Upcoming events and things to do in Asheville, NC. Below is a list of events for festivals, concerts, art exhibitions, group meetups and more.

Interested in adding an event to our calendar? Please click the green “Post Your Event” button below.

Saturday, March 16, 2024
BRING ON SPRING w/ Nantahala Outdoor Center
Mar 16 all-day
Nantahala Outdoor Center


Sunday, March 17, 2024
Accepting Nominations for Clean Air Excellence Awards
Mar 17 all-day

The Asheville-Buncombe Air Quality Agency (AB Air Quality) is now accepting nominations for our twentieth annual air quality awards program. The goal of the Clean Air Excellence Awards is to recognize businesses and organizations that have truly gone above and beyond regulatory requirements to improve air quality for the residents of our area. Past years’ award recipients have included Dynamite Roasting Company, Eaton Corporation, and Western North Carolina Veterans Affairs Health Care System; each initiated voluntary efforts that improved air quality in the Asheville-Buncombe County Area.

Award guidelines explain the criteria for the awards and different categories of awards apply to different types of permitted facilities, organizations, and individuals that would like to nominate themselves or another entity for consideration.

To submit a nomination for a Clean Air Excellence Award, please download the application form online and include a brief summary describing what was done to improve air quality for Buncombe County.  Examples of voluntary pollution prevention measures include:  significant energy efficiency upgrades, switching to more environmentally friendly and lower-emitting solvents and cleaners, installing renewable energy systems, and upgrading fleet vehicles to more fuel-efficient or lower-emitting models. We ask that nominations be submitted to our Agency by April 12, 2024. We encourage you to submit any and all efforts your company (or another company or organization) has undertaken to reduce emissions. Agency staff are available to assist with emissions-related questions.

More information and the application form are available at abairquality.org. Please contact Ashley Featherstone at 828-250-6777 or [email protected] with questions.

BRING ON SPRING w/ Nantahala Outdoor Center
Mar 17 all-day
Nantahala Outdoor Center


Code Purple: Emergency Weather Program
Mar 17 all-day
Code Purple illustration
code purple

As cold weather moves into the region, many in our community turn their thoughts to the unhoused population and the additional hardships they face during winter months.

One of the most immediately responsive assets is the Code Purple program.

Driven by community organizations, this effort provides emergency shelter to people experiencing homelessness during freezing weather.


The Code Purple program kicks off this year on October 15, 2023 and runs through April 30, 2024. During that time members of the Homeless Coalition will determine when a Code Purple will go into effect. You can find details about the program in the Code Purple Manual


Exciting news about the expansion of services this year.


When a Code Purple Can be called. 

Code Purple emergency shelters and services are typically available at 32 degrees or below. A Code Purple may also be enacted this year when temperatures are 33-40 degrees with precipitation.


Additional Beds

ABCCM has 75 beds available between their Veterans Restoration Quarters and Transformation Village sites.

The Salvation Army will also participate this year, adding 16 new Code Purple beds for  people who are unhoused to seek shelter in extreme weather

A recorded message will be available at 828.398.6011 confirming that Code Purple is operational and providing information about shelter locations.

How is the City continuing to support this community-driven initiative?

  • The City of Asheville, once again, agreed to fund 50-thousand dollars of the Code Purple from this year in their annual budget.
  • ART buses will continue to over free rides to shelters for those in needs
  • Community Responders will assist in the transport of individuals on an “as needed” basis
  • The marquee at the Harrah’s Cherokee Center will post messaging indicating when a Code Purple will be or is in effect.


Stay Connected

To join the Homeless Coalition’s distribution list to receive notifications about when Code Purple is called, email [email protected].

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library Free Books for Children ages 0-5
Mar 17 all-day
online w/ Literacy Together

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library impacts the pre­-literacy skills and school readiness of children under the age of 5 in Buncombe County. The program mails a new, free, age-appropriate book to registered children each month until they turn five years old. Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library creates a home library of up to 60 books and instills a love of books and reading from an early age. If you have any questions about the program, please send an email to [email protected].

A national panel of educators selects the Imagination Library titles, which include: The Little Engine that Could, Last Stop on Market Street, Violet the Pilot, As an Oak Tree Grows, The Tale of Peter Rabbit, Llama Llama Red Pajama, Look Out Kindergarten, here I come, and many more (take a look at all the titles).

Register your child now!

Program Launch and Expansions

Literacy Together became a Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library affiliate in November 2015 with support from the Buncombe Partnership for Children. Through this program, registered children in Buncombe County receive a free book in the mail each month. Their parents also have the opportunity to attend workshops to learn how to build their children’s early literacy skills. Parents in need of literacy assistance are encouraged to receive tutoring through Literacy Together’s adult programming.

The program served 200 children during the 2015/16 fiscal year. The program expanded to serve 400 children in July 2016, and 600 in August 2017. In July 2018, capacity increased to 1,900 thanks to a special allocation in the North Carolina state budget. We’re now serving 4,600 kids in Buncombe County.  

