Calendar of Events
Upcoming events and things to do in Asheville, NC. Below is a list of events for festivals, concerts, art exhibitions, group meetups and more.
Interested in adding an event to our calendar? Please click the green “Post Your Event” button below.
Buncombe County is excited to announce the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022 is now available.
The ACFR offers an in-depth analysis of Buncombe’s financial process and contains an independent auditor’s report from the audit firm CliftonLarsonAllen LLP.
Go to the full report.
We invite you to come downtown and experience one or more temporary installations from the Art in the Heart program. Share your thoughts on the artwork by clicking on the second tab below. Art in the Heart is a temporary art program specifically designed to help stimulate conversations about themes like identity, community, inclusion, healing, unity, and resilience. It’s also a way to start conversations about how public spaces can, or don’t, help reflect or express a community’s past, present, and future.
You can find more background and information about the Pack Square Visioning Project here.
Asheville Asks: How do I get an issue addressed or find out about services in my neighborhood?
Our new Neighborhood Resources web page is a “one-stop-shop” resource to answer residents’ questions, from development projects to trash pick up.
This webpage gives you quick access links to some of the most frequently requested community resources and information.
Residents have a variety of questions and opportunities to get involved, and having the answers and information all in one place empowers residents to stay informed and help the City make improvements that the community wants to see.
The Neighborhood Resources web page can be accessed at
Did we miss something? Let us know how we can improve this page by contacting us at [email protected].
The Asheville Fire Department is conducting a survey this month to understand how residents like you feel about the services provided by the City of Asheville Fire Department.
It’s a quick 2 question survey which allows you to rate service and make suggestions as to how AFD can better serve the community.
Have thoughts?
It’s the Season for Giving
Join us in helping to ensure members of the WNC community have enough nutritious food to eat this holiday season. In partnership with MANNA Food Bank, we’re hosting a holiday food drive and requesting donations of healthy, non-perishable food items as well as personal hygiene products. Donations will be delivered to MANNA, weighed, and distributed to those in need. Collection barrels are set up inside the lobbies of REI Co-op and Regal Biltmore Grande through December 19th.
Organizing a litter cleanup with your friends, neighbors, co-workers, or other community members is easier than you may think! Asheville GreenWorks provides cleanup supplies and safety information, and will coordinate trash pick up as needed. Supplies include gloves, safety vests, trash bags, trash grabbers, and a SHARPs container. Register now to learn more about borrowing supplies to organize your own cleanup!
- Donate $25+ and get a day pass to the WNC Nature Center.
- Donate $50+ and get an animal sticker and a day pass.
- Donate $100+ and get an animal tracks necklace, animal sticker, and a day pass.
- Donate $250+ and get a a guided tour of the Nature Center with animal enrichment for two people, plus the necklace, sticker, and day pass. PLUS, you’ll be entered to win a chance to go on habitat with red pandas Leafa and Phoenix in 2023!
Merchants all over Henderson County vie for the honor of best holiday window displays and lighting, Take a drive around the county then vote for your favorite store front online, All displays will be available to view by November 26, but voting is only open December 6 – 17, Find the list of participants and information for online voting.
the City of Hendersonville will begin their fall bulk leaf collection service for City residents. Bulk leaf collection will continue throughout the fall season and conclude on December 30.
During bulk leaf collection, City residents should pile loose leaves as close to the street, curb, or sidewalk as possible without placing the leaves in the roadway or on the sidewalk. Leaves should not be bagged by City of Hendersonville residents.
Residents can help prevent safety hazards by keeping leaf piles out of the sidewalks. Obstructed sidewalks may force people to walk into the street and pose a danger for pedestrians and motorists. Keeping leaf piles out of the roadways and sidewalks also helps prevent debris from being washed into the storm drains which can cause flooding.
The bulk leaf collection process is separate from brush collection crews; therefore, residents will need to keep their brush and leaves in separate piles until bulk leaf collection has concluded at the end of the year. Leaf piles should be free of tree limbs or other objects that may damage collection equipment. Spring bulk leaf collection typically occurs during the month of March.
