Upcoming events and things to do in Asheville, NC. Below is a list of events for festivals, concerts, art exhibitions, group meetups and more.

Interested in adding an event to our calendar? Please click the green “Post Your Event” button below.

Thursday, December 21, 2023
The Longest Night Service
Dec 21 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
First United Methodist Church

The longest night of the year happens at the time of the winter solstice. This event is for all our
friends, neighbors and visitors to the community who may be experiencing sadness or grieving a loss, and struggling to find comfort
and joy during the Advent and Christmas seasons. The Longest Night service offers a reflective, sacred space, holding out healing
and hope.


Saturday, January 27, 2024
World Harvest Presents The Commissioning
Jan 27 @ 6:30 pm
Spartanburg Memorial Auditorium

“The Commissioning” featuring

Christian Hip Hop Artist KB “Kevin Burgess”

This. Will. Be. Transformative! Come and experience a Jesus Movement that will impact the upstate in a historic way. This event exists to gather, mobilize, and empower our generation into their purpose! We believe this monumental event coming Jan 27th of 2024 will be a catalyst to reach not only the upstate but the world with the gospel. No matter where you’re in life, we want you here!

If you’re reading this, we want you to know that this event is not just a one-night moment. We’re inviting your generation into an extraordinary journey that we think will surprise you and compel you. People from all around the upstate and the world will be attending this night for many reasons.

– KB, Evangelist Jacob Ebersole, World Harvest Inc, Jesus Youth, and many other ministries, churches, missions organizations will be represented here. This is a collaboration and a gathering to respond to the need of the Upstate, the Nation, and the World.

– We believe thousands will literally be set on mission right there at the Spartanburg Memorial Auditorium. Not simply because this will be an amazing event, but because of what we will be offering you after. Young people and old will have an opportunity to partner with us on a global scale. Get your tickets fast!

– After the event in the lobby, you will have an opportunity to meet the leaders of this initiative. More importantly there will be a team present to greet you, speak with you about details, what your heart cry is, and to pray with you. Right there in the lobby you will have the opportunity to partner with World Harvest initiatives going on not just in the Upstate, but globally.

About World Harvest Inc.

World Harvest is a global missions movement set to reach every continent with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Founded by Evangelist Jacob Ebersole, who is actually from the upstate of SC – World Harvest has witnessed hundreds of thousands attend their crusades around the world. A few years ago the Herald Journey did a full story on Ebersole’s ministry which ended up on the front page of Sunday’s paper. This year, due to the impact of their campaigns, the story continues and his crusades have went viral on CBN, Christian Post, Charisma, and many more. Jacob’s heart cry has never been about social media, but about global impact. With that said, people are beginning to hear and wonder how they can be a part of this Jesus Movement as this is just the beginning.

About KB

KB for His Glory Alone! “To me, resistance carries with it a certain posture,” KB says. “The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”Three studio releases in and KB is at his creative zenith. For years, the Tampa native has been something of an outlier in hip-hop, firmly placing a thumb print on the game while invoking the power of spiritual conviction. His lyricism is impassioned and astute, and he won’t be bent against his will. Given his commanding presence and consistent output, it comes as no surprise that the world has taken notice. The track “100” from the EP of the same name, took home the Dove Award for Rap/Hip-Hop Song of the Year in 2014. And his last LP, 2015’s Tomorrow We Live, garnered both critical and commercial acclaim, earning a Stellar Award nomination for Rap/Hip-Hop Gospel CD of the Year and debuting on the Billboard charts as the No.1 Christian Album and the No. 4 Rap Album overall.

Now — with the world in a social and political frenzy—KB is redefining what rebellion truly means. Today We Rebel, his third full-length album with Reach Records, is an exercise in zeal and imagination. No-frills, no filler. Just raw, uncut transparency through and through. KB follows his artistic impulses to great effect, lending his take on terms that are dominating the cultural conversation.

