Upcoming events and things to do in Asheville, NC. Below is a list of events for festivals, concerts, art exhibitions, group meetups and more.

Interested in adding an event to our calendar? Please click the green “Post Your Event” button below.

Monday, October 30, 2023
Monday Night Halloween Dance
Oct 30 @ 7:45 am – 10:45 am
George’s Episcopal – West Asheville at 1 School Road, West Asheville NC 28806

The Monday Night Halloween Dance with Playing with Fyre 2: George Paul/Piano and Rob Zissette/Fiddle with Terry Doyle Calling! @ St. George’s Episcopal.

Please Enter through the Grey and Red Doors facing School Road.
The Asheville Monday Night Contra Dance is a Loving Community Dance and a wonderful Place to Learn and Grow in A Fun, Kind, Friendly, Enthusiastic, and Beautiful Environment!
LESSON: 7:45pm(ish)
Advanced Dancers are encouraged to attend to help the Newcomers!
DANCE: 8:15pm(ish) – 10:45pm(ish)
WALTZES End the Night!
– No Partner Required – Walk-Throughs taught for All Dances!
Sliding Scale Admission: $10-$40 CASH ONLY
$10 Minimum Please!
Please pay as much as You can to Support The Dance, Band, Caller, and Sound Person! Thank You!
*No One Will Be Turned Away For Lack of Funds!
*Students: $6, with Student ID
*Family & Group Rates Available
$8 Price to listen to the band(no dancing)
$8 Active Military and Veterans
To Sign Up:
Please click on the link below and check out our website for more info. :
Please bring your Friends, Share The Event
Dancing Shoes, Water Bottle,
and CASH ONLY for Entry to the dance and Tips for The Band!
Families, LGBTQ+, All Ages, Races, Ethnicities, Shapes Sizes, and Genders Welcome!
No Discrimination, Bullying, or Inappropriate Sexual Behavior
of any Kind Will Be Tolerated!
*** Sign in agreeing to Privacy Practices required! ***
*Health Note*
Please be Courteous to Those Masking
No Discrimination To Those Wearing Masks Will Be Tolerated!
If You have had COVID or have had a Cold, the Flu, or other contagious Illnesses in the past 10 days please stay home and get better! Thank You!
While at the dance Please be mindful of those having Sensitivities to Strong Scents and Chemicals that make them sick by not using Colognes, Perfumes, Essential Oils, Soaps, Body Wash, and Deodorants;
Please do not wear clothing that has been washed with Strong Scents From Detergents, Fabric Softeners, and Dryer sheets, as well as exposure to Cleaners, Chemicals, and/or Smoke of any Kind! Please use scent-free products instead! Thank You for your kindness and support regarding; Scented Products can cause folks with Sensitivities to have trouble breathing and can induce Asthmatic Attacks!
See You on The Dance Floor!
Much Peace, Love, Music, and Dancing
Organizer of The Monday Night Dance
Thursday, November 2, 2023
Old Farmer’s Ball Needs Volunteers
Nov 2 all-day
various locations

We love contra dance, and nobody gets paid for making the dances happen. We all just pitch in. You can too. Here’s how it works:

  • Help us OPEN or CLOSE, and dance for free all night long! It only takes 30 minutes to an hour.
  • Help us at the DOOR, and dance for free half the night AND another whole night!

ALSO – if you want to volunteer on a regular basis, e.g. work the early door every 3rd Thursday, tell us and we’ll set that up!

The Volunteer page on the OFB website has a convenient, easy-to-use sign-up form for each of our dances.

Kayla Birstein is our volunteer coordinator. If you have questions or ideas about volunteering, contact info is on the Volunteer page.

Volunteer Opportunities

Early Host: Arrive by 7:15, greet the sound tech, band, and caller. Get into the safe, take out the starter money, count and fill out pay-out sheet. And advise/supervise volunteers.

Openers (3 people needed): Early Arrive by 7:15 pm, check in with Early Host, sweep the hall, set up chairs, make sure the bathrooms are clean and stocked.

Early Door Person (2 people needed): Arrive by 7:30 check, in with Early Host, work when needed to take money at the door. Alternate with your other door people and Early host to switch off who sits and who dances. Goes ’til 9:00pm.

