Upcoming events and things to do in Asheville, NC. Below is a list of events for festivals, concerts, art exhibitions, group meetups and more.

Interested in adding an event to our calendar? Please click the green “Post Your Event” button below.

Friday, February 23, 2024
Reconnect for Resilience
Feb 23 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Virtual Event
Online via Zoom. Will receive Zoom link upon registration.

Reconnect for Resilience trainings offer community members a set of easy – to- use tools to stay well in the face of adversity. In this 14-hour class, participants will learn what happens when our brains and bodies are stressed, and are given tools to stay healthy, connected, and resilient during tough times.

The tools we teach are intended for everyone, no matter where they are on the stress-trauma continuum, and are designed to bring the nervous system back into balance and help people return to their Resilient Zone.

This two-day virtual training will be held online via Zoom. Please register by visiting bit.ly/RFRFEB24

CEU’s available and limited scholarships available. See more information at the registration page.

THE ERAS PARTY – A Taylor Swift Inspired Dance Party
Feb 23 @ 9:00 pm
The Grey Eagle
Doors Open: 8:00 PM

THE ERAS PARTY – A Taylor Swift Inspired Dance Party

DJ playing Taylor through her eras, costume contest, lipsync battle, themed photo areas, free koozie, bracelet trading, and more!

Saturday, February 24, 2024
Full Moon Breakthrough Breathworkshop with Sound Baths
Feb 24 @ 10:00 am – 4:30 pm
Magictown Movement Studio

To celebrate this February full moon, embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and inner healing through our groundbreaking Breathwork Meditation Workshop including 2 Sound Baths! During this immersive experience you will be guided through a powerful Breathwork practice to help you massively release stress, heal past wounds and traumas, access deeper levels of awareness, and connect more profoundly to Source.

Led by two professional highly experienced facilitators with over 60 years experience between them, this workshop will
deepen your connection with your breath and unlock its incredible potential for physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

We are delighted to have Kat Houghton again facilitate sound baths to complete each of the Breathwork Meditation Sessions.

Join a group of like-minded individuals on the path to self-discovery in a supportive nurturing environment on the beautiful island in Marshall on one of the oldest rivers in the world.

You may come to the full day (10am-4.30pm, recommended, ) which includes two Breathwork Meditation Sessions with sound baths and a session of Self-discovery. You may also come to the first Breathwork Meditation Session with sound bath only (10am-1pm,) or the second Breathwork Session with sound bath only (1.30pm-4.30pm.).

Sunday, February 25, 2024
Belonging in a Divided World: Restoring Connection to Your Self and Your Life
Feb 25 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Story Parlor

This highly-experiential two-day workshop addresses the epidemic disconnection from our true selves, from other people, and from the natural world—major causes of personal unhappiness and planetary crisis—and gives participants tools for mending the separation, a fundamental step toward healing and wholeness.

Using a synthesis of the wisdom of our ancient ancestors and the latest in neuroscience and the psychology of belonging, we will immerse ourselves in the dynamics and collective awareness of the workshop group to:

  • Identify, explore and revise unhealthy stories about ourselves and our world,

  • Learn and practice essential skills in connecting deeply to others,

  • Experience ancient ways of being in relationship with the other-than-human, and

  • Innovate creative ways to foster belonging and connection in our everyday lives.

English Country Dance
Feb 25 @ 3:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Harvest House Community Center
  • 2nd and 4th Sundays – check the calendar on our home page
  • 4 pm – 6:00 pm
  • Mid-Winter English Country Dance Weekend – Feb 2-4, 2024
  • There is also an ECD Wednesday evening from 7:00 pm- 9:00 pm; various callers; and recorded music.
  • (This is not an OFB activity) For information contact: [email protected]
  • Mission & Vision

    Our mission is to bring joy to our community by cultivating folk and social dance and music traditions.

    Our vision is of people coming together to experience the joy of dance and music.


    • Welcoming – A safe and inviting space for dancers, musicians, and callers.
    • Community – We value respect, inclusiveness, diversity, consent, and multigenerational interaction.
    • Ownership – Volunteer investment in the organization.
    • Joy/Smiles – Presence in the moment.
    • Development – Artistic growth and skill of callers, musicians, and dancers.
Ballets Jazz Montréal Dance Me: The Music of Leonard Cohen
Feb 25 @ 7:30 pm
Peace Concert Hall

Dance Me is an exclusive creation inspired by the rich and profound work of Montreal-based poet, artist and songwriter, Leonard Cohen. Approved by Cohen during his lifetime, this riveting homage to the famed artist evokes the grand cycles of existence in five seasons, as described in Cohen’s deeply reflective music and poems.

