Upcoming events and things to do in Asheville, NC. Below is a list of events for festivals, concerts, art exhibitions, group meetups and more.

Interested in adding an event to our calendar? Please click the green “Post Your Event” button below.

Friday, January 19, 2024
Asheville Black Cultural Heritage Trail
Jan 19 all-day
Asheville Area

Explore the Rich Heritage of Black Communities in Asheville

The Asheville Black Cultural Heritage Trail leads visitors through three areas of Asheville: Downtown, Southside, and the River Area. The entire trail takes approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes to walk and read.

Reflecting on Community Resolve

Did you know that Black people helped create this region’s first non-Indigenous households? Did you know that Black people helped build Asheville and connected Asheville globally? Black entrepreneurs created thriving business districts. Black families cultivated close-knit neighborhoods. Black people from all backgrounds built resilient communities and fostered social change.

Immerse yourself in the history and heroism of Black Ashevillians by walking the Asheville Black Cultural Heritage Trail. Deepen your understanding with articles, videos, and more resources available here on the trail’s website.

Follow the Trail

Experience this trail in pieces as you explore Asheville or start at one of our three introduction kiosks to learn more about how Black people in Asheville negotiated landscapes of unequal power to build resilient communities and foster social change.

BCAlerts From CodeRED
Jan 19 all-day
Stay informed. Get emergency notifications and general Buncombe County information on your smartphone, telephone, or email.
Sign up for BCAlerts today

Here is what you need to know.

What is CodeRED?

Along with emergency and critical messages, the CodeRED notification system will also enhance community engagement via the release of important but non-emergency information such as vaccine site notifications, inclement weather closures and schedule changes, and other county service information.

Sign up for BC Alerts by texting BCAlert(not case sensitive) to 99411 or visit to sign up for the new system. If residents have previously signed up for Nixle BC Alerts, they will need to re-register in order to continue receiving notifications after June 30.

Alerts to choose from:

  • Emergency
  • General
    • Recreation Services
    • Election Reminders
    • Governing
  • Weather

NOTICE: For CodeRED support, please call 1-866-939-0911. For all other questions email [email protected].

Growing Minds Farm to School  Mini-Grant
Jan 19 all-day
online w/ ASAP’s Growing Minds

Growing Minds Farm to School Funding Opportunities

We want to help fund your farm to school project in Western North Carolina! Mini-grants are available for schools to engage children in the following farm to school experiences:

  • Local food taste tests & cooking demonstrations
  • Incorporating local food into meals or snacks
  • Farm field trips or farmer visits to preschools and classrooms
  • Growing edible gardens

Funding can be used to start new projects, or to expand upon existing activities.

Pre-k through 12 schools and homeschool groups are eligible to apply. Schools must be located throughout our 23 westernmost counties of North Carolina. 

  • Smoky Mountains, NC: Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Haywood, Jackson, Macon, Swain
  • Southern Mountains, NC: Henderson, Polk, Transylvania
  • Central Mountains, NC: Buncombe, Madison, Yancey
  • Foothills, NC: Burke, Caldwell, McDowell, Rutherford
  • High Country, NC: Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Mitchell, Watauga, Wilkes

Growing Minds 2023-24 Farm to School / Preschool Funding

ASAP’s Growing Minds mini-grants help early childhood education (ECE) centers and K-12 schools provide children positive experiences with healthy local foods through these components of farm to school: school gardens, farm field trips and farmer classroom visits, and local foods served in meals, snacks, and/or taste tests.

Mini-grant applications are available three times during the 2023-2024 school year. You may apply one time during this cycle. The amount awarded will be based on availability of funding, number of applicants, and the scope of your project. Mini-grants must be used within a year after receiving the funding.

Applications are due by: January 31, 2024 or March 29, 2024. Funding will be awarded by the 15th of the following month.       

If you have questions about your eligibility to apply for funding, please email us at [email protected] before submitting your application. We are unable to provide mini-grants to schools located outside of our 23-county service area or to folks who have received a grant from us within the past year. 

Qualify Free: Vaccination and Testing, Screening Cervical Cancer
Jan 19 all-day

More than 14,000 women in the United States are diagnosed with invasive cervical cancer each year, but the disease is preventable with vaccination and appropriate screening.

January is Cervical Health Awareness Month, a time to learn more about cervical health and cervical cancer prevention and take steps to help eliminate this preventable cancer.

The two most important tools to remember when it comes to cervical health are vaccination and testing.


