Upcoming events and things to do in Asheville, NC. Below is a list of events for festivals, concerts, art exhibitions, group meetups and more.

Interested in adding an event to our calendar? Please click the green “Post Your Event” button below.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024
NC Arboretum Hiking Trails
Jul 16 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
NC Arboretum

Located within the wildly-popular and botanically beautiful Southern Appalachian Mountains, The North Carolina Arboretum offers more than 10 miles of hiking trails that connect to many other area attractions such as Lake Powhatan, the Pisgah National Forest and the Blue Ridge Parkway. Visitors of all ages and abilities can enjoy their hiking experience at the Arboretum as trail options include easy, moderate, and difficult challenge levels. All trails are dog-friendly and visitors are asked to adhere to the proper waste disposing procedures for pets.

Part of a running group that would like to use the Arboretum as a starting point or parking location? Please review our Running Group Guidance and email [email protected] with any questions.

ON EXHIBIT—- Bugs: Outside the Box
Jul 16 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
NC Arboretum

Baker Exhibit Center

Where can you see a butterfly with a five foot wingspan, or a longhorn beetle with antennae more than twelve feet across? The answers can be found amongst the enormous sculptures on display in BUGS: Outside the Box!

Scientifically exact, with a keen attention to detail, the exhibit features a virtual army of giant bugs with one aim in mind – educating the public and shining a light on museum collections, taxonomy, and the power of magnification.

Among the highlights of the exhibit is a rarely seen long-arm beetle more than ten feet in height, a collection of heavily armored stag beetles with impressive jaws and horns as long as your arm, and an insight into the amazing intricacy of the physiology of each insect on display. Alongside these impressive works of art is the insect in question represented at life size,  and detailed information on the life habits, location, and other facts unique to each insect and its family.


Outdoor Bonsai Exhibition Garden
Jul 16 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
NC Arboretum

What is Bonsai?

Bonsai is a challenging and rewarding horticultural activity, in which ordinary plants are grown in an extraordinary way. Through rigorously applied cultivation techniques, trees, shrubs, vines and even herbaceous plants are kept in a miniaturized state, developed into artistic shapes and then displayed in special containers.

What makes the Arboretum’s bonsai endeavor unique among all other public collections in the United States? Regional Interpretation. Visitors will find the Arboretum’s bonsai collection of more than 100 specimens carefully cultivated with a Southern Appalachian accent. The collection draws inspiration from the traditional roots of bonsai, but takes the form of a contemporary, Southern Appalachian influenced American garden. Plantings in the landscape include species and cultivars of American, European and Asian origin.


The Bonsai Exhibition Garden

Established in October 2005, The North Carolina Arboretum’s Bonsai Exhibition Garden is a world renowned garden that displays up to 50 bonsai specimens at a time. Represented are traditional Asian bonsai subjects such as Japanese maple and Chinese elm, tropical plants such as willow-leaf fig and bougainvillea, and American species such as bald cypress and limber pine. Of particular importance are the plants native to the Blue Ridge region, such as American hornbeam and eastern white pine, which enable the Arboretum to bring the thousand-year tradition of bonsai home to the mountains of Western North Carolina. Interpretive signage throughout the garden conveys information about the art and history of bonsai, and the Arboretum’s own creative approach to it.


Outdoor Bonsai Exhibition Garden

  • Bonsai on Display Mid May – November; 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. daily
  • Garden Open Year Round
  • Parking Fees
    • Personal/Standard Vehicle (up to 20′ long): $20
    • Large vehicles (21′-29′ long): $60
    • Busses and Oversize Vehicles (30′ long+): $125
    • Members: Free

    Apart from the parking fee, there is no other admission charge to enter the Arboretum or our facilities, except in the case of advertised ticketed events.

Summer Splash Water Days
Jul 16 @ 9:00 am – 8:30 pm
Pack Square Park


Splasheville is located in Pack Square Park on 80 Court Plaza. The free splash pad’s regular daily hours are 9.m-8:30pm, but may close for special events or during inclement weather. Check the calendar for scheduled closures.

The Art League of Henderson County announces: “Red, White and Blue”
Jul 16 @ 9:00 am
Henderson County Library

Artists are invited to create artworks with the theme of “Red, White and Blue.“  Apply these patriotic colors at the center of your subjects, however there are no limits to your creativity, your artworks don’t need to be primarily patriotic theme, but viewers should be able to spot the use of recognizable amount of red, white and blue colors.

Mobility Strength Yoga
Jul 16 @ 9:30 am – 10:30 am
Asheville YMCA

Join us at the Asheville YMCA for some yoga that will help with strength and mobility!

This event is free and open to everyone.