Three internationally renowned choreographers were entrusted with putting movement to Cohen’s legendary songs: Andonis Foniadakis, Annabelle Lopez Ochoa and Ihsan Rustem. Their powerful and profound choreographic world reflective of Cohen’s singular work is brought to life by 14 Ballets Jazz Montréal performing artists.

Surrounded by a team of celebrated designers, Dance Me combines scenic, visual, musical, dramaturgical, and choreographic writing to pay tribute to Montreal’s greatest ambassador. Dance, music, lighting, scenography, and videography all come together in this unforgettable show.

“Leonard Cohen’s art and soul shine on in this stirring tribute.”
– The Telegraph Review

“The beautiful technique and preciseness throughout the evening of excellence was so complimentary to Mr. Cohen’s visions and words, and gave voice to his beliefs and musings.”
– BroadwayWorld Review

Monday, February 26, 2024
Virtual Writers Workshops
Feb 26 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
online w/ Carl Sandburg Home

Join writers and poets from across the country each month for a virtual writing workshop. A link will be added to their name when more details and sign-up information becomes available. These workshops are geared towards amateur writers, ages 16 and older recommended. Follow us on Facebook for notifications too.

2024 Virtual Writers Workshops

January 23 – Tony Robles
February 26 – Ruba Ahmed
March – Amber Rose Crowtree

2023 Workshop Writers : Angela Evans, Tom Tenbrunsel, Robert Edward Miss, Kenneth Chamblee, Yasmin Mays, Shannon Yong, Jennifer McGaha, Erica Reid, Raymond McNally, Jane Waldrop, Francis Pearce, Eric Nelson, Darren Todd.

Monday Night Dance: Community contra dance
Feb 26 @ 8:15 pm – 10:30 pm
St. George's Center for Art and Spirit

Welcome to our weekly community contra dance in West Asheville!  The Monday Night Dance has been around for decades, and we are carrying the torch forward! We are a loving, kind, and safe dance community and highly encourage masking during the dance. No derogatory comments in relation to masking will be tolerated! We encourage non-maskers to mask while partnering with a dancer wearing a mask, or to at least ask if the person would like them to mask while they dance with them.


Time: Contra dancing 8:15–10:30pm, with a beginner lesson starting at 7:45 and a waltz session ending the evening.

Location: St. George’s Center for Art and Spirit, 1 School Rd., Asheville, NC 28806

Cost: $12–$45 sliding scale, CASH ONLY. Please pay as much as you can afford to cover the cost of the wonderful live music, the caller, sound person, rent, and other expenses! ATMs are available at banks on Patton Ave., as well as cash back options at local gas stations and grocery stores.

Requirements: Face masks and sign-in agreeing to the dance’s Safety Guidelines.

Please enter through the front red doors to the sanctuary. Extra parking available in the lots between Moore’s Foot and Ankle and St. George’s (please avoid parking in front of their practice.) This is a scent-free dance. Please bring your own water and water bottle. Beginners are encouraged to attend! Beginner-friendly dances start the contra dancing in lieu of a lesson.

Community Focus

The Monday Night Dance is more than just a dance; the community is deeply rooted. Folks are welcome to sell their wares, like jewelry, dance shoes, dance clothes, pottery, etc. They are also welcome to leave business cards and help wanted or work needed ads. Additionally, the Take Some Leave Some Closet is a new feature of the MND. You can take any clothes, food, produce, feminine products or first aid supplies that we have, and as you are able you can also leave some to replenish. Private times to receive from the closet can also be arranged during the week depending on to the dance organizer’s availability.


We emphasize safety here at the MND. Mask wearing is strongly encouraged, and courtesy to those choosing to mask is required. No discrimination to those wearing masks will be tolerated! In addition, this is a family and LGBTQ-friendly dance and a safe event for ALL races, ethnicities, genders, ages, shapes, and sizes. Accordingly, no discrimination, inappropriate sexually predatory behavior, racist or discriminatory comments, bullying, or verbal or physical abuse of ANY kind will be tolerated. See our Safety Guidelines for more info.