Hey Asheville: City Comedy Tour • Ages 13+ Only
Mar 17 all-day
LaZoom Room Bar & Gorilla

Come enjoy our most popular Asheville tour!


1 hour and 30 minutes


Bachelorette/Bachelor Parties are not permitted on this tour. The Fender Bender Bus is bachelorette/bachelor friendly!

Historical and hysterical, The Hey Asheville tour features outrageously entertaining tour guides, outlandish comedy skits complete with special appearances and loads of Asheville information. You’ll get to see the best of downtown Asheville and the rarely seen but stunningly beautiful Montford neighborhood, not to mention the burgeoning River Arts District! You’ve never had a ride like this. It’s like a vaudeville show on wheels!

Find out what makes Asheville so unique on LaZoom’s City Comedy Tour. It’s the perfect mix of history, comedy, and entertainment. Our guides are trained professional actors working with an original script. It’s like a theatre on wheels! The tour highlights downtown Asheville, historic neighborhoods, the South Slope, and the River Arts District.

Age Restrictions

13 and up. No exceptions.


10 minute beer & bathroom break at Green Man Brewery

What’s Included

Guided tour of Asheville on a Purple Bus
Funny actors, fun bits
Actual History about Asheville
Green Man Brewery Stop

What’s Not Included

Beer/Wine (Must be purchased from LaZoom or the Brewery Stop)
Cash! You’ll want to tip the guides for changing your life for the better.

Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
Mar 17 all-day
online w/ Our Voice
It is a sad reality that within the United States youth aged 12-19 experience the highest rates of sexual assault. An estimated 1 in 10 teenagers will experience violence at the hands of an intimate partner, and studies show that this is trending upwards. Take some time this month familiarize yourself with signs of teen dating violence, to raise awareness, and to talk with a teen in your life about safety, love, and consent. Check out the links below for some resources.
Asheville Fire Department Strategic Plan Survey
Mar 17 @ 6:30 am

Asheville Community Member, As part of our ongoing commitment to collaboration and continuous improvement, the Asheville Fire Department is excited to invite you to participate in this survey for the development of our new strategic plan. Your insights and perspectives are invaluable as we shape the future direction of our department to better serve and protect our community. This survey provides an opportunity for you to share your thoughts, expectations, and priorities, ensuring our plan reflects the diverse needs of our community. We appreciate your time and thoughtful contributions in helping us enhance our services and strengthen our connection with the community we proudly serve.

The survey will be available until 11:59 p.m. on March 19.

Property Value Help Line
Mar 17 @ 7:00 am

Do you have questions about your property value and don’t feel comfortable talking with a Buncombe County Property Appraiser there is help available.

Buncombe County Property Assessment and Land of the Sky Association of REALTORS (LOTSAR) volunteers have partnered to help.

Call 828-239-2906 and leave a message with your name and contact information and trained volunteer will call you back in 1-2 business days. Get help with property record information, filing an appeal, tax relief programs, and general questions.

The Property Value Help Line is available through April 15.

Call 828-239-2906.

Recreate Asheville: Shaping Our City’s Parks
Mar 17 @ 7:00 am

Following multiple in-person and online engagement opportunities last summer and fall, Asheville Parks & Recreation (APR) announced additional feedback workshops and a survey for Recreate Asheville: Shaping Our City’s Parks, a community-driven comprehensive plan to guide the City of Asheville’s parks and recreation decisions for the next 10-15 years.

During the City of Asheville’s Environment and Safety Committee meeting on February 27, APR shared an update on the months-long planning process and a summary of information learned during a community needs assessment period that included a statistically valid survey mailed to homes throughout the city, an online survey, in-person workshops and engagement events, focus group meetings, and stakeholder discussions.


Upcoming Feedback Opportunities

  • March 27-April 15
  • March 27 at 6 p.m.
  • March 28 from 7-11 a.m.
    • Stephens-Lee Community Center on 30 George Washington Carver Avenue
    • Drop-in open house community meeting with the opportunity to stay as little or as long as your schedule allows to participate in hands-on budgeting activities and speak directly with City of Asheville staff
  • Additional opportunities in April will be announced on the Recreate Asheville website as they are confirmed.
  • APR team members are also happy to attend virtual or in-person meetings of Asheville’s neighborhood organizations to discuss the plan in greater detail.

bar chart calendar showing milestones in development of plan

What happens next?

Feedback during this phase will be incorporated with feedback from the previous community needs assessment period to develop a strategic action plan. Community members then have an additional period (tentatively scheduled from May 20-June 2) to review and comment on the drafted plan.


What is Recreate Asheville: Shaping Our City’s Parks?

Recreate Asheville: Shaping Our City’s Parks is a community-built comprehensive plan to guide long-range planning, address service gaps, and identify opportunities for improvements. It is a visionary document that sets the values and goals for systemwide investments and a framework to guide future investments in recreation programs and spaces.