Exhibition on Display: Class of 2024 – Haywood Community College’s Professional Crafts Program
Jul 16 @ 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Folk Art Center

Located on the second floor until September 18th, the show continues the historical relationship between the Southern Highland Craft Guild and Haywood, an educational center of the Guild. This new generation of craft is led by instructors Amy Putansu in fiber, Brian Wurst in wood, Emily Reason in clay, and Robert Blanton in metals & jewelry. Students of the Haywood program come from all over, with or without prior experience of craft, and sometimes pursuing it as a second or third career. The course of study is challenging, combining craft concentrations with supplemental classes in design, drawing, craft history, business, marketing and photography.

Haywood Community College and the Southern Highland Craft Guild share a history that documents the role of craft education in preserving traditional culture, creating economic opportunity and fostering professional practice. All of the artists represent the vitality and creativity of craft practice today, which is the ultimate purpose of both institutions. Many Haywood graduates have become individual members of the Southern Highland Craft Guild and have served the Guild in various capacities.

Instructor Brian Wurst of the Professional Crafts Wood program says, “Our programs have thrived for nearly five decades, and our relationship with the Craft Guild has been a key part of that. We’re always thrilled to have work showcased at the Folk Art Center, and in turn scores of our alumni have gone on to become active Guild members. The Graduate Show is the capstone of two hard years by these students, and it’s a delight to share it in this beautiful space.”

Haywood Community College is located in Clyde, North Carolina, just west of Asheville. The college’s Professional Crafts Program began in recognition of the region’s strong craft heritage. It was envisioned that students would learn the basics of craft media and how to transform that craft into a business. The clay studio was the first to open in 1974. With the addition of jewelry, wood and fiber studios, a comprehensive curriculum was in place by 1977.

Anyone interested in taking courses at Haywood Community College can contact the success coach, Farrah Rodriguez [email protected] 828.627.4505.

The Haywood Community College Professional Crafts Program, Graduate Show, Class of 2024 is a free exhibit at the Folk Art Center on the Blue Ridge Parkway in East Asheville. For more information, visit www.craftguild.org or call 828-523-4110. For more information about the Professional Crafts Program, call 828-627-4674 or visit creativearts.haywood.edu.

Exhibition on Display: Hand Over Matter
Jul 16 @ 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Folk Art Center

Focus Gallery Exhibition featuring five members of the Southern Highland Craft Guild, located upstairs at the Folk Art Center. May 24-August 19, 2024.

Featured Artists:

  1. Billy Bernstein  – glass
  2. Christine Smith – wood
  3. Tamela Wells – jewelry
  4. Robert Milnes – clay
  5. Pam Grainger Gale – fiber

The Focus Gallery is located on the second level of the Folk Art Center. The Folk Art Center is located at Milepost 382 of the Blue Ridge Parkway, just north of the Highway 70 entrance in east Asheville, NC. Admission is free. Open Daily 10am-5pm. 

This exhibition is hosted by the Southern Highland Craft Guild. The Guild is a non-profit, educational organization established in 1930 to cultivate the crafts and makers of the Southern Highlands for shared resources, education, marketing, and conservation. The Southern Highland Craft Guild is an authorized concessioner of the National Park Service, Department of the Interior. 

Li’l Boogers: Kids Comedy Tour
Jul 16 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
LaZoom Room Bar & Gorilla

Explore Asheville with the whole family!

Age Restrictions

All Ages Welcome!
(Content is geared towards ages 5-12 years old)
Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Children 3 and under do not need a ticket if they are sitting in an adults lap.


60 Minutes

What’s Included

Crazy funny guide
Off-bus characters
Fun facts about Asheville
Age-appropriate jokes


Now’s your chance to bring the whole family on the big purple bus! Educational and entertaining, LaZoom’s Kids’ Comedy tour features a perfect blend of Asheville information and kid-centric comedy. Geared specifically towards the 5-12 year old crowd, you’ll learn about our city’s history and see the sights in true LaZoom style – complete with our famously outlandish tour guides, hilarious comedy skits, and all sorts of special appearances! Perfect for birthday parties or school field trips, it’s the best thing to do with your kids in Asheville. It’s a show on wheels!

The tour is 60 minutes long and includes no stops. The tour is hosted by a zany tour guide, and along the way other characters will hop on the bus and perform kid-centric sketches (Candy Pirate, Ninja, and a Levitator) The tour is not only fun – it’s educational! Kids and adults will learn new and interesting facts about Asheville along the way. There must be 1 adult for every 4 children. We do not allow any unaccompanied children. Children 3 and under do not need a ticket if they are sitting in an adults lap.


If your desired time and availability is full, then please give us a call to be added to the waitlist.

Sand Hill Nursery Workday
Jul 16 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Sand Hill Nursery at the Buncombe County Sports Park

Join us for weekly workdays in the Sand Hill native tree nursery. Tasks vary and often include repotting, weeding, mulching, and other special projects to improve infrastructure and function.