Volunteers and Donations

Ours is a dance built on volunteerism, and we need your help to survive! Please consider volunteering or becoming a patron by giving a monetary gift. Opening, door and closing help are some of the volunteer jobs available. Those completing their entire shift dance free! Email [email protected] for more info and to sign up. 

Finally, please follow, like and join us on Facebook!

Thanks so much and see you on the dance floor!

Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Getting Ahead: Women’s Empowerment Workshop
Feb 27 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
YWCA of Asheville

The YWCA’s Getting Ahead program is a part of Women’s Empowerment. Participants engage in a 16 session, 8 week course to increase awareness and resources to get out of poverty, and the program provides social support to women with lived experience to investigate the causes of poverty, the hidden rules of class, and resources needed by all. Participants assess individual situations as well as the condition of our community to achieve economic self-sufficiency. Past Getting Ahead participants say that they appreciate the “big picture” view of systemic reasons for poverty, and they are grateful for the no-judgement, safe space to talk about their experiences and concerns. Getting Ahead empowers women of all ages and backgrounds to make financial choices that positively impact themselves, their families, and their communities, and gives them the resources and support they need to make positive changes.

Getting Ahead will meet for 8 weeks on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1 – 3, beginning February 27, at the YWCA of Asheville. Participants will receive a workbook and future story portfolio to keep track of learning and goals, and a $20 stipend for each session attended. Lunch and refreshments will be provided, and child care is available upon request. Once you complete the program, you will have the support of one-on-one case management for 18 months to track personal goals.

For more information, or to apply, contact Holly Olsen, Director of Women’s Empowerment, at [email protected].

Thursday, February 29, 2024
Old Farmer’s Ball Thursday Dance
Feb 29 @ 8:00 pm – 11:00 pm
Bryson Gym Warren Wilson College

Our Thursday Dance

This dance is fragrance-free (no perfume, cologne, strong deodorant, etc.), out of respect for those with sensitivities.


  • Every Thursday night (except as indicated on the calendar)
  • Beginner lesson at 7:30 pm (advanced dancers are welcome to help out during the lesson!)
  • Dance 8 pm – 11 pm


  • Non-members: $12
  • OFB Members: $10
  • Warren Wilson community: $1

If this is your first time dancing with us, your second dance is free!

Saturday, March 2, 2024
Mar 2 @ 7:00 pm
Diana Wortham Theatre

WinterWorks : An exciting evening of dance featuring Neo Classical and Contemporary
works performed by the Ballet Conservatory of Asheville’s celebrated Professional and
Pre-professional dancers.

We had a wonderful 2023 year at BCA celebrating our 15th year. Productions included
‘Winter Works’,’Giselle’, and sold out performances of ‘The Nutcracker’ at both
Western Carolina University’s Bardo Arts Center and the Wortham Theater.

We were also very proud to announce that five of our graduated BCA students started
their professional ballet careers in top ranked ballet companies in the US, American
Ballet Theater’s Studio Company, Miami City Ballet, Ballet Tucson and Carolina Ballet.

We are excited for 2024! This season we will present ‘WinterWorks’ 2024, the
beautiful ballet ‘Paquita’ in the Spring and we will return to WCU’s Bardo Arts Center
and the Wortham Theater for ‘The Nutcracker’ in December.

The Ballet Conservatory is proud to provide their students with the best daily
training and guidance. We’re committed to connect our students with world-class
professionals to help prepare them for the challenging demands of a professional

Monday, March 4, 2024
Monday Night Dance: Community contra dance
Mar 4 @ 8:15 pm – 10:30 pm
St. George's Center for Art and Spirit

Welcome to our weekly community contra dance in West Asheville!  The Monday Night Dance has been around for decades, and we are carrying the torch forward! We are a loving, kind, and safe dance community and highly encourage masking during the dance. No derogatory comments in relation to masking will be tolerated! We encourage non-maskers to mask while partnering with a dancer wearing a mask, or to at least ask if the person would like them to mask while they dance with them.


Time: Contra dancing 8:15–10:30pm, with a beginner lesson starting at 7:45 and a waltz session ending the evening.

Location: St. George’s Center for Art and Spirit, 1 School Rd., Asheville, NC 28806

Cost: $12–$45 sliding scale, CASH ONLY. Please pay as much as you can afford to cover the cost of the wonderful live music, the caller, sound person, rent, and other expenses! ATMs are available at banks on Patton Ave., as well as cash back options at local gas stations and grocery stores.

Requirements: Face masks and sign-in agreeing to the dance’s Safety Guidelines.