Closers (3 people needed): Job time: 10 minutes. Break down the hall, put away chairs, tables, sweep the floors, empty and take out trash. Check in with the Late Host to make sure everything is done

Late Host: Arrive by 9:30, check-in with Early Host, the pay-out form should be filled out. Dancers should pay full price until first contra after the waltz break. Count the money, do the payout, supervise breakdown and close the hall.

Friday, November 3, 2023
Old Farmer’s Ball Needs Volunteers
Nov 3 all-day
various locations

We love contra dance, and nobody gets paid for making the dances happen. We all just pitch in. You can too. Here’s how it works:

  • Help us OPEN or CLOSE, and dance for free all night long! It only takes 30 minutes to an hour.
  • Help us at the DOOR, and dance for free half the night AND another whole night!

ALSO – if you want to volunteer on a regular basis, e.g. work the early door every 3rd Thursday, tell us and we’ll set that up!

The Volunteer page on the OFB website has a convenient, easy-to-use sign-up form for each of our dances.

Kayla Birstein is our volunteer coordinator. If you have questions or ideas about volunteering, contact info is on the Volunteer page.

Volunteer Opportunities

Early Host: Arrive by 7:15, greet the sound tech, band, and caller. Get into the safe, take out the starter money, count and fill out pay-out sheet. And advise/supervise volunteers.

Openers (3 people needed): Early Arrive by 7:15 pm, check in with Early Host, sweep the hall, set up chairs, make sure the bathrooms are clean and stocked.

Early Door Person (2 people needed): Arrive by 7:30 check, in with Early Host, work when needed to take money at the door. Alternate with your other door people and Early host to switch off who sits and who dances. Goes ’til 9:00pm.

Closers (3 people needed): Job time: 10 minutes. Break down the hall, put away chairs, tables, sweep the floors, empty and take out trash. Check in with the Late Host to make sure everything is done

Late Host: Arrive by 9:30, check-in with Early Host, the pay-out form should be filled out. Dancers should pay full price until first contra after the waltz break. Count the money, do the payout, supervise breakdown and close the hall.

Saturday, November 4, 2023
Beginner Adult Tap Workshop
Nov 4 all-day
Hendersonville Theatre

Hendersonville Theatre is holding a series of tap workshops to stay on top of your newfound tap skills or to refresh your brain on the basics ahead of our Spring 2024 Tap Classes. This class is NOT for those who have never tapped before as we won’t be learning new moves, but rather refining your previously acquired skills. This workshop is for beginners with at least a minimal understanding of tap and will be a hybrid of a traditional tap class and time to work on your own with coaching from Allison.

Old Farmer’s Ball Needs Volunteers
Nov 4 all-day
various locations

We love contra dance, and nobody gets paid for making the dances happen. We all just pitch in. You can too. Here’s how it works:

  • Help us OPEN or CLOSE, and dance for free all night long! It only takes 30 minutes to an hour.
  • Help us at the DOOR, and dance for free half the night AND another whole night!

ALSO – if you want to volunteer on a regular basis, e.g. work the early door every 3rd Thursday, tell us and we’ll set that up!

The Volunteer page on the OFB website has a convenient, easy-to-use sign-up form for each of our dances.

Kayla Birstein is our volunteer coordinator. If you have questions or ideas about volunteering, contact info is on the Volunteer page.

Volunteer Opportunities

Early Host: Arrive by 7:15, greet the sound tech, band, and caller. Get into the safe, take out the starter money, count and fill out pay-out sheet. And advise/supervise volunteers.

Openers (3 people needed): Early Arrive by 7:15 pm, check in with Early Host, sweep the hall, set up chairs, make sure the bathrooms are clean and stocked.

Early Door Person (2 people needed): Arrive by 7:30 check, in with Early Host, work when needed to take money at the door. Alternate with your other door people and Early host to switch off who sits and who dances. Goes ’til 9:00pm.

Closers (3 people needed): Job time: 10 minutes. Break down the hall, put away chairs, tables, sweep the floors, empty and take out trash. Check in with the Late Host to make sure everything is done

Late Host: Arrive by 9:30, check-in with Early Host, the pay-out form should be filled out. Dancers should pay full price until first contra after the waltz break. Count the money, do the payout, supervise breakdown and close the hall.