Need to know

Please come dressed in work clothes with close toed shoes. Bring water and sun protection. All other gear and supplies are provided.

Wicked Weed/Brad Johnson Golf Classic
Jul 16 @ 10:00 am
The Cliffs at Walnut Cove
Wooden Flute Demo
Jul 16 @ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Folk Art Center

Lee Entrekin will be demonstrating the making and playing of wooden and bamboo Native American-style flutes. Lee will be in the lobby of the Folk Art Center on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Visitors are encouraged to watch and ask questions while the demonstrators work and talk about their creative process! Call ahead for the latest updates: 828-298-7928

Robert Chapman Turner: Artist, Teacher, Explorer
Jul 16 @ 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center

Robert Turner (1913-2005) arrived at Black Mountain College in 1949 to establish the first studio pottery program at the College. He worked with student architect Paul Williams to design the Potshop and stayed until 1951 as a teacher and potter. There he formed lifelong friendships with M.C. Richards, Joe Fiore, and Natasha Goldowski Renner, and was part of the lively mix of art and ideas generated by Clement Greenberg, Katherine Litz, Kenneth Noland, Theodoros Stamos, and many others. Turner’s education prior to his arrival at Black Mountain included Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, The Barnes Foundation, Penland School of Crafts, and Alfred University.

After Black Mountain, Turner and his family moved to Alfred Station, NY where they bought a farm, and he established a successful studio pottery practice and actively exhibited his work in galleries across the U.S. In 1958 he began teaching pottery and sculpture at Alfred University where he would lead the ceramics program until his retirement in 1979. In addition to his influential teaching position at Alfred, Turner taught at Penland, Haystack, and Anderson Ranch helping a new generation of artists and potters develop their work and establishing his own reputation as a gifted teacher.

Robert Turner’s travels to Africa and to the American Southwest proved to be important life experiences and important to his growth as an artist. Over his lifetime he received many awards for his work, but his humble, gentle demeanor and Quaker background helped keep him centered while also remaining open to exploration and discovery in nature and life.

The exhibition will include work by some of Turner’s students and colleagues at BMC, Alfred University, and Penland as well as work by contemporary ceramic artists whose work fits within the context of the show. Artists include: Meredith Brickell, Cynthia Bringle, Marjorie Dial, Cynthia Homire, Bill C. Jones, Bobby Kaddis, Karen Karnes, Eric Knoche, Jeannine Marchand, Neil Noland, Daniel Rhodes, M.C. Richards, Gay Smith, Tom Spleth, Adele Suska, Lydia C. Thompson, Xavier Toubes, Jerilyn Virden, Peter Voulkos, David Weinrib, and Kensuke Yamáda.

I wanted to work with clay so that the way it moved, the vitality of clay, is not meeting something that’s been on the drawing board. It’s using clay with abstraction to start with and then seeing what it’s going to do, how it will move and change, and always surprise you.

Curated by Alice Sebrell, Director of Preservation

Introduction to Herbal Tea Blends
Jul 16 @ 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Bullington Gardens

Herbs are not only great for cooking, but they are great for making herbal teas, also known as herbal infusions! Join teacher, Judy Peacock as you learn about common herbs used in teas, discuss herbs found in our gardens along with harvesting/drying techniques, and make three of your own herbal tea blends to take home.

PROpel AVL Grow Series: Acquistion Entrepreneurship
Jul 16 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce

The July session of the PROpel AVL GROW series for young professionals, we’ll explore “Acquistion Entrepreneurship.”

In the ever-evolving business landscape, “Acquisition Entrepreneurship” has emerged as a powerful pathway for young professionals eager to carve out their niche in the corporate world.

This presentation, designed specifically for forward-thinking and ambitious young professionals, will delve into the complexities and opportunities of acquiring and growing existing businesses as a form of entrepreneurship. Unlike traditional entrepreneurship that starts from scratch, acquisition entrepreneurship offers a unique blend of challenges and rewards involving the identification, evaluation, and successful takeover of existing enterprises.

The program will cover essential aspects of acquisition entrepreneurship, including the art of identifying potential acquisition targets, conducting due diligence, understanding valuation techniques, and negotiating deals. Participants will gain insights into the critical skills needed to navigate these processes successfully, such as financial analysis, market assessment, and leadership abilities to integrate and grow the acquired business. Additionally, the presentation will highlight the common pitfalls and how to avoid them, ensuring a smoother transition into ownership and management roles.

Key takeaways from this session will include specific, actionable strategies that young professionals can apply immediately in their pursuit of business acquisition. These include:

Frameworks for Identifying Suitable Acquisition Targets: Learn how to spot businesses with growth potential and understand what makes an acquisition target viable.

Due Diligence Checklists and Techniques: Gain knowledge on conducting thorough due diligence, a critical step in assessing a business’s true value and potential risks.

