Upcoming events and things to do in Asheville, NC. Below is a list of events for festivals, concerts, art exhibitions, group meetups and more.

Interested in adding an event to our calendar? Please click the green “Post Your Event” button below.

Sunday, April 30, 2023
Neighborhood Matching Grants
Apr 30 all-day
  • What are Neighborhood Matching Grants?

    The Neighborhood Matching Grants Program (NMG) helps Asheville’s neighborhood-based organizations fund various improvement projects by providing a dollar-for-dollar matching grant of up to $5,000. The program is designed  to strengthen relationships between neighbors, cultivate the spirit of volunteerism, and create projects for the benefit of their communities.

    The City of Asheville’s goal is to:

    • Build neighborhood capacity and increase civic participation
    • Empower neighborhoods to self-determine improvement projects
    • Create and strengthen partnerships between the City and community groups



    Who can apply?

    Eligible recipients of NMG funds must meet the following requirements:

    • Must represent a specific geographic location within Asheville city limits
    • Completed or in the process of completing their “Neighborhood Registration Form”
    • Are a neighborhood-based organization (Neighborhood Associations, Homeowners Associations, Neighborhood Coalition, and Resident Organizations in Tax Credit Funded Communities)


    What types of projects can be funded?

    Asheville’s Neighborhood Matching Grants program aims to fund projects or programs that produce shared benefits with the goal of improving the neighborhood’s quality of life. Any project that is submitted must meet the following criteria:

    • Be achievable within 12 months on contract execution
    • Occur within Asheville’s city limits
    • Provide a public benefit and be accessible to all members of the community
    • Be planned, organized and implemented by community members
    • Must provide a dollar-for-dollar match
      • At least 50% of the match must be matched in volunteer hours
      • Cash, in-kind donation of goods or services can be used to make up the other 50% match

    Neighborhoods are encouraged to submit creative project ideas. There are a variety of projects that can be supported with NMG including: landscaping, murals. community art, cultural festivals, traffic calming, public safety, marketing and branding, organizational development and more.


    How can your neighborhood apply?

    Applications will be open for submission March 27 – May 27, 2023.

    You can apply for a Neighborhood Matching Grant by following these steps:

    1. Confirm your neighborhood’s eligibility.
    2. Review the NMG Program Policies.
    3. Select your neighborhood’s project.
    4. Submit a completed application.
    5. Register as a Vendor with the City of Asheville.


    Have questions?

    Check out this FAQ Document.

    eer hours, in-kind donation of goods or services)\

Monday, May 1, 2023
Neighborhood Matching Grants
May 1 all-day
  • What are Neighborhood Matching Grants?

    The Neighborhood Matching Grants Program (NMG) helps Asheville’s neighborhood-based organizations fund various improvement projects by providing a dollar-for-dollar matching grant of up to $5,000. The program is designed  to strengthen relationships between neighbors, cultivate the spirit of volunteerism, and create projects for the benefit of their communities.

    The City of Asheville’s goal is to:

    • Build neighborhood capacity and increase civic participation
    • Empower neighborhoods to self-determine improvement projects
    • Create and strengthen partnerships between the City and community groups



    Who can apply?

    Eligible recipients of NMG funds must meet the following requirements:

    • Must represent a specific geographic location within Asheville city limits
    • Completed or in the process of completing their “Neighborhood Registration Form”
    • Are a neighborhood-based organization (Neighborhood Associations, Homeowners Associations, Neighborhood Coalition, and Resident Organizations in Tax Credit Funded Communities)


    What types of projects can be funded?

    Asheville’s Neighborhood Matching Grants program aims to fund projects or programs that produce shared benefits with the goal of improving the neighborhood’s quality of life. Any project that is submitted must meet the following criteria:

    • Be achievable within 12 months on contract execution
    • Occur within Asheville’s city limits
    • Provide a public benefit and be accessible to all members of the community
    • Be planned, organized and implemented by community members
    • Must provide a dollar-for-dollar match
      • At least 50% of the match must be matched in volunteer hours
      • Cash, in-kind donation of goods or services can be used to make up the other 50% match

    Neighborhoods are encouraged to submit creative project ideas. There are a variety of projects that can be supported with NMG including: landscaping, murals. community art, cultural festivals, traffic calming, public safety, marketing and branding, organizational development and more.


    How can your neighborhood apply?

    Applications will be open for submission March 27 – May 27, 2023.