It is not an operations model or financial budget, though it is a method to inform capital expenditures. The Recreate Asheville plan does not contain detailed design proposals for specific neighborhoods, parks, or facilities.



Asheville Parks & Recreation

With its oldest parks dating to the 1890s, Asheville Parks & Recreation manages a unique collection of more than 65 public parks, playgrounds, and open spaces throughout the city in a system that also includes full-complex recreation centers, swimming pools, Riverside Cemetery, sports fields and courts, and community centers that offer a variety of wellness-, education-, and culture-related programs for Ashevillians of all ages. With 10 miles of paved greenways and numerous natural surface trails, its complete portfolio acts as the foundation of a vibrant hub for the people of Asheville to connect with their neighbors and explore the natural beauty of a livable and walkable city.

Driven by the promise that Asheville is a better and safer place when everyone from infants to retirees has the opportunity to be supported, healthy, and successful, Asheville Parks & Recreation was the first nationally-accredited municipal recreation department in the United States. For latest updates, sign up for Asheville Parks & Recreation’s monthly newsletter, follow the department on Facebook (@aprca) and Instagram (@ashevilleparksandrecreation), or visit  www.ashevillenc.gov/parks.

New Park Pavilion Reservation Software
Mar 17 @ 8:00 am

Buncombe County Parks & Recreation is announcing the launch of its new online reservation system for park pavilions.

ACTIVENet, the new online reservation system, allows for a hassle-free user experience for Buncombe County park visitors. With just a few clicks, visitors can make and cancel reservations from the comfort of their home, in addition to checking real-time availability of the pavilions. Park pavilions are located at Lake Jullian, Charles D. Owen, and the Buncombe County Sports Park. Field rental is also available through this new portal.

Key takeaways of the new reservation system include: 

Seamless Interface: The user-friendly layout of the reservation system allows for hassle-free bookings and cancelations.

Real-time Park Pavilion Availability: Users are able to check the availability of the park pavilions at their favorite park, and on their preferred date and time.

Secure Payment: ACTIVENet’s secure payment portal ensures data protection and encryption with Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliant technology.

Email confirmations: Once a reservation is made or canceled, users will receive a confirmation email with the details of their booking.

Click here to view a tutorial on how to book a park pavilion. 

To access the new park pavilion reservation system, please visit www.buncombecounty.org/parks. There is a “Reserve & Register” button that will take users directly to the reservation portal. Please note that users must create an account prior to booking a park pavilion. For any inquiries or additional information, please contact [email protected] or call (828) 250-4260.

Less Plastic Asheville Challenge
Mar 17 @ 9:00 am
Asheville Area

This City of Asheville is launching the Less Plastic Asheville Challenge to encourage residents to reduce their consumption of single-use plastics. The campaign has two key features, a social media challenge called Less Plastic Bingo and a Pass on Plastic Pledge. The City will provide information on the impacts of single-use plastic on our community and tips for how our residents can understand and reduce their consumption of single-use plastics at tabling events around town and on our social media platforms. Those participating in the social media challenge can post photos and videos of themselves taking action to reduce single-use plastic consumption.

Those who take the pledge will make commitments to sustainable lifestyle choices such as using reusable grocery bags and refusing single-use plastics. Residents who participate in either the Less Plastic Bingo Challenge or Pass on Plastic Pledge will win great prizes!  The Less Plastic Asheville Challenge will begin in February 14, 2024 and end May 31, 2024. Follow the link at the top of the page to learn more about how you can participate and win these great sustainable items.



In October 2022, Asheville City Council directed the Sustainability Department to take a phased approach to reduce the consumption of single-use plastic.

The first phase included an update to Chapter 15 of the City Code to prohibit the use of plastic bags in curbside brush and leaf collection. This ordinance change was approved by City Council on January 10, 2023 and was implemented August 1, 2023. For more information about this change and resources available check out this sanitation webpage.

The second phase included further analysis and stakeholder engagement with area businesses, residents and city staff to inform a recommendation on additional single-use plastic reduction strategies surrounding plastic bags at point of sale and expanded polystyrene (StyrofoamTM) disposable foodware products. To see the results of this engagement read this blog post.

On September 22, 2023 the North Carolina General Assembly approved the state budget that included a law prohibiting local governments from banning single-use plastic products. Due to this regulation, the City cannot adopt an ordinance banning plastic bags or expanded polystyrene (StyrofoamTM) takeout containers. Instead, the City is providing information and resources to residents and businesses to reduce single-use plastic consumption voluntarily through the Less Plastic Asheville Challenge. For more information on the previous plastic-reduction projects go to this webpage.


Less Plastic Asheville Challenge

To reduce single-use plastic consumption and litter in our community it will take all of us! We invite you to join us, have a little fun and earn some prizes in the process!

