Upcoming events and things to do in Asheville, NC. Below is a list of events for festivals, concerts, art exhibitions, group meetups and more.

Interested in adding an event to our calendar? Please click the green “Post Your Event” button below.

Saturday, September 16, 2023
College Street Parking Deck Applications
Sep 16 all-day

Do you work in downtown Asheville? If so, Buncombe County’s expanded affordable parking program could save you hundreds of your hard-earned dollars. The program already includes 150 spots at the Coxe Avenue parking deck (located at 11 Sears Alley) for a discounted price of $40 per month. After research and public input, the County is excited to offer an additional 50 spots at the College Street parking deck (located at 164 College Street, across from the judicial complex) for $40 per month. This initiative, focused on service industry and retail workers, is now taking applications.

The expansion of the Affordable Parking Program comes after nearly 800 survey respondents shared their support and echoed the need for the program. To help meet that demand, the County is now offering a total of 200 discounted spots for downtown workers. “We’ve heard a lot of positive feedback, and it’s helping a lot of people. Behind housing, transportation is next highest expense for many people… so providing people in the workforce with an affordable way to get close to where they work is really very valuable,” said Commission Chair Brownie Newman.

To be eligible, you need to work in Downtown Asheville and make 80% area median income (AMI), which is less than $22.88 per hour or $3,967 per month. Applications are now open for the program, and it offers 75 spots at Coxe Avenue and 50 at College Street. If you think you’re eligible, then please go ahead and apply.

Green Drinks online
Sep 16 all-day

Green Drinks lives on every Saturday as The Free & Open University of Eco-Sustainability on Facebook

Homeowner Grant Program Inquiry Process Open
Sep 16 all-day


Buncombe County is excited to announce the inquiry process for the 2023 Homeowner Grant Program opens Aug. 1. This program is officially in its third year, and qualified homeowners will have an opportunity to receive financial assistance for housing-related costs. The website buncombecounty.org/homeownergrant will start accepting inquiries Aug. 1-Sept. 30, or homeowners can call (828) 250-5500. You must call or submit an inquiry to determine eligibility.

You may qualify for up to $300 in unincorporated Buncombe County, and up to $500 in City of Asheville. Please note that applicants who received grants last year will need to re-apply.

Through this program, residents who own residential property in Buncombe County that they have lived in as their primary residence for at least five years and who earn at or less than 80% of Area Median Income (AMI) as a household may be eligible to participate.

If eligible, grantees may choose to have grant funds applied to their property tax bill and/or paid and applied to other housing-related obligations such as housing costs, mortgage, or homeowner’s insurance. Payments are made directly to the source of the approved bill. Payments will not be made directly to individuals. There are several new aspects to this year’s program including new eligibility requirements, and now mobile-home owners may receive the grants.

  • You must have owned and lived in your home for 5 years or more
  • Your home must by your primary and only residence
  • Your household income is at or below 80% of area median income (AMI)
  • Your household cannot already be receiving tax deferment assistance like elderly/disabled, or Veterans exemptions.
  • You must not have more than $60,000 in liquid resources (for example: your cash on hand, checking & savings accounts combined, or other investments available to you within 7 days)

The inquiry process will be open through Sept. 30. Eligible homeowners can submit an inquiry at buncombecounty.org/homeownergrant after Aug. 1 or call (828) 250-5500 to start the application process. Phone support is available in any language. Please note that we anticipate a high volume of calls and inquiries at the onset, and it may take a few weeks for a case manager to get back with you.

“If you think you may qualify, but you aren’t sure, please give our team a call,” says Economic Services Director Phillip Hardin. “We know there are a number of unique circumstances, and our staff will work with homeowners to help find solutions.”

Membership with the Organic Growers School
Sep 16 all-day
Text (4)@300x

OGS has kicked off its membership opportunities for donors. We depend on the community and members like you.  Become a member and help the Organic Growers School transform the food system to serve the needs of all people.


Donate at the $120 level or more, once annually or in monthly increments, to receive an OGS gift! Plus, you’ll receive discounts to OGS special events, 10% off select OGS programs such as the Gardening Series, Homegrown Dream, Farm Dreams, and the annual Spring Conference, and discounts from our partners listed below:

  • Chelsea Green Publishing – 35% off
  • Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine- 10% off
  • Fifth Season Gardening Company – 10% orders of $50 or more
  • Mountain Rose Herbs  – 10% off
  • New Society Publishers – 35% off
  • Seven Springs Farm Supply – 7% off
  • And many more to come!

Becoming a member is as simple as making a contribution as mentioned above, and we’ll handle everything else for you!

Volunteer for the Annual Pedestrian/Bike Count
Sep 16 all-day
family of four riding bikes on the greenway

The City’s Transportation Department is gearing up for its Annual Pedestrian/Bike Count to take place again this year. Each year, the counts are held the week after Labor Day. Counts are taken on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Saturday. This year, the dates are Sept 12th – 14th & 16th. The hours are on weekday mornings from 7 a.m. – 9 a.m. or afternoons from 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. On Saturday, counts are from 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. Data collected helps staff identify bike/pedestrian trends and also helps in implementation of the recently adopted GAP Plan.