Thursday, November 9, 2023
Old Farmer’s Ball Needs Volunteers
Nov 9 all-day
various locations

We love contra dance, and nobody gets paid for making the dances happen. We all just pitch in. You can too. Here’s how it works:

  • Help us OPEN or CLOSE, and dance for free all night long! It only takes 30 minutes to an hour.
  • Help us at the DOOR, and dance for free half the night AND another whole night!

ALSO – if you want to volunteer on a regular basis, e.g. work the early door every 3rd Thursday, tell us and we’ll set that up!

The Volunteer page on the OFB website has a convenient, easy-to-use sign-up form for each of our dances.

Kayla Birstein is our volunteer coordinator. If you have questions or ideas about volunteering, contact info is on the Volunteer page.

Volunteer Opportunities

Early Host: Arrive by 7:15, greet the sound tech, band, and caller. Get into the safe, take out the starter money, count and fill out pay-out sheet. And advise/supervise volunteers.

Openers (3 people needed): Early Arrive by 7:15 pm, check in with Early Host, sweep the hall, set up chairs, make sure the bathrooms are clean and stocked.

Early Door Person (2 people needed): Arrive by 7:30 check, in with Early Host, work when needed to take money at the door. Alternate with your other door people and Early host to switch off who sits and who dances. Goes ’til 9:00pm.

Closers (3 people needed): Job time: 10 minutes. Break down the hall, put away chairs, tables, sweep the floors, empty and take out trash. Check in with the Late Host to make sure everything is done

Late Host: Arrive by 9:30, check-in with Early Host, the pay-out form should be filled out. Dancers should pay full price until first contra after the waltz break. Count the money, do the payout, supervise breakdown and close the hall.

Friday, November 10, 2023
Old Farmer’s Ball Needs Volunteers
Nov 10 all-day
various locations

We love contra dance, and nobody gets paid for making the dances happen. We all just pitch in. You can too. Here’s how it works:

  • Help us OPEN or CLOSE, and dance for free all night long! It only takes 30 minutes to an hour.
  • Help us at the DOOR, and dance for free half the night AND another whole night!

ALSO – if you want to volunteer on a regular basis, e.g. work the early door every 3rd Thursday, tell us and we’ll set that up!

The Volunteer page on the OFB website has a convenient, easy-to-use sign-up form for each of our dances.

Kayla Birstein is our volunteer coordinator. If you have questions or ideas about volunteering, contact info is on the Volunteer page.

Volunteer Opportunities

Early Host: Arrive by 7:15, greet the sound tech, band, and caller. Get into the safe, take out the starter money, count and fill out pay-out sheet. And advise/supervise volunteers.

Openers (3 people needed): Early Arrive by 7:15 pm, check in with Early Host, sweep the hall, set up chairs, make sure the bathrooms are clean and stocked.

Early Door Person (2 people needed): Arrive by 7:30 check, in with Early Host, work when needed to take money at the door. Alternate with your other door people and Early host to switch off who sits and who dances. Goes ’til 9:00pm.

Closers (3 people needed): Job time: 10 minutes. Break down the hall, put away chairs, tables, sweep the floors, empty and take out trash. Check in with the Late Host to make sure everything is done

Late Host: Arrive by 9:30, check-in with Early Host, the pay-out form should be filled out. Dancers should pay full price until first contra after the waltz break. Count the money, do the payout, supervise breakdown and close the hall.

Tis The Dang Season: A Taylor Swift Dance Party
Nov 10 @ 8:00 pm
The Grey Eagle

ASHEVILLE SWIFTIES, living for the hope of it all? Cancel plans just in case they’d call? Come scream it out at the ultimate Taylor Swift Dance Party on Nov 10th!

Nov 10 @ 9:00 pm
The Grey Eagle



DJ playing Taylor through her eras, costume contest, lipsync battle, themed photo areas, free koozie, bracelet trading, and more!

Saturday, November 11, 2023
Old Farmer’s Ball Needs Volunteers
Nov 11 all-day
various locations

We love contra dance, and nobody gets paid for making the dances happen. We all just pitch in. You can too. Here’s how it works:

  • Help us OPEN or CLOSE, and dance for free all night long! It only takes 30 minutes to an hour.
  • Help us at the DOOR, and dance for free half the night AND another whole night!