Please enter through the front red doors to the sanctuary. Extra parking available in the lots between Moore’s Foot and Ankle and St. George’s (please avoid parking in front of their practice.) This is a scent-free dance. Please bring your own water and water bottle. Beginners are encouraged to attend! Beginner-friendly dances start the contra dancing in lieu of a lesson.

Community Focus

The Monday Night Dance is more than just a dance; the community is deeply rooted. Folks are welcome to sell their wares, like jewelry, dance shoes, dance clothes, pottery, etc. They are also welcome to leave business cards and help wanted or work needed ads. Additionally, the Take Some Leave Some Closet is a new feature of the MND. You can take any clothes, food, produce, feminine products or first aid supplies that we have, and as you are able you can also leave some to replenish. Private times to receive from the closet can also be arranged during the week depending on to the dance organizer’s availability.


We emphasize safety here at the MND. Mask wearing is strongly encouraged, and courtesy to those choosing to mask is required. No discrimination to those wearing masks will be tolerated! In addition, this is a family and LGBTQ-friendly dance and a safe event for ALL races, ethnicities, genders, ages, shapes, and sizes. Accordingly, no discrimination, inappropriate sexually predatory behavior, racist or discriminatory comments, bullying, or verbal or physical abuse of ANY kind will be tolerated. See our Safety Guidelines for more info.

Volunteers and Donations

Ours is a dance built on volunteerism, and we need your help to survive! Please consider volunteering or becoming a patron by giving a monetary gift. Opening, door and closing help are some of the volunteer jobs available. Those completing their entire shift dance free! Email [email protected] for more info and to sign up. 

Finally, please follow, like and join us on Facebook!

Thanks so much and see you on the dance floor!

Wednesday, March 6, 2024
Westie Wednesdays at Continuum ft. Ryan Pflumm
Mar 6 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Help us relaunch the Westie scene in a premier venue showcasing spacious dance floors, high ceilings, and a vintage vibe. If you are new to West Coast Swing, come check out for yourself the popular dance style that can be done to a wide variety of music, including pop, country, blues, and contemporary music! For those looking to advance their skills, the Hendersonville WCS community is excited to welcome Pro Instructor Ryan Pflumm to Continuum!

As always, the dress is casual and no partner is needed. Join us for an incredible night of connecting and dancing with our MONTHLY event every FIRST Wednesday!

If you would like to book a private lesson with Ryan for $75 per hour, please message Continuum with the following:

  1. Which timeslot(s)
  2. number of people attending
    first come, first served

7:00-8:00pm Intermediate w/ Ryan Pflumm!
7:00-8:00pm Beginner w/ Rachel Harris
8:00-10:00pm Social Dance

Each class is $10 and includes a pass to the social dance. The social dance is $7 without a lesson. Music will be DJ’d by Pro Instructor Ryan Pflumm.

Bring your own beer/wine. Liquor and other beverages above 16% alcohol content are strictly prohibited.

Masks are encouraged but, not required.

Cash, cards, Venmo, PayPal, and Cash app are accepted.

Thursday, March 7, 2024
Old Farmer’s Ball Thursday Dance
Mar 7 @ 8:00 pm – 11:00 pm
Bryson Gym Warren Wilson College

Our Thursday Dance

This dance is fragrance-free (no perfume, cologne, strong deodorant, etc.), out of respect for those with sensitivities.


  • Every Thursday night (except as indicated on the calendar)
  • Beginner lesson at 7:30 pm (advanced dancers are welcome to help out during the lesson!)
  • Dance 8 pm – 11 pm


  • Non-members: $12
  • OFB Members: $10
  • Warren Wilson community: $1

If this is your first time dancing with us, your second dance is free!

Friday, March 8, 2024
Perennials + Dahlias
Mar 8 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Bullington Gardens

Learn about the basics of perennial and dahlia culture. What is a perennial and what makes them special in the garden? How can you get free plants from your current perennials? These questions and so much more will be covered. We will also have a demo on how to divide perennials. Presented by Isaac Wyatt, Agricultural Program Assistant with Henderson County Extension, will teach the basics of perennial and dahlia culture.