    You can apply for a Neighborhood Matching Grant by following these steps:

    1. Confirm your neighborhood’s eligibility.
    2. Review the NMG Program Policies.
    3. Select your neighborhood’s project.
    4. Submit a completed application.
    5. Register as a Vendor with the City of Asheville.


    Have questions?

    Check out this FAQ Document.

    eer hours, in-kind donation of goods or services)\

WNC Farmers Market
May 1 @ 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
WNC Farmers Market

NCDA&CS - Marketing Division - Western North Carolina Farmers Market

The WNC Farmers Market is the premier destination for buying and selling the region’s best agriculture products directly from farmers & food producers to household & wholesale customers in an environment that celebrates the region’s diverse culture, food & heritage.

House of Operation:

WNC Farmers Market: 24/7, 361 days a year market access for farmers
Office: Monday- Friday, 8am-5pm
Market Shops: 7 days a week, 8 am-5 pm
Wholesale and Truck Sheds: 7 days a week

May 1 @ 10:00 am
LaZoom Room

Learn Asheville’s history, discover hidden gems, and laugh at LaZoom’s quirky sense of adventure.

  • Guided comedy tour bus of historical Asheville
  • 90-Minutes – tours run daily
  • 15-minute break at Green Man Brewing
  • $39 per person (ages 13+ only)
May 1 @ 7:00 pm
LaZoom Room


Grab a local beer, crucifix and a rubber chicken* —You might survive this hour long hilarious haunted ghost tour of Asheville.

  • Guided comedy bus tour of Haunted Asheville
  • 60 minutes; tours run nightly after dark
  • $33 per person (Ages 17+ only)
  • Departs from 76 Biltmore Avenue

*Legal Note: Crucifix not required to board the bus; we do not condone exorcisms, chickens, rubber, or any combination of the three.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Asheville Merchandise Guide
May 2 all-day

Asheville Merchandise Guide

All the wearable merch in Asheville in one place.

We love a souvenir T-shirt

So much so that we were inspired to create this guide, first published in May 2023. We’ll be updating it a few times a year, and we encourage you to check in with the businesses listed in the guide about availability. Often merch sells out quickly or is a limited edition. 

While these items aren’t strictly secondhand, we love supporting local businesses and know firsthand how lovely it is to hold on to a memory of a special place you visited on a trip. 

If you know of some merch we’re missing or have feedback or questions, fill out the form below to let us know! 

Neighborhood Matching Grants
May 2 all-day
  • What are Neighborhood Matching Grants?

    The Neighborhood Matching Grants Program (NMG) helps Asheville’s neighborhood-based organizations fund various improvement projects by providing a dollar-for-dollar matching grant of up to $5,000. The program is designed  to strengthen relationships between neighbors, cultivate the spirit of volunteerism, and create projects for the benefit of their communities.

    The City of Asheville’s goal is to:

    • Build neighborhood capacity and increase civic participation
    • Empower neighborhoods to self-determine improvement projects
    • Create and strengthen partnerships between the City and community groups



    Who can apply?

    Eligible recipients of NMG funds must meet the following requirements:

    • Must represent a specific geographic location within Asheville city limits
    • Completed or in the process of completing their “Neighborhood Registration Form”
    • Are a neighborhood-based organization (Neighborhood Associations, Homeowners Associations, Neighborhood Coalition, and Resident Organizations in Tax Credit Funded Communities)


    What types of projects can be funded?

    Asheville’s Neighborhood Matching Grants program aims to fund projects or programs that produce shared benefits with the goal of improving the neighborhood’s quality of life. Any project that is submitted must meet the following criteria:

    • Be achievable within 12 months on contract execution
    • Occur within Asheville’s city limits
    • Provide a public benefit and be accessible to all members of the community
    • Be planned, organized and implemented by community members
    • Must provide a dollar-for-dollar match
      • At least 50% of the match must be matched in volunteer hours
      • Cash, in-kind donation of goods or services can be used to make up the other 50% match

    Neighborhoods are encouraged to submit creative project ideas. There are a variety of projects that can be supported with NMG including: landscaping, murals. community art, cultural festivals, traffic calming, public safety, marketing and branding, organizational development and more.


    How can your neighborhood apply?

    Applications will be open for submission March 27 – May 27, 2023.

    You can apply for a Neighborhood Matching Grant by following these steps:

    1. Confirm your neighborhood’s eligibility.
    2. Review the NMG Program Policies.
    3. Select your neighborhood’s project.
    4. Submit a completed application.
    5. Register as a Vendor with the City of Asheville.


    Have questions?