ALSO – if you want to volunteer on a regular basis, e.g. work the early door every 3rd Thursday, tell us and we’ll set that up!

The Volunteer page on the OFB website has a convenient, easy-to-use sign-up form for each of our dances.

Kayla Birstein is our volunteer coordinator. If you have questions or ideas about volunteering, contact info is on the Volunteer page.

Volunteer Opportunities

Early Host: Arrive by 7:15, greet the sound tech, band, and caller. Get into the safe, take out the starter money, count and fill out pay-out sheet. And advise/supervise volunteers.

Openers (3 people needed): Early Arrive by 7:15 pm, check in with Early Host, sweep the hall, set up chairs, make sure the bathrooms are clean and stocked.

Early Door Person (2 people needed): Arrive by 7:30 check, in with Early Host, work when needed to take money at the door. Alternate with your other door people and Early host to switch off who sits and who dances. Goes ’til 9:00pm.

Closers (3 people needed): Job time: 10 minutes. Break down the hall, put away chairs, tables, sweep the floors, empty and take out trash. Check in with the Late Host to make sure everything is done

Late Host: Arrive by 9:30, check-in with Early Host, the pay-out form should be filled out. Dancers should pay full price until first contra after the waltz break. Count the money, do the payout, supervise breakdown and close the hall.

Thursday, November 16, 2023
Old Farmer’s Ball Needs Volunteers
Nov 16 all-day
various locations

We love contra dance, and nobody gets paid for making the dances happen. We all just pitch in. You can too. Here’s how it works:

  • Help us OPEN or CLOSE, and dance for free all night long! It only takes 30 minutes to an hour.
  • Help us at the DOOR, and dance for free half the night AND another whole night!

ALSO – if you want to volunteer on a regular basis, e.g. work the early door every 3rd Thursday, tell us and we’ll set that up!

The Volunteer page on the OFB website has a convenient, easy-to-use sign-up form for each of our dances.

Kayla Birstein is our volunteer coordinator. If you have questions or ideas about volunteering, contact info is on the Volunteer page.

Volunteer Opportunities

Early Host: Arrive by 7:15, greet the sound tech, band, and caller. Get into the safe, take out the starter money, count and fill out pay-out sheet. And advise/supervise volunteers.

Openers (3 people needed): Early Arrive by 7:15 pm, check in with Early Host, sweep the hall, set up chairs, make sure the bathrooms are clean and stocked.

Early Door Person (2 people needed): Arrive by 7:30 check, in with Early Host, work when needed to take money at the door. Alternate with your other door people and Early host to switch off who sits and who dances. Goes ’til 9:00pm.

Closers (3 people needed): Job time: 10 minutes. Break down the hall, put away chairs, tables, sweep the floors, empty and take out trash. Check in with the Late Host to make sure everything is done

Late Host: Arrive by 9:30, check-in with Early Host, the pay-out form should be filled out. Dancers should pay full price until first contra after the waltz break. Count the money, do the payout, supervise breakdown and close the hall.

Friday, November 17, 2023
Old Farmer’s Ball Needs Volunteers
Nov 17 all-day
various locations

We love contra dance, and nobody gets paid for making the dances happen. We all just pitch in. You can too. Here’s how it works:

  • Help us OPEN or CLOSE, and dance for free all night long! It only takes 30 minutes to an hour.
  • Help us at the DOOR, and dance for free half the night AND another whole night!

ALSO – if you want to volunteer on a regular basis, e.g. work the early door every 3rd Thursday, tell us and we’ll set that up!

The Volunteer page on the OFB website has a convenient, easy-to-use sign-up form for each of our dances.

Kayla Birstein is our volunteer coordinator. If you have questions or ideas about volunteering, contact info is on the Volunteer page.

Volunteer Opportunities

Early Host: Arrive by 7:15, greet the sound tech, band, and caller. Get into the safe, take out the starter money, count and fill out pay-out sheet. And advise/supervise volunteers.

Openers (3 people needed): Early Arrive by 7:15 pm, check in with Early Host, sweep the hall, set up chairs, make sure the bathrooms are clean and stocked.

