Upcoming events and things to do in Asheville, NC. Below is a list of events for festivals, concerts, art exhibitions, group meetups and more.

Interested in adding an event to our calendar? Please click the green “Post Your Event” button below.

Monday, October 2, 2023
Community Reparations Summit Free Film: Black in Asheville
Oct 2 @ 5:00 pm – 8:15 pm
Mullen & James Humanities Hall

Join the Community Reparations Commission, the City of Asheville, Buncombe County Government, and UNC Asheville’s Department of Education and Africana Studies program for a Community Reparations Summit.

Monday, October 2nd: Screening of Black in Asheville, followed by a Q&A with the Filmmaker, Todd Gragg. Hosted at the Mullen & James Humanities Hall, UNC Asheville from 5:00 – 8:30 pm. Locally black-owned food trucks will be available to attendees from 5:00-6:15 pm. Not all food trucks accept card payments, so please remember to bring some cash if you’re interested in food at this event. Doors open at 5:45 pm. Parking is available at no charge.

Thursday, October 5th: Screening of The Big Payback. Hosted at the Mullen & James Humanities Hall, UNC Asheville from 5:00 – 8:15 pm. Locally black-owned food trucks will be available to attendees from 5:00-6:15 pm. Not all food trucks accept card payments, so please remember to bring some cash if you’re interested in food at this event. Doors open at 5:45 pm. Parking is available at no charge.

Saturday, October 7th: The Community Reparations Summit program features attorney George Fatheree who helped return Bruce’s Beach, a property in Manhattan Beach (California), to the Black family who owned and lost it in the 1920s. Summit attendees will hear updates from the Community Reparations Commission’s Impact Focus Areas and in turn, provide feedback on their proposed recommendations. Attendance is limited, and registration is required. Breakfast and lunch will be provided to attendees, and parking is available at no charge. The Summit will be hosted at the Sherrill Center and Kimmel Arena, UNC Asheville Campus from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm. Doors open at 9:00 am.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023
Oct 3 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Pack Memorial Library

Join other film lovers who will unite in over 500 venues worldwide to view and judge the work of the next generation of filmmakers from around the world at the MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival. MANHATTAN SHORT is the only film festival of its kind. The Final selections screen simultaneously across the world during a one-week period, where attendees vote for Best Film and Best Actor awards at each participating venue. Every short film selected will automatically become qualified for the Oscars of 2024.

This is a free event, but tickets are required and tickets will be limited in number. To receive your tickets please visit the Pack Memorial Library service desk, phone 828-250-4700, or email [email protected].  Light refreshments will be provided. Films are appropriate for ages 14 and up.

Thursday, October 5, 2023
Community Reparations Summit Free Film: “The Big Payback”
Oct 5 @ 5:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Mullen & James Humanities Hall

Join the Community Reparations Commission, the City of Asheville, Buncombe County Government, and UNC Asheville’s Department of Education and Africana Studies program for a Community Reparations Summit.

Monday, October 2nd: Screening of Black in Asheville, followed by a Q&A with the Filmmaker, Todd Gragg. Hosted at the Mullen & James Humanities Hall, UNC Asheville from 5:00 – 8:30 pm. Locally black-owned food trucks will be available to attendees from 5:00-6:15 pm. Not all food trucks accept card payments, so please remember to bring some cash if you’re interested in food at this event. Doors open at 5:45 pm. Parking is available at no charge.

Thursday, October 5th: Screening of The Big Payback. Hosted at the Mullen & James Humanities Hall, UNC Asheville from 5:00 – 8:15 pm. Locally black-owned food trucks will be available to attendees from 5:00-6:15 pm. Not all food trucks accept card payments, so please remember to bring some cash if you’re interested in food at this event. Doors open at 5:45 pm. Parking is available at no charge.

Saturday, October 7th: The Community Reparations Summit program features attorney George Fatheree who helped return Bruce’s Beach, a property in Manhattan Beach (California), to the Black family who owned and lost it in the 1920s. Summit attendees will hear updates from the Community Reparations Commission’s Impact Focus Areas and in turn, provide feedback on their proposed recommendations. Attendance is limited, and registration is required. Breakfast and lunch will be provided to attendees, and parking is available at no charge. The Summit will be hosted at the Sherrill Center and Kimmel Arena, UNC Asheville Campus from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm. Doors open at 9:00 am.