About Jesus Youth

From small beginnings, Jesus Youth has been focused on building an army! Established in 2022, many of the youth in Spartanburg came together to be the youth of this generation! Joining forces, putting aside differences, and uniting  under the name of Jesus, with strategic development, counsel, and leadership, what has been built up, will forever continue to affect the youth and generations to come!! What we see here is a move of God that cannot be stopped, the transformation of lives that cannot be denied, and the call to Christ that sounds to every age, race, and ethnicity. With Love in the center, Jesus Youth is pressing forward to win many souls for the kingdom of God! Not only do we focus on saving the lost, a revival is needed for the saved! Come join us for this night of being commissioned into the harvest that has been worked on for so long!

For more information and all other general inquiries about this event, please follow the link below to contact a member of World Harvest Inc.


World Harvest Global Jesus Night In Spartanburg
Jan 27 @ 7:00 pm
Spartanburg Memorial Auditorium

World Harvest Global Inc. is an international Christian mission organization focused on fulfilling the Great Commission. We do this through large scale, city wide Gospel campaigns that have resulted in hundreds of thousands of people responding to Jesus Christ.

We are embarking on something important, historic, and thrilling – and you are seeing it right from the beginning. God is transforming the lives of people across the globe and entire city populations are encountering the Gospel through our events. Right now, the Holy Spirit has revealed a plan and infrastructure to take the gospel to every continent at large scale.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024
GriefShare Support
Mar 5 @ 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Living Savior Lutheran Church

GriefShare is a Christ-centered support group for all people
experiencing grief and loss of a loved one. The next session is scheduled to start Tuesday
afternoons beginning March 5th from 12:00 (noon) to 2:00 PM for 13-weeks and offered by
Living Savior Lutheran Church & Preschool in Asheville. No fees are required. Interested parties
can join this forum at any time through May 28th
GriefShare features nationally recognized experts on grief recovery topics. Seminar sessions
include “Is This Normal?” “The Challenges of Grief,” “Grief and Your Relationships,” “Why?”
and “Guilt and Anger.” Meetings will be held at 301 Overlook Road location in South Asheville
– off of Long Shoals Road.
For more information, email us at [email protected]. Brochures are available to distribute
in your organization.
# # #
About Living Savior Lutheran Church:
Living Savior Lutheran Church’s mission is to share the good news of Jesus Christ with all
people. Started in 1977 with two families meeting in their homes, Living Savior has grown from
a location in Hendersonville to 301 Overlook Road in South Asheville and now a second location
is planned in Hendersonville on 200 Upward Road. Living Savior serves as an important
member in the community, serving those around with camps, study, events, weddings, funerals,
baptisms and worship all centered on the love of God in Jesus Christ our Savior. He and his Word
as written are the focus of all that we do. Through our national church body – WELS, Wisconsin
Evangelical Lutheran Synod, we are able to reach people all over the world. We represent over
370,000 men, women, and children in nearly 1300 congregations in North America alone

Friday, March 15, 2024
A-Capella Christian Men’s Choir – “A Musical Celebration of Yeshua (aka JESUS)”
Mar 15 @ 7:00 pm
Weaverville First Baptist Church
Local Gospel Men’s Choir
Hominy Valley A-Capella Christian Men’s Choir – “A Musical Celebration of Yeshua (aka JESUS)” Fri. March 15th 7:00 p.m. Weaverville First Baptist Church 63 N Main St Presented by the Weaverville Music Study Club with an offering taken up for the North Buncombe Music Scholarship www.weavervillemusicstudyclub.org
Saturday, March 30, 2024
Carry Your Cross 5K
Mar 30 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Pole Creek Baptist Church