Early Door Person (2 people needed): Arrive by 7:30 check, in with Early Host, work when needed to take money at the door. Alternate with your other door people and Early host to switch off who sits and who dances. Goes ’til 9:00pm.

Closers (3 people needed): Job time: 10 minutes. Break down the hall, put away chairs, tables, sweep the floors, empty and take out trash. Check in with the Late Host to make sure everything is done

Late Host: Arrive by 9:30, check-in with Early Host, the pay-out form should be filled out. Dancers should pay full price until first contra after the waltz break. Count the money, do the payout, supervise breakdown and close the hall.

Saturday, November 18, 2023
Old Farmer’s Ball Needs Volunteers
Nov 18 all-day
various locations

We love contra dance, and nobody gets paid for making the dances happen. We all just pitch in. You can too. Here’s how it works:

  • Help us OPEN or CLOSE, and dance for free all night long! It only takes 30 minutes to an hour.
  • Help us at the DOOR, and dance for free half the night AND another whole night!

ALSO – if you want to volunteer on a regular basis, e.g. work the early door every 3rd Thursday, tell us and we’ll set that up!

The Volunteer page on the OFB website has a convenient, easy-to-use sign-up form for each of our dances.

Kayla Birstein is our volunteer coordinator. If you have questions or ideas about volunteering, contact info is on the Volunteer page.

Volunteer Opportunities

Early Host: Arrive by 7:15, greet the sound tech, band, and caller. Get into the safe, take out the starter money, count and fill out pay-out sheet. And advise/supervise volunteers.

Openers (3 people needed): Early Arrive by 7:15 pm, check in with Early Host, sweep the hall, set up chairs, make sure the bathrooms are clean and stocked.

Early Door Person (2 people needed): Arrive by 7:30 check, in with Early Host, work when needed to take money at the door. Alternate with your other door people and Early host to switch off who sits and who dances. Goes ’til 9:00pm.

Closers (3 people needed): Job time: 10 minutes. Break down the hall, put away chairs, tables, sweep the floors, empty and take out trash. Check in with the Late Host to make sure everything is done

Late Host: Arrive by 9:30, check-in with Early Host, the pay-out form should be filled out. Dancers should pay full price until first contra after the waltz break. Count the money, do the payout, supervise breakdown and close the hall.

Sunday, November 19, 2023
Playful Healing Dance
Nov 19 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Asheville Integrative Psychiatry

Join Erika McClung, PMHNP and nature therapist, for movement on the land at our 16-acre sanctuary.

Shake, jump, wiggle, dance, and play to good music in good company. Similar in format to ecstatic dance, we celebrate our intentions and let the music and emotions move through our bodies in whatever way feels best to us, without judgement or expectation. Come see how healing movement can be!

Thursday, November 23, 2023
City Dance
Nov 23 @ 7:30 pm
Landmark Hal

Beginner’s workshop lesson at 7:30 P.M., then 8-11 P.M. Contra Dance with Country Waltzing at the break and the final dance. This is a partner dance but it’s not necessary to come with a partner. We have different live bands and callers.

Thursday, November 30, 2023
Old Farmer’s Ball Needs Volunteers
Nov 30 all-day
various locations

We love contra dance, and nobody gets paid for making the dances happen. We all just pitch in. You can too. Here’s how it works:

  • Help us OPEN or CLOSE, and dance for free all night long! It only takes 30 minutes to an hour.
  • Help us at the DOOR, and dance for free half the night AND another whole night!

ALSO – if you want to volunteer on a regular basis, e.g. work the early door every 3rd Thursday, tell us and we’ll set that up!

The Volunteer page on the OFB website has a convenient, easy-to-use sign-up form for each of our dances.

Kayla Birstein is our volunteer coordinator. If you have questions or ideas about volunteering, contact info is on the Volunteer page.

Volunteer Opportunities

Early Host: Arrive by 7:15, greet the sound tech, band, and caller. Get into the safe, take out the starter money, count and fill out pay-out sheet. And advise/supervise volunteers.

Openers (3 people needed): Early Arrive by 7:15 pm, check in with Early Host, sweep the hall, set up chairs, make sure the bathrooms are clean and stocked.