International Fly Fishing Film Festival
Oct 5 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Asheville Community Theatre

The International Fly Fishing Film Festival (IF4), the world’s leading fly-fishing film event, is a curated collection of stories showcasing the pursuit of wild spaces and peaceful places where fish seem most willing, the water appears in its purest form and our community connects. Proceeds from ticket sales benefit Trout Unlimited

Sunday, October 8, 2023
Tryon International Film Festival
Oct 8 all-day
Tryon Theatre

Tryon International Film Festival (TRIFF) is in its 9th year of offering an amazing array of film screenings of productions from around the globe, education offerings and events in Tryon, NC. This year TRIFF will also offer passes to its first Media Arts & Education Day on October 6 for middle and high school-age youth and has expanded its Education Institute on October 7 & 8.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023
When Harry Met Sally On the Big Screen
Oct 10 @ 2:00 pm
Tryon Fine Arts Center
“When Harry Met Sally” is a timeless romantic comedy directed by Rob Reiner and released in 1989. The film revolves around the enduring question of whether men and women can truly be friends without any romantic complications. Harry Burns (played by Billy Crystal) and Sally Albright (played by Meg Ryan) meet as recent college graduates on a cross-country road trip to New York City. Their initial encounter is filled with tension and clashing personalities.

Over the course of several years, Harry and Sally run into each other at various points in their lives, each time with their own romantic challenges and personal growth. As they become close friends, they grapple with the complexities of friendship, attraction, and timing. The film explores the ups and downs of their relationship, capturing the essence of a genuine and heartfelt connection between two people who, against all odds, may just be meant for each other.

“When Harry Met Sally” is celebrated for its witty dialogue, memorable scenes, and the iconic “I’ll have what she’s having” diner moment. With its charming characters and poignant exploration of love and friendship, this film has remained a beloved classic that continues to resonate with audiences of all ages.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023
When Harry Met Sally On the Big Screen
Oct 11 @ 2:00 pm
Tryon Fine Arts Center
“When Harry Met Sally” is a timeless romantic comedy directed by Rob Reiner and released in 1989. The film revolves around the enduring question of whether men and women can truly be friends without any romantic complications. Harry Burns (played by Billy Crystal) and Sally Albright (played by Meg Ryan) meet as recent college graduates on a cross-country road trip to New York City. Their initial encounter is filled with tension and clashing personalities.

Over the course of several years, Harry and Sally run into each other at various points in their lives, each time with their own romantic challenges and personal growth. As they become close friends, they grapple with the complexities of friendship, attraction, and timing. The film explores the ups and downs of their relationship, capturing the essence of a genuine and heartfelt connection between two people who, against all odds, may just be meant for each other.

“When Harry Met Sally” is celebrated for its witty dialogue, memorable scenes, and the iconic “I’ll have what she’s having” diner moment. With its charming characters and poignant exploration of love and friendship, this film has remained a beloved classic that continues to resonate with audiences of all ages.

Thursday, October 19, 2023
Lecture and Film Screening: Oskar Schlemmer’s Bauhaus Dances with Debra McCall
Oct 19 @ 7:00 pm
Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center


Still from McCall’s Bauhaus Dances, Formentanz (Form Dance), photo by Debra McCall.

The Lecture and Film: Bauhaus Dances

As Master of the Theater Workshop at the Dessau Bauhaus in the 1920s, Oskar Schlemmer delivered a series of avant-garde lecture dances on the body in space, his lifelong opus. Schlemmer’s revolutionary ideas for a humanistic theater in the new technology age were transported to the US  with the arrival of Bauhauslers Josef and Anni Albers and Xanti Schawinsky, a Theater Workshop performer, to Black Mountain. Their ideas impacted the work of Robert Rauschenberg, John Cage, and Merce Cunningham at Black Mountain, who in turn disseminated Schlemmer’s emphasis on  pedestrian movement and “chance composition” to shape work of the Judson Dance Theater and New York’s downtown performance scene.

