Upcoming events and things to do in Asheville, NC. Below is a list of events for festivals, concerts, art exhibitions, group meetups and more.

Interested in adding an event to our calendar? Please click the green “Post Your Event” button below.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023
Getting Started with Libby – Online Training
May 17 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Join the team from Libby for a one-hour Getting Started with Libby webinar, and learn Libby with the Experts! This webinar will show you everything you need to know to get started with Libby or to make the switch from the OverDrive app.

Sunday, May 28, 2023
May 28 @ 8:00 pm
The Odd

Avant garde music & circuit bending fans! Do not miss the next incarnation of Nightmare of Noise,Toybox Theatre’s electric experimental toy orchestra! Featuring local mad scientist Zen Sutherland and local fan favorite multimedia artist Edwin Salas.

Thursday, July 20, 2023
Intro to Next.js
Jul 20 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Biltmore Career Center

Join us July 20th for an introduction to Next.js.

What is Next.js? Let’s ask nextjs.org:

Used by some of the world’s largest companies, Next.js enables you to create full-stack web applications by extending the latest React features, and integrating powerful Rust-based JavaScript tooling for the fastest builds.

In this session, you will learn the pros and cons of using Next.js along with examples of what you can accomplish using the framework. We will give an overview of how a Next.js application is structured, demonstrate a production Next.js website, and build a Next.js website from a starter template.

Big thanks to the Biltmore HR Department who graciously gifted us use of their well-equipped training space. Biltmore Career Center is centrally located with tons of parking, ample snacks/beverages, and reliable Wi-Fi.

As you may know, Asheville JavaScript Meetup has been dormant since January 2020 and recently changed leadership. This session, if successful, will likely lead to more events. The JS world is too exciting to sit by idly – let’s have some fun! 🎉

Your hosts are Jennifer Hill, Front-End Web Developer, and Chad Evans, Web Enthusiast.

Note that Asheville JavaScript Meetup is an independent meetup group. Future events may be held at a different location with different sponsors.

GIVEAWAY: Two (2) Biltmore tickets will be awarded to two (2) lucky attendees – only if you RSVP and are present for the session. Please RSVP if you plan to attend.

Saturday, July 29, 2023
XP League Asheville – Open House, free trial coaching sessions
Jul 29 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
XP League Asheville - youth team esports

We are excited to share that XP League Asheville will have Open House activities on 7/29 from 10-2pm where you can book a free coaching session. All early registrations will receive a Founding Member discount – for life!
Team games we play include Fortnite, Minecraft (bed-wars), Rocket League, Valorant, Apex Legends, Overwatch 2, and League of Legends.
The founders of this NC based franchise created a league where kids ages 7-17 could join a team and enjoy high-level league play against other youth teams across the country, all while enjoying a safe environment, PCA certified coach-led sessions, and receive training on how to play with a positive mindset.
Please scroll to the calendar on this website to book the free coaching session that you want to attend:

Friday, August 4, 2023
‘A Cautious, Non-Technical, Introduction to AI
Aug 4 @ 11:00 am
A-B Tech Enka Campus

Online or in-print, you can’t avoid all the hype around the new AIs like ChatGPT. They are going to take over the world! But first they are going to replace lawyers, doctors, accountants, marketing departments, script writers… and on…


Or maybe… they are yet another tool that will help – in powerful ways – but not replace any of those groups or replace you. In fact, they are already helping in many fields and have been before all the press coverage started. But they are also getting people into trouble. And they can get you into trouble, or hurt your business results, if you don’t understand their limits and uses.


In this class you will learn how Large Language Models (like ChatGPT) work (and how they don’t). You will learn how they can get people into trouble so you will have a better chance to avoid that. And you will learn a few, basic, ways they can be used, after all, to help you with your small business.


If you can, please bring a laptop or tablet so you can setup a free ChatGPT account (if you don’t have one) and can tailor some of the class examples to your own business interests. However, a computer is not required to benefit from the class – we will be running examples and results on the projector screen as well.