Early Door Person (2 people needed): Arrive by 7:30 check, in with Early Host, work when needed to take money at the door. Alternate with your other door people and Early host to switch off who sits and who dances. Goes ’til 9:00pm.

Closers (3 people needed): Job time: 10 minutes. Break down the hall, put away chairs, tables, sweep the floors, empty and take out trash. Check in with the Late Host to make sure everything is done

Late Host: Arrive by 9:30, check-in with Early Host, the pay-out form should be filled out. Dancers should pay full price until first contra after the waltz break. Count the money, do the payout, supervise breakdown and close the hall.

Friday, December 1, 2023
Old Farmer’s Ball Needs Volunteers
Dec 1 all-day
various locations

We love contra dance, and nobody gets paid for making the dances happen. We all just pitch in. You can too. Here’s how it works:

  • Help us OPEN or CLOSE, and dance for free all night long! It only takes 30 minutes to an hour.
  • Help us at the DOOR, and dance for free half the night AND another whole night!

ALSO – if you want to volunteer on a regular basis, e.g. work the early door every 3rd Thursday, tell us and we’ll set that up!

The Volunteer page on the OFB website has a convenient, easy-to-use sign-up form for each of our dances.

Kayla Birstein is our volunteer coordinator. If you have questions or ideas about volunteering, contact info is on the Volunteer page.

Volunteer Opportunities

Early Host: Arrive by 7:15, greet the sound tech, band, and caller. Get into the safe, take out the starter money, count and fill out pay-out sheet. And advise/supervise volunteers.

Openers (3 people needed): Early Arrive by 7:15 pm, check in with Early Host, sweep the hall, set up chairs, make sure the bathrooms are clean and stocked.

Early Door Person (2 people needed): Arrive by 7:30 check, in with Early Host, work when needed to take money at the door. Alternate with your other door people and Early host to switch off who sits and who dances. Goes ’til 9:00pm.

Closers (3 people needed): Job time: 10 minutes. Break down the hall, put away chairs, tables, sweep the floors, empty and take out trash. Check in with the Late Host to make sure everything is done

Late Host: Arrive by 9:30, check-in with Early Host, the pay-out form should be filled out. Dancers should pay full price until first contra after the waltz break. Count the money, do the payout, supervise breakdown and close the hall.

80’s Night at the Getaway River Bar!
Dec 1 @ 10:00 pm
The Getaway River Bar

DJ Nato and DJ TacoShel will be spinning/mixing *LIVE* on Friday 12/1 at the Getaway River Bar in N. Asheville. It’s 80’s night! No cover! DJ TacoShel will be mixing Alternative 80’s and DJ Nato will be spinning vinyl.

Plenty of indoor and outdoor space! Easy parking! Great music!

DJ Nato spinning vinyl 10-11 & 12-1am
DJ TacoShel mixing alternative 80’s 11-12 & 1-2am

Saturday, December 2, 2023
Old Farmer’s Ball Needs Volunteers
Dec 2 all-day
various locations

We love contra dance, and nobody gets paid for making the dances happen. We all just pitch in. You can too. Here’s how it works:

  • Help us OPEN or CLOSE, and dance for free all night long! It only takes 30 minutes to an hour.
  • Help us at the DOOR, and dance for free half the night AND another whole night!

ALSO – if you want to volunteer on a regular basis, e.g. work the early door every 3rd Thursday, tell us and we’ll set that up!

The Volunteer page on the OFB website has a convenient, easy-to-use sign-up form for each of our dances.

Kayla Birstein is our volunteer coordinator. If you have questions or ideas about volunteering, contact info is on the Volunteer page.

Volunteer Opportunities

Early Host: Arrive by 7:15, greet the sound tech, band, and caller. Get into the safe, take out the starter money, count and fill out pay-out sheet. And advise/supervise volunteers.

Openers (3 people needed): Early Arrive by 7:15 pm, check in with Early Host, sweep the hall, set up chairs, make sure the bathrooms are clean and stocked.

Early Door Person (2 people needed): Arrive by 7:30 check, in with Early Host, work when needed to take money at the door. Alternate with your other door people and Early host to switch off who sits and who dances. Goes ’til 9:00pm.