Volunteers are the backbone of this effort. No special skills or previous experience is required to volunteer.

Community members can sign up to volunteer a couple of different ways:

We will do our best to assign volunteers based on their location preferences but ask that folks have some flexibility. Community members are encouraged to sign up by early September.

All volunteers that complete their shift and submit the data they collected will be entered into a random drawing to receive a free annual membership from The Flying Bike (Thank you to The Flying Bike!).

Wildlife Husbandry ​Fall Internships
Sep 16 all-day

Fall internships have a minimum requirement of 12 hours per week that will be completed within a weekly schedule determined prior to beginning the internship. Interns are required to commit to a 4-5 month internship period. Hour commitments are based on seasonal needs.

No two days in wildlife rehabilitation are the same. Interns must be flexible, dedicated, dependable, and comfortable working as part of a team with fellow interns and volunteers. As well as communicating with the public as needed, interns will carry out a weekly set schedule that they are accountable for during the entirety of their internship.

Wildlife Husbandry Interns (12 hours/week) As a Wildlife Husbandry Intern, you will play a vital role in all aspects of our wildlife rehabilitation operations. This internship offers a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in wildlife care, rehabilitation processes, and facility management while contributing to the well-being of injured and orphaned wildlife in Western North Carolina. This internship provides an immersive experience in various aspects of wildlife care and rehabilitation, based on the intern’s interest.


  • Wildlife Rehabilitation: Participate in the full rehabilitation process, including feeding, cleaning, record-keeping, and monitoring the progress of wildlife patients. Assist in the medical treatment and documentation as directed by staff. Observe and learn how to safely handle, feed, and care for various species of wildlife.
  • Daily Animal Care: Provide attentive and compassionate care to injured and orphaned wildlife and their enclosures. Ensure enclosures are clean, safe, and appropriately equipped for the animals’ needs. Assist with feeding schedules and dietary preparations.
  • Animal Husbandry: Learn and practice proper animal husbandry techniques to ensure the well-being of the wildlife in our care. Assist with environmental enrichment activities to stimulate natural behaviors.
  • Wildlife Transport and Communication: Support wildlife transport efforts as needed, ensuring the safe and secure transfer of animals. Collaborate with the wildlife rehabilitation network in Western North Carolina to facilitate seamless communication and animal transfers.
  • Facility Upkeep and Maintenance: Contribute to the cleanliness and organization of the rehabilitation facility. Assist in facility maintenance tasks to ensure a safe and efficient work environment.


  • The internship requires a commitment of at least 5 months.
  • Start and end dates are flexible to accommodate academic schedules.
  • The intern will work approximately 12 hours per week at the wildlife rehabilitation facility in Candler, NC.


  • Flexibility and adaptability.
  • Dedication and reliability.
  • Attention to detail.
  • Willingness to learn.
  • Ability to work collaboratively in a team setting with fellow interns and volunteers.
  • Passion for the rescue and rehabilitation of injured wildlife.


  • Gain invaluable hands-on experience in wildlife rehabilitation and animal care.
  • Learn from experienced professionals in the field of wildlife rescue and rehabilitation.
  • Develop critical skills in animal husbandry, medical care, and facility management.
  • Contribute to the conservation efforts of a respected wildlife refuge.
  • Opportunity to explore various aspects of a non-profit organization.
Sunday, September 17, 2023
College Street Parking Deck Applications
Sep 17 all-day

Do you work in downtown Asheville? If so, Buncombe County’s expanded affordable parking program could save you hundreds of your hard-earned dollars. The program already includes 150 spots at the Coxe Avenue parking deck (located at 11 Sears Alley) for a discounted price of $40 per month. After research and public input, the County is excited to offer an additional 50 spots at the College Street parking deck (located at 164 College Street, across from the judicial complex) for $40 per month. This initiative, focused on service industry and retail workers, is now taking applications.

The expansion of the Affordable Parking Program comes after nearly 800 survey respondents shared their support and echoed the need for the program. To help meet that demand, the County is now offering a total of 200 discounted spots for downtown workers. “We’ve heard a lot of positive feedback, and it’s helping a lot of people. Behind housing, transportation is next highest expense for many people… so providing people in the workforce with an affordable way to get close to where they work is really very valuable,” said Commission Chair Brownie Newman.

To be eligible, you need to work in Downtown Asheville and make 80% area median income (AMI), which is less than $22.88 per hour or $3,967 per month. Applications are now open for the program, and it offers 75 spots at Coxe Avenue and 50 at College Street. If you think you’re eligible, then please go ahead and apply.