Looking to be challenged physically and spiritually?… join us for the 2024 Carry Your Cross 5K, 1K Kid’s Run, and Little Kid’s (Ages 2-5) Fun Run – Saturday, March 30, 2024.  – 5K participants carry a 4ft length of 2×4 lumber across your back for the final 2/10 of a mile – uphill! Come join us for a run that you won’t soon forget. * 5K AWARDS & AGE GROUPS Special Commemorative Awards to: * Top 3 Male/Female Overall * Top 3 Male/Female Masters [40+] * Top 3 Male/Female in the following Age Groups: * 12+ under, 13-15, 16-18, 19-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70 + KIDS 1K AWARDS to the Top 3 Male/Female Overall  Schedule Saturday – March 30th * 7:00 – 8:45    Packet Pick Up and Onsite Registration in the Family Life Center (gym). * 9:00              5K START * 9:45 +/-         Little Kids Fun Run START * 10:00 +/-       Kids 1K START * 10:30            5K Awards Ceremony

Sunday, March 31, 2024
Easter at St. John in the Wilderness
Mar 31 @ 10:00 am
St. John in the Wilderness Episcopal Church

The Episcopal Church of St. John in the Wilderness welcomes children
of all ages to participate in an Easter Egg Hunt at 10:00am on Easter Sunday, March 31. The
annual event is hosted by St. John's Young Family Ministry. Participants are encouraged to
join the fun in the Rector’s Garden and Parish Hall lawn at 1905 Greenville Highway, across
Rutledge Drive from the church. Parking is available.

"Since our founding, St. John in the Wilderness has been at the heart of fellowship and
community in Flat Rock and beyond,” said Fr. Josh Stephens, Rector. “We invite our friends
and neighbors to join us for Holy Week as we make our journey toward the cross and for
Easter Sunday as we discover that Christ is risen. We also invite children to our Easter Egg
Hunt between our worship services on Easter Sunday. We are so blessed to have such
wonderful neighbors and a beautiful place to live. It will truly be a gift to come together at
this sacred time.

Holy Week begins March 24 with Palm Sunday services at 8:45 and 11:00 a.m. A special
foot washing service is scheduled at 7:00pm on Maundy Thursday, March 28. Good Friday,
March 29 outside and leading to the church, Stations of the Cross begins at 11:00am with
Good Friday Services inside the church at 12:00pm and 5:30pm.
On Easter Sunday, March 31, services will be held at 8:45am and 11am with the Easter Egg
Hunt in between.

Friday, June 28, 2024
Kids Camp
Jun 28 @ 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
New Life Community Church

Kids Camp is a free event for children who have completed kindergarten-completed 5th grade. Each evening, the kiddos will have a time in music, games, crafts, missions, and Bible. Dinner and snacks are provided with sign-up. Camp will take place on-campus Mon-Thurs with a pool party on Friday. Individual children must be registered to attend.

Friday, July 5, 2024
2024 Yetzirah Jewish Poetry Conference
Jul 5 @ 1:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Yetzirah is hosting its second annual Jewish Poetry Conference, with readings and panel events open to the public. Tickets are avaliable for in-person and virtual attendance.
Yetzirah, the first national organization for Jewish poets, is pleased to announce the line-up for its second annual Jewish Poetry Conference featuring keynote speaker Eleanor Wilner, workshop faculty Dan Bellm, Jessica Greenbaum, and Dana Levin, and manuscript faculty Alicia Ostriker. In partnership with UNC-Asheville’s Center for Jewish Studies, July 1-7, a cohort of 36 accomplished poets from across the world will gather in the mountains of Asheville, NC, for writing workshops, discussion panels, readings, and a shared celebration of Shabbat. Founded as a nonprofit dedicated to fostering and supporting a community space for Jewish poets, Yetzirah’s additional offerings include an annual online reading series, the Discover Jewish Poets searchable database, an extensive archive of readings and conversations, and relevant publishing and community resources. Poet Hila Ratzabi, a scholar at last year’s conference, will offer a series of generative workshops open to writers of all levels of experience July 2, 3, and 5. July 2nd-5th, poetry lovers of all traditions are invited to join us for our public events either in-person, or remotely via Zoom. In addition to being live-streamed, these events will be uploaded to Yetzirah’s online archives. Registration for events is available on Yetzirah’s website.
Friday, September 13, 2024
Elevation Church AVL Reflect Watch Party
Sep 13 @ 7:00 pm
AB Tech Ferguson Center for Allied Health

We are delighted to invite you to a special gathering designed exclusively for the women of our community—Reflect: A Ladies-Only Event at Elevation Church AVL Watch Party! Join us on 9/13 at 7 PM (10 Genevieve Circle, Asheville, NC 28801) for an evening dedicated to reflection, renewal, and connection.