The HPV vaccine has been around since 2006. In that time, rates of cervical cancer incidence have dropped significantly among vaccinated women. One study from Sweden looked at 11 years (2006 through 2017) and found 90% reduction in cervical cancer incidence compared with the incidence in women who had not been vaccinated.

HPV vaccines help prevent infection from both high-risk HPV types that can lead to cervical cancer and low-risk types that cause genital warts.

The CDC recommends all boys and girls get HPV vaccine at age 11 or 12. The vaccine produces a stronger immune response when taken during the preteen years. For this reason, up until age 14, only two doses are the vaccine are required. Women and men can get the vaccine up to age 45 but for those 15 and older, a full three-dose series is needed.

You can get the vaccine at your doctor’s office or the Buncombe County Health and Human Services Department at 40 Coxe Avenue in Asheville.

Learn more about the HPV vaccine here.


The goal of cervical cancer screening—Pap tests and HPV tests—is to find problems, like cell changes, so they can be treated before they turn into cancer.

The traditional test for early detection has been the Pap test. For women aged 30 and over, an HPV test is also recommended. HPV tests can find any of the high-risk types of HPV that are commonly found in cervical cancer.

Women should start screening with the Pap test at age 21, according to current guidelines for cervical cancer screening.

Starting at age 30, women have three options available for screening:

  • A Pap test alone every three years.
  • Co-testing with a Pap and HPV test, every five years.
  • An HPV test alone, every five years.

Depending on the results of the Pap and/or HPV tests, a healthcare provider may recommend additional screening or procedures, so some women may be screened more often.

After age 65, women older than 65 who have had adequate prior screening and are not otherwise at high risk can stop screening. Women who have had a hysterectomy (with removal of the cervix) also do not need to be screened, unless they have a have a history of a high-grade precancerous lesions.

To learn more about each type of screening, click here.

Breast And Cervical Cancer Control Program (BCCCP)

The Buncombe County Health and Human Services BCCCP is a program serving women and transgender people providing free chest and cervical exams, pap smears and HPV testing, and mammograms. This program is open to those:

To learn more about eligibility or schedule an appointment, call (828) 250-6006.

School Garden Grants
Jan 19 all-day

Extension Master GardenerSM Volunteers of Buncombe County are happy to announce for the seventeenth year we are offering School Garden Grants to Asheville City and Buncombe County public schools, including state charter schools.

We provide a notice of the application period along with instructions to all school principals, elementary through senior high. Additional information is available on our websitebuncombemastergardener.org where you can learn more about the guidelines for receiving a grant and get access to the online 2024 School Garden Grants Application.

All applications must be completed online. Completed applications will be accepted beginning January 12, 2024, and must be submitted no later than 9 p.m. on February 15, 2024. If you have any questions, please call the Extension Office at 828-255-5522.

We are proud of our partnership with Asheville City and Buncombe County public schools. Since 2007, we have awarded 60 School Garden Grants totaling over $47,000. These grants have involved more than 17,500 students and hundreds of teachers, parents, and community volunteers.

School gardens grow more than plants. They grow imagination and creativity. They make math and science come alive, and they build community. We hope your school will join us in 2024.

Click on the link below to review the guidelines for school garden grants:
Guidelines for 2024 School Garden Grants


Student Soil + Water Scholarship
Jan 19 all-day

Buncombe County students interested in entering the field of conservation, agriculture or another natural resource program can win a $1,000 scholarship from The Buncombe Soil & Water Conservation District.

The William Hamilton Memorial Scholarship will provide a student with money to go towards their studies. Eligible students must attend or plan to attend an accredited college or university and must submit a proposal for a volunteer conservation project in Buncombe County.

One winner will be selected by a committee of Buncombe Soil & Water Conservation District staff and Supervisors and the funds will be dispersed directly to the institution upon completion of the volunteer project.

Scholarship Timeline:

February 28, 2024 – Deadline to apply

April 11, 2024 – Winning applicant announced

June 30, 2024 – Deadline to complete volunteer project

July 11, 2024 – Presentation to the Board, award dispersed

The winner is also expected to attend a Buncombe County Soil and Water Conservation District Board meeting to present the results of their project and accept their scholarship.

Find the application below. Completed applications and questions can be sent to [email protected].

The application can also be mailed to:
Buncombe Soil & Water Conservation District
Attn: Jen Knight and Rose Wall
49 Mount Carmel Road
Asheville NC, 28806

Winter Bingo Challenge!
Jan 19 all-day
Swannanoa Library

Come pick up a bingo card and do the many HARD tasks (like taking a nap or reading a book). One row gets you a fun sticker. Three rows and you’re entered for our grand prize drawing.