There are two ways to participate in the Less Plastic Asheville Challenge. You can take the Pass on Plastic Pledge and/or play Less Plastic Asheville Bingo. The pledge asks for you to commit to changes in your life to reduce your own plastic footprint, and the Bingo Challenge asks you to spread the word and help educate and inspire others about the issue through social media.

The Pass on Plastic Pledge

The Pass on Plastic Pledge asks you to look at your own habits regarding single-use plastics and commit to practices that cut down your consumption, simple acts that improve our community and the environment. By taking this pledge, you are taking the charge to reduce your own plastic consumption. You can do this in a number of ways and the City of Asheville is here to inspire, support and cheer you on!

When you commit to any one of the sustainable practices in the pledge, you will win plastic reducing prizes from the City.  Your actions alone can reduce hundreds of pounds of plastic waste every year! By taking this pledge, you are showing that you care about the health, cleanliness, and pristine environment of our home in Asheville. It’s a big deal, and the City of Asheville thanks you.

Take the Pass on Plastic Pledge



Less Plastic Asheville Bingo

This bingo game is a social media challenge. It’s a fun way for you to help spread the word about single-use plastics, and to inspire the people around you to make changes and support sustainable businesses and habits. When you sign up, you will be emailed a bingo card. Once you have your card, follow the steps below in order to earn your swag.

  1. Take videos or pictures to create social media content that matches the descriptions on the bingo card. You can choose any five pieces of content that form a complete bingo row. Content that does not form a straight line bingo will not count.
  2. Post this content on your own social media page (Facebook or Instagram Only) and include the hashtag #LessPlasticAsheville and tag @CityofAsheville.
  3. Copy the links from all five of your posts and send them in a single email to [email protected]. After we check out your great posts we will send you an email with our appreciation letting you know how you can collect your prizes!
  4. If you chose to take the Less Plastic Pledge as one of your bingo items (the center square) please include the email you used to take the pledge as one of your five email items.

Sign up below to receive your Less Plastic Bingo Card.

M.A.G.M.A. Land of the Sky Gem Show
Mar 17 @ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Land of the Sky Event Venue

At our March Gem Show, over 25 vendors will have everything from affordable treasures to the finest gems, minerals & jewelry in the Southeast! We are only a 15-minute drive from Asheville in Swannanoa, NC. Entering the show is always free and this is a fun family-friendly event. Food and drink are available daily.

The Mountain Area Gem & Mineral Association presents:
The M.A.G.M.A. Land of Sky Gem Show

March 15-17, 2024
Gem Show hours:
Friday, March 15: 9 am- 6 pm
Saturday, March 16: 9 am- 6 pm
Sunday, March 17: 10 am- 4 pm

We have something for everyone, from seasoned rockhounds to new collectors and jewelry lovers. Our vendors enjoy sharing their expert knowledge and you’re sure to learn new things and find some great gems, minerals, and fossils.

The M.A.G.M.A. Land of Sky Gem Show happens 4 times a year and this is an event that you can keep coming back to!

The March 2024 M.A.G.M.A. Land of the Sky Gem Show will be the 26th gem show presented by the Mountain Area Gem & Mineral Association. Jacquot and Son Mining and crystal potential are sponsors. For show info and vendor spaces, contact Richard Jacquot at 828-779-4501.

Art + Craft Supply Bazaar
Mar 17 @ 11:30 am – 8:00 pm
plēb urban winery

Clear out your craft closets and make room for creativity and community! Gather all those materials and tools that are gathering dust and taking up space and bring them to the Art & Craft Supply Bazaar. Declutter your stash and remove the distraction of unfinished projects. Let’s get those supplies into the hands of someone who’s ready to use them.

Shop new and used art & craft materials and tools from sewing + quilting, jewelry making, printmaking, candle making, floral design, knit + crochet, and more!

March 15-17 from 11:30AM – 8PM daily at plēb urban winery 289 Lyman St, Asheville, NC 28801

Mean Pies Pizza will be serving delicious freshly milled pan pizza from 11:30am-7pm. And Robert’s Totally Rad Trivia will be quizzing our pop culture knowledge Sunday at 4pm.

For those interested in selling, we’re looking for new and used craft materials and tools; that unopened watercolor palette, the cut of vintage fabric, the half used screenprinting ink (that’s still good), or those too pretty to throw away scraps of paper you bundled (perfect for a collage artist). For more info and to sign up, visit: https://rb.gy/krov01

Family Dance
Mar 17 @ 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Harvest House Community Center

Old Farmer’s Ball hosts family dances and waltzes at the Harvest House Community Center.

Mission & Vision

Our mission is to bring joy to our community by cultivating folk and social dance and music traditions.

Our vision is of people coming together to experience the joy of dance and music.