Believing Schlemmer’s Bauhaus lecture dances to be the tabula rosa of avant-garde performance art and dance of the late 1960s-70s, Debra McCall set out to East and West Germany in 1981 in search  of Schlemmer’s original notes and sketches for the dances, and to walk the stage of the then recently restored Bauhaus. She was challenged to complete these two tasks by the only surviving performer of Schlemmer’s pieces at the time, Andreas Weininger, and by Ise Gropius, Bauhaus founder Walter Gropius’s widow, who insisted McCall could only understand the architectonic nature of Schlemmer’s work by walking the stage Gropius designed for him. A series of fortuitous and occasionally harrowing events led to the premiere of her reconstructions, “Oskar Schlemmer’s 1920s  Bauhaus Dances,” at The Kitchen in New York in 1982. With the addition of more reconstructions, a second premiere occurred at New York’s Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in conjunction with  the exhibition, “Kandinsky: Russian and Bauhaus Years 1915-1933.” Critical acclaim and sold-out houses led to tours of major museums and venues in the US, Europe, and Japan, including the first International Biennale de la Dance in Lyon, France, and a return to the original Dessau Bauhaus stage in 1994.

A narrative within a narrative, McCall will present the story of her reconstruction followed by a screening of a film of the reconstructions, premiered at New York’s Goethe House in 1987, featured  in American Dance Festival’s First International Festival of Film and Video Dance, and presently  residing at the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center.




Debra McCall is a dance historian, choreographer, Certified Movement Analyst, and performer best  known for her reconstructions of Oskar Schlemmer’s 1920s Bauhaus Dances. Recipient of  fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the  Humanities, she also received the Rome Prize in Design from the American Academy in Rome and a Fulbright-Nehru Professional and Academic Excellence Award for her documentation of medieval  reliefs of sacred dancers at the Thillai Nataraja Temple in Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu. McCall served  on the graduate faculties of New York University and Pratt Institute where she was Mellon Lecturer. Her Bauhaus work has been presented in a variety of venues including Performa 09, Artissima 17  Torino, and Harvard University’s “The Bauhaus and Harvard: 100 years.” She also directs  Performing Matters (www.performingmaters.org), an organization dedicated to the preservation of  endangered dance and dancers’ rights.

Watch a recording: vimeo.com/142663982


World Trails Film Festival
Oct 19 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
UNC Asheville Lipinsky Hall

The World Trails Film Festival is a unique event showcasing the best short and feature films centering the stories of trails from around the globe. Join us as we bring it to UNC Asheville (premiering for the first time on the East Coast of the United States) to celebrate why trails matter.

This community-building event will support trails locally and globally by fundraising equally for two leading trail organizations, the first of which is the Southern Appalachian Wilderness Stewards, a local nonprofit equipping people to steward our wild landscapes, and the World Trails Ambassadors, a program of the World Trails Network.

Doors open at 6 pm, Program begins at 7pm and entry will be limited after 7:15 pm, during the screening. Program will include an intermission and ends at 9:30 pm.

Monday, October 23, 2023
Beyond Walls – Screening + Discussion
Oct 23 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Grail Moviehouse

Free Community Film Screening

On October 23rd at the Grail Moviehouse from 6:30-8:30 pm, the YWCA of Asheville, the Racial Justice Coalition, and Building Bridges are co-hosting a free screening and discussion of the film Beyond Walls, a series of five short documentary films about prison industrial complex abolition. Beyond Walls was curated by the Center for Political Education, Critical Resistance, MPD150, and Survived + Punished in partnership with Working Films.

This screening is free

Saturday, November 4, 2023
Trade In + Trade Up @ SpartanPhotoCenter
Nov 4 all-day

Once a year Buy, Sell or Trade in your unwanted and un needed camera gear. Find special prices on new and used gear. PhotoLab printing and scanning specials as well. We stock a wide selection of analog film and new film cameras by Instax and Polaroid. Find camera bags, backpacks and tripods amongst other items.

Thursday, November 9, 2023
Greenville Jewish Film Festival: FAREWELL MR HAFFMANN
Nov 9 @ 6:45 pm
Gunter Theatre

This film screening and discussion is in commemoration of the 85th Anniversary of Kristallnacht.