Saturday, January 20, 2024
Asheville Black Cultural Heritage Trail
Jan 20 all-day
Asheville Area

Explore the Rich Heritage of Black Communities in Asheville

The Asheville Black Cultural Heritage Trail leads visitors through three areas of Asheville: Downtown, Southside, and the River Area. The entire trail takes approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes to walk and read.

Reflecting on Community Resolve

Did you know that Black people helped create this region’s first non-Indigenous households? Did you know that Black people helped build Asheville and connected Asheville globally? Black entrepreneurs created thriving business districts. Black families cultivated close-knit neighborhoods. Black people from all backgrounds built resilient communities and fostered social change.

Immerse yourself in the history and heroism of Black Ashevillians by walking the Asheville Black Cultural Heritage Trail. Deepen your understanding with articles, videos, and more resources available here on the trail’s website.

Follow the Trail

Experience this trail in pieces as you explore Asheville or start at one of our three introduction kiosks to learn more about how Black people in Asheville negotiated landscapes of unequal power to build resilient communities and foster social change.

BCAlerts From CodeRED
Jan 20 all-day
Stay informed. Get emergency notifications and general Buncombe County information on your smartphone, telephone, or email.
Sign up for BCAlerts today

Here is what you need to know.

What is CodeRED?

Along with emergency and critical messages, the CodeRED notification system will also enhance community engagement via the release of important but non-emergency information such as vaccine site notifications, inclement weather closures and schedule changes, and other county service information.

Sign up for BC Alerts by texting BCAlert(not case sensitive) to 99411 or visit to sign up for the new system. If residents have previously signed up for Nixle BC Alerts, they will need to re-register in order to continue receiving notifications after June 30.

Alerts to choose from:

  • Emergency
  • General
    • Recreation Services
    • Election Reminders
    • Governing
  • Weather

NOTICE: For CodeRED support, please call 1-866-939-0911. For all other questions email [email protected].

Growing Minds Farm to School  Mini-Grant
Jan 20 all-day
online w/ ASAP’s Growing Minds

Growing Minds Farm to School Funding Opportunities

We want to help fund your farm to school project in Western North Carolina! Mini-grants are available for schools to engage children in the following farm to school experiences:

  • Local food taste tests & cooking demonstrations
  • Incorporating local food into meals or snacks
  • Farm field trips or farmer visits to preschools and classrooms
  • Growing edible gardens

Funding can be used to start new projects, or to expand upon existing activities.

Pre-k through 12 schools and homeschool groups are eligible to apply. Schools must be located throughout our 23 westernmost counties of North Carolina. 

  • Smoky Mountains, NC: Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Haywood, Jackson, Macon, Swain
  • Southern Mountains, NC: Henderson, Polk, Transylvania
  • Central Mountains, NC: Buncombe, Madison, Yancey
  • Foothills, NC: Burke, Caldwell, McDowell, Rutherford
  • High Country, NC: Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Mitchell, Watauga, Wilkes

Growing Minds 2023-24 Farm to School / Preschool Funding

ASAP’s Growing Minds mini-grants help early childhood education (ECE) centers and K-12 schools provide children positive experiences with healthy local foods through these components of farm to school: school gardens, farm field trips and farmer classroom visits, and local foods served in meals, snacks, and/or taste tests.

Mini-grant applications are available three times during the 2023-2024 school year. You may apply one time during this cycle. The amount awarded will be based on availability of funding, number of applicants, and the scope of your project. Mini-grants must be used within a year after receiving the funding.

Applications are due by: January 31, 2024 or March 29, 2024. Funding will be awarded by the 15th of the following month.       

If you have questions about your eligibility to apply for funding, please email us at [email protected] before submitting your application. We are unable to provide mini-grants to schools located outside of our 23-county service area or to folks who have received a grant from us within the past year. 

Qualify Free: Vaccination and Testing, Screening Cervical Cancer
Jan 20 all-day

More than 14,000 women in the United States are diagnosed with invasive cervical cancer each year, but the disease is preventable with vaccination and appropriate screening.

January is Cervical Health Awareness Month, a time to learn more about cervical health and cervical cancer prevention and take steps to help eliminate this preventable cancer.

The two most important tools to remember when it comes to cervical health are vaccination and testing.


The HPV vaccine has been around since 2006. In that time, rates of cervical cancer incidence have dropped significantly among vaccinated women. One study from Sweden looked at 11 years (2006 through 2017) and found 90% reduction in cervical cancer incidence compared with the incidence in women who had not been vaccinated.