  • Welcoming – A safe and inviting space for dancers, musicians, and callers.
  • Community – We value respect, inclusiveness, diversity, consent, and multigenerational interaction.
  • Ownership – Volunteer investment in the organization.
  • Joy/Smiles – Presence in the moment.
  • Development – Artistic growth and skill of callers, musicians, and dancers.
UNC Asheville Annual Pi-Day Fun-Run
Mar 17 @ 3:14 pm – 5:00 pm
Carrier Park

Celebrate Pi Day at UNC Asheville’s annual fun-run on March 17, starting at 3:14 p.m. sharp. Whether you prefer to run, walk, skip, or trot the 3.14-mile distance, come take part in honoring the mathematical marvel that is Pi at Carrier Park, 220 Amboy Rd Asheville, NC 28806.

This event is open to all members of the public, with a registration fee of $10 for students and $20 for all other participants. Beginning and concluding at the Picnic Shelter in Carrier Park, participants will be greeted with delicious Pi(e) at the finish line!

All proceeds from the event will support the Asheville Initiative for Math at UNC Asheville, including the Marvelous Math Club. The Marvelous Math Club uses math as a catalyst to build leadership skills, create community, and provide a space where elementary school students can grow academically and socially. Join us for a day of fun and meaningful support for math education in our community!


UNC Asheville is committed to providing universal access to all of our events. If you have any questions about access or to request reasonable accommodations that will facilitate your full participation in this event, please contact the Event Organizer (see below). Advance notice is necessary to arrange for accessibility needs.

Visitor Parking

Visitors may park in faculty/staff and All Permit lots from 5:00 p.m. until 7:30 a.m., Monday through Friday, and on weekends, holidays, and campus breaks. Visitors are not permitted to park in resident student lots at any time.
Prior to 5pm, any visitor (regardless of their reason for visit) need to adhere to the current practices listed on the parking website. Get your visitor parking permit here

Irish Nonsense, wee silly St. Patrick’s Day comedy show
Mar 17 @ 6:30 pm
Catawba Brewing Company South Slope Asheville

Every Sunday Modelface Comedy brings you the best comedians from all over the country. This weekend we have a wee St. Patrick’s Day show

Every Sunday Modelface Comedy brings you the best comedians from all over the country. This weekend we have a wee silly St. Patrick’s Day Comedy Show!

Irish Nonsense is never stronger than St. Patrick’s Day. Come raise a pint with us at Catawba Brewing and let out some wee lil leprechaun giggles

Featuring Clay Jones, Ryan Gordon and more!

ages 18+
doors at 6pm, show at 6:30pm

St Patty’s Day Comedy at Asheville Pizza
Mar 17 @ 6:30 pm
Asheville Pizza & Brewing Co

Standup Comedy celebrating St. Patty’s Day at Asheville Pizza & Brewing Company with Ryan Cox Featuring
Jason Webb,
Cheney Goodson & Sarah Love with a comedy open mic. Get dinner drinks and laughs. Tickets at https://www.ashevillebrewing.com/buy-tickets
Contact Michele at [email protected] for more info

St Patty’s Day Comedy at Asheville Pizza
Mar 17 @ 6:30 pm
Asheville Pizza & Brewing Co

Standup Comedy celebrating St. Patty’s Day at Asheville Pizza & Brewing Company with Ryan Cox Featuring
Jason Webb,
Cheney Goodson & Sarah Love with a comedy open mic. Get dinner drinks and laughs. Tickets at https://www.ashevillebrewing.com/buy-tickets

Monday, March 18, 2024
Accepting Nominations for Clean Air Excellence Awards
Mar 18 all-day

The Asheville-Buncombe Air Quality Agency (AB Air Quality) is now accepting nominations for our twentieth annual air quality awards program. The goal of the Clean Air Excellence Awards is to recognize businesses and organizations that have truly gone above and beyond regulatory requirements to improve air quality for the residents of our area. Past years’ award recipients have included Dynamite Roasting Company, Eaton Corporation, and Western North Carolina Veterans Affairs Health Care System; each initiated voluntary efforts that improved air quality in the Asheville-Buncombe County Area.

Award guidelines explain the criteria for the awards and different categories of awards apply to different types of permitted facilities, organizations, and individuals that would like to nominate themselves or another entity for consideration.

To submit a nomination for a Clean Air Excellence Award, please download the application form online and include a brief summary describing what was done to improve air quality for Buncombe County.  Examples of voluntary pollution prevention measures include:  significant energy efficiency upgrades, switching to more environmentally friendly and lower-emitting solvents and cleaners, installing renewable energy systems, and upgrading fleet vehicles to more fuel-efficient or lower-emitting models. We ask that nominations be submitted to our Agency by April 12, 2024. We encourage you to submit any and all efforts your company (or another company or organization) has undertaken to reduce emissions. Agency staff are available to assist with emissions-related questions.

More information and the application form are available at abairquality.org. Please contact Ashley Featherstone at 828-250-6777 or [email protected] with questions.