It is not necessary for the public to contact Public Works with leaf pick-up requests as this service is automatically provided to City residents. Leaf piles are picked up from homes every ten to fourteen days but, depending on the volume of leaves placed out for collection, the piles could be picked up sooner or later than that time frame.
Homeowners all over Henderson County vie for the honor of having the best holiday decorations, as voted on by you. You are invited to take a drive around the county to look at all the festive holiday displays and then vote online for your favorite. An interactive online Google map with all locations and a printable PDF will be available by Nov. 25, 2022.
Printed copies of maps will also be at the Hendersonville Welcome Center at that time. Online voting opens in December.
The fall season is a time when many of us gather with our friends, families and loved ones for a variety of holidays and seasonal festivities. Often, these celebrations center around food, making it out of reach for so many people struggling to afford groceries, especially this year, with rising food costs making even a holiday turkey a distant luxury. Right now, MANNA and our partner network are still serving 68% more people than before the pandemic – many who are needing a hand for the first time. |
Now more than ever, MANNA FoodBank is dedicated to filling as many holiday tables as possible, and you can help us give thousands of households the gift of a holiday, of one less struggle, and a helping of hope. Please join our Virtual Turkey Drive – where we can stretch your donation further to get turkeys, hams, and holiday foods of all kinds for our neighbors across 16 western North Carolina counties. Together, we can make the holidays happen for the people who live and work right here at home, in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. |
Oral History Resources
Why Oral History?
“You don’t have to be famous for your life to be history.” -Nell Sigmon
The words above serve as the unofficial motto of the Southern Oral History Program, a project that has inspired and guided the development of Buncombe County Public Libraries’ oral history collecting initiatives.
History doesn’t just live in public records, letters, maps, or photographs. Many people aren’t well-represented in documented history, especially those that have been historically excluded from power or property.
Oral histories gives people the opportunity to tell their stories in their own words and allow their voices to endure through times. Oral histories fill in the gaps of the historical record, and deepen our comprehension of the past and present by showing us how lives are experienced on an individual level.
Through conducting, facilitating, and collecting oral histories, we hope to help bond generations, build understanding, and strengthen community.
Oral History Backpack Loan Program
You can now check out an oral history backpack from Buncombe County Public Libraries!
Call your local library or 828-250-4740 to request a backpack. You will receive a phone call when the backpack is ready to be picked up. There is no cost to borrow a backpack!
Your oral history backpack will include everything you need (and more) to record a successful oral history interview, and (if you choose) to donate the recording to a collection where it can be made available to the public and preserved for future generations. Donating your oral history recording is not a requirement of checking out a backpack. Accepted donations must meet specific donation conditions and criteria; see “Donating Oral History Recordings” below.
Borrowing Rules and Procedures
- Only one backpack may be checked out per household at a time.
- Borrowers must be 18 years or older, with a Buncombe County library card in good standing.
- The loan period is four weeks.
- Backpacks can be picked up at any Buncombe County library.
- Backpacks must be returned during normal library operating hours, either inside or using curbside service. NO OUTSIDE DROP BOX returns.
- Files must be saved by the borrower before returning. All data on returned devices will be deleted and may not be recovered.
- Backpacks will be considered lost when 10 days overdue. The charge for lost items is: voice recorder $100; backpack $30; headphones $20; microSD card, adapters, windscreen, or hard-shell cases $10 each.