Have a Gardening Question? Contact the Helpline! 2023 Schedule
Sep 17 all-day
Extension Office

Extension Master GardenerSM volunteers will be staffing the Helpline as indicated in the schedule below. You may send an email or leave a voicemail at any time and an Extension Master Gardener volunteer will respond during Garden Helpline hours. When emailing, please include a photo if it helps describe your garden question. Soil test kits can be picked up at the Extension office, 24/7. The kits are located in a box outside the front door.

Three ways to contact the Garden Helpline
Call 828-255-5522
Email questions and photos to [email protected]
Visit the Extension Office at 49 Mt. Carmel Road during Helpline hours, listed below.

Garden Helpline Hours

March – (starts March 6)
Monday 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon
Thursday 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

April through September:
Monday 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Tuesday 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon
Wednesday 12:00 Noon – 2:00 p.m.
Thursday 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

October – (ends October 26th) 
Monday 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon
Thursday 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

We are here to help and support you! Please contact us. We look forward to answering your gardening questions.

Homeowner Grant Program Inquiry Process Open
Sep 17 all-day


Buncombe County is excited to announce the inquiry process for the 2023 Homeowner Grant Program opens Aug. 1. This program is officially in its third year, and qualified homeowners will have an opportunity to receive financial assistance for housing-related costs. The website buncombecounty.org/homeownergrant will start accepting inquiries Aug. 1-Sept. 30, or homeowners can call (828) 250-5500. You must call or submit an inquiry to determine eligibility.

You may qualify for up to $300 in unincorporated Buncombe County, and up to $500 in City of Asheville. Please note that applicants who received grants last year will need to re-apply.

Through this program, residents who own residential property in Buncombe County that they have lived in as their primary residence for at least five years and who earn at or less than 80% of Area Median Income (AMI) as a household may be eligible to participate.

If eligible, grantees may choose to have grant funds applied to their property tax bill and/or paid and applied to other housing-related obligations such as housing costs, mortgage, or homeowner’s insurance. Payments are made directly to the source of the approved bill. Payments will not be made directly to individuals. There are several new aspects to this year’s program including new eligibility requirements, and now mobile-home owners may receive the grants.

  • You must have owned and lived in your home for 5 years or more
  • Your home must by your primary and only residence
  • Your household income is at or below 80% of area median income (AMI)
  • Your household cannot already be receiving tax deferment assistance like elderly/disabled, or Veterans exemptions.
  • You must not have more than $60,000 in liquid resources (for example: your cash on hand, checking & savings accounts combined, or other investments available to you within 7 days)

The inquiry process will be open through Sept. 30. Eligible homeowners can submit an inquiry at buncombecounty.org/homeownergrant after Aug. 1 or call (828) 250-5500 to start the application process. Phone support is available in any language. Please note that we anticipate a high volume of calls and inquiries at the onset, and it may take a few weeks for a case manager to get back with you.

“If you think you may qualify, but you aren’t sure, please give our team a call,” says Economic Services Director Phillip Hardin. “We know there are a number of unique circumstances, and our staff will work with homeowners to help find solutions.”

Membership with the Organic Growers School
Sep 17 all-day
Text (4)@300x

OGS has kicked off its membership opportunities for donors. We depend on the community and members like you.  Become a member and help the Organic Growers School transform the food system to serve the needs of all people.


Donate at the $120 level or more, once annually or in monthly increments, to receive an OGS gift! Plus, you’ll receive discounts to OGS special events, 10% off select OGS programs such as the Gardening Series, Homegrown Dream, Farm Dreams, and the annual Spring Conference, and discounts from our partners listed below:

  • Chelsea Green Publishing – 35% off
  • Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine- 10% off
  • Fifth Season Gardening Company – 10% orders of $50 or more
  • Mountain Rose Herbs  – 10% off
  • New Society Publishers – 35% off
  • Seven Springs Farm Supply – 7% off
  • And many more to come!

Becoming a member is as simple as making a contribution as mentioned above, and we’ll handle everything else for you!

Wildlife Husbandry ​Fall Internships
Sep 17 all-day

Fall internships have a minimum requirement of 12 hours per week that will be completed within a weekly schedule determined prior to beginning the internship. Interns are required to commit to a 4-5 month internship period. Hour commitments are based on seasonal needs.

No two days in wildlife rehabilitation are the same. Interns must be flexible, dedicated, dependable, and comfortable working as part of a team with fellow interns and volunteers. As well as communicating with the public as needed, interns will carry out a weekly set schedule that they are accountable for during the entirety of their internship.

Wildlife Husbandry Interns (12 hours/week) As a Wildlife Husbandry Intern, you will play a vital role in all aspects of our wildlife rehabilitation operations. This internship offers a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in wildlife care, rehabilitation processes, and facility management while contributing to the well-being of injured and orphaned wildlife in Western North Carolina. This internship provides an immersive experience in various aspects of wildlife care and rehabilitation, based on the intern’s interest.