Buncombe Extension Master GardenerSM Helpline Opens for 2024 Gardening Season
Mar 18 all-day
NC Cooperative Extension Master Gardener

Have your garden and plant questions answered. There are three ways to contact the Master Gardener Helpline:

Call 828-255-5522

Email questions and photos to [email protected] or stop by the extension office hours:

Mondays – 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Tuesdays – 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Thursdays – 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Code Purple: Emergency Weather Program
Mar 18 all-day
Code Purple illustration
code purple

As cold weather moves into the region, many in our community turn their thoughts to the unhoused population and the additional hardships they face during winter months.

One of the most immediately responsive assets is the Code Purple program.

Driven by community organizations, this effort provides emergency shelter to people experiencing homelessness during freezing weather.


The Code Purple program kicks off this year on October 15, 2023 and runs through April 30, 2024. During that time members of the Homeless Coalition will determine when a Code Purple will go into effect. You can find details about the program in the Code Purple Manual


Exciting news about the expansion of services this year.


When a Code Purple Can be called. 

Code Purple emergency shelters and services are typically available at 32 degrees or below. A Code Purple may also be enacted this year when temperatures are 33-40 degrees with precipitation.


Additional Beds

ABCCM has 75 beds available between their Veterans Restoration Quarters and Transformation Village sites.

The Salvation Army will also participate this year, adding 16 new Code Purple beds for  people who are unhoused to seek shelter in extreme weather

A recorded message will be available at 828.398.6011 confirming that Code Purple is operational and providing information about shelter locations.

How is the City continuing to support this community-driven initiative?

  • The City of Asheville, once again, agreed to fund 50-thousand dollars of the Code Purple from this year in their annual budget.
  • ART buses will continue to over free rides to shelters for those in needs
  • Community Responders will assist in the transport of individuals on an “as needed” basis
  • The marquee at the Harrah’s Cherokee Center will post messaging indicating when a Code Purple will be or is in effect.


Stay Connected

To join the Homeless Coalition’s distribution list to receive notifications about when Code Purple is called, email [email protected].

Help Buncombe County Vote: Become a Poll Worker
Mar 18 all-day
Buncombe County NC

Are you interested in earning money while helping support the democratic process? If so, Buncombe County Election Services is looking for poll workers to help with the 2024 Primary and General Elections. It’s a rewarding way to help our community while supplementing your income. If this sounds interesting, read on to learn more about the perks of working the polls, eligibility requirements, pay rates, and more.

Perks of working the polls:

  • Meaningful work
  • No prior experience needed
  • Option to work one full day or shifts for two weeks
  • Earn extra money
  • Great team atmosphere
  • Build highly transferrable skills
  • Doesn’t impact unemployment benefits (Per Session Law 2020-71, any person that is receiving unemployment may work as a poll worker without any effect on their unemployment benefits)
  • Opportunities for students, people looking for supplemental incomes, and retirees with flexible schedules

Representation from both parties is an important part of the process and is statutorily required. “Our poll workers are the backbone of safe and fair elections,” said Election Services Director Corinne Duncan. “Without them, we wouldn’t be able to offer our Buncombe County voters the best experience at the polls, regardless of if they vote early or on Election Day.”

Election Services is staffed up for Early Voting during the primary, but we are currently hiring for the Primary Election Day, especially registered Republicans, and creating a roster of people interested in working the general election in November.

To be eligible you must:

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Be a registered voter of Buncombe County (Unaffiliated voters are welcome to apply)
  • Be comfortable and confident using a laptop
  • Be able to sit or stand for long periods of time while working with voters
  • Be able to put aside all political activity and conversation on social media and in person for a two-week period over Early Voting and Election Day
  • Be able to lift 25 lbs.

Through the Student Assistant Program, students who will be at least 17 years old by Election Day (March 5, 2024) can work as assistants. Student Assistant 101.

Early Voting 
During Early Voting (Oct. 17-Nov. 2) each location is staffed with a Captain and a team of workers. Captains earn $16/hour and workers earn $14/hour. Working during Early Voting requires a minimum commitment of 15 of 17 days, including weekend shifts and mandatory paid training. The captain carries the most responsibility with duties including voting location access, task delegation, reconciliation, equipment troubleshooting, and voting process/election law familiarity.

For more information about working Early Voting, contact Karen Rae at (828) 250-4224.

Election Day
On Election Day (March 5), each of our 80 precincts is staffed with three judges and several assistants. Election Day workers receive a lump sum payment (see below) which includes payment to attend the mandatory four-hour training session. Everyone is required to work the entirety of Election Day on March 5, 2024, which typically runs from 6 a.m-9 p.m. Precincts are located throughout the county, and we do our best to assign you to a precinct near your home.

Chief Judge – $300

Party Judge – $225

Assistant – $200

The Chief Judge carries the most responsibility with duties including collecting precinct supplies, officially opening, and closing the polls, voting location access, task delegation, close of polls audit processes, and voting process/election law familiarity. Party Judges are also required to participate in the official work of opening, and closing the polls, as well as the close of polls audit process.