This is not a technical class. We will not get into APIs and will only talk about the model parameters as part of showing, in a non-technical way, how the models work. We will also not debate whether they will replace all those professional groups “in a few years” because a) they won’t because they can’t by their very nature and b) we’re going to spend the class time talking about how small business owners can safely and productively use the tools today.


Instructor: Michael Truffa

Michael Truffa has been involved in a range of technology roles starting in the 1970s continuing on to today – doing application scripting, web & back-end programming, data science, error analytics, team management, and more. He also has a wide range of non-computer experience including roles in direct & b2b sales, as a mechanical & electrical technician in the oilfield, retail, and more that help inform his pragmatic view of how computers can, and sometimes can’t, help people do real-world jobs.

Thursday, August 10, 2023
Code with Asheville Monthly Meeting
Aug 10 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Are you curious or even passionate about using advocacy, technology and sensible design to create more equitable social and civic structures in Western North Carolina?
Whether you call yourself an organizer, a technologist, a designer, planner, concerned resident, all of the above or something else entirely, we want to be in relationship and build community together with you.
Check out a list of our current projects: https://github.com/CodeForAsheville/projects
What to expect:
Since project work takes place asynchronously—individually and in smaller squads—the goals of our monthly gatherings are to:

  • build relationships and learn about each other’s skills, interests and goals,
  • learn what we are doing across the organization (project updates),
  • provide opportunities to get involved with and/or initiate projects, and
  • shape where we are going as an organization, co-creating the culture and course of our work together.

In this meeting, we will:

  • gather virtually using Zoom for group video chat,
  • do brief introductions, with a prompt,
  • share updates about the projects that we’re working on, highlighting deliverables for the next month and areas where additional resources would be useful, and
  • discuss proposals and new opportunities to engage with local government and community organizations.

It isn’t all glamorous, but the stakes are low for showing up and we’d be delighted to join together with you in this work.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023
Getting Started with Libby – Online Training
Aug 16 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Join the team from Libby for a one-hour Getting Started with Libby webinar, and learn Libby with the Experts! This webinar will show you everything you need to know to get started with Libby or to make the switch from the OverDrive app.

From downloading the app & signing in, to searching & borrowing titles, placing holds, adjusting reading settings, and more, our Libby experts are here to get you started. The session will close with a mini-quiz and live Q&A.

Want to learn Libby, but can’t attend one of our monthly sessions live? Sessions will be recorded and emailed to everyone registered 24 hours after the webinar. Please register to receive the recording.

If you don’t have the Libby app downloaded on your device already, you can download the Libby app on most iOS and Android devices. Visit the Apple App Store or Google Play store and search for Libby. Your result should be Libby, by OverDrive, and the app is FREE! You can also use Libby in your web browser by going to libbyapp.com.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Technology Talk: Setting Up Your Internet
Sep 20 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Pack Memorial Library

Free Technology Workshop Lead by “Rent a Millennial”

Topic: Setting Up Your Home Internet
This class will cover your local area network (the internet in your home). How to set it up, how to optimize it, how to troubleshoot common issues. There will be time for Q&A and individual attention.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Technology Talk: The Cloud
Sep 27 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Pack Memorial Library

Free Technology Workshop Lead by “Rent a Millennial”

Topic: The Cloud
The 4 W’s (and one H) of the Cloud. We will cover What, When, Where, Why, and How. There will be time for Q&A and individual attention.

September 27th, 1-2pm
Pack Memorial Library Lord Auditorium
Beginner friendly

Registration is required. Register using the event calendar link, or by calling 828-250-4700, or emailing [email protected].

Rent a Millennial is a local technology company. They focus on broad spectrum of digital technologies including; computer repair, networking, smart appliances, home theaters, mobile devices and more. Founded by a Weaverville native, the company’s mission is to get the technology you already own to work the way you want. They believe in transparency, honesty, and providing support at a price everyone can afford.