HPV vaccines help prevent infection from both high-risk HPV types that can lead to cervical cancer and low-risk types that cause genital warts.

The CDC recommends all boys and girls get HPV vaccine at age 11 or 12. The vaccine produces a stronger immune response when taken during the preteen years. For this reason, up until age 14, only two doses are the vaccine are required. Women and men can get the vaccine up to age 45 but for those 15 and older, a full three-dose series is needed.

You can get the vaccine at your doctor’s office or the Buncombe County Health and Human Services Department at 40 Coxe Avenue in Asheville.

Learn more about the HPV vaccine here.


The goal of cervical cancer screening—Pap tests and HPV tests—is to find problems, like cell changes, so they can be treated before they turn into cancer.

The traditional test for early detection has been the Pap test. For women aged 30 and over, an HPV test is also recommended. HPV tests can find any of the high-risk types of HPV that are commonly found in cervical cancer.

Women should start screening with the Pap test at age 21, according to current guidelines for cervical cancer screening.

Starting at age 30, women have three options available for screening:

  • A Pap test alone every three years.
  • Co-testing with a Pap and HPV test, every five years.
  • An HPV test alone, every five years.

Depending on the results of the Pap and/or HPV tests, a healthcare provider may recommend additional screening or procedures, so some women may be screened more often.

After age 65, women older than 65 who have had adequate prior screening and are not otherwise at high risk can stop screening. Women who have had a hysterectomy (with removal of the cervix) also do not need to be screened, unless they have a have a history of a high-grade precancerous lesions.

To learn more about each type of screening, click here.

Breast And Cervical Cancer Control Program (BCCCP)

The Buncombe County Health and Human Services BCCCP is a program serving women and transgender people providing free chest and cervical exams, pap smears and HPV testing, and mammograms. This program is open to those:

To learn more about eligibility or schedule an appointment, call (828) 250-6006.

School Garden Grants
Jan 20 all-day

Extension Master GardenerSM Volunteers of Buncombe County are happy to announce for the seventeenth year we are offering School Garden Grants to Asheville City and Buncombe County public schools, including state charter schools.

We provide a notice of the application period along with instructions to all school principals, elementary through senior high. Additional information is available on our websitebuncombemastergardener.org where you can learn more about the guidelines for receiving a grant and get access to the online 2024 School Garden Grants Application.

All applications must be completed online. Completed applications will be accepted beginning January 12, 2024, and must be submitted no later than 9 p.m. on February 15, 2024. If you have any questions, please call the Extension Office at 828-255-5522.

We are proud of our partnership with Asheville City and Buncombe County public schools. Since 2007, we have awarded 60 School Garden Grants totaling over $47,000. These grants have involved more than 17,500 students and hundreds of teachers, parents, and community volunteers.

School gardens grow more than plants. They grow imagination and creativity. They make math and science come alive, and they build community. We hope your school will join us in 2024.

Click on the link below to review the guidelines for school garden grants:
Guidelines for 2024 School Garden Grants


Winter Bingo Challenge!
Jan 20 all-day
Swannanoa Library

Come pick up a bingo card and do the many HARD tasks (like taking a nap or reading a book). One row gets you a fun sticker. Three rows and you’re entered for our grand prize drawing.

Conserving Carolina: Hope for the Hemlocks
Jan 20 @ 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Anne Elizabeth Suratt Nature Center

Learn about North Carolina’s declining hemlock trees and find out what you can do to help restore them to their previous glory. Thom Green and Olivia Hall from the Hemlock Restoration Initiative will talk about the work of their organization and share management strategies for hemlocks on your own land. For more information, see http://conservingcarolina.org/calendar.

Ghosted: Comedy Bus Tour
Jan 20 @ 7:00 pm
LaZoom Room Bar & Gorilla

Explore the dark side of Beer City on LaZoom’s Ghosted Tour!


1 hour


Come enjoy our most popular Asheville tour!


Bachelorette/Bachelor Parties are not permitted on this tour. The Fender Bender Bus is bachelorette/bachelor friendly!

Learn about Asheville’s strange, sometimes sordid past from our ghoulish guides. You’ll laugh! You’ll scream! You’ll discover mysteries and chilling tales of scandal and murder on the blood-stained streets of this picturesque town!

Ghosted runs approximately 60 minutes. Beer and wine are welcome onboard, but no open containers, and absolutely no liquor, please! All beer and wine must be purchased from the LaZoom Room. (Passengers must be at least 21 years old to drink on the bus, and must have valid ID.)

Age Restrictions

17 and up. No exceptions.