  • Wildlife Rehabilitation: Participate in the full rehabilitation process, including feeding, cleaning, record-keeping, and monitoring the progress of wildlife patients. Assist in the medical treatment and documentation as directed by staff. Observe and learn how to safely handle, feed, and care for various species of wildlife.
  • Daily Animal Care: Provide attentive and compassionate care to injured and orphaned wildlife and their enclosures. Ensure enclosures are clean, safe, and appropriately equipped for the animals’ needs. Assist with feeding schedules and dietary preparations.
  • Animal Husbandry: Learn and practice proper animal husbandry techniques to ensure the well-being of the wildlife in our care. Assist with environmental enrichment activities to stimulate natural behaviors.
  • Wildlife Transport and Communication: Support wildlife transport efforts as needed, ensuring the safe and secure transfer of animals. Collaborate with the wildlife rehabilitation network in Western North Carolina to facilitate seamless communication and animal transfers.
  • Facility Upkeep and Maintenance: Contribute to the cleanliness and organization of the rehabilitation facility. Assist in facility maintenance tasks to ensure a safe and efficient work environment.


  • The internship requires a commitment of at least 5 months.
  • Start and end dates are flexible to accommodate academic schedules.
  • The intern will work approximately 12 hours per week at the wildlife rehabilitation facility in Candler, NC.


  • Flexibility and adaptability.
  • Dedication and reliability.
  • Attention to detail.
  • Willingness to learn.
  • Ability to work collaboratively in a team setting with fellow interns and volunteers.
  • Passion for the rescue and rehabilitation of injured wildlife.


  • Gain invaluable hands-on experience in wildlife rehabilitation and animal care.
  • Learn from experienced professionals in the field of wildlife rescue and rehabilitation.
  • Develop critical skills in animal husbandry, medical care, and facility management.
  • Contribute to the conservation efforts of a respected wildlife refuge.
  • Opportunity to explore various aspects of a non-profit organization.
Asheville Parks + Recreation Adult fall athletic programs + sports leagues
Sep 17 @ 7:00 am
Various Locations

With multiple parks featuring ballfields and volleyball, pickleball, tennis, and basketball courts, Asheville has plenty of opportunities to join pick-up games or play with organized sports leagues. Asheville Parks & Recreation (APR) offers a broad line-up of youth athletics programs, adult sports leagues, and special events throughout the year with an emphasis on fair play and enjoyment for any level of experience, including the fall opportunities below.

Search Current Asheville Sports and Athletics

Limited spots available, so advance registration at AVLREC.com required. Some activities offer discounted registration for early sign ups. Most team sports also offer “looking for a team” options for free agents. Some activities charge a higher rate for participants who do not live in Asheville.


6v6 Indoor Volleyball League, $200 per team

Registration opens November 27, games begin January 16 for winter season

Upper, middle, and lower divisions play at Tempie Avery Montford Community Center.

Over 40 Basketball League, $60 per player

Registration ends August 24, games begin September 12

Asheville’s newest team sports league provides an opportunity for community members over 40 who want to get back into the game or prefer to play with others around the same age. Sign up as an individual to be placed on a team based on height, position, and skill level for games played at Linwood Crump Shiloh Community Center.

Flag Football League, $600 per team

Registration opens August 30, games begin October 17

Upper, middle, and lower divisions play at Asheville Middle School on 211 South French Broad Avenue.

Winter Basketball League, $600 per team

Registration opens October 10, games begin November 27

Upper and lower divisions play at Linwood Crump Shiloh Community Center. Middle division plays at Stephens-Lee Community Center.

Clinics and Tournaments

Tennis Clinic, $20 per player

Registration ends September 6, clinics held each Tuesday and Thursday from September 12-21

Instructional clinics for beginners and intermediate players teach the basics and build on skills each class at Murphy-Oakley Park.

Doubles Grass Volleyball Tournament, $20 per team

Registration ends September 5, tournament on September 16

Six sets to 21 in pool play for advance and intermediate divisions in which all teams advance to the playoffs on a day of music, fun, and volleyball at Carrier Park.

Intro to Golf, $10 for series with players responsible for their own green fees

Registration ends September 28, games played each Wednesday from October 4-25

Travel to a different golf course each week for one-on-one coaching to learn the game. For more info, contact Colt Miller at [email protected] or (828) 707-2376.

Pumpkin Ball Softball Bash Tournament, $150 per team

Registration ends September 30, tournament on October 7

All players hit a 16-inch softball in games played on a 200-foot distance field with unlimited home runs with a three-game guarantee. Winning teams receive prizes and trophies. For more info, contact Zack Stewart at [email protected] or (828) 545-1644.

Late Night Wiffleball Tournament, $5 per team

Registration ends November 9, tournament on November 16

Five-player teams play in this two-game guarantee tournament at Tempie Avery Montford Community Center. For more info, contact Kiley Pritchard at [email protected] or (828) 507-3357.