Forms and Documents
For borrowers:
- Borrower Agreement (must be signed when checking out a backpack)
- Oral History Manual (includes list of backpack inventory, guidelines, and basic tech guide)
- Video Instructions [COMING SOON]
- Oral History Question Cards (ideas to get you started)
- H1n Handy Recorder Quick Start Guide & Safety Manual
- H1n Handy Recorder Complete Operation Manual
Make A Wish Come True This Holiday Season
Ready the hot cocoa and pull out your decorations; it’s time for another holiday season. As you begin your holiday preparation traditions, remember to visit the Buncombe County Wish Trees! This year we are offering two opportunities to spread cheer throughout the community:
Foster Care Wish Tree
Each year children in foster care and young adults participating in Extended Foster Care in Buncombe County submit a list of wishes they would like for the holidays. Signing up to sponsor a child or young adult is easy! Just follow the link below and select the child or young adult you would like to sponsor. After signing up, you will receive email confirmation that provides a copy of the wish list and all the instructions for drop off. We are taking extra precautions due to COVID-19 so be sure to read the follow up email in its entirety.
Direct Questions to Amber Cook
[email protected]
(828) 250-5824
The Wish Tree- Fulfilling Wishes of Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities
There are a lot of Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities in Buncombe County in need of connection this holiday season. Show a Older Adult and or Adult with Disabilities how much you care by sponsoring them this holiday season. Signing up to sponsor a Older Adult and or Adult with Disabilities is easy. Just follow the link below, select the Older Adult and or Adult with Disabilities you would like to sponsor, and check your email for confirmation, a reminder of what your Older Adult and or Adult with Disabilities would like this holiday season, and drop off instructions. We are taking extra precautions due to COVID-19 so be sure to read the follow up email in its entirety.
A note from HHS
The holidays can be hard for a lot of people, children in foster care, older adults, and adults with disabilities in particular. Holidays are a time when family and friends gather together, show support for one another, and shower each other with love, kindness, and generosity. Each year, we have an opportunity to deliver the holiday spirit to children in foster care, older adults, and adults with disabilities through our wish tree gift drives. The expressions of joy and excitement on our clients faces as we deliver their gifts reminds us of the true meaning of the holiday season, connection. Yes, the gifts are nice. But the real gift is knowing that someone loves and cares. That is what we deliver to our clients. Thank you in advance for your generous sponsorship.
Buncombe County is excited to announce the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022 is now available.
The ACFR offers an in-depth analysis of Buncombe’s financial process and contains an independent auditor’s report from the audit firm CliftonLarsonAllen LLP.
Go to the full report.
We invite you to come downtown and experience one or more temporary installations from the Art in the Heart program. Share your thoughts on the artwork by clicking on the second tab below. Art in the Heart is a temporary art program specifically designed to help stimulate conversations about themes like identity, community, inclusion, healing, unity, and resilience. It’s also a way to start conversations about how public spaces can, or don’t, help reflect or express a community’s past, present, and future.
You can find more background and information about the Pack Square Visioning Project here.
Asheville Asks: How do I get an issue addressed or find out about services in my neighborhood?
Our new Neighborhood Resources web page is a “one-stop-shop” resource to answer residents’ questions, from development projects to trash pick up.
This webpage gives you quick access links to some of the most frequently requested community resources and information.
Residents have a variety of questions and opportunities to get involved, and having the answers and information all in one place empowers residents to stay informed and help the City make improvements that the community wants to see.
The Neighborhood Resources web page can be accessed at
Did we miss something? Let us know how we can improve this page by contacting us at [email protected].
The Asheville Fire Department is conducting a survey this month to understand how residents like you feel about the services provided by the City of Asheville Fire Department.
It’s a quick 2 question survey which allows you to rate service and make suggestions as to how AFD can better serve the community.
Have thoughts?
It’s the Season for Giving
Join us in helping to ensure members of the WNC community have enough nutritious food to eat this holiday season. In partnership with MANNA Food Bank, we’re hosting a holiday food drive and requesting donations of healthy, non-perishable food items as well as personal hygiene products. Donations will be delivered to MANNA, weighed, and distributed to those in need. Collection barrels are set up inside the lobbies of REI Co-op and Regal Biltmore Grande through December 19th.