For more information about working Buncombe County elections, contact Karen Rae at (828) 250-4224 or visit buncombecounty.org/pollworker.

Hey Asheville: City Comedy Tour • Ages 13+ Only
Mar 18 all-day
LaZoom Room Bar & Gorilla

Come enjoy our most popular Asheville tour!


1 hour and 30 minutes


Bachelorette/Bachelor Parties are not permitted on this tour. The Fender Bender Bus is bachelorette/bachelor friendly!

Historical and hysterical, The Hey Asheville tour features outrageously entertaining tour guides, outlandish comedy skits complete with special appearances and loads of Asheville information. You’ll get to see the best of downtown Asheville and the rarely seen but stunningly beautiful Montford neighborhood, not to mention the burgeoning River Arts District! You’ve never had a ride like this. It’s like a vaudeville show on wheels!

Find out what makes Asheville so unique on LaZoom’s City Comedy Tour. It’s the perfect mix of history, comedy, and entertainment. Our guides are trained professional actors working with an original script. It’s like a theatre on wheels! The tour highlights downtown Asheville, historic neighborhoods, the South Slope, and the River Arts District.

Age Restrictions

13 and up. No exceptions.


10 minute beer & bathroom break at Green Man Brewery

What’s Included

Guided tour of Asheville on a Purple Bus
Funny actors, fun bits
Actual History about Asheville
Green Man Brewery Stop

What’s Not Included

Beer/Wine (Must be purchased from LaZoom or the Brewery Stop)
Cash! You’ll want to tip the guides for changing your life for the better.

March for Meals 2024
Mar 18 all-day
Council on Aging for Henderson County office

The annual March for Meals campaign commemorates the historic day in March 1972 when President Nixon signed into law a measure that amended the Older Americans Act of 1965 and established a national nutrition program for seniors 60 years and older.

The event will feature staff, volunteers and community leaders speaking about the importance of addressing senior hunger and isolation, followed by a Proclamation from the Mayor of Hendersonville, and ending with packing that day’s meals for drivers to deliver to homebound seniors throughout the County. Participants have the opportunity to take part in a ride-along with a Meals on Wheels driver and get a hands-on look at the impact of this vital program.

This campaign arrives at a pressing time for Henderson County’s Meals on Wheels service. Demand continues to exceed available financial resources. This issue is magnified by the pending loss of COVID-related funds at the end of this fiscal year. In response, COAHC recently had to make the difficult decision to stop accepting clients beyond their current funding capacity, resulting in a waitlist of over 100 homebound seniors, with an average wait time of at least 6 months before receiving service. This means that there are dozens of seniors in our community who are unable to access the vital support they desperately need to age in place

Stormwater: TAKE ACTION
Mar 18 all-day

Introducing RiverLink’s year-long campaign to recruit absolutely everyone to help restore the health of the French Broad River.

Untreated rainwater (also known as stormwater) flows off hard surfaces such as parking lots and roofs, and carries sediment, pollutants and bacteria with it, negatively impacting water quality. The sheer volume and velocity of rain runoff is the biggest threat today to the French Broad River.
Our campaign includes educational resources and action steps everyone can take to protect our rivers and streams here in Western North Carolina. You’ll also find real-life stories of local people taking action to reduce rain runoff at their homes and businesses. We want YOU to join us!

As a resident or business owner in WNC, you can be part of the solution. Here are four ways to take action to reduce rain runoff and protect our rivers and streams:

  • Disconnecting Your Downspout
  • Installing Rain Barrels
  • Implementing Rain Gardens
  • Other Green Infrastructure

Rain Garden Guide

Interested in creating an eco-friendly oasis? Read more about the benefits and steps to set up your rain garden.

Downspout Disconnect Guide

Learn how to disconnect your downspout and its benefits for sustainable stormwater management.

Rain Barrel Guide

Discover an affordable and easy-to-install solution for collecting rooftop runoff.

WaterRICH Guide

The FREE WaterRICH Guide will teach you how to harvest rainwater, create garden features which promote water seeping into the soil (stormwater features), and reduce outside water needs.

Ready to spread the word about river health and reducing rain runoff?
Asheville Fire Department Strategic Plan Survey
Mar 18 @ 6:30 am

Asheville Community Member, As part of our ongoing commitment to collaboration and continuous improvement, the Asheville Fire Department is excited to invite you to participate in this survey for the development of our new strategic plan. Your insights and perspectives are invaluable as we shape the future direction of our department to better serve and protect our community. This survey provides an opportunity for you to share your thoughts, expectations, and priorities, ensuring our plan reflects the diverse needs of our community. We appreciate your time and thoughtful contributions in helping us enhance our services and strengthen our connection with the community we proudly serve.

The survey will be available until 11:59 p.m. on March 19.