Closers (3 people needed): Job time: 10 minutes. Break down the hall, put away chairs, tables, sweep the floors, empty and take out trash. Check in with the Late Host to make sure everything is done

Late Host: Arrive by 9:30, check-in with Early Host, the pay-out form should be filled out. Dancers should pay full price until first contra after the waltz break. Count the money, do the payout, supervise breakdown and close the hall.

Thursday, December 7, 2023
The Black, White, + Red Gala
Dec 7 all-day
Point Lookout Vineyards

Mark your calendars for Thursday, December 7th, 2023, as the Chamber welcomes you to an evening of enchantment, camaraderie, and celebration. The theme for the night is a perfect blend of classic and contemporary – a harmonious symphony of black, white, and red that will transform the venue into a visual masterpiece.

As the sun dips below the horizon, the gala will come to life with soulful melodies, setting the tone for an evening of refined enjoyment. Guests will savor a delectable dinner that tantalizes their taste buds and reflects the culinary artistry of the region. From the first bite to the last sip, your senses will be engaged in a delightful dance of flavors.

A highlight of the night will be the exhilarating live auction, where coveted treasures and experiences will be unveiled, offering an opportunity to acquire something truly exceptional while contributing to the community. And for those seeking to toast to the night, a cash bar will be at your service, ensuring that every moment is accompanied by your beverage of choice.

Tickets to the Black, White, & Red Gala are ON SALE NOW!, so secure your place at this extraordinary affair. Whether you’re attending with friends, colleagues, or loved ones, the gala is a perfect occasion to don your most elegant attire and embrace the spirit of the evening’s theme.

Join us for a night that will weave memories to cherish, celebrate the holiday season in style, and support the endeavors of the Chamber of Hickory Nut Gorge. Get ready to paint the night with sophistication, as we come together under the banner of elegance at the Black, White, & Red Gala.

Mischief Moon Gala
Dec 7 @ 5:00 pm – 11:00 pm
Asheville Masonic Temple

Invoke your imagination and dawn your most creaturely costumes at the Mischief Moon Gala! This evening of ceremony, interactive art, empowered movement, and connection is coming Thursday, December 7th, to the Asheville Masonic Temple. Head to https://www.fireflygathering.org/event/mischief-moon-gala for tickets, and see below for more details!

The Mischief Moon Gala: Thursday, December 7th from 5 – 11 pm at the Asheville Masonic Temple

Join us as we celebrate the power of creativity and community with live music from beloved artists like Holy River, Sarah Louise, and Wild Roots Rising; a community waltz with a live band (waltz class beforehand!); traditional Cherokee foods from Bigwitch Wisdom Initiative, and an entire evening of beautifully bizarre performances, installations, and offerings.

This year, we are delving into the wide world of weird, with an emphasis on the bizarre iterations of creation. Start creating your most captivating costumes as you, The Wanderer, have many adventures into the underworld and beyond soon to come!

Begin your journey in The Underworld, where we’ve curated an assortment of oddities to entertain you, including the Fae Cleaning Crew and the FerryMan. When you need to revive your spirits, journey up the Haunted Staircase to sojourn in the Realm of the Fae, where ethereal music, poetry and the Otherworldly Art Gallery & Cantina await you.

All proceeds for the Gala go toward supporting artists and fundraise for Firefly Gathering’s year-round work to empower the people of the Southeast through earthskills workshops, the Annual Firefly Gathering, and community-building events.

Friday, December 8, 2023
Dec 8 @ 7:30 pm
Peace Concert Hall

Join International Ballet and Artistic Director Vlada Kysselova as the beloved holiday classic returns to the Peace Center stage. Enjoy Tchaikovsky’s timeless score performed live by the Greenville Symphony Orchestra and be dazzled as the angelic voices of the Greenville Youth Chorale are featured as snow falls on the Concert Hall stage. No holiday season is complete without joining Clara and her Nutcracker prince as they encounter dancing snowflakes, spirited sword fights and a visit to the Kingdom of Sweets. With glittering costumes and exquisite sets, this incredible performance is not to be missed.