What’s Included

A bunch of bus seats
History of murders, ghosts and tragedies in the Land of the Sky
Tongue-in-cheek comedy
A live (not dead) tour guide

What’s Not Included

Bathroom breaks (It’s 60 minutes long – plan accordingly!)
Beer or Wine (Purchase at our bar, the LaZoom Room, and take on the bus)
Laughing (we’ll give you the funny, but it’s up to you to laugh)
Gratuity (guides only accept dead president currency)


If your desired time and availability is full, then please give us a call to be added to the waitlist.

Sunday, January 21, 2024
Asheville Black Cultural Heritage Trail
Jan 21 all-day
Asheville Area

Explore the Rich Heritage of Black Communities in Asheville

The Asheville Black Cultural Heritage Trail leads visitors through three areas of Asheville: Downtown, Southside, and the River Area. The entire trail takes approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes to walk and read.

Reflecting on Community Resolve

Did you know that Black people helped create this region’s first non-Indigenous households? Did you know that Black people helped build Asheville and connected Asheville globally? Black entrepreneurs created thriving business districts. Black families cultivated close-knit neighborhoods. Black people from all backgrounds built resilient communities and fostered social change.

Immerse yourself in the history and heroism of Black Ashevillians by walking the Asheville Black Cultural Heritage Trail. Deepen your understanding with articles, videos, and more resources available here on the trail’s website.

Follow the Trail

Experience this trail in pieces as you explore Asheville or start at one of our three introduction kiosks to learn more about how Black people in Asheville negotiated landscapes of unequal power to build resilient communities and foster social change.

BCAlerts From CodeRED
Jan 21 all-day
Stay informed. Get emergency notifications and general Buncombe County information on your smartphone, telephone, or email.
Sign up for BCAlerts today

Here is what you need to know.

What is CodeRED?

Along with emergency and critical messages, the CodeRED notification system will also enhance community engagement via the release of important but non-emergency information such as vaccine site notifications, inclement weather closures and schedule changes, and other county service information.

Sign up for BC Alerts by texting BCAlert(not case sensitive) to 99411 or visit to sign up for the new system. If residents have previously signed up for Nixle BC Alerts, they will need to re-register in order to continue receiving notifications after June 30.

Alerts to choose from:

  • Emergency
  • General
    • Recreation Services
    • Election Reminders
    • Governing
  • Weather

NOTICE: For CodeRED support, please call 1-866-939-0911. For all other questions email [email protected].

Growing Minds Farm to School  Mini-Grant
Jan 21 all-day
online w/ ASAP’s Growing Minds

Growing Minds Farm to School Funding Opportunities

We want to help fund your farm to school project in Western North Carolina! Mini-grants are available for schools to engage children in the following farm to school experiences:

  • Local food taste tests & cooking demonstrations
  • Incorporating local food into meals or snacks
  • Farm field trips or farmer visits to preschools and classrooms
  • Growing edible gardens

Funding can be used to start new projects, or to expand upon existing activities.

Pre-k through 12 schools and homeschool groups are eligible to apply. Schools must be located throughout our 23 westernmost counties of North Carolina. 

  • Smoky Mountains, NC: Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Haywood, Jackson, Macon, Swain
  • Southern Mountains, NC: Henderson, Polk, Transylvania
  • Central Mountains, NC: Buncombe, Madison, Yancey
  • Foothills, NC: Burke, Caldwell, McDowell, Rutherford
  • High Country, NC: Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Mitchell, Watauga, Wilkes

Growing Minds 2023-24 Farm to School / Preschool Funding

ASAP’s Growing Minds mini-grants help early childhood education (ECE) centers and K-12 schools provide children positive experiences with healthy local foods through these components of farm to school: school gardens, farm field trips and farmer classroom visits, and local foods served in meals, snacks, and/or taste tests.

Mini-grant applications are available three times during the 2023-2024 school year. You may apply one time during this cycle. The amount awarded will be based on availability of funding, number of applicants, and the scope of your project. Mini-grants must be used within a year after receiving the funding.

Applications are due by: January 31, 2024 or March 29, 2024. Funding will be awarded by the 15th of the following month.       

If you have questions about your eligibility to apply for funding, please email us at [email protected] before submitting your application. We are unable to provide mini-grants to schools located outside of our 23-county service area or to folks who have received a grant from us within the past year. 

Qualify Free: Vaccination and Testing, Screening Cervical Cancer
Jan 21 all-day

More than 14,000 women in the United States are diagnosed with invasive cervical cancer each year, but the disease is preventable with vaccination and appropriate screening.