We want everyone to Experience More Joy this season so while you’re out shopping this weekend, find the giant, pre-lit ornament located in the median of Town Square Blvd. Not only is it a festive and fun photo backdrop but just by following a few simple prompts and entering our photo contest, you could win a $100 gift card to one Biltmore Park Town Square business of your choice. So, gather your friends, family, beloved pet, or just yourself and get creative!
How to enter the Instagram Photo Contest:
1. Take a photo at the ornament
2. Follow @biltmoreparktownsq on Instagram by December 18th
3. Post your photo on Instagram
4. Tag your photo using the hashtag #MoreJoyBPTS
*Contest ends December 18th and the winner will be randomly selected and notified on December 21st.
Organizing a litter cleanup with your friends, neighbors, co-workers, or other community members is easier than you may think! Asheville GreenWorks provides cleanup supplies and safety information, and will coordinate trash pick up as needed. Supplies include gloves, safety vests, trash bags, trash grabbers, and a SHARPs container. Register now to learn more about borrowing supplies to organize your own cleanup!
Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy
WHAT THEY DO: We permanently protect and steward our region’s most beloved natural areas. When you support local land and water conservation, you ensure our lands, our water, our wildlife and our farms will be there for future generations. SAHC is committed to creating and supporting equitable, healthy and thriving communities for everyone in our region.
Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy
- Donate $25+ and get a day pass to the WNC Nature Center.
- Donate $50+ and get an animal sticker and a day pass.
- Donate $100+ and get an animal tracks necklace, animal sticker, and a day pass.
- Donate $250+ and get a a guided tour of the Nature Center with animal enrichment for two people, plus the necklace, sticker, and day pass. PLUS, you’ll be entered to win a chance to go on habitat with red pandas Leafa and Phoenix in 2023!
If you’re behind on your water bill or afraid your water might get cut off, a new resource might be able to help you. On Jan. 4, the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners approved more than $450,000 in federal funding for the Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP). The initiative is aimed at preventing water disconnections and helping reconnect drinking and wastewater services.
The LIHWAP will be administered by Buncombe County-based Eblen Charities. The nonprofit will make payments directly to utilities on behalf of qualifying households. The program is slated to run through Sept. 30, 2023 or until funds are exhausted.
Eligibility requirements
Households that currently receive Food and Nutrition Services (FNS), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or Work First services, or those that received Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) services from Oct. 1, 2020-Sept. 30, 2021, are automatically eligible to receive this benefit if their water services have been cut off or are in danger of being cut off.
For additional eligibility information or to apply, please contact Eblen Charities at (828) 255-3066.
Oral History Resources
Why Oral History?
“You don’t have to be famous for your life to be history.” -Nell Sigmon
The words above serve as the unofficial motto of the Southern Oral History Program, a project that has inspired and guided the development of Buncombe County Public Libraries’ oral history collecting initiatives.
History doesn’t just live in public records, letters, maps, or photographs. Many people aren’t well-represented in documented history, especially those that have been historically excluded from power or property.
Oral histories gives people the opportunity to tell their stories in their own words and allow their voices to endure through times. Oral histories fill in the gaps of the historical record, and deepen our comprehension of the past and present by showing us how lives are experienced on an individual level.
Through conducting, facilitating, and collecting oral histories, we hope to help bond generations, build understanding, and strengthen community.
Oral History Backpack Loan Program
You can now check out an oral history backpack from Buncombe County Public Libraries!
Call your local library or 828-250-4740 to request a backpack. You will receive a phone call when the backpack is ready to be picked up. There is no cost to borrow a backpack!
Your oral history backpack will include everything you need (and more) to record a successful oral history interview, and (if you choose) to donate the recording to a collection where it can be made available to the public and preserved for future generations. Donating your oral history recording is not a requirement of checking out a backpack. Accepted donations must meet specific donation conditions and criteria; see “Donating Oral History Recordings” below.
Borrowing Rules and Procedures
- Only one backpack may be checked out per household at a time.
- Borrowers must be 18 years or older, with a Buncombe County library card in good standing.
- The loan period is four weeks.
- Backpacks can be picked up at any Buncombe County library.