    Check out this FAQ Document.

    eer hours, in-kind donation of goods or services)\

WNC Farmers Market
May 2 @ 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
WNC Farmers Market

NCDA&CS - Marketing Division - Western North Carolina Farmers Market

The WNC Farmers Market is the premier destination for buying and selling the region’s best agriculture products directly from farmers & food producers to household & wholesale customers in an environment that celebrates the region’s diverse culture, food & heritage.

House of Operation:

WNC Farmers Market: 24/7, 361 days a year market access for farmers
Office: Monday- Friday, 8am-5pm
Market Shops: 7 days a week, 8 am-5 pm
Wholesale and Truck Sheds: 7 days a week

May 2 @ 10:00 am
LaZoom Room

Learn Asheville’s history, discover hidden gems, and laugh at LaZoom’s quirky sense of adventure.

  • Guided comedy tour bus of historical Asheville
  • 90-Minutes – tours run daily
  • 15-minute break at Green Man Brewing
  • $39 per person (ages 13+ only)
West Asheville Tailgate Market
May 2 @ 3:30 pm – 6:30 pm
West Asheville Tailgate Market

WATM Flier.png


•  We accept SNAP EBT + Credit Cards  •

At the West Asheville Tailgate Market, vendors’ tables are abundant with an array of goods including fruits, vegetables, baked goods, bread, eggs, cheese, milk, meat, poultry, and fish.  You will also find plant starts for gardens, locally made specialty items, natural beauty products, herbal medicine, and locally made art and crafts. We have live music and free kids activities so there’s fun for the whole family.

May 2 @ 7:00 pm
LaZoom Room


Grab a local beer, crucifix and a rubber chicken* —You might survive this hour long hilarious haunted ghost tour of Asheville.

  • Guided comedy bus tour of Haunted Asheville
  • 60 minutes; tours run nightly after dark
  • $33 per person (Ages 17+ only)
  • Departs from 76 Biltmore Avenue

*Legal Note: Crucifix not required to board the bus; we do not condone exorcisms, chickens, rubber, or any combination of the three.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023
AVL’s Arts Build Community Grant
May 3 all-day

Since 2018, the Arts Build Community grant supports innovative, arts-based projects that inspire diverse groups of participants to be more active, involved, and civically-engaged by creating together. Grants range from $1,000-2,500.

Arts and culture are a fundamental part of our community. They help us connect with one another and better understand history, people, and new ideas. When people become involved in the design, creation, and upkeep of places, they develop a vested interest in using and maintaining these spaces. When neighbors have a true sense of “ownership” or connection to the places they frequent, the community becomes a better place to live, work, and visit.

Description & Eligibility

Organizations must have been in operation for at least one year and be physically located in Buncombe County. Priority is given to projects based in low-income neighborhoods and communities in need.

The arts must be centered in the proposed project. Funds may be used to cover expenses such as art supplies, professional artists’ fees and travel, space rental, advertising, marketing and publicity, website and electronic media, scripts, costumes, sets, props, music and equipment rental.

Funds are for projects taking place from July 1, 2023- June 30, 2024. This can be a reimbursement for projects occurring during this funding period that have already taken place or for projects that have not yet occurred. Projects must be completed by June 30, 2024.

Neighborhood Matching Grants
May 3 all-day
  • What are Neighborhood Matching Grants?

    The Neighborhood Matching Grants Program (NMG) helps Asheville’s neighborhood-based organizations fund various improvement projects by providing a dollar-for-dollar matching grant of up to $5,000. The program is designed  to strengthen relationships between neighbors, cultivate the spirit of volunteerism, and create projects for the benefit of their communities.

    The City of Asheville’s goal is to:

    • Build neighborhood capacity and increase civic participation
    • Empower neighborhoods to self-determine improvement projects
    • Create and strengthen partnerships between the City and community groups



    Who can apply?

    Eligible recipients of NMG funds must meet the following requirements:

    • Must represent a specific geographic location within Asheville city limits
    • Completed or in the process of completing their “Neighborhood Registration Form”
    • Are a neighborhood-based organization (Neighborhood Associations, Homeowners Associations, Neighborhood Coalition, and Resident Organizations in Tax Credit Funded Communities)


    What types of projects can be funded?