January is Cervical Health Awareness Month, a time to learn more about cervical health and cervical cancer prevention and take steps to help eliminate this preventable cancer.

The two most important tools to remember when it comes to cervical health are vaccination and testing.


The HPV vaccine has been around since 2006. In that time, rates of cervical cancer incidence have dropped significantly among vaccinated women. One study from Sweden looked at 11 years (2006 through 2017) and found 90% reduction in cervical cancer incidence compared with the incidence in women who had not been vaccinated.

HPV vaccines help prevent infection from both high-risk HPV types that can lead to cervical cancer and low-risk types that cause genital warts.

The CDC recommends all boys and girls get HPV vaccine at age 11 or 12. The vaccine produces a stronger immune response when taken during the preteen years. For this reason, up until age 14, only two doses are the vaccine are required. Women and men can get the vaccine up to age 45 but for those 15 and older, a full three-dose series is needed.

You can get the vaccine at your doctor’s office or the Buncombe County Health and Human Services Department at 40 Coxe Avenue in Asheville.

Learn more about the HPV vaccine here.


The goal of cervical cancer screening—Pap tests and HPV tests—is to find problems, like cell changes, so they can be treated before they turn into cancer.

The traditional test for early detection has been the Pap test. For women aged 30 and over, an HPV test is also recommended. HPV tests can find any of the high-risk types of HPV that are commonly found in cervical cancer.

Women should start screening with the Pap test at age 21, according to current guidelines for cervical cancer screening.

Starting at age 30, women have three options available for screening:

  • A Pap test alone every three years.
  • Co-testing with a Pap and HPV test, every five years.
  • An HPV test alone, every five years.

Depending on the results of the Pap and/or HPV tests, a healthcare provider may recommend additional screening or procedures, so some women may be screened more often.

After age 65, women older than 65 who have had adequate prior screening and are not otherwise at high risk can stop screening. Women who have had a hysterectomy (with removal of the cervix) also do not need to be screened, unless they have a have a history of a high-grade precancerous lesions.

To learn more about each type of screening, click here.

Breast And Cervical Cancer Control Program (BCCCP)

The Buncombe County Health and Human Services BCCCP is a program serving women and transgender people providing free chest and cervical exams, pap smears and HPV testing, and mammograms. This program is open to those:

To learn more about eligibility or schedule an appointment, call (828) 250-6006.

School Garden Grants
Jan 21 all-day

Extension Master GardenerSM Volunteers of Buncombe County are happy to announce for the seventeenth year we are offering School Garden Grants to Asheville City and Buncombe County public schools, including state charter schools.

We provide a notice of the application period along with instructions to all school principals, elementary through senior high. Additional information is available on our websitebuncombemastergardener.org where you can learn more about the guidelines for receiving a grant and get access to the online 2024 School Garden Grants Application.

All applications must be completed online. Completed applications will be accepted beginning January 12, 2024, and must be submitted no later than 9 p.m. on February 15, 2024. If you have any questions, please call the Extension Office at 828-255-5522.

We are proud of our partnership with Asheville City and Buncombe County public schools. Since 2007, we have awarded 60 School Garden Grants totaling over $47,000. These grants have involved more than 17,500 students and hundreds of teachers, parents, and community volunteers.

School gardens grow more than plants. They grow imagination and creativity. They make math and science come alive, and they build community. We hope your school will join us in 2024.

Click on the link below to review the guidelines for school garden grants:
Guidelines for 2024 School Garden Grants


Winter Bingo Challenge!
Jan 21 all-day
Swannanoa Library

Come pick up a bingo card and do the many HARD tasks (like taking a nap or reading a book). One row gets you a fun sticker. Three rows and you’re entered for our grand prize drawing.

Worlds Apart: Musical Instruments from Secular to Sacred
Jan 21 @ 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Sigal Music Museum

Sigal Music Museum’s current special exhibition, Worlds Apart: Musical Instruments from Secular to Sacred, highlights items from the JoAnn and Frank Edwinn Collection, which hails from all over the world. Showing November 2023 – May 2024, Worlds Apart uses a diverse range of historical instruments, objects, and visuals to bring together musical narratives from seemingly disparate parts of the globe.


Worlds Apart: Musical Instruments from Secular to Sacred aims to increase public access to historical instruments from around the world and improve visitors’ understanding of musical traditions at the global level. Expanding beyond the typical parameters of the Western musical canon, Worlds Apart seeks to expose audiences to musical instruments and customs that are often overlooked or exotified. The instruments and other exhibit materials will offer visitors new perspectives on global music and a chance to consider how music is used for prayer and leisure in cultures around the world. By celebrating these stories, the museum intends to further its mission to collect and preserve historical musical instruments, objects, and information, which engage and enrich people of all ages through exhibits, performances, and experiential programs.