The evening begins with a pre-movie discussion by the organizers and a panel of local history professionals. Then we will screen the movie: Farewell Mr Haffmann.

PARIS 1941. François Mercier is an ordinary man whose only goal is to start a family with Blanche, the woman he loves. François works for Mr. Haffmann, a talented Jewish jeweler. Under the German occupation, the employer and employee are forced to strike a deal which, over the following months, will upend the fate of all concerned.

Farewell Mr Haffmann is in French with English subtitles.

Monday, November 13, 2023
Music Movie Monday present “The Stones and Brian Jones”
Nov 13 @ 7:00 pm
Grail Moviehouse

The latest in the series is THE STONES AND BRIAN JONES, a brand-new documentary chonicling the life and work of Rolling Stones founder Brian Jones. Made with the cooperaiton of those closest to him (including Stones bassist Bill Wyman) the film presents an even-handed look at the troubled musician’s younger days, influences, challenges and creative triumphs. Details are in the attached press release; more info at http://musoscribe.com/movies

Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Film Series – The Notebook
Nov 14 @ 2:00 pm
Tryon Fine Arts Center

“The Notebook” is a captivating and deeply romantic film directed by Nick Cassavetes, based on the best-selling novel by Nicholas Sparks. Released in 2004, this epic love story is set against the backdrop of the 1940s and follows the enduring love between Noah Calhoun (played by Ryan Gosling) and Allie Hamilton (played by Rachel McAdams).

The film begins in a nursing home, where an elderly man, Noah, reads a love story from his notebook to an Alzheimer’s-stricken woman, Allie. As he narrates their poignant tale, we are transported back in time to a small coastal town in South Carolina. Noah and Allie, two individuals from very different backgrounds, meet and fall deeply in love during the summer of 1940. Their love story is passionate and all-consuming, but societal pressures and the outbreak of World War II force them apart.

Despite the passage of time and the challenges that life throws their way, Noah and Allie’s love endures. “The Notebook” beautifully captures the essence of true love, commitment, and the idea that love can transcend time and circumstance. It’s a heartfelt and touching portrayal of the power of love, memory, and the importance of holding onto the things that matter most in life. This timeless film has resonated with audiences around the world and remains a beloved classic in the realm of romantic cinema.

Film Series – The Notebook
Nov 14 @ 7:00 pm
Tryon Fine Arts Center

Join us for the November Love Story Film Series movie, The Notebook.  In 1940s South Carolina, mill worker Noah Calhoun (Ryan Gosling) and rich girl Allie (Rachel McAdams) are desperately in love. But her parents don’t approve. When Noah goes off to serve in World War II, it seems to mark the end of their love affair. In the interim, Allie becomes involved with another man (James Marsden). But when Noah returns to their small town years later, on the cusp of Allie’s marriage, it soon becomes clear that their romance is anything but over.

Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the film starts at 7:00 p.m. Concessions will be available.

Thursday, November 16, 2023
Free Screening: Veteran’s Battlefield
Nov 16 @ 6:00 pm
Diana Wortham Theatre

Special Events to Celebrate Local Veterans and Raise Awareness of Unique Challenges

For hundreds of years, brave Americans have been answering the nation’s call. These selfless individuals put their lives on the line no matter the political landscape or conflict that arises. We owe them an unpayable debt of gratitude for their past, present, and future service to our nation.

The Buncombe County Veterans Service Office is one of the best in the state of North Carolina, with a team of dedicated Veteran Services Officers (VSO) including Sherry Manning, Clint Cook (Air Force), Ivan Sarabia (Army), and Heath Smith (Marine Corps). The office provides a wide range of assistance to veterans and their dependents, including disability compensation, non-service-connected pension, survivor benefits, and more.

Counties play an important role in connecting veterans with supportive housing, employment and education resources, and mental health services that treat trauma and prevent suicide. Buncombe County is no exception. The Buncombe County Veterans Service Office provides a wide array of assistance to veterans and their dependents. This assistance includes disability compensation, non-service-connected pension, survivor benefits, and more.