This event is sure to uplift and inspire each lady as we reflect on our personal journeys and celebrate our shared faith. Your presence will add a unique and cherished dimension to our gathering.

We can’t wait to share this special evening with you and experience the joy and renewal that comes from coming together in faith.

Sunday, October 6, 2024
Blessing of the Animals
Oct 6 @ 4:00 pm
Parish Hall Parking Lot of St. John in the Wilderness

Flat Rock, N.C. – The Episcopal Church of St. John in the Wilderness will offer a “Blessing of the Animals” on Sunday, October 6, at 4pm in the back parking lot located behind the Parish Hall at 1905 Greenville Highway in Flat Rock.

Furry and feathered companions are invited to this special service to receive a blessing. Cats,
dogs, snakes, chickens, horses, birds, goats, in fact all domestic animals, are welcome! As an option, a stuffed animal or pet photo may be presented to receive a blessing. Our outdoor meeting space will create a lively Eucharist for all creatures involved.

“The more time I spend in Creation, the more I feel connected to the plants and animals that surround us and the God who made it all,” said Rev. Josh Stephens, the Rector of the parish. “We know your pets and farm animals are members of your family so please come out for this special service that honors your animals and asks for God to bless and care for them as they bless and care for you.”

The service comes a few days after the annual Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, a man with a true
spirit of love and peace that could have only come from God. He turned the cerebral,
inward-leaning theology and scholasticism of the Middle Ages, on its head by his radical
commitment to living a life of poverty and service in the pattern of Jesus of Nazareth.

Those who encountered St. Francis were drawn into the peaceable Kingdom of God to know
more fully the Prince of Peace. Even animals, it is said, were attracted to his Christ-like
gentleness. In one story he preaches to a flock of birds. In another he makes peace with a wolf that had been terrorizing a village calling the creature “Brother Wolf” and reconciling him to the village.

As we thank God for the animals in our lives we pray that the reconciling work of Jesus Christ might extend beyond our relationship with God to include all creation. We hope you will join us with your animal companions for this fun outdoor worship service. In the event of rain, the service will be relocated inside the Parish Hall.

For more information call the church office at 828-693-9783 or visit www.stjohnflatrock.org.

Sunday, December 15, 2024
Asheville Nativity Exhibition “Oh Tidings of Comfort and Joy: Christmas Crèches from Around the World”
Dec 15 @ 10:00 am – 8:00 pm
First Baptist Church of Asheville

The Asheville Nativity exhibit entitled “Oh Tidings of Comfort and Joy: Christmas Crèches from Around the World” returns to First Baptist Church of Asheville December 6-15, 2024. The eighth annual Asheville Nativity exhibit is a gift to the community coordinated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and First Baptist Church of Asheville. Nativity displays may be viewed in the dining room at First Baptist Church of Asheville beginning Friday, December 6 through Sunday, December 15. The exhibit will be open to the public weekdays 5-8PM, Saturdays 10AM-8PM, and Sundays 12PM-8PM.

School groups, retirement communities, or special press visits can be arranged by emailing [email protected]. The complete schedule can be found at www.ashevillenativity.org. Over 250 Nativity scenes from around the world will be on display. This family-friendly event includes a life-size stable with costumes.

A crèche, often called a Nativity scene, is an artistic representation of the birth of Jesus Christ. While focusing on the central figures of the mother Mary and Christ Child, crèche artists often telescope time and place to bring together a host of earthly and heavenly participants—shepherds, animals, wise men, angels, and commoners.
For centuries, the crèche as an art form has flourished in homes and churches worldwide. Whether the crèche depicts 19th-century Italian villagers dressed in silks and jewels or contemporary African animal herders crafted from clay, each representation reflects the unique talents, circumstances and culture of the artist.