Field of Honor in Black Mountain
Sep 17 @ 11:00 am
Field of Honor

The Kiwanis Club of Black Mountain-Swannanoa is presenting its first Field of Honor®. A field of American flags dedicated to military and first responders will be flying from September 11 – September 30th at the lot between the Black Mountain United Methodist Church and Harwood Home for Funerals (200 W. State Street, Black Mountain, NC 28711). An opening ceremony will be held on Monday, September 11 at 1:00 at the field location and a closing ceremony will take place at 11:00 on September 30 to retire the flags. All funds raised by this event will be distributed to non-profit organizations and used for scholarships in the Black Mountain/Swannanoa area. Donations can be made at: https://www.healingfield.org/blackmountainnc23

Food Scraps Drop Off: Stephens-Lee Recreation Center
Sep 17 @ 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Stephens-Lee Recreation Center

Food Scraps Drop Off

The City of Asheville, in partnership with Buncombe County and the Natural Resources Defense Council, is offering a FREE Food Scrap Drop-Off program in

two locations for all Buncombe County residents.  This organic matter will be collected and turned into good clean compost, keeping it OUT of our landfill and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


Register for Food Scraps Drop Off








Need a handy kitchen countertop food scrap bin?  Let us know on the registration form! We’ll be having bin giveaways at city and county facilities and would love to give you one.



Stephens-Lee Recreation Center “Food Scrap Shed” next to the Community Garden on the North side of the parking lot

30 Washington Carver Avenue, Asheville

    • Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 6 p.m.
    • Saturday, 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.
    • Sunday, 12 – 4 p.m.

Murphy Oakley Community Center and Library – “Food Scrap Bin Shelters” on the east side of the parking lot

749 Fairview Road, Asheville

    • Dawn – Dusk

West Asheville Library – “Food Scrap Bin Shelters” on the south side of the building

942 Haywood Road, Asheville

Library open hours


Buncombe County Landfill – Convenience Center85 Panther Branch Road, Alexander

        • Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
        • Saturday, 8 a.m. – 12:30 pm
Open Play Basketball
Sep 17 @ 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Dr. Wesley Grant Sr. Southside Community Center


Open Play

Time scheduled for organized drop-in, pick-up, and open community games

Dr. Wesley Grant Sr. Southside Community Center, starts September 5

  • Tuesday and Thursday, 6:30-9 p.m.
  • Sunday, 12-5 p.m.
Sundays Traditional Game Day
Sep 17 @ 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Asheville Art Museum

The Perspective Café is kicking off 2023 with a classic bang! Grab your friends and join us each Sunday from 2pm to 5pm in the Perspective Café to play an assortment of board and card games. You can even bring your own favorite games from home to share with new friends.

The Perspective Café will be offering special snacks and cocktails to savor while you play and make a memorable afternoon! Enjoy the galleries and then head up to the rooftop.

South Buncombe Democrats Annual Celebration
Sep 17 @ 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Lake Julian Park - Shelter #6 37

Being a Democrat in South Buncombe County is especially fun when we gather each year for this family-friendly celebration on beautiful Lake Julian! This is your opportunity to 1) meet folks with shared interests and similar values; 2) hear brief updates from elected officials, and 3) learn new ways to make a difference in 2024 – but no pressure! We’ll have live music and refreshments for all!

All Democrats living in the South Buncombe Area (Precincts 18.2, 19.1, 30.2, 30.3, 54.2, 55.1, 56.2, 29.2,and 31.1) are welcome.

Monday, September 18, 2023
College Street Parking Deck Applications
Sep 18 all-day

Do you work in downtown Asheville? If so, Buncombe County’s expanded affordable parking program could save you hundreds of your hard-earned dollars. The program already includes 150 spots at the Coxe Avenue parking deck (located at 11 Sears Alley) for a discounted price of $40 per month. After research and public input, the County is excited to offer an additional 50 spots at the College Street parking deck (located at 164 College Street, across from the judicial complex) for $40 per month. This initiative, focused on service industry and retail workers, is now taking applications.

The expansion of the Affordable Parking Program comes after nearly 800 survey respondents shared their support and echoed the need for the program. To help meet that demand, the County is now offering a total of 200 discounted spots for downtown workers. “We’ve heard a lot of positive feedback, and it’s helping a lot of people. Behind housing, transportation is next highest expense for many people… so providing people in the workforce with an affordable way to get close to where they work is really very valuable,” said Commission Chair Brownie Newman.

To be eligible, you need to work in Downtown Asheville and make 80% area median income (AMI), which is less than $22.88 per hour or $3,967 per month. Applications are now open for the program, and it offers 75 spots at Coxe Avenue and 50 at College Street. If you think you’re eligible, then please go ahead and apply.

Have a Gardening Question? Contact the Helpline! 2023 Schedule
Sep 18 all-day
Extension Office

Extension Master GardenerSM volunteers will be staffing the Helpline as indicated in the schedule below. You may send an email or leave a voicemail at any time and an Extension Master Gardener volunteer will respond during Garden Helpline hours. When emailing, please include a photo if it helps describe your garden question. Soil test kits can be picked up at the Extension office, 24/7. The kits are located in a box outside the front door.

