Womansong, Asheville’s longest-running women’s community chorus, invites you to join us in our spring concert, “Love Your Mother (Earth)” a tribute to the beauty of our world. Under the direction of Artistic Director Dr. Allison Thorp, along with Assistant Director Claire Lemke and former Director Althea Gonzalez, this concert will focus on songs celebrating, caring for, and advocating for Mother Earth. The first half of our program will highlight music that expresses love for the earth – appreciation, reflection, connection and joy. The second half will feature music that expresses love for the earth in action – doing, moving, and making change. Among the many inspiring songs are Carrie Newcomer’s If Not Now, Joni Mitchell’s Big Yellow Taxi, Elise Witt’s My Salsa Garden, and the world premiere of Lytingale’s call-to-action composition, Together We Can Change the World. From choral anthems to contemporary pop tunes, there’s
something for everyone – music to make you laugh, cry and dance. Accompanying the choir on piano, flute, violin, and percussion will be Lytingale, Georgia Pressman, Jane Snyder, and Sarah Rubin. Womansong concerts are accessible to the hearing impaired through musical sign language interpretation by Shiner Antiorio.
The concert will be held at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville, One Edwin Place, Asheville 28801, on Friday, May 26, at 7:30 PM, and Saturday, May 27, at 3:00 PM. Womansong celebrates the unity diversity, and empowerment of women through musical expression as we sing for joy, social justice, and community. Our concerts help fund the operation of our nonprofit organization, including the choir’s New Start Fund, a provider of scholarships and emergency funds to women in need.