This exhibit is an ecumenical effort to highlight the cultural diversity of each crèche on display, while honoring and celebrating the common theme that runs throughout—the birth of Jesus.
Past events have included participation from seven different Asheville area churches and displayed over 250 unique Nativity sets from seventy countries around the world. Thousands of people attend the exhibit each year. Guest comments included: “Awesome!” “Wonderful!” “Lovely!” “Words cannot express the beauty.” “Impressive and beautifully done.”
The event is free to the public. Donations are welcome. Tax-deductible donations can be made by visiting ashevillenativity.org. More information is available on the website or by emailing [email protected]. First Baptist Church of Asheville is located at 5 Oak Street in downtown Asheville.
“Oh Tidings of Comfort and Joy: Christmas Crèches from Around the World”
First Baptist Church of Asheville, 5 Oak St, downtown Asheville
Free Admission
Weekdays: 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Saturdays: 10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Sundays: 12:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

When the Holidays Hurt
Dec 15 @ 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville

When the Holidays Hurt: The holidays can be difficult. In this season of sparkling lights, festive songs, and our communal efforts to maintain a sense of joy, it can be hard to find a quiet place that acknowledges both our collective grief and our personal struggles.

Please join UU Asheville’s Ministerial Interns and the Pastoral Care Team on December 15, 2024, at 1:30 PM in the sanctuary at 1 Edwin Place Asheville for an annual service that includes music, readings, quiet reflection and healing ritual. All are welcome.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025
The Real Bonhoeffer: Theology for Faith In Times of Crisis
Feb 12 @ 6:00 pm
First Baptist Church of Asheville

Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) was a beloved pastor and theologian whose work has blessed countless people around the world. Christians especially have cherished his practical theology, approachable writing style, and prophetic vision. This Epiphany chapel study will engage Bonhoeffer’s works to help us learn how to be faithful in times of political and social upheaval.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025
The Real Bonhoeffer: Theology for Faith In Times of Crisis
Feb 19 @ 6:00 pm
First Baptist Church of Asheville

Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) was a beloved pastor and theologian whose work has blessed countless people around the world. Christians especially have cherished his practical theology, approachable writing style, and prophetic vision. This Epiphany chapel study will engage Bonhoeffer’s works to help us learn how to be faithful in times of political and social upheaval.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025
The Real Bonhoeffer: Theology for Faith In Times of Crisis
Feb 26 @ 6:00 pm
First Baptist Church of Asheville

Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) was a beloved pastor and theologian whose work has blessed countless people around the world. Christians especially have cherished his practical theology, approachable writing style, and prophetic vision. This Epiphany chapel study will engage Bonhoeffer’s works to help us learn how to be faithful in times of political and social upheaval.

Sunday, March 30, 2025
The Thorn
Mar 30 @ 7:00 pm
Bon Secours Wellness Arena

“The Thorn,” a powerful and popular live theatrical event, seen live by over one million people, will bring the passion of Jesus to life this spring at Bon Secours Wellness Arena.

The Thorn offers audiences a unique theatrical experience in a show that has been hailed as “Cirque meets ‘The Passion’” thanks to its compelling mix of drama, music, dance, martial arts, aerial acrobatics, emotionally evocative performances, and timeless spiritual perspectives. The story spans from creation to the formation of the early church. Watch the trailer here.  For more information, please visit TheThorn.com

Author John Bolin created the show over 25 years ago to convey the meaning of Christ’s sacrificial death to a group of young people who knew little about the story of Jesus’ suffering but were familiar with pain through their own practice of cutting and self-harm.

The show has evolved ever since, with the current live version returning to the original format featuring St. John, “the beloved disciple,” recalling his many amazing encounters with Jesus.

“It’s a story full of love, sacrifice, spiritual warfare, and redemption,” said Bolin.