Displaying various objects from the JoAnn and Frank Edwinn Collection, Worlds Apart: Musical Instruments from Secular to Sacred focuses on international musical instruments and cultures, celebrating rites and traditions with ancient histories and contemporary legacies. Frank Edwinn, a successful basso in the mid-20th century, studied and toured internationally, eventually settling in North Carolina, where he taught music at the University of North Carolina Asheville. Throughout his life, he purchased various objects from around the world, aiming to expose students, and himself, to the wide and wonderful world of musical instruments. This impressive collection occupies a unique position for educating audiences unfamiliar with the vast scope of global music.

And, UNCA’s Ramsey Library Special Collections is now processing the Edwinn’s papers and a few recordings that will be accessible next semester!

Monday, January 22, 2024
Asheville Black Cultural Heritage Trail
Jan 22 all-day
Asheville Area

Explore the Rich Heritage of Black Communities in Asheville

The Asheville Black Cultural Heritage Trail leads visitors through three areas of Asheville: Downtown, Southside, and the River Area. The entire trail takes approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes to walk and read.

Reflecting on Community Resolve

Did you know that Black people helped create this region’s first non-Indigenous households? Did you know that Black people helped build Asheville and connected Asheville globally? Black entrepreneurs created thriving business districts. Black families cultivated close-knit neighborhoods. Black people from all backgrounds built resilient communities and fostered social change.

Immerse yourself in the history and heroism of Black Ashevillians by walking the Asheville Black Cultural Heritage Trail. Deepen your understanding with articles, videos, and more resources available here on the trail’s website.

Follow the Trail

Experience this trail in pieces as you explore Asheville or start at one of our three introduction kiosks to learn more about how Black people in Asheville negotiated landscapes of unequal power to build resilient communities and foster social change.

BCAlerts From CodeRED
Jan 22 all-day
Stay informed. Get emergency notifications and general Buncombe County information on your smartphone, telephone, or email.
Sign up for BCAlerts today

Here is what you need to know.

What is CodeRED?

Along with emergency and critical messages, the CodeRED notification system will also enhance community engagement via the release of important but non-emergency information such as vaccine site notifications, inclement weather closures and schedule changes, and other county service information.

Sign up for BC Alerts by texting BCAlert(not case sensitive) to 99411 or visit to sign up for the new system. If residents have previously signed up for Nixle BC Alerts, they will need to re-register in order to continue receiving notifications after June 30.

Alerts to choose from:

  • Emergency
  • General
    • Recreation Services
    • Election Reminders
    • Governing
  • Weather

NOTICE: For CodeRED support, please call 1-866-939-0911. For all other questions email [email protected].

Qualify Free: Vaccination and Testing, Screening Cervical Cancer
Jan 22 all-day

More than 14,000 women in the United States are diagnosed with invasive cervical cancer each year, but the disease is preventable with vaccination and appropriate screening.

January is Cervical Health Awareness Month, a time to learn more about cervical health and cervical cancer prevention and take steps to help eliminate this preventable cancer.

The two most important tools to remember when it comes to cervical health are vaccination and testing.


The HPV vaccine has been around since 2006. In that time, rates of cervical cancer incidence have dropped significantly among vaccinated women. One study from Sweden looked at 11 years (2006 through 2017) and found 90% reduction in cervical cancer incidence compared with the incidence in women who had not been vaccinated.

HPV vaccines help prevent infection from both high-risk HPV types that can lead to cervical cancer and low-risk types that cause genital warts.

The CDC recommends all boys and girls get HPV vaccine at age 11 or 12. The vaccine produces a stronger immune response when taken during the preteen years. For this reason, up until age 14, only two doses are the vaccine are required. Women and men can get the vaccine up to age 45 but for those 15 and older, a full three-dose series is needed.

You can get the vaccine at your doctor’s office or the Buncombe County Health and Human Services Department at 40 Coxe Avenue in Asheville.

Learn more about the HPV vaccine here.


The goal of cervical cancer screening—Pap tests and HPV tests—is to find problems, like cell changes, so they can be treated before they turn into cancer.

The traditional test for early detection has been the Pap test. For women aged 30 and over, an HPV test is also recommended. HPV tests can find any of the high-risk types of HPV that are commonly found in cervical cancer.

Women should start screening with the Pap test at age 21, according to current guidelines for cervical cancer screening.