    Asheville’s Neighborhood Matching Grants program aims to fund projects or programs that produce shared benefits with the goal of improving the neighborhood’s quality of life. Any project that is submitted must meet the following criteria:

    • Be achievable within 12 months on contract execution
    • Occur within Asheville’s city limits
    • Provide a public benefit and be accessible to all members of the community
    • Be planned, organized and implemented by community members
    • Must provide a dollar-for-dollar match
      • At least 50% of the match must be matched in volunteer hours
      • Cash, in-kind donation of goods or services can be used to make up the other 50% match

    Neighborhoods are encouraged to submit creative project ideas. There are a variety of projects that can be supported with NMG including: landscaping, murals. community art, cultural festivals, traffic calming, public safety, marketing and branding, organizational development and more.


    How can your neighborhood apply?

    Applications will be open for submission March 27 – May 27, 2023.

    You can apply for a Neighborhood Matching Grant by following these steps:

    1. Confirm your neighborhood’s eligibility.
    2. Review the NMG Program Policies.
    3. Select your neighborhood’s project.
    4. Submit a completed application.
    5. Register as a Vendor with the City of Asheville.


    Have questions?

    Check out this FAQ Document.

    eer hours, in-kind donation of goods or services)\

Passholder Experience: Late Spring Birding Hike
May 3 @ 8:00 am – 10:00 am
Chimney Rock State Park
 Advance Registration Required.

Enjoy this intimate spring birding walk with a local bird expert and get to know your fellow passholders, too. Scope out some of our many resident species as they enjoy the late spring weather from our spot on the NC Birding Trail. This event is exclusively for Annual Passholders.

WNC Farmers Market
May 3 @ 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
WNC Farmers Market

NCDA&CS - Marketing Division - Western North Carolina Farmers Market

The WNC Farmers Market is the premier destination for buying and selling the region’s best agriculture products directly from farmers & food producers to household & wholesale customers in an environment that celebrates the region’s diverse culture, food & heritage.

House of Operation:

WNC Farmers Market: 24/7, 361 days a year market access for farmers
Office: Monday- Friday, 8am-5pm
Market Shops: 7 days a week, 8 am-5 pm
Wholesale and Truck Sheds: 7 days a week

May 3 @ 10:00 am
LaZoom Room

Learn Asheville’s history, discover hidden gems, and laugh at LaZoom’s quirky sense of adventure.

  • Guided comedy tour bus of historical Asheville
  • 90-Minutes – tours run daily
  • 15-minute break at Green Man Brewing
  • $39 per person (ages 13+ only)
River Arts District Farmers Market
May 3 @ 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
River Arts District Farmers Market


Located in the River Arts District, and surrounded by art galleries and breweries, come find out about Asheville’s favourite mid-week market!

Weaverville Tailgate Market
May 3 @ 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Weaverville Tailgate Market

Weaverville Tailgate Market

Proudly serving the Weaverville community since 2009

May 3 @ 7:00 pm
LaZoom Room


Grab a local beer, crucifix and a rubber chicken* —You might survive this hour long hilarious haunted ghost tour of Asheville.

  • Guided comedy bus tour of Haunted Asheville
  • 60 minutes; tours run nightly after dark
  • $33 per person (Ages 17+ only)
  • Departs from 76 Biltmore Avenue

*Legal Note: Crucifix not required to board the bus; we do not condone exorcisms, chickens, rubber, or any combination of the three.

Thursday, May 4, 2023
Asheville Merchandise Guide
May 4 all-day

Asheville Merchandise Guide

All the wearable merch in Asheville in one place.

We love a souvenir T-shirt

So much so that we were inspired to create this guide, first published in May 2023. We’ll be updating it a few times a year, and we encourage you to check in with the businesses listed in the guide about availability. Often merch sells out quickly or is a limited edition. 

While these items aren’t strictly secondhand, we love supporting local businesses and know firsthand how lovely it is to hold on to a memory of a special place you visited on a trip. 

If you know of some merch we’re missing or have feedback or questions, fill out the form below to let us know! 

AVL’s Arts Build Community Grant
May 4 all-day

Since 2018, the Arts Build Community grant supports innovative, arts-based projects that inspire diverse groups of participants to be more active, involved, and civically-engaged by creating together. Grants range from $1,000-2,500.

Arts and culture are a fundamental part of our community. They help us connect with one another and better understand history, people, and new ideas. When people become involved in the design, creation, and upkeep of places, they develop a vested interest in using and maintaining these spaces. When neighbors have a true sense of “ownership” or connection to the places they frequent, the community becomes a better place to live, work, and visit.

Description & Eligibility

Organizations must have been in operation for at least one year and be physically located in Buncombe County. Priority is given to projects based in low-income neighborhoods and communities in need.