Saturday, December 9, 2023
Beginner Adult Tap Workshop
Dec 9 all-day
Hendersonville Theatre

Hendersonville Theatre is holding a series of tap workshops to stay on top of your newfound tap skills or to refresh your brain on the basics ahead of our Spring 2024 Tap Classes. This class is NOT for those who have never tapped before as we won’t be learning new moves, but rather refining your previously acquired skills. This workshop is for beginners with at least a minimal understanding of tap and will be a hybrid of a traditional tap class and time to work on your own with coaching from Allison.

Dec 9 @ 7:30 pm
Peace Concert Hall

Join International Ballet and Artistic Director Vlada Kysselova as the beloved holiday classic returns to the Peace Center stage. Enjoy Tchaikovsky’s timeless score performed live by the Greenville Symphony Orchestra and be dazzled as the angelic voices of the Greenville Youth Chorale are featured as snow falls on the Concert Hall stage. No holiday season is complete without joining Clara and her Nutcracker prince as they encounter dancing snowflakes, spirited sword fights and a visit to the Kingdom of Sweets. With glittering costumes and exquisite sets, this incredible performance is not to be missed.

South Carolina’s Governer’s School: WINTER DANCE PERFORMANCE
Dec 9 @ 7:30 pm
Gunter Theatre

Held at Peace Center’s Gunter Theatre, The Winter Dance Performance showcases the talented dancers from the SC Governor’s School for the Arts and Humanities. Repertoire ranges from classical ballet, modern/contemporary, and exciting jazz.

Sunday, December 10, 2023
South Carolina’s Governer’s School: WINTER DANCE PERFORMANCE
Dec 10 @ 2:00 pm
Gunter Theatre

Held at Peace Center’s Gunter Theatre, The Winter Dance Performance showcases the talented dancers from the SC Governor’s School for the Arts and Humanities. Repertoire ranges from classical ballet, modern/contemporary, and exciting jazz.

Dec 10 @ 3:00 pm
Peace Concert Hall

Join International Ballet and Artistic Director Vlada Kysselova as the beloved holiday classic returns to the Peace Center stage. Enjoy Tchaikovsky’s timeless score performed live by the Greenville Symphony Orchestra and be dazzled as the angelic voices of the Greenville Youth Chorale are featured as snow falls on the Concert Hall stage. No holiday season is complete without joining Clara and her Nutcracker prince as they encounter dancing snowflakes, spirited sword fights and a visit to the Kingdom of Sweets. With glittering costumes and exquisite sets, this incredible performance is not to be missed.

Friday, December 15, 2023
Ugly Christmas Sweater Party + live music with Caribbean Cowboys
Dec 15 @ 6:00 pm
Point Lookout Vineyards

It’s that time of year again! Dust off your most tacky Christmas sweater and head to Point Lookout for wine + some festive jams with Steve Weams – The Caribbean Cowboys Band! Prize goes to the ugliest sweater! 🎄
Dec. 15 | 6-9pm | No cover charge

Saturday, December 16, 2023
Kid Hop Hooray!
Dec 16 @ 10:00 am
The Orange Peel
Open Floor Dance Party for Kids with Live DJ: DJ Oso Rey!
Drop in anytime.
Playing family-friendly dance music for family wintertime fun/
There will be FREE Glow accessories for your little dancers, plenty of room to run, dance, and get their sillies out while it’s cold outside, and snacks for purchase the Hop Ice Creamery!  And of course, The Orange Peel bar will be open for mom and dad’s refreshments (and/or kids‘ juice boxes)
Padded area available for crawlers and new walkers to play and explore.
12 and under are only $2 (babies under 2 years old are free) and everyone else is $6.

Ticket price includes applicable sales tax.

Sunday, December 17, 2023
A Swannanoa Solstice
Dec 17 @ 2:00 pm
Wortham Center for the Performing Arts

For more than 20 years, this beloved local holiday tradition has ushered in the winter season with a joyful infusion of performances by the best and brightest artists in our region. This year, the celebration welcomes the next generation of musicians to the stage to spread seasonal warmth, magic and cheer with Celtic, American-roots and world-influenced music, rousing dance and timeless stories — illuminating winter’s darkest day with wonder and peace.

The 2023 A Swannanoa Solstice features performances by:

-John Doyle
-John Goforth
-E.J. Jones & The Piper Jones Band
-Jane Kramer
-Becky Stone
-Zoe & Cloyd