One Leg Up – D’jango jazz and acoustic swing group
Mar 8 @ 8:00 pm – 10:30 pm
One Leg Up – Asheville’s original D’jango jazz and acoustic swing group has awakened from covid slumber with a new member and a renewed desire to bring the swing to the Cork & Keg. Come hear and dance to Jim Tanner, Zack Page, Steve Trismen, and Andrew Lawnciak playing that gypsy jazz!
Formed in 2003 as a “String Swing” band in the style of famed French gypsy guitarist Django Reinhardt. Based in Asheville, One Leg Up performs a vibrant mixture of upbeat Gypsy Jazz, Latin, Swing and original jazz compositions and is a favorite of club, concert, and festival stages throughout the southeastern United States.
$8.00 / 2 for $15.00 at the door.
8:00 start.
Saturday, March 9, 2024
Kid Hop Hooray!
Mar 9 @ 10:00 am
The Orange Peel
Open Floor Dance Party for Kids with Live DJ: DJ Oso Rey!
Drop in anytime.
Playing family-friendly dance music for family wintertime fun/
There will be FREE Glow accessories for your little dancers, plenty of room to run, dance, and get their sillies out while it’s cold outside, and snacks for purchase the Hop Ice Creamery!  And of course, The Orange Peel bar will be open for mom and dad’s refreshments (and/or kids‘ juice boxes)
Padded area available for crawlers and new walkers to play and explore.
12 and under are only $2 (babies under 2 years old are free) and everyone else is $6.

Ticket price includes applicable sales tax.

Ceili at Studio 55
Mar 9 @ 3:00 pm
Asheville Performing Arts Academy

In addition to seeing live performances by CAID and Asheville Beer Choir, Heather will teach and call some traditional ceili dances for anyone in the audience to come up and participate. Limited seating- will sell out. Get your tickets today!

This showcase is BYOB. Water, Sodas, and Concessions will be for sale.

Dance Your Decade – Dance Party Supporting Reproductive Rights
Mar 9 @ 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm
The Orange Peel

Dance Your Decade: Dance Party Supporting Reproductive Rights!


Join us March 9th at the Orange Peel for a good ole’ fashioned Dance Party with special guest DJ Molli Party!

Here’s how it works: You donate to help Julie break the supermajority and she’ll donate half of the proceeds from this event to Planned Parenthood!

Host Committee in Formation:

Senator Julie Mayfield

Nikki Harris

Katina Turner

Ellen Helms

Representative Lindsey Prather

Councilwoman Maggie Ullman

Commissioner Amanda Edwards

Hannah Cole

Melissa Booth

Anne Keller

Donna Clausen

Natalie Dorsey

Zoe Schumacher

Maryanne Rackoff

Kathie Kline

Linda Tatsapaugh

Anne Winter

Julie Harrison

Linda Cook

Jayne Abbot

Anne Callison Stokely

Bess Baird

David Joe Miller

Bernice Landis

Joanne Kalp

Steven Baumohl

Bob & Lynn Kieffer

Linda Cook

Linda Stover

Stacy Mullins

Dan & Melissa Jacobs

Sunday, March 10, 2024
English Country Dance
Mar 10 @ 3:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Harvest House Community Center

Our mission is to bring joy to our community by cultivating folk and social dance and music traditions.

Our vision is of people coming together to experience the joy of dance and music.

Monday, March 11, 2024
Adult Classes at the Wortham Center
Mar 11 all-day
Diana Wortham Theatre

Classes at the Wortham

Prioritize your health and wellness with a revolving series of ongoing classes for lifelong learners in yoga, dance, theatre, and more.

Classes are held in the Henry LaBrun Studio at the Wortham Center at 18 Biltmore Ave. Please access the front courtyard from the breezeway by White Duck Taco. Signs will then direct you to the studio door to the left. Parking information can be found here.

2024 Classes

Gentle Yoga - Open Level
Open Level Contemporary with Stewart/Owen Dance. Wednesdays, January 10–April 24, 8:15–9:30 a.m.
Intermediate Contemporary with Stewart/Owen Dance. Wednesdays, January 10–April 24, 6–7:30 p.m.
Monday Night Dance: Community contra dance
Mar 11 @ 8:15 pm – 10:30 pm
St. George's Center for Art and Spirit

Welcome to our weekly community contra dance in West Asheville!  The Monday Night Dance has been around for decades, and we are carrying the torch forward! We are a loving, kind, and safe dance community and highly encourage masking during the dance. No derogatory comments in relation to masking will be tolerated! We encourage non-maskers to mask while partnering with a dancer wearing a mask, or to at least ask if the person would like them to mask while they dance with them.


Time: Contra dancing 8:15–10:30pm, with a beginner lesson starting at 7:45 and a waltz session ending the evening.