The arts must be centered in the proposed project. Funds may be used to cover expenses such as art supplies, professional artists’ fees and travel, space rental, advertising, marketing and publicity, website and electronic media, scripts, costumes, sets, props, music and equipment rental.

Funds are for projects taking place from July 1, 2023- June 30, 2024. This can be a reimbursement for projects occurring during this funding period that have already taken place or for projects that have not yet occurred. Projects must be completed by June 30, 2024.

Neighborhood Matching Grants
May 4 all-day
  • What are Neighborhood Matching Grants?

    The Neighborhood Matching Grants Program (NMG) helps Asheville’s neighborhood-based organizations fund various improvement projects by providing a dollar-for-dollar matching grant of up to $5,000. The program is designed  to strengthen relationships between neighbors, cultivate the spirit of volunteerism, and create projects for the benefit of their communities.

    The City of Asheville’s goal is to:

    • Build neighborhood capacity and increase civic participation
    • Empower neighborhoods to self-determine improvement projects
    • Create and strengthen partnerships between the City and community groups



    Who can apply?

    Eligible recipients of NMG funds must meet the following requirements:

    • Must represent a specific geographic location within Asheville city limits
    • Completed or in the process of completing their “Neighborhood Registration Form”
    • Are a neighborhood-based organization (Neighborhood Associations, Homeowners Associations, Neighborhood Coalition, and Resident Organizations in Tax Credit Funded Communities)


    What types of projects can be funded?

    Asheville’s Neighborhood Matching Grants program aims to fund projects or programs that produce shared benefits with the goal of improving the neighborhood’s quality of life. Any project that is submitted must meet the following criteria:

    • Be achievable within 12 months on contract execution
    • Occur within Asheville’s city limits
    • Provide a public benefit and be accessible to all members of the community
    • Be planned, organized and implemented by community members
    • Must provide a dollar-for-dollar match
      • At least 50% of the match must be matched in volunteer hours
      • Cash, in-kind donation of goods or services can be used to make up the other 50% match

    Neighborhoods are encouraged to submit creative project ideas. There are a variety of projects that can be supported with NMG including: landscaping, murals. community art, cultural festivals, traffic calming, public safety, marketing and branding, organizational development and more.


    How can your neighborhood apply?

    Applications will be open for submission March 27 – May 27, 2023.

    You can apply for a Neighborhood Matching Grant by following these steps:

    1. Confirm your neighborhood’s eligibility.
    2. Review the NMG Program Policies.
    3. Select your neighborhood’s project.
    4. Submit a completed application.
    5. Register as a Vendor with the City of Asheville.


    Have questions?

    Check out this FAQ Document.

    eer hours, in-kind donation of goods or services)\

WNC Farmers Market
May 4 @ 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
WNC Farmers Market

NCDA&CS - Marketing Division - Western North Carolina Farmers Market

The WNC Farmers Market is the premier destination for buying and selling the region’s best agriculture products directly from farmers & food producers to household & wholesale customers in an environment that celebrates the region’s diverse culture, food & heritage.

House of Operation:

WNC Farmers Market: 24/7, 361 days a year market access for farmers
Office: Monday- Friday, 8am-5pm
Market Shops: 7 days a week, 8 am-5 pm
Wholesale and Truck Sheds: 7 days a week

May 4 @ 10:00 am
LaZoom Room

Learn Asheville’s history, discover hidden gems, and laugh at LaZoom’s quirky sense of adventure.

  • Guided comedy tour bus of historical Asheville
  • 90-Minutes – tours run daily
  • 15-minute break at Green Man Brewing
  • $39 per person (ages 13+ only)
Enka-Candler Tailgate Market
May 4 @ 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Enka-Candler Tailgate Market
75% of Enka-Candler Tailgate Market proceeds go towards a student and summer camp scholarship fund for Asheville Farmstead School to promote diversity and accessibility to children learning about themselves and nature through farm and forest. The remaining 25% will be given back to the local Enka-Candler community, directed by the Enka-Candler Tailgate Market Advisory Committee.

List of Supporters (Discounts, donat

Flat Rock Farmers Market
May 4 @ 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Flat Rock Farmers Market

Join us on Thursdays from 3-6 pm through October


Celebrating over 15 years of bringing fresh, local produce and handcrafted goods to the community of Flat Rock NC.
Join us every Thursday, May – October at our location at Pinecrest Presbyterian Church at the corner of Upward Rd and Greenville Hwy. 