Three ways to contact the Garden Helpline
Call 828-255-5522
Email questions and photos to [email protected]
Visit the Extension Office at 49 Mt. Carmel Road during Helpline hours, listed below.

Garden Helpline Hours

March – (starts March 6)
Monday 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon
Thursday 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

April through September:
Monday 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Tuesday 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon
Wednesday 12:00 Noon – 2:00 p.m.
Thursday 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

October – (ends October 26th) 
Monday 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon
Thursday 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

We are here to help and support you! Please contact us. We look forward to answering your gardening questions.

Homeowner Grant Program Inquiry Process Open
Sep 18 all-day


Buncombe County is excited to announce the inquiry process for the 2023 Homeowner Grant Program opens Aug. 1. This program is officially in its third year, and qualified homeowners will have an opportunity to receive financial assistance for housing-related costs. The website buncombecounty.org/homeownergrant will start accepting inquiries Aug. 1-Sept. 30, or homeowners can call (828) 250-5500. You must call or submit an inquiry to determine eligibility.

You may qualify for up to $300 in unincorporated Buncombe County, and up to $500 in City of Asheville. Please note that applicants who received grants last year will need to re-apply.

Through this program, residents who own residential property in Buncombe County that they have lived in as their primary residence for at least five years and who earn at or less than 80% of Area Median Income (AMI) as a household may be eligible to participate.

If eligible, grantees may choose to have grant funds applied to their property tax bill and/or paid and applied to other housing-related obligations such as housing costs, mortgage, or homeowner’s insurance. Payments are made directly to the source of the approved bill. Payments will not be made directly to individuals. There are several new aspects to this year’s program including new eligibility requirements, and now mobile-home owners may receive the grants.

  • You must have owned and lived in your home for 5 years or more
  • Your home must by your primary and only residence
  • Your household income is at or below 80% of area median income (AMI)
  • Your household cannot already be receiving tax deferment assistance like elderly/disabled, or Veterans exemptions.
  • You must not have more than $60,000 in liquid resources (for example: your cash on hand, checking & savings accounts combined, or other investments available to you within 7 days)

The inquiry process will be open through Sept. 30. Eligible homeowners can submit an inquiry at buncombecounty.org/homeownergrant after Aug. 1 or call (828) 250-5500 to start the application process. Phone support is available in any language. Please note that we anticipate a high volume of calls and inquiries at the onset, and it may take a few weeks for a case manager to get back with you.

“If you think you may qualify, but you aren’t sure, please give our team a call,” says Economic Services Director Phillip Hardin. “We know there are a number of unique circumstances, and our staff will work with homeowners to help find solutions.”

Membership with the Organic Growers School
Sep 18 all-day
Text (4)@300x

OGS has kicked off its membership opportunities for donors. We depend on the community and members like you.  Become a member and help the Organic Growers School transform the food system to serve the needs of all people.


Donate at the $120 level or more, once annually or in monthly increments, to receive an OGS gift! Plus, you’ll receive discounts to OGS special events, 10% off select OGS programs such as the Gardening Series, Homegrown Dream, Farm Dreams, and the annual Spring Conference, and discounts from our partners listed below:

  • Chelsea Green Publishing – 35% off
  • Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine- 10% off
  • Fifth Season Gardening Company – 10% orders of $50 or more
  • Mountain Rose Herbs  – 10% off
  • New Society Publishers – 35% off
  • Seven Springs Farm Supply – 7% off
  • And many more to come!

Becoming a member is as simple as making a contribution as mentioned above, and we’ll handle everything else for you!

National Cheeseburger Day at Farm Burger
Sep 18 all-day
Farm Burger Asheville

Farm Burger is excited to celebrate National Cheeseburger Day with the ASHEVILLE community by serving up a specialty Jalapeño Pimento Cheese Burger all day long! The hand-crafted burger is a grass-fed beef burger, with pastured bacon, caramelized onions, and jalepeño pimento cheese wiz on a sesame bun. Guests can order the burger for $10 and a combo for $12.99.

Wildlife Husbandry ​Fall Internships
Sep 18 all-day

Fall internships have a minimum requirement of 12 hours per week that will be completed within a weekly schedule determined prior to beginning the internship. Interns are required to commit to a 4-5 month internship period. Hour commitments are based on seasonal needs.

No two days in wildlife rehabilitation are the same. Interns must be flexible, dedicated, dependable, and comfortable working as part of a team with fellow interns and volunteers. As well as communicating with the public as needed, interns will carry out a weekly set schedule that they are accountable for during the entirety of their internship.

Wildlife Husbandry Interns (12 hours/week) As a Wildlife Husbandry Intern, you will play a vital role in all aspects of our wildlife rehabilitation operations. This internship offers a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in wildlife care, rehabilitation processes, and facility management while contributing to the well-being of injured and orphaned wildlife in Western North Carolina. This internship provides an immersive experience in various aspects of wildlife care and rehabilitation, based on the intern’s interest.