- Backpacks must be returned during normal library operating hours, either inside or using curbside service. NO OUTSIDE DROP BOX returns.
- Files must be saved by the borrower before returning. All data on returned devices will be deleted and may not be recovered.
- Backpacks will be considered lost when 10 days overdue. The charge for lost items is: voice recorder $100; backpack $30; headphones $20; microSD card, adapters, windscreen, or hard-shell cases $10 each.
Forms and Documents
For borrowers:
- Borrower Agreement (must be signed when checking out a backpack)
- Oral History Manual (includes list of backpack inventory, guidelines, and basic tech guide)
- Video Instructions [COMING SOON]
- Oral History Question Cards (ideas to get you started)
- H1n Handy Recorder Quick Start Guide & Safety Manual
- H1n Handy Recorder Complete Operation Manual
Make A Wish Come True This Holiday Season
Ready the hot cocoa and pull out your decorations; it’s time for another holiday season. As you begin your holiday preparation traditions, remember to visit the Buncombe County Wish Trees! This year we are offering two opportunities to spread cheer throughout the community:
Foster Care Wish Tree
Each year children in foster care and young adults participating in Extended Foster Care in Buncombe County submit a list of wishes they would like for the holidays. Signing up to sponsor a child or young adult is easy! Just follow the link below and select the child or young adult you would like to sponsor. After signing up, you will receive email confirmation that provides a copy of the wish list and all the instructions for drop off. We are taking extra precautions due to COVID-19 so be sure to read the follow up email in its entirety.
Direct Questions to Amber Cook
[email protected]
(828) 250-5824
The Wish Tree- Fulfilling Wishes of Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities
There are a lot of Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities in Buncombe County in need of connection this holiday season. Show a Older Adult and or Adult with Disabilities how much you care by sponsoring them this holiday season. Signing up to sponsor a Older Adult and or Adult with Disabilities is easy. Just follow the link below, select the Older Adult and or Adult with Disabilities you would like to sponsor, and check your email for confirmation, a reminder of what your Older Adult and or Adult with Disabilities would like this holiday season, and drop off instructions. We are taking extra precautions due to COVID-19 so be sure to read the follow up email in its entirety.
A note from HHS
The holidays can be hard for a lot of people, children in foster care, older adults, and adults with disabilities in particular. Holidays are a time when family and friends gather together, show support for one another, and shower each other with love, kindness, and generosity. Each year, we have an opportunity to deliver the holiday spirit to children in foster care, older adults, and adults with disabilities through our wish tree gift drives. The expressions of joy and excitement on our clients faces as we deliver their gifts reminds us of the true meaning of the holiday season, connection. Yes, the gifts are nice. But the real gift is knowing that someone loves and cares. That is what we deliver to our clients. Thank you in advance for your generous sponsorship.
Food Scraps Drop Off
The City of Asheville, in partnership with Buncombe County and the Natural Resources Defense Council, is offering a FREE Food Scrap Drop-Off program in two locations for all Buncombe County residents. This organic matter will be collected and turned into good clean compost, keeping it OUT of our landfill and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Register for Food Scraps Drop Off
Need a handy kitchen countertop food scrap bin? Let us know on the registration form! We’ll be having bin giveaways at city and county facilities and would love to give you one.
Buncombe County Landfill – Convenience Center
85 Panther Branch Road, Alexander
- Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
- Saturday, 8 a.m. – 12:30 pm
Murphy Oakley Community Center and Library – “Food Scrap Bin Shelters” on the east side of the parking lot
749 Fairview Road, Asheville
- Dawn – Dusk
Stephens-Lee Recreation Center “Food Scrap Shed” next to the Community Garden on the North side of the parking lot
30 Washington Carver Avenue, Asheville
- Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 6 p.m.
- Saturday, 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.
- Sunday, 12 – 4 p.m.
West Asheville Library – “Food Scrap Bin Shelters” on the south side of the building
942 Haywood Road, Asheville
- Library open hours