May 4 @ 7:00 pm
LaZoom Room


Grab a local beer, crucifix and a rubber chicken* —You might survive this hour long hilarious haunted ghost tour of Asheville.

  • Guided comedy bus tour of Haunted Asheville
  • 60 minutes; tours run nightly after dark
  • $33 per person (Ages 17+ only)
  • Departs from 76 Biltmore Avenue

*Legal Note: Crucifix not required to board the bus; we do not condone exorcisms, chickens, rubber, or any combination of the three.

Friday, May 5, 2023
Asheville Merchandise Guide
May 5 all-day

Asheville Merchandise Guide

All the wearable merch in Asheville in one place.

We love a souvenir T-shirt

So much so that we were inspired to create this guide, first published in May 2023. We’ll be updating it a few times a year, and we encourage you to check in with the businesses listed in the guide about availability. Often merch sells out quickly or is a limited edition. 

While these items aren’t strictly secondhand, we love supporting local businesses and know firsthand how lovely it is to hold on to a memory of a special place you visited on a trip. 

If you know of some merch we’re missing or have feedback or questions, fill out the form below to let us know! 

AVL’s Arts Build Community Grant
May 5 all-day

Since 2018, the Arts Build Community grant supports innovative, arts-based projects that inspire diverse groups of participants to be more active, involved, and civically-engaged by creating together. Grants range from $1,000-2,500.

Arts and culture are a fundamental part of our community. They help us connect with one another and better understand history, people, and new ideas. When people become involved in the design, creation, and upkeep of places, they develop a vested interest in using and maintaining these spaces. When neighbors have a true sense of “ownership” or connection to the places they frequent, the community becomes a better place to live, work, and visit.

Description & Eligibility

Organizations must have been in operation for at least one year and be physically located in Buncombe County. Priority is given to projects based in low-income neighborhoods and communities in need.

The arts must be centered in the proposed project. Funds may be used to cover expenses such as art supplies, professional artists’ fees and travel, space rental, advertising, marketing and publicity, website and electronic media, scripts, costumes, sets, props, music and equipment rental.

Funds are for projects taking place from July 1, 2023- June 30, 2024. This can be a reimbursement for projects occurring during this funding period that have already taken place or for projects that have not yet occurred. Projects must be completed by June 30, 2024.

Neighborhood Matching Grants
May 5 all-day
  • What are Neighborhood Matching Grants?

    The Neighborhood Matching Grants Program (NMG) helps Asheville’s neighborhood-based organizations fund various improvement projects by providing a dollar-for-dollar matching grant of up to $5,000. The program is designed  to strengthen relationships between neighbors, cultivate the spirit of volunteerism, and create projects for the benefit of their communities.

    The City of Asheville’s goal is to:

    • Build neighborhood capacity and increase civic participation
    • Empower neighborhoods to self-determine improvement projects
    • Create and strengthen partnerships between the City and community groups



    Who can apply?

    Eligible recipients of NMG funds must meet the following requirements:

    • Must represent a specific geographic location within Asheville city limits
    • Completed or in the process of completing their “Neighborhood Registration Form”
    • Are a neighborhood-based organization (Neighborhood Associations, Homeowners Associations, Neighborhood Coalition, and Resident Organizations in Tax Credit Funded Communities)


    What types of projects can be funded?

    Asheville’s Neighborhood Matching Grants program aims to fund projects or programs that produce shared benefits with the goal of improving the neighborhood’s quality of life. Any project that is submitted must meet the following criteria:

    • Be achievable within 12 months on contract execution
    • Occur within Asheville’s city limits
    • Provide a public benefit and be accessible to all members of the community
    • Be planned, organized and implemented by community members
    • Must provide a dollar-for-dollar match
      • At least 50% of the match must be matched in volunteer hours
      • Cash, in-kind donation of goods or services can be used to make up the other 50% match

    Neighborhoods are encouraged to submit creative project ideas. There are a variety of projects that can be supported with NMG including: landscaping, murals. community art, cultural festivals, traffic calming, public safety, marketing and branding, organizational development and more.


    How can your neighborhood apply?

    Applications will be open for submission March 27 – May 27, 2023.

    You can apply for a Neighborhood Matching Grant by following these steps:

    1. Confirm your neighborhood’s eligibility.
    2. Review the NMG Program Policies.
    3. Select your neighborhood’s project.
    4. Submit a completed application.
    5. Register as a Vendor with the City of Asheville.


    Have questions?

    Check out this FAQ Document.

    eer hours, in-kind donation of goods or services)\