  • Wildlife Rehabilitation: Participate in the full rehabilitation process, including feeding, cleaning, record-keeping, and monitoring the progress of wildlife patients. Assist in the medical treatment and documentation as directed by staff. Observe and learn how to safely handle, feed, and care for various species of wildlife.
  • Daily Animal Care: Provide attentive and compassionate care to injured and orphaned wildlife and their enclosures. Ensure enclosures are clean, safe, and appropriately equipped for the animals’ needs. Assist with feeding schedules and dietary preparations.
  • Animal Husbandry: Learn and practice proper animal husbandry techniques to ensure the well-being of the wildlife in our care. Assist with environmental enrichment activities to stimulate natural behaviors.
  • Wildlife Transport and Communication: Support wildlife transport efforts as needed, ensuring the safe and secure transfer of animals. Collaborate with the wildlife rehabilitation network in Western North Carolina to facilitate seamless communication and animal transfers.
  • Facility Upkeep and Maintenance: Contribute to the cleanliness and organization of the rehabilitation facility. Assist in facility maintenance tasks to ensure a safe and efficient work environment.


  • The internship requires a commitment of at least 5 months.
  • Start and end dates are flexible to accommodate academic schedules.
  • The intern will work approximately 12 hours per week at the wildlife rehabilitation facility in Candler, NC.


  • Flexibility and adaptability.
  • Dedication and reliability.
  • Attention to detail.
  • Willingness to learn.
  • Ability to work collaboratively in a team setting with fellow interns and volunteers.
  • Passion for the rescue and rehabilitation of injured wildlife.


  • Gain invaluable hands-on experience in wildlife rehabilitation and animal care.
  • Learn from experienced professionals in the field of wildlife rescue and rehabilitation.
  • Develop critical skills in animal husbandry, medical care, and facility management.
  • Contribute to the conservation efforts of a respected wildlife refuge.
  • Opportunity to explore various aspects of a non-profit organization.
Asheville Parks + Recreation Adult fall athletic programs + sports leagues
Sep 18 @ 7:00 am
Various Locations

With multiple parks featuring ballfields and volleyball, pickleball, tennis, and basketball courts, Asheville has plenty of opportunities to join pick-up games or play with organized sports leagues. Asheville Parks & Recreation (APR) offers a broad line-up of youth athletics programs, adult sports leagues, and special events throughout the year with an emphasis on fair play and enjoyment for any level of experience, including the fall opportunities below.

Search Current Asheville Sports and Athletics

Limited spots available, so advance registration at AVLREC.com required. Some activities offer discounted registration for early sign ups. Most team sports also offer “looking for a team” options for free agents. Some activities charge a higher rate for participants who do not live in Asheville.


6v6 Indoor Volleyball League, $200 per team

Registration opens November 27, games begin January 16 for winter season

Upper, middle, and lower divisions play at Tempie Avery Montford Community Center.

Over 40 Basketball League, $60 per player

Registration ends August 24, games begin September 12

Asheville’s newest team sports league provides an opportunity for community members over 40 who want to get back into the game or prefer to play with others around the same age. Sign up as an individual to be placed on a team based on height, position, and skill level for games played at Linwood Crump Shiloh Community Center.

Flag Football League, $600 per team

Registration opens August 30, games begin October 17

Upper, middle, and lower divisions play at Asheville Middle School on 211 South French Broad Avenue.

Winter Basketball League, $600 per team

Registration opens October 10, games begin November 27

Upper and lower divisions play at Linwood Crump Shiloh Community Center. Middle division plays at Stephens-Lee Community Center.

Clinics and Tournaments

Tennis Clinic, $20 per player

Registration ends September 6, clinics held each Tuesday and Thursday from September 12-21

Instructional clinics for beginners and intermediate players teach the basics and build on skills each class at Murphy-Oakley Park.

Doubles Grass Volleyball Tournament, $20 per team

Registration ends September 5, tournament on September 16

Six sets to 21 in pool play for advance and intermediate divisions in which all teams advance to the playoffs on a day of music, fun, and volleyball at Carrier Park.

Intro to Golf, $10 for series with players responsible for their own green fees

Registration ends September 28, games played each Wednesday from October 4-25

Travel to a different golf course each week for one-on-one coaching to learn the game. For more info, contact Colt Miller at [email protected] or (828) 707-2376.

Pumpkin Ball Softball Bash Tournament, $150 per team

Registration ends September 30, tournament on October 7

All players hit a 16-inch softball in games played on a 200-foot distance field with unlimited home runs with a three-game guarantee. Winning teams receive prizes and trophies. For more info, contact Zack Stewart at [email protected] or (828) 545-1644.

Late Night Wiffleball Tournament, $5 per team

Registration ends November 9, tournament on November 16

Five-player teams play in this two-game guarantee tournament at Tempie Avery Montford Community Center. For more info, contact Kiley Pritchard at [email protected] or (828) 507-3357.