Location: St. George’s Center for Art and Spirit, 1 School Rd., Asheville, NC 28806

Cost: $12–$45 sliding scale, CASH ONLY. Please pay as much as you can afford to cover the cost of the wonderful live music, the caller, sound person, rent, and other expenses! ATMs are available at banks on Patton Ave., as well as cash back options at local gas stations and grocery stores.

Requirements: Face masks and sign-in agreeing to the dance’s Safety Guidelines.

Please enter through the front red doors to the sanctuary. Extra parking available in the lots between Moore’s Foot and Ankle and St. George’s (please avoid parking in front of their practice.) This is a scent-free dance. Please bring your own water and water bottle. Beginners are encouraged to attend! Beginner-friendly dances start the contra dancing in lieu of a lesson.

Community Focus

The Monday Night Dance is more than just a dance; the community is deeply rooted. Folks are welcome to sell their wares, like jewelry, dance shoes, dance clothes, pottery, etc. They are also welcome to leave business cards and help wanted or work needed ads. Additionally, the Take Some Leave Some Closet is a new feature of the MND. You can take any clothes, food, produce, feminine products or first aid supplies that we have, and as you are able you can also leave some to replenish. Private times to receive from the closet can also be arranged during the week depending on to the dance organizer’s availability.


We emphasize safety here at the MND. Mask wearing is strongly encouraged, and courtesy to those choosing to mask is required. No discrimination to those wearing masks will be tolerated! In addition, this is a family and LGBTQ-friendly dance and a safe event for ALL races, ethnicities, genders, ages, shapes, and sizes. Accordingly, no discrimination, inappropriate sexually predatory behavior, racist or discriminatory comments, bullying, or verbal or physical abuse of ANY kind will be tolerated. See our Safety Guidelines for more info.

Volunteers and Donations

Ours is a dance built on volunteerism, and we need your help to survive! Please consider volunteering or becoming a patron by giving a monetary gift. Opening, door and closing help are some of the volunteer jobs available. Those completing their entire shift dance free! Email [email protected] for more info and to sign up. 

Finally, please follow, like and join us on Facebook!

Thanks so much and see you on the dance floor!

Thursday, March 14, 2024
Adult Classes at the Wortham Center
Mar 14 all-day
Diana Wortham Theatre

Classes at the Wortham

Prioritize your health and wellness with a revolving series of ongoing classes for lifelong learners in yoga, dance, theatre, and more.

Classes are held in the Henry LaBrun Studio at the Wortham Center at 18 Biltmore Ave. Please access the front courtyard from the breezeway by White Duck Taco. Signs will then direct you to the studio door to the left. Parking information can be found here.

2024 Classes

Gentle Yoga - Open Level
Open Level Contemporary with Stewart/Owen Dance. Wednesdays, January 10–April 24, 8:15–9:30 a.m.
Intermediate Contemporary with Stewart/Owen Dance. Wednesdays, January 10–April 24, 6–7:30 p.m.
Old Farmer’s Ball Thursday Dance
Mar 14 @ 8:00 pm – 11:00 pm
Bryson Gym Warren Wilson College

Our Thursday Dance

This dance is fragrance-free (no perfume, cologne, strong deodorant, etc.), out of respect for those with sensitivities.


  • Every Thursday night (except as indicated on the calendar)
  • Beginner lesson at 7:30 pm (advanced dancers are welcome to help out during the lesson!)
  • Dance 8 pm – 11 pm


  • Non-members: $12
  • OFB Members: $10
  • Warren Wilson community: $1

If this is your first time dancing with us, your second dance is free!

Friday, March 15, 2024
Adult Classes at the Wortham Center
Mar 15 all-day
Diana Wortham Theatre

Classes at the Wortham

Prioritize your health and wellness with a revolving series of ongoing classes for lifelong learners in yoga, dance, theatre, and more.

Classes are held in the Henry LaBrun Studio at the Wortham Center at 18 Biltmore Ave. Please access the front courtyard from the breezeway by White Duck Taco. Signs will then direct you to the studio door to the left. Parking information can be found here.

2024 Classes

Gentle Yoga - Open Level
Open Level Contemporary with Stewart/Owen Dance. Wednesdays, January 10–April 24, 8:15–9:30 a.m.
Intermediate Contemporary with Stewart/Owen Dance. Wednesdays, January 10–April 24, 6–7:30 p.m.
Saturday, March 16, 2024
Adult Classes at the Wortham Center
Mar 16 all-day
Diana Wortham Theatre

Classes at the Wortham

Prioritize your health and wellness with a revolving series of ongoing classes for lifelong learners in yoga, dance, theatre, and more.