Monday, October 2, 2023
Esports Day Camp
Oct 2 @ 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
XP League Asheville

School is out for a teacher’s work day, so bring your child (age 7-17) to our esports day camp from 8am-4pm – bring their own lunch. Only $70 for the day. (18 spots available)

Tuesday, October 3, 2023
Esports Day Camp
Oct 3 @ 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
XP League Asheville

School is out for a teacher’s work day, so bring your child (age 7-17) to our esports day camp from 8am-4pm – bring their own lunch. Only $70 for the day. (18 spots available)

Friday, October 6, 2023
Parent’s Night Out
Oct 6 @ 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm
XP League Asheville

Do you want to have a date night or just some quiet time at home? Drop off your kids with us anytime between 5-10pm for a fun night of video games and a variety of board games!

Wednesday, January 10, 2024
Learn Libby with the Experts
Jan 10 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
online w/ Pack Memorial Library

Join a one-hour Getting Started with Libby ONLINE webinar, and learn Libby with the Experts!

From downloading the app & signing in, to searching & borrowing titles, placing holds, adjusting reading settings, and more, our Libby experts are here to get you started. The session will close with a mini-quiz and live Q&A.

Want to learn Libby, but can’t attend one of our monthly sessions live? Sessions will be recorded and emailed to everyone registered 24 hours after the webinar. Please register to receive the recording.

To register go to this link:

If you don’t have the Libby app downloaded on your device already, you can download the Libby app on most iOS and Android devices. Visit the Apple App Store or Google Play store and search for Libby. Your result should be Libby, by OverDrive, and the app is FREE! You can also use Libby in your web browser by going to libbyapp.com. Webinar is set in Eastern Time. If you would like to show the time in your zone, click on “Time shows in Eastern Time (US and Canada)” and choose your time zone.

AVL Tech Connect
Jan 10 @ 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm
The Track at Asheville

Join the growing tech scene in Asheville and connect with fellow developers and designers in town. Each event will include a presentation (or two) and the opportunity to discuss technical, design, and product challenges with our talented community of creators and engineers.

Interested in presenting? Apply here: https://forms.gle/bJyj9AK9ruJpXzYX6

AVL Tech Connect starts at 5:30 with 30 minutes of socializing and presentations start at 6:00.

Event series supported by: AVL Digital Nomads, Venture Asheville, and the NC Biotech Center

Hosted at The Track at Asheville, there will be an opportunity to experience the thrill of SIM racing toward the end of the event.
Sign up and help us spread the word!

Thursday, January 11, 2024
Code with Asheville Monthly Meeting
Jan 11 @ 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Are you curious or even passionate about using advocacy, technology and sensible design to create more equitable social and civic structures in Western North Carolina?
Whether you call yourself an organizer, a technologist, a designer, planner, concerned resident, all of the above or something else entirely, we want to be in relationship and build community together with you.
Check out a list of our current projects: https://github.com/CodeForAsheville/projects
What to expect:
Since project work takes place asynchronously—individually and in smaller squads—the goals of our monthly gatherings are to:

  • build relationships and learn about each other’s skills, interests and goals,
  • learn what we are doing across the organization (project updates),
  • provide opportunities to get involved with and/or initiate projects, and
  • shape where we are going as an organization, co-creating the culture and course of our work together.

In this meeting, we will:

  • gather virtually using Zoom for group video chat,
  • do brief introductions, with a prompt,
  • share updates about the projects that we’re working on, highlighting deliverables for the next month and areas where additional resources would be useful, and
  • discuss proposals and new opportunities to engage with local government and community organizations.

It isn’t all glamorous, but the stakes are low for showing up and we’d be delighted to join together with you in this work.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024
PC Snacks at the Public Library
Mar 13 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Leicester Library
Sign Up

Join us for three “small bite” classes to learn basic computer skills to navigate today’s online world.

March 13: In this first class, participants will get familiar with the desktop, taskbar, start menu, and file explorer.
March 20: Internet browsers: safety and security, searching and reading websites, and bookmarks.
March 27: An overview of email: inbox and other folders, unsubscribing, and safety

Participants will be registered for all three classes. Class size is limited, so please make sure you can attend all three before claiming a spot. Laptops will be provided for the class!