We are thrilled to host a free screening of the movie “Veteran’s Battlefield” at 6 p.m. on Nov. 16 at the Wortham Center for the Performing Arts, 18 Biltmore Ave., Asheville. North Carolina is home to around 700,000 veterans – the eighth largest veteran population in the nation. And with the fourth largest active-duty military presence nationwide, it stands to reason that our state needs to pay special attention to issues impacting our service members. From starting new careers to navigating a complex process to obtain earned benefits, shifting mindsets and establishing homes, it can be just too much for a person to bear… mental and physical health suffers… unemployment and even homelessness ensue. Yet, hope and help are alive in our counties. Veterans service officers in our communities are devoted to doing what they can to make life after the military the best it can be for our veterans.

The showing is free, and no tickets are required. The snack bar will be open and all are welcome to attend.

Supportive Veterans Resources: 

If you are a veteran or know someone who is, please check into these great local resources for assistance.

Buncombe County Veterans Services
6th Floor
40 Coxe Avenue in Downtown Asheville
Monday – Friday 8 AM – 5 PM
(828) 250-5726

BCVS offers essential benefits assistance to Veterans and their families. Services include:

  • Health Care
  • Home Loans
  • Life Insurance
  • Education & Training
  • Vocational Rehabilitation & Training
  • Burial Benefits
  • Dependent & Survivor Benefits
  • Disability Benefits

Charles George VA Medical Center
1110 Tunnel Road in Asheville
Open 24/7 for your convenience
Main phone: 828-298-7911
Mental health care: 828-298-7911 x2519

The Charles George VA Medical Center offers comprehensive medical care to Veterans and their families, including mental health care services, urgent care visits, and clinical care scheduling. Visit their website for a comprehensive list of medical services and support services offered at the Charles George VA Medical Center.

Veterans Treatment Court
60 Court Plaza- 9th Floor
Buncombe County Courthouse
(703) 389-9918

Veterans Treatment Court is an alternative to the conventional criminal justice system in which Veterans who are struggling to acclimate back into civilian life and find themselves charged with an offense are met with the support, structure, and resources they need to settle into life after service.


Bailey Chase’s Exclusive Screening Of Far Haven Benefiting Henderson County Heroes
Nov 16 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
The Main Event


Join us for an exciting in-person event at The Main Event on South Main Street in Hendersonville, NC, USA. We are thrilled to present an exclusive screening of Far Haven, a captivating film that will leave you on the edge of your seat.

By attending this event, you will not only have the opportunity to enjoy this remarkable movie, but you will also be supporting the Henderson County Heroes. These local heroes work tirelessly to make our community a better place, and your contribution will help them continue their incredible work.

Don’t miss out on this extraordinary evening filled with entertainment and the chance to make a difference. Mark your calendars and be part of this exclusive screening of Far Haven at The Main Event in Hendersonville, NC, USA.

Saturday, November 18, 2023
Mountainfilm on Tour – Asheville
Nov 18 @ 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
New Belgium Brewing

Mountainfilm on Tour is coming to Asheville, bringing a selection of culturally rich, adventure-packed and inspiring documentary films curated from the Mountainfilm festival held every Memorial Day weekend in Telluride, Colorado.

Held at New Belgium Brewing Company on Saturday, November 18, 2023, the shows will explore themes connected to Mountainfilm’s mission: to use the power of film, art and ideas to inspire audiences to create a better world.

Mountainfilm on Tour in Asheville is hosted by Muddy Sneakers, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit outdoor science education program serving North Carolina’s fifth-grade public school students.

Monday, November 27, 2023
Silent Films / Loud Music
Nov 27 @ 7:30 pm

Silent Films, Loud Music is a screening of silent short films, accompanied by local bands providing live music. This will be a night of silliness, collaboration, and expressions of queer joy! Proceeds will support Fierce Flix programs for 2024. Come listen to original music, enjoy films by awesome local filmmakers and show support trans queer and femme youth! Doors at 7:30, show at 8!