Classes are held in the Henry LaBrun Studio at the Wortham Center at 18 Biltmore Ave. Please access the front courtyard from the breezeway by White Duck Taco. Signs will then direct you to the studio door to the left. Parking information can be found here.

2024 Classes

Gentle Yoga - Open Level
Open Level Contemporary with Stewart/Owen Dance. Wednesdays, January 10–April 24, 8:15–9:30 a.m.
Intermediate Contemporary with Stewart/Owen Dance. Wednesdays, January 10–April 24, 6–7:30 p.m.
Firefly Gathering’s Spring Equinox Mini-Fly
Mar 16 @ 4:00 pm
One World Brewing West

Celebrate the start of Spring with Firefly Gathering! Join us in the daytime for Earthskills demos, live music, and local flavors, then dance the night away with our after-hour DJ sets. Learn more and get your tickets today at www.fireflygathering.org

Full Description:

Tickets are going fast for this community celebration! This experience shares a taste of everything that Firefly is known for: earthskills, expert instructors, live music, local flavors…and ample time to dance! With day and night-time offerings, this Mini-Fly has something for everyone.

Bring the whole family during the day for Earthskill demos with our expert instructors, and enjoy live music, a traditional Cherokee Indian dinner, and all the craft beverages that One World Brewing has to offer while you’re there (dinner and drinks available for purchase from vendors)! As the sun goes down, bust out those dancing shoes and join us for our DJ Dance Party with DJ Lakesolace from 8pm – 10pm and DJ Meticulus from 10pm – 12pm (21+ ONLY).

Our ticket options give you the flexibility to join for all or part of the event, with full event tickets starting at just $29. Join us on March 16th at One World Brewing West through the ticket link below. We can’t wait to dance in the Equinox with you!

Additional Info:

Here’s our schedule for the day:

4PM – 7PM: Earthskills Demos with Grant Adkisson, Josh Barnwell, Jessica Kaufman, Tyler Lavenburg and Luke McLaughlin.
5PM – 8:30PM: Traditional Cherokee Indian Dinner (available for purchase at the event; sliding scale $20-40)
6:30PM – 8PM: Live Music Set with Auram
8PM – 12AM: DJ Dance Party (21+ only)

Sunday, March 17, 2024
Adult Classes at the Wortham Center
Mar 17 all-day
Diana Wortham Theatre

Classes at the Wortham

Prioritize your health and wellness with a revolving series of ongoing classes for lifelong learners in yoga, dance, theatre, and more.

Classes are held in the Henry LaBrun Studio at the Wortham Center at 18 Biltmore Ave. Please access the front courtyard from the breezeway by White Duck Taco. Signs will then direct you to the studio door to the left. Parking information can be found here.

2024 Classes

Gentle Yoga - Open Level
Open Level Contemporary with Stewart/Owen Dance. Wednesdays, January 10–April 24, 8:15–9:30 a.m.
Intermediate Contemporary with Stewart/Owen Dance. Wednesdays, January 10–April 24, 6–7:30 p.m.
Family Dance
Mar 17 @ 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Harvest House Community Center

Old Farmer’s Ball hosts family dances and waltzes at the Harvest House Community Center.

Mission & Vision

Our mission is to bring joy to our community by cultivating folk and social dance and music traditions.

Our vision is of people coming together to experience the joy of dance and music.


  • Welcoming – A safe and inviting space for dancers, musicians, and callers.
  • Community – We value respect, inclusiveness, diversity, consent, and multigenerational interaction.
  • Ownership – Volunteer investment in the organization.
  • Joy/Smiles – Presence in the moment.
  • Development – Artistic growth and skill of callers, musicians, and dancers.
Monday, March 18, 2024
Healing Sound Bath + Meditation
Mar 18 @ 6:30 pm
Happy Body

Join us as we embrace the arrival of spring with our Sound Bath and Meditation Workshop. Awaken your senses, align your spirit, and embrace the renewal of the season. Reserve your spot now for an evening of deep relaxation and inner harmony.

· Cacao Ceremony

· Meditation and Journaling

· Healing Sound Bath

Happy Body Biltmore Village – 25 Reed St. Suite 210 – $49pp