Starting at age 30, women have three options available for screening:

  • A Pap test alone every three years.
  • Co-testing with a Pap and HPV test, every five years.
  • An HPV test alone, every five years.

Depending on the results of the Pap and/or HPV tests, a healthcare provider may recommend additional screening or procedures, so some women may be screened more often.

After age 65, women older than 65 who have had adequate prior screening and are not otherwise at high risk can stop screening. Women who have had a hysterectomy (with removal of the cervix) also do not need to be screened, unless they have a have a history of a high-grade precancerous lesions.

To learn more about each type of screening, click here.

Breast And Cervical Cancer Control Program (BCCCP)

The Buncombe County Health and Human Services BCCCP is a program serving women and transgender people providing free chest and cervical exams, pap smears and HPV testing, and mammograms. This program is open to those:

To learn more about eligibility or schedule an appointment, call (828) 250-6006.

School Garden Grants
Jan 22 all-day

Extension Master GardenerSM Volunteers of Buncombe County are happy to announce for the seventeenth year we are offering School Garden Grants to Asheville City and Buncombe County public schools, including state charter schools.

We provide a notice of the application period along with instructions to all school principals, elementary through senior high. Additional information is available on our websitebuncombemastergardener.org where you can learn more about the guidelines for receiving a grant and get access to the online 2024 School Garden Grants Application.

All applications must be completed online. Completed applications will be accepted beginning January 12, 2024, and must be submitted no later than 9 p.m. on February 15, 2024. If you have any questions, please call the Extension Office at 828-255-5522.

We are proud of our partnership with Asheville City and Buncombe County public schools. Since 2007, we have awarded 60 School Garden Grants totaling over $47,000. These grants have involved more than 17,500 students and hundreds of teachers, parents, and community volunteers.

School gardens grow more than plants. They grow imagination and creativity. They make math and science come alive, and they build community. We hope your school will join us in 2024.

Click on the link below to review the guidelines for school garden grants:
Guidelines for 2024 School Garden Grants


Student Soil + Water Scholarship
Jan 22 all-day

Buncombe County students interested in entering the field of conservation, agriculture or another natural resource program can win a $1,000 scholarship from The Buncombe Soil & Water Conservation District.

The William Hamilton Memorial Scholarship will provide a student with money to go towards their studies. Eligible students must attend or plan to attend an accredited college or university and must submit a proposal for a volunteer conservation project in Buncombe County.

One winner will be selected by a committee of Buncombe Soil & Water Conservation District staff and Supervisors and the funds will be dispersed directly to the institution upon completion of the volunteer project.

Scholarship Timeline:

February 28, 2024 – Deadline to apply

April 11, 2024 – Winning applicant announced

June 30, 2024 – Deadline to complete volunteer project

July 11, 2024 – Presentation to the Board, award dispersed

The winner is also expected to attend a Buncombe County Soil and Water Conservation District Board meeting to present the results of their project and accept their scholarship.

Find the application below. Completed applications and questions can be sent to [email protected].

The application can also be mailed to:
Buncombe Soil & Water Conservation District
Attn: Jen Knight and Rose Wall
49 Mount Carmel Road
Asheville NC, 28806

Winter Bingo Challenge!
Jan 22 all-day
Swannanoa Library

Come pick up a bingo card and do the many HARD tasks (like taking a nap or reading a book). One row gets you a fun sticker. Three rows and you’re entered for our grand prize drawing.

EcoExplore – Birding for Kids
Jan 22 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Swannanoa Library
  Come learn about the brilliant birds of Western North Carolina!
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Asheville Black Cultural Heritage Trail
Jan 23 all-day
Asheville Area

Explore the Rich Heritage of Black Communities in Asheville

The Asheville Black Cultural Heritage Trail leads visitors through three areas of Asheville: Downtown, Southside, and the River Area. The entire trail takes approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes to walk and read.

Reflecting on Community Resolve

Did you know that Black people helped create this region’s first non-Indigenous households? Did you know that Black people helped build Asheville and connected Asheville globally? Black entrepreneurs created thriving business districts. Black families cultivated close-knit neighborhoods. Black people from all backgrounds built resilient communities and fostered social change.

Immerse yourself in the history and heroism of Black Ashevillians by walking the Asheville Black Cultural Heritage Trail. Deepen your understanding with articles, videos, and more resources available here on the trail’s website.

Follow the Trail

Experience this trail in pieces as you explore Asheville or start at one of our three introduction kiosks to learn more about how Black people in Asheville negotiated landscapes of unequal power to build resilient communities and foster social change.