Tuesday, November 28, 2023
No Man’s Land Film Festival Presented by MountainTrue
Nov 28 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
New Belgium Brewing Brewhouse

MountainTrue and New Belgium Brewing Co. are proud to invite you to No Man’s Land Film Festival (NMLFF) – the premier all-women adventure film festival featuring environmentally-focused documentary shorts – at New Belgium Brewing’s Brewhouse in Asheville, NC, on November 28 (Giving Tuesday!). NMLFF is free to attend, and the event will also be available virtually for those who cannot attend in person. The NMLFF in-person screening is first come first serve – be sure to arrive early to get your seat(s)!

Learn more about NMLFF here.

Thursday, November 30, 2023
FILM SCREENING: Max Roach: The Drum Also Waltzes
Nov 30 @ 7:00 pm
Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center

Single screening at 7pm | Free and open to all

Max Roach: The Drum Also Waltzes
Documentary | 2023 | USA | 82 MIN

Experience the groundbreaking sounds of bebop pioneer, virtuoso percussionist and bandleader Max Roach. Roach’s far-reaching ambitions were inspired and challenged by the inequities of the society around him. His political consciousness, expressed in his groundbreaking Freedom Suite and other works, made him a fierce advocate for change at a time when the nation was steeped in racism.

Max Roach: The Drum Also Waltzes is the story of a musician whose far-reaching ambitions were inspired and challenged by the inequities of the society around him. His stunningly diverse seven-decade career marked him as one of the great musical artists of the 20th century and a pioneering cultural activist at times when the nation was steeped in racism. The film follows Roach across a rich and complicated life, years of now-legendary achievement, deep personal struggle, and the price he paid for his outspoken views. His was an epic musical journey — from the revolutionary Jazz of the 1940s to the Civil Rights years, through experiments in hip hop, multi-media works, and beyond.

About the directors:

Ben Shapiro is a documentary director, cinematographer, and independent public radio producer. Shapiro directed the documentary Gregory Crewdson: Brief Encounters, which follows the photographer over a decade as he creates his images. His work as a cinematographer and producer includes projects for PBS (American Masters, PBS Arts, EGG), National Geographic, The Sundance Channel, and independent filmmakers including Katy Chevigny, Barbara Kopple, and the feature “Paul Goodman Changed my Life,” among others. Shapiro’s mother, Gerry Shapiro, was a student at Black Mountain College in the 1940s.

Sam Pollard is a film director, editor, producer, and screenwriter. In 1998, Pollard received an Academy Award nomination for 4 Little Girls with Spike Lee. In 2010, Pollard (with Geeta Gandbhir and Arielle Amsalem) received an Emmy Award (Outstanding Picture Editing for Nonfiction Programming) for the film By the People: The Election of Barack Obama. In 2020, the International Documentary Association gave Pollard its first Career Achievement Award. Spike Lee, whose films Pollard has edited and produced, described him as being “a master filmmaker.” Henry Louis Gates Jr. characterizes his work in this way: “When I think about his documentaries, they add up to a corpus — a way of telling African-American history in its various dimensions.”

Friday, December 8, 2023
Dancing with Death: The Last Great Adventure – Free Curated Film Series
Dec 8 @ 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Pack Memorial Library

While death is often a taboo topic of conversation, it is inevitable for all of us. A series of award-winning films dealing with end-of-life issues will be shown at Pack Memorial Library on Fridays from October 20 through December 8 from 2:00-5:00 PM. The program is designed to help people better understand and become more comfortable talking about — and perhaps shifting their perspective on — end-of-life experiences.

Each film will be followed by in-depth, thought-provoking, and death-positive discussions moderated by Gail Harris, National Emmy Award-winning journalist for PBS and NPR and former correspondent for ABC News Nightline and World News Tonight. These six exceptional films by new and established filmmakers, animators, and actors about death and dying are entertaining and inspiring. Potential discussion topics will include legacy, the spiritual side of death, alternative ways to die, preparedness, facing fear, and finding courage.

