must be made by May 10. Last year, Pisgah Legal Services helped people in WNC access more than $1.2 million in tax refunds at no cost to them.
Nonprofit Pisgah Legal Services provides a broad a broad array of free, civil legal aid, anti-poverty advocacy and access to health care in 18 counties and the Qualla Boundary in WNC. Pisgah Legal has offices in Asheville, Brevard, Burnsville, Cashiers, Franklin, Hendersonville, Highlands, Marshall, Morganton, Newland, Rutherfordton, Spruce Pine and Waynesville. Last year Pisgah Legal assisted more than 23,500 people throughout the mountain region.
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Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library impacts the pre-literacy skills and school readiness of children under the age of 5 in Buncombe County. The program mails a new, free, age-appropriate book to registered children each month until they turn five years old. Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library creates a home library of up to 60 books and instills a love of books and reading from an early age. If you have any questions about the program, please send an email to [email protected].
A national panel of educators selects the Imagination Library titles, which include: The Little Engine that Could, Last Stop on Market Street, Violet the Pilot, As an Oak Tree Grows, The Tale of Peter Rabbit, Llama Llama Red Pajama, Look Out Kindergarten, here I come, and many more (take a look at all the titles).
Register your child now!
Program Launch and Expansions
Literacy Together became a Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library affiliate in November 2015 with support from the Buncombe Partnership for Children. Through this program, registered children in Buncombe County receive a free book in the mail each month. Their parents also have the opportunity to attend workshops to learn how to build their children’s early literacy skills. Parents in need of literacy assistance are encouraged to receive tutoring through Literacy Together’s adult programming.
The program served 200 children during the 2015/16 fiscal year. The program expanded to serve 400 children in July 2016, and 600 in August 2017. In July 2018, capacity increased to 1,900 thanks to a special allocation in the North Carolina state budget. We’re now serving 4,600 kids in Buncombe County.
We want to hear from you about what classes & workshops
you’d be interested in!
We would greatly appreciate if you took a minute out of your day to fill out this quick survey so we can best serve our community through our educational programming.
2024 Days of Caring
Supports Henderson County Nonprofits!
Project Registration Now Open for Nonprofit Agencies – See Below.
Days of Caring Timeline
March 20: Volunteer registration opens
April 8: T-Shirt registration deadline
May 3: Volunteer registration closes
May 10: Project work at local agencies
May 11: NCAL Food Drive at Postal Annex
Days of Caring is an opportunity for Henderson County residents to connect with local nonprofits for a day of volunteerism on Friday, May 10, 2024, and to support the National Association of Letter Carriers’ Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive on Saturday, May 11, 2024. Nearly 400 volunteers are needed to work on projects at local Henderson County nonprofit agencies.
Projects on Friday include a variety that appeal to all kinds of volunteers. For the gardener, projects include mulching, planting, and landscaping. For the handy-person, there is painting, small repairs, and construction. Food pantries and thrift stores often need help organizing and stocking products.
The National Association of Letter Carriers’ Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive is Saturday and volunteers are needed to assist drivers with food pick-up and sorting donations at the Henderson County Postal Annex to be distributed locally.
Individuals, families, civic groups, corporate teams, and others are all encouraged to participate. Volunteers can choose half or full day projects on either Friday or Saturday, or both days!
Discover the beauty of the 4th annual Jump off Rock Half Marathon & 10k presented by Hunter Subaru and UNC Health Pardee, an endurance running event unlike any other! Experience the thrill of one of the most scenic and fastest half marathon races in the south, running “downhill to downtown.” The Half has garnered a reputation as the most breathtaking and picturesque downhill half marathon in the Southeast, and it’s no wonder why!
Starting at Jump off Rock, a national landmark and the highest peak of the Town of Laurel Park, endurance runners will be captivated by the stunning views of the Blue Ridge Mountains and the colorful blooms and blossoms of spring. Then, continue on the gently downhill and picturesque 13.1 mile route that leads straight to the heart of downtown Hendersonville at Main Street.
The 10k race is fast and fun, commencing at the base of the Town of Laurel Park at the Hendersonville Family YMCA. Runners can join in with the half marathoners along the route and enjoy the beauty of the Town of Hendersonville that surrounds them. The 10k route is moderately flat and has a couple of gentle rollers throughout.
Finish line festivities await all participants at the same location in Historic Downtown Hendersonville on Main Street, creating a vibrant atmosphere of celebration and camaraderie!
Don’t miss your chance to experience the inspiring beauty of the Jump off Rock Half Marathon & 10k, an event that promises to inspire and captivate you like no other!
EXCITING NEWS: Both races are now USATF Sanctioned AND Certified!