Food Scraps Drop Off: Stephens-Lee Recreation Center
Sep 18 @ 7:00 am – 6:00 pm
Stephens-Lee Recreation Center

Food Scraps Drop Off

The City of Asheville, in partnership with Buncombe County and the Natural Resources Defense Council, is offering a FREE Food Scrap Drop-Off program in

two locations for all Buncombe County residents.  This organic matter will be collected and turned into good clean compost, keeping it OUT of our landfill and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


Register for Food Scraps Drop Off








Need a handy kitchen countertop food scrap bin?  Let us know on the registration form! We’ll be having bin giveaways at city and county facilities and would love to give you one.



Stephens-Lee Recreation Center “Food Scrap Shed” next to the Community Garden on the North side of the parking lot

30 Washington Carver Avenue, Asheville

    • Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 6 p.m.
    • Saturday, 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.
    • Sunday, 12 – 4 p.m.

Murphy Oakley Community Center and Library – “Food Scrap Bin Shelters” on the east side of the parking lot

749 Fairview Road, Asheville

    • Dawn – Dusk

West Asheville Library – “Food Scrap Bin Shelters” on the south side of the building

942 Haywood Road, Asheville

    • Library open hours
    • Buncombe County Landfill – Convenience Center85 Panther Branch Road, Alexander
        • Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
        • Saturday, 8 a.m. – 12:30 pm
Food Scraps Drop Off: Buncombe County Landfill
Sep 18 @ 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
Buncombe County Landfill – Convenience Center

Food Scraps Drop Off

The City of Asheville, in partnership with Buncombe County and the Natural Resources Defense Council, is offering a FREE Food Scrap Drop-Off program in two locations for all Buncombe County residents.  This organic matter will be collected and turned into good clean compost, keeping it OUT of our landfill and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


Register for Food Scraps Drop Off








Need a handy kitchen countertop food scrap bin?  Let us know on the registration form! We’ll be having bin giveaways at city and county facilities and would love to give you one.


Locations Holidays call for hours

Buncombe County Landfill – Convenience Center

85 Panther Branch Road, Alexander

    • Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
    • Saturday, 8 a.m. – 12:30 pm

Murphy Oakley Community Center and Library – “Food Scrap Bin Shelters” on the east side of the parking lot

749 Fairview Road, Asheville

    • Dawn – Dusk

Stephens-Lee Recreation Center “Food Scrap Shed” next to the Community Garden on the North side of the parking lot

30 Washington Carver Avenue, Asheville

    • Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 6 p.m.
    • Saturday, 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.
    • Sunday, 12 – 4 p.m.

West Asheville Library – “Food Scrap Bin Shelters” on the south side of the building

942 Haywood Road, Asheville

    • Library open hours
Field of Honor in Black Mountain
Sep 18 @ 11:00 am
Field of Honor

The Kiwanis Club of Black Mountain-Swannanoa is presenting its first Field of Honor®. A field of American flags dedicated to military and first responders will be flying from September 11 – September 30th at the lot between the Black Mountain United Methodist Church and Harwood Home for Funerals (200 W. State Street, Black Mountain, NC 28711). An opening ceremony will be held on Monday, September 11 at 1:00 at the field location and a closing ceremony will take place at 11:00 on September 30 to retire the flags. All funds raised by this event will be distributed to non-profit organizations and used for scholarships in the Black Mountain/Swannanoa area. Donations can be made at: https://www.healingfield.org/blackmountainnc23

Mission’s Parent Mentor Orientation Training
Sep 18 @ 12:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Mission Children’s

Would you like to be a mentor? Mission’s Parent Mentor Orientation Training is for parents who
understand the unique experience of raising a child with a disability, mental health challenge, or special
healthcare need. Since 1985, Mission Children’s Hospital Family Support Network (FSN) has connected
parents to volunteer parents who are uniquely qualified to help because of shared experiences. At our
upcoming Parent Mentor Orientation Training, parents are trained to offer support in meaningful ways
for families undergoing a new diagnosis, transition, or crisis. This training offers volunteer parents the
tools they need to support others and become an official FSN Parent Mentor. Training is being offered
three times: Tuesday, August 22 from 5:30pm-8pm; Wednesday, September 13 from 10 am to 12:30pm
and Monday, September 18 from noon to 2:30pm. All sessions will be at Mission Children’s at 11
Vanderbilt Park Dr., Asheville. To register, call 828-213-0047 or email
[email protected]

Manna Food Distribution Mercado Comunitario
Sep 18 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Skyland United Methodist Church

The Skyland UMC congregation has entered into a partnership with Manna Food Bank to provide monthly food distribution at two locations, our Skyland UMC Campus and Sweeten Creek mobile home park. There is time for fellowship with your church family while providing much-needed food to our local community residents. Afternoon shifts vary based on location. Contact: Rev. Joy Moss [email protected] for more information or to sign up.

Grand opening of Asheville Museum of History ‘First Look’ Reception
Sep 18 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Smith-McDowell House


Join us in celebrating the grand opening of
Asheville Museum of History

&  winner of our 2023 Outstanding Achievement Award,
Grace Gordon Pless.