Property Value Help Line
Mar 18 @ 7:00 am

Do you have questions about your property value and don’t feel comfortable talking with a Buncombe County Property Appraiser there is help available.

Buncombe County Property Assessment and Land of the Sky Association of REALTORS (LOTSAR) volunteers have partnered to help.

Call 828-239-2906 and leave a message with your name and contact information and trained volunteer will call you back in 1-2 business days. Get help with property record information, filing an appeal, tax relief programs, and general questions.

The Property Value Help Line is available through April 15.

Call 828-239-2906.

Recreate Asheville: Shaping Our City’s Parks
Mar 18 @ 7:00 am

Following multiple in-person and online engagement opportunities last summer and fall, Asheville Parks & Recreation (APR) announced additional feedback workshops and a survey for Recreate Asheville: Shaping Our City’s Parks, a community-driven comprehensive plan to guide the City of Asheville’s parks and recreation decisions for the next 10-15 years.

During the City of Asheville’s Environment and Safety Committee meeting on February 27, APR shared an update on the months-long planning process and a summary of information learned during a community needs assessment period that included a statistically valid survey mailed to homes throughout the city, an online survey, in-person workshops and engagement events, focus group meetings, and stakeholder discussions.


Upcoming Feedback Opportunities

  • March 27-April 15
  • March 27 at 6 p.m.
  • March 28 from 7-11 a.m.
    • Stephens-Lee Community Center on 30 George Washington Carver Avenue
    • Drop-in open house community meeting with the opportunity to stay as little or as long as your schedule allows to participate in hands-on budgeting activities and speak directly with City of Asheville staff
  • Additional opportunities in April will be announced on the Recreate Asheville website as they are confirmed.
  • APR team members are also happy to attend virtual or in-person meetings of Asheville’s neighborhood organizations to discuss the plan in greater detail.

bar chart calendar showing milestones in development of plan

What happens next?

Feedback during this phase will be incorporated with feedback from the previous community needs assessment period to develop a strategic action plan. Community members then have an additional period (tentatively scheduled from May 20-June 2) to review and comment on the drafted plan.


What is Recreate Asheville: Shaping Our City’s Parks?

Recreate Asheville: Shaping Our City’s Parks is a community-built comprehensive plan to guide long-range planning, address service gaps, and identify opportunities for improvements. It is a visionary document that sets the values and goals for systemwide investments and a framework to guide future investments in recreation programs and spaces.

It is not an operations model or financial budget, though it is a method to inform capital expenditures. The Recreate Asheville plan does not contain detailed design proposals for specific neighborhoods, parks, or facilities.



Asheville Parks & Recreation

With its oldest parks dating to the 1890s, Asheville Parks & Recreation manages a unique collection of more than 65 public parks, playgrounds, and open spaces throughout the city in a system that also includes full-complex recreation centers, swimming pools, Riverside Cemetery, sports fields and courts, and community centers that offer a variety of wellness-, education-, and culture-related programs for Ashevillians of all ages. With 10 miles of paved greenways and numerous natural surface trails, its complete portfolio acts as the foundation of a vibrant hub for the people of Asheville to connect with their neighbors and explore the natural beauty of a livable and walkable city.

Driven by the promise that Asheville is a better and safer place when everyone from infants to retirees has the opportunity to be supported, healthy, and successful, Asheville Parks & Recreation was the first nationally-accredited municipal recreation department in the United States. For latest updates, sign up for Asheville Parks & Recreation’s monthly newsletter, follow the department on Facebook (@aprca) and Instagram (@ashevilleparksandrecreation), or visit  www.ashevillenc.gov/parks.

New Park Pavilion Reservation Software
Mar 18 @ 8:00 am

Buncombe County Parks & Recreation is announcing the launch of its new online reservation system for park pavilions.

ACTIVENet, the new online reservation system, allows for a hassle-free user experience for Buncombe County park visitors. With just a few clicks, visitors can make and cancel reservations from the comfort of their home, in addition to checking real-time availability of the pavilions. Park pavilions are located at Lake Jullian, Charles D. Owen, and the Buncombe County Sports Park. Field rental is also available through this new portal.

Key takeaways of the new reservation system include: 

Seamless Interface: The user-friendly layout of the reservation system allows for hassle-free bookings and cancelations.

Real-time Park Pavilion Availability: Users are able to check the availability of the park pavilions at their favorite park, and on their preferred date and time.

Secure Payment: ACTIVENet’s secure payment portal ensures data protection and encryption with Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliant technology.

Email confirmations: Once a reservation is made or canceled, users will receive a confirmation email with the details of their booking.

Click here to view a tutorial on how to book a park pavilion. 

To access the new park pavilion reservation system, please visit www.buncombecounty.org/parks. There is a “Reserve & Register” button that will take users directly to the reservation portal. Please note that users must create an account prior to booking a park pavilion. For any inquiries or additional information, please contact [email protected] or call (828) 250-4260.