Buncombe County Parks & Recreation is announcing the launch of its new online reservation system for park pavilions.
ACTIVENet, the new online reservation system, allows for a hassle-free user experience for Buncombe County park visitors. With just a few clicks, visitors can make and cancel reservations from the comfort of their home, in addition to checking real-time availability of the pavilions. Park pavilions are located at Lake Jullian, Charles D. Owen, and the Buncombe County Sports Park. Field rental is also available through this new portal.
Key takeaways of the new reservation system include:
Seamless Interface: The user-friendly layout of the reservation system allows for hassle-free bookings and cancelations.
Real-time Park Pavilion Availability: Users are able to check the availability of the park pavilions at their favorite park, and on their preferred date and time.
Secure Payment: ACTIVENet’s secure payment portal ensures data protection and encryption with Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliant technology.
Email confirmations: Once a reservation is made or canceled, users will receive a confirmation email with the details of their booking.
Click here to view a tutorial on how to book a park pavilion.
To access the new park pavilion reservation system, please visit There is a “Reserve & Register” button that will take users directly to the reservation portal. Please note that users must create an account prior to booking a park pavilion. For any inquiries or additional information, please contact [email protected] or call (828) 250-4260.
This City of Asheville is launching the Less Plastic Asheville Challenge to encourage residents to reduce their consumption of single-use plastics. The campaign has two key features, a social media challenge called Less Plastic Bingo and a Pass on Plastic Pledge. The City will provide information on the impacts of single-use plastic on our community and tips for how our residents can understand and reduce their consumption of single-use plastics at tabling events around town and on our social media platforms. Those participating in the social media challenge can post photos and videos of themselves taking action to reduce single-use plastic consumption. Those who take the pledge will make commitments to sustainable lifestyle choices such as using reusable grocery bags and refusing single-use plastics. Residents who participate in either the Less Plastic Bingo Challenge or Pass on Plastic Pledge will win great prizes! The Less Plastic Asheville Challenge will begin in February 14, 2024 and end May 31, 2024. Follow the link at the top of the page to learn more about how you can participate and win these great sustainable items.
BackgroundIn October 2022, Asheville City Council directed the Sustainability Department to take a phased approach to reduce the consumption of single-use plastic. The first phase included an update to Chapter 15 of the City Code to prohibit the use of plastic bags in curbside brush and leaf collection. This ordinance change was approved by City Council on January 10, 2023 and was implemented August 1, 2023. For more information about this change and resources available check out this sanitation webpage. The second phase included further analysis and stakeholder engagement with area businesses, residents and city staff to inform a recommendation on additional single-use plastic reduction strategies surrounding plastic bags at point of sale and expanded polystyrene (StyrofoamTM) disposable foodware products. To see the results of this engagement read this blog post. On September 22, 2023 the North Carolina General Assembly approved the state budget that included a law prohibiting local governments from banning single-use plastic products. Due to this regulation, the City cannot adopt an ordinance banning plastic bags or expanded polystyrene (StyrofoamTM) takeout containers. Instead, the City is providing information and resources to residents and businesses to reduce single-use plastic consumption voluntarily through the Less Plastic Asheville Challenge. For more information on the previous plastic-reduction projects go to this webpage.
Less Plastic Asheville ChallengeTo reduce single-use plastic consumption and litter in our community it will take all of us! We invite you to join us, have a little fun and earn some prizes in the process! There are two ways to participate in the Less Plastic Asheville Challenge. You can take the Pass on Plastic Pledge and/or play Less Plastic Asheville Bingo. The pledge asks for you to commit to changes in your life to reduce your own plastic footprint, and the Bingo Challenge asks you to spread the word and help educate and inspire others about the issue through social media. The Pass on Plastic PledgeThe Pass on Plastic Pledge asks you to look at your own habits regarding single-use plastics and commit to practices that cut down your consumption, simple acts that improve our community and the environment. By taking this pledge, you are taking the charge to reduce your own plastic consumption. You can do this in a number of ways and the City of Asheville is here to inspire, support and cheer you on! When you commit to any one of the sustainable practices in the pledge, you will win plastic reducing prizes from the City. Your actions alone can reduce hundreds of pounds of plastic waste every year! By taking this pledge, you are showing that you care about the health, cleanliness, and pristine environment of our home in Asheville. It’s a big deal, and the City of Asheville thanks you. Take the Pass on Plastic Pledge
Less Plastic Asheville BingoThis bingo game is a social media challenge. It’s a fun way for you to help spread the word about single-use plastics, and to inspire the people around you to make changes and support sustainable businesses and habits. When you sign up, you will be emailed a bingo card. Once you have your card, follow the steps below in order to earn your swag.
Sign up below to receive your Less Plastic Bingo Card. |