Email [email protected] with any questions.

Saturday, March 30, 2024
Spring Town Square
Mar 30 @ 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm
One World West

Come eat, drink, and be merry at Beacon’s Spring Town Square event, where we will connect across Asheville’s many communities. Join us Saturday, March 30th from 12 to 3 pm at One World West in West Asheville. This is an opportunity for locals to learn and share about what’s happening in their communities. Attendees will have an opportunity to make announcements, requests, and offers during our Community Forum portion of the evening.

Donations are requested but not required. Food and drink will be available for purchase.

Saturday, April 13, 2024
Maker Faire Asheville
Apr 13 @ 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
AB Tech/Mission Health Conference Center

Maker Faire is a gathering of fascinating, curious people who enjoy learning and who love sharing what they can do. From engineers to artists toscientists to crafters, Maker Faire is a venue for these “makers” to show hobbies, experiments, projects.

We call it the Greatest Show (& Tell) on Earth – a family-friendly showcase of invention, creativity, and resourcefulness.

Glimpse the future and get inspired!

Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Tech Time at the Library
May 14 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Pack Memorial Library

Tech Time is a drop-in program where you can receive one-on-one help from library staff. To the best of our ability, we will help you solve a tech related problem or accomplish a specific task. We can work together on the library’s computers or your device. Anyone is welcome to stop by, we will help

Learn Libby with the Experts
May 14 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Pack Memorial Library

Join a one-hour Getting Started with Libby ONLINE webinar and learn Libby with the Experts!

From downloading the app & signing in, to searching & borrowing titles, placing holds, adjusting reading settings, and more, our Libby experts are here to get you started. The session will close with a mini-quiz and live Q&A.

Want to learn Libby, but can’t attend one of our monthly sessions live? Sessions will be recorded and emailed to everyone registered 24 hours after the webinar. Please register to receive the recording.

To register go to this link:

If you don’t have the Libby app downloaded on your device already, you can download the Libby app on most iOS and Android devices. Visit the Apple App Store or Google Play store and search for Libby. Your result should be Libby, by OverDrive, and the app is FREE! You can also use Libby in your web browser by going to libbyapp.com. Webinar is set in Eastern Time. If you would like to show the time in your zone, click on “Time shows in Eastern Time (US and Canada)” and choose your time zone.

Friday, July 19, 2024
AI In Production Conference
Jul 19 all-day
The Collider

AI in Production is a two-day, single-track conference designed for product teams and software developers tasked with building AI products, offering guidance on best practices and starting points.

This community event brings together professionals to exchange ideas, learn about the latest AI practices and tools, and discuss their applications and limitations with industry leaders and peers in AI and software development.

Join us to learn, network, gain inspiration, and shape the future of AI in business and applications.

Thursday, August 1, 2024
PARI Summer STEM and Space Exploration Camps
Aug 1 all-day
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute

Unleash your curiosity of the unknown when you retreat to a dark sky oasis where the stars are innumerable
and beckon overhead. Let the magnificence of space overwhelm you as you discover the mysteries that still
confound scientists, it just might drive you to become tomorrow’s astronauts, physicists, and engineers.
Come learn how different telescopes work and use them and real data to explore space just like professional
scientists do. PARI is a unique site, rich in space science history, and is located in the Blue Ridge Mountains
of North Carolina, where an abundance of adventures awaits. From Space and Science to tubing, waterfall
swimming and roller skating, there are fun, refreshing activities for everyone.
Your Next Adventure Awaits!
When you look up at night and see a field of twinkling lights or the bright crescent of the Moon, what is it
you think of? Maybe you wonder what makes the stars burn and how they came to be, or what planets might
orbit them and the worlds they hold. Perhaps you see patterns that tell a story or point the way to a place
beyond the horizon. Or, do they instill in you a sense of adventure and desire to explore?
Space is a frontier that sparks imagination and curiosity to discover and understand. It invokes the same
spirit that drove ancient peoples to sail into the unknown and pioneers to set out across continents. To reach
into space requires tenacity and grit, bringing together people from diverse backgrounds who’ve studied,
experimented, and pushed humanity’s abilities forward again and again.
The summer of 2024 will begin PARI’s twenty- third summer camp season. It brings camp programs where
campers explore the ways that researchers delve the depths of our universe to make new discoveries, and the
challenges that humans face when leaving the Earth to explore the Moon, Mars, and beyond.
It is also the third summer of our new partnership with Clemson University. This collaboration expands our
ability to inspire with new topics and resources and will reach even more campers who will become the next
generation of scientists and explorers.
Have you got what it takes to conquer STEM and Space?
PARI Summer Camps
Mission Control: Martian Frontier
-Do you have what it takes to plan a mission to another planet?
Gain confidence, learn space science, and strive to make it to a new world in this combination role-play—academic
camp. The wide variety of topics makes this camp a good fit for a range of interests. You’ll tackle challenges in
space craft and habitat design, astronaut health and well-being, and capturing public interest while swaying others
to support your plan.
This camp is designed for middle and high school aged campers.
Above & Beyond
-Models the research process followed by professionals in space science!
Our signature and most academically intensive camp explores the universe through astronomy, physics, and
astrobiology. Use real research-grade instruments and data to investigate objects like super-nova remnants and
distant star clusters, or map the Milky Way. One small step as a space explorer, one giant step in launching your
career in space.
This camp is designed for high school aged campers.
3D Planets – PARI Edition
Lunar and Martian Geography, 3D Modeling & Printing
What is the surface of other planets like? How do we find out and turn that information into a three dimensional
model? Can we accurately recreate other places in the solar system with a 3D printer in a way that anyone can
see and touch and gain an understanding of places beyond Earth? Campers will investigate these questions and
delve into the processes of making science accessible to all. The PARI edition will feature a field trip to a unique
mountain location to experience the beauty of the Land of Waterfalls.
This camp is available in versions for either middle school or high school aged campers.
Clemson & PARI Summer Camps
3D Planets – Clemson Edition
Lunar and Martian Geography, 3D Modeling & Printing
What is the surface of other planets like? How do we find out and turn that information into a three dimensional
model? Can we accurately recreate other places in the solar system with a 3D printer in a way that anyone can
see and touch and gain an understanding of places beyond Earth? Campers will investigate these questions and
delve into the processes of making science accessible to all.
The Clemson Edition of this camp will feature a guest speaker from Clemson University who will engage campers
with the science and research going on there. Campers will also hike to a unique mountain location in the Land of
This camp is designed for middle school aged campers.
Advanced 3D Planets – Clemson Edition
Lunar and Martian Geography, 3D Modeling & Printing
What is the surface of other planets like? How do we find out and turn that information into a three dimensional
model? Can we accurately recreate other places in the solar system with a 3D printer in a way that anyone can
see and touch and gain an understanding of places beyond Earth? Campers will investigate these questions and
delve into the processes of making science accessible to all.
The advanced version of this camp is designed for high school aged campers and will go deeper into the math
behind how the data is modeled in the computer. We will also learn to represent 3D models with code.
The Clemson Edition of this camp will feature a field trip to Clemson University where students experience the
science and research going on there.
This camp is designed for high school aged campers.
3D Planets – Clemson Edition
6/16/2024 3 PM – 6/21/2024 10 AM
Ages 11 – 15
Advanced 3D Planets – Clemson Edition
6/23/2024 3 PM – 6/28/2024 10 AM
Ages 14 – 17 years
3D Planets – PARI Edition
6/30/2024 3 PM – 7/5/2024 10 AM
Ages 11 – 15
Above & Beyond
7/7/2024 3 PM – 7/18/2024 10 AM
Grades 9th – 12th
Martian Frontier
7/21/2024 3 PM – 8/1/2024 10 AM
Grades 7th – 12th
Empowering today’s campers to become tomorrow’s leaders in space and science discovery