Oct 20: In the Realm of Death & Dreaming: Does Consciousness Continue After Death?: Documentary. Chapter 1: When You Die Trilogy. Director: Johanna Lunn

Oct 27: Saying Goodbye: Preparing for Death: Documentary. Chapter 2: When You Die Trilogy. Director: Johanna Lunn

Nov 3: Coco, Pixar Animation about Day of the Dead and keeping ancestral memories alive. Disney

Nov 17: Last Ecstatic Days: Documentary about a young man who faces death with courage and even joy. Director: Scott Kirschenbaum

Dec 1: Alternative Endings: Six New Ways To Die In America, Documentary about creative ways to prepare for death and honor our dead. Directors: Matthew O’Neill, Perri Peltz

Dec 8: The Bucket List, Comedy. Director: Rob Reiner; Cast: Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman

Register for the series or for individual screenings at:

Sponsored by AARP, the series is also supported by Asheville Death Cafe; CarePartners; Center for Conscious Living & Dying; Hola Carolina; OLLI; and Pack Memorial Library.

Holiday Lights + Cozy Movie Night 
Dec 8 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Burton Street Community Center


FREE | All ages

Take a stroll under festive lights and enjoy a movie on the big screen with light refreshments.

Monday, December 11, 2023
Music Movie Monday presents “A Hard Day’s Night”
Dec 11 @ 7:00 pm
: Grail Moviehouse

Music Movie Mondays:
A Hard Day’s Night
For Immediate Release: The feature film debut from The Beatles,
A Hard Day’s Night captures the humor, exuberance and musical
genius of The group at the height of the Beatlemania
phenomenon. A special December 11 screening as part of the
Music Movie Mondays series at Grail Movie House will be
hosted by Asheville author and music journalist Bill Kopp.
In 1964, pop music wasn’t taken especially seriously (Nor, it should
be emphasized, were pop musicians). Such things were considered
ephemeral. Difficult as it might be to imagine, even The Beatles were
seen as something of a flash in the proverbial pan. Even they thought
so: asked in an interview how long they predicted it would be until
the bubble burst, one of them replied, “Five years.” But as we now know, although The Beatles broke up in 1969, their impact
upon music, pop culture and culture-in-general endures.
Canny observers must have had some sense of all this even in 1964, when The Beatles broke through globally. So it was that the
four – all of them in their twenties – were signed to a motion picture deal. No actors among them, The Beatles were nonetheless
seen as the perfect group to star in a film. And while said film could easily have been a teen-exploitation reel, The Beatles’ film
debut had the good fortune to have been written and directed by people who actually got it.
Screenwriter Alun Owen went so far as to travel with the group from gig to gig, picking up ideas from the whirlwind lives that
John, Paul, George and Ringo were living at the peak of Beatlemania. And director Richard Lester had no interest in making an
empty-headed film. Add to that the fact that the four Beatles – especially drummer Ringo Starr – seemed remarkably natural in
front of the camera. So it was that a classic was made: A Hard Day’s Night.
A Hard Day’s Night manages to be funny, clever, coherent and possessing of an almost documentary level of accuracy with
regard to what Beatlemania was like. But above all, it’s fun. A rousing critical success, the black-and-white film made on a
modest budget quickly became a major box-office hit. Nearly 60 years after its release, A Hard Day’s Night continues to delight
audiences. And this special screening of The Beatles’ first feature film also presents a chance to watch the film with fellow
Beatles fans. And a post-screening discussion led by author and music journalist Bill Kopp provides an opportunity to share
thoughts and insight on the film.
As part of the Music Movie Mondays series, Grail Moviehouse in Asheville hosts a special one-night-only showing of the film.
Presented by Asheville-based speaker, author and music journalist Bill Kopp, the evening will include a screening of the film
followed by an interactive discussion.

“Going to the movies has always been a kind of communal
experience,” says Kopp, host of Music Movie Mondays.
“Especially in this post-lockdown era, the opportunity to not only
watch a film but then to discuss it with others is something even
more special. And music-related films lend themselves
remarkably well to this shared, interactive experience.”
Music Movie Mondays is a monthly series moderated by Bill Kopp, hosted by Grail Movie House
and sponsored by AshevilleFM. Music Movie Mondays presents a special screening of A Hard
Day’s Night on Monday, Dec. 11 @ 7 pm. The program will feature a brief introduction. Then we’ll watch the film together;
afterward, we’ll engage in a moderated discussion.
The one-night-only screening of A Hard Day’s Night is the latest in the ongoing popular series of Music Movie Mondays at
Grail Moviehouse. Every month, we’ll watch and discuss new releases, classics and cult favorites.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023
December Film Series – Notting Hill
Dec 12 @ 7:00 pm
Tryon Fine Arts Center


Join us for the December’s Love Story Film Series movie, Notting Hills.  William Thacker (Hugh Grant) is a London bookstore owner whose humdrum existence is thrown into romantic turmoil when famous American actress Anna Scott (Julia Roberts) appears in his shop. A chance encounter over spilled orange juice leads to a kiss that blossoms into a full-blown affair. As the average bloke and glamorous movie star draw closer and closer together, they struggle to reconcile their radically different lifestyles in the name of love.

Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the film starts at 7:00 p.m. Concessions will be available.

Saturday, December 16, 2023
Movie Afternoon: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe (2005)
Dec 16 @ 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Swannanoa Library

Join us for a winter afternoon screening of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe (2005). An adaptation of C.S. Lewis’ beloved childrens book, the magical 2005 adaptation is the highest grossing film from Walden Media Productions and has won several awards, including an Academy Award. The film is rated PG and the runtime is 2 hours and 30 minutes.

Light refreshments will be served.

Monday, December 18, 2023
Free Holiday Movie: ELF
Dec 18 @ 7:00 pm
The Orange Peel

 Show: 7pm
Friday, December 22, 2023
Bold Rock Holiday Movie Series: Elf
Dec 22 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Bold Rock Hard Cider - Mills River, NC

Join Bold Rock Mills River for a cinematic experience like no other at the Holiday Movie
Series on Friday nights in December leading up to Christmas! Santa’s helper is coming to town as we show the family-friendly classic
“Elf”. You can expect delicious Bold Rock ciders and hot cocoa to enjoy during the screenings, along with fresh popcorn & great
company to share a night of cinematic fun! Admission is free, RSVP if possible, seating is first-come, first-served, so arrive early to
grab the best spots. https://taprooms.boldrock.com/bold-rock-mills-river-cidery-2ae3940fde74

Monday, January 8, 2024
Music Movie Mondays Series: IMMEDIATE FAMILY
Jan 8 @ 7:00 pm
Grail Moviehouse

A new documentary film shines a light on four behind-
the-scenes L.A. musicians who were responsible for helping make much of the

era’s best music. A special January 8 screening of Immediate Family is the latest
entry in the popular Music Movie Mondays series hosted by author and music
journalist at Grail Moviehouse.
In the early 1970s music scene of Southern California, you couldn’t get a better bunch
of players than the four musicians who wold come to be known collectively as The
Section. Together and on their own, guitarists Danny “Kootch” Kortchmar and Waddy
Wachtel, bassist Leland Sklar and drummer extraordinaire Russ Kunkel played on a
staggering number of recordings made in that era. And an astounding number of those
songs would become hits.
Playing for and with the likes of Carole King, James Taylor, Stevie Nicks, Don
Henley, Keith Richards, Linda Ronstadt, Stevie Nicks and other well-known names,
that tightly-knit group of musicians would be responsible for the sound of an era. And today those four are the core of a popular
recording and performing unit, the Immediate Family.
Filmmaker Denny Tedesco (The Wrecking Crew) has dug into the collective history of these important musicians, and the result
is a new motion picture documentary, Immediate Family. Drawing from archival footage and contemporary interview with the
musicians (and the artists for whom they provided their expertise), Immediate Family fills in the blanks of an important – yet
often overlooked part of American popular music history.
And a post-screening discussion led by author and music journalist Bill Kopp provides an opportunity to share thoughts and
insight on the film.
As part of the Music Movie Mondays series, Grail Movie House in Asheville hosts a special one-night-only showing of the
film. Presented by Asheville-based speaker, author and music journalist Bill Kopp, the evening will include a screening of the
film followed by an interactive discussion.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024
Love Story Film Series: The End of the Affair
Jan 9 @ 2:00 pm
Tryon Fine Arts Center

“The End of the Affair” is a poignant and passionate drama film released in 1999, directed by Neil Jordan. Set in London during and after World War II, the film explores the complex and intense love affair between Maurice Bendrix (played by Ralph Fiennes), a writer, and Sarah Miles (played by Julianne Moore), the wife of a civil servant.