Negotiation Strategies for Acquisition: Discover key negotiation tactics for acquisition deals to ensure a beneficial agreement for all parties involved.

Post-Acquisition Integration Plans: Understand the steps necessary to successfully integrate an acquired company, from employee management to merging systems and cultures.

Financial Analysis and Funding Options: Explore financial analysis basics for acquisition and learn about various funding options, including loans, investors, and other financial instruments.


About the presenter:

Benjamin Wann, CMA, CSCA, MBA, PMP, owns Asheville accounting firm CFO Consultants, LLC, with a team of 13 and 2 offices in NC.

Originally from the Philadelphia region and coming from a 10-year career providing insights to executives of mid-sized manufacturing firms, Ben transitioned to entrepreneurship full-time in Nov 2022. Ben’s thesis was that the small business community would value the same expertise, technology and know-how that the large organizations have to help accelerate their own businesses.


12:00-1:00pm – GROW Session

Sandwiches, salad and chips will be catered by Del Vecchios!

Please register for this event in order to help us plan accordingly.

About PROpel AVL:
Designed for young professionals between the ages of 21 and 40 in the Asheville/Buncombe area, PROpel AVL provides outstanding professional leadership development opportunities through educational seminars, service opportunities and networking.

Stay connected with text alerts! Text #propelavl to 828-827-5332 for updates and reminders about PROpel AVL programs.

Summer Reading Program: Books + Free Ice Cream
Jul 16 @ 12:00 pm – 9:00 pm
The Hop Ice Cream 

Buncombe County Public Library is thrilled to announce The Hop Ice Cream as a proud supporting partner of this year’s Summer Reading Program to encourage youth literacy in our community. The Hop will provide free ice cream at the Summer Library Fest on Saturday, June 8 from 10 a.m.-noon at East Asheville Library. For added fun, The Hop owner Greg Garrison will collaborate with Secret Agent 23 Skidoo to provide a special dance performance to families in attendance.

Any kid or teen who visits a Buncombe County library to pick up their summer reading activity sheet will also receive a 10 percent off coupon redeemable at any Hop location or at Pop Bubble Tea. Return your completed activity sheet to any branch and receive a bookmark for a free kiddie scoop of ice cream at any Hop location. You must complete 10 or more activities on your sheet to be eligible for ice cream – and you can also select a free book of your choice!

Summer Reading runs from June 1 to  August 31 and is open to anyone from birth to age 18.  If you have any questions, just contact your friendly neighborhood library.

The Hop Ice Cream  OUR LOCATIONS

North Asheville

640 Merrimon Ave
Asheville, NC 28804


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West Asheville

721 Haywood Rd
Asheville, NC 28806


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Downtown Asheville

56 Patton Ave
Asheville, NC 28801

Inside the S&W Building

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Black Mountain

114 Cherry Street
Black Mountain, NC 28711


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The Creamery

167 Haywood Road
Asheville, NC 28806


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Pop Bubble Tea

640 Merrimon Ave
Asheville, NC 28804

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Guided Trail Walk
Jul 16 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
NC Arboretum

Hit the trails and learn more about The North Carolina Arboretum’s botanically diverse forest with a guided trail walk! April through October, this free hiking program is led by trained volunteer guides who take small groups of participants along woodland trails and through a variety of forest types. Depending on the season and each guide’s area of expertise, topics of discussion may include wildflowers, plant and tree identification, natural history and more.

Guided trail walks are limited to 15 people, including the guide, and are not recommended for guests under 16 years of age. Groups depart from the Baker Visitor Center Lobby on Tuesdays at 1 p.m. and Saturdays at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m..

Walks last 1.5 – 2.5 hours, are approximately one to two miles in length. As this program is held rain or shine, all participants should dress appropriately for the weather.

There is no pre-registration; walks are first-come first served and sign up sheets are located in the Baker Visitors Center.

Walks are FREE; however, donations to The North Carolina Arboretum Society are appreciated. Regular parking fees apply. Arboretum Society Members always park free.

Know Before You Go

  • Guided Trail Walks are not recommended for guests under 16 years of age.
  • Guided Trail Walks are rain or shine and all participants should be dressed comfortably and for the weather.
  • Hikes cover 1-2 miles and last 1.5-2 hours.
  • Well-behaved leashed pets are welcome to accompany their owners. In the rare case that a pet is disruptive or negatively impacts the experience, the pet and its owner may be asked to excuse themselves from the guided walk.
THANK YOU NIGHT service industry friends
Jul 16 @ 3:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Join us every Tuesday for some sweet sweet deals as a way for us to thank you and all of our fellow service industry friends!

Baby Story Time
Jul 16 @ 3:30 pm – 4:15 pm
Weaverville Public Library

Join us for a lively language enrichment story time designed for children ages 4 to 18 months.

Veterans Writing Classes: Brothers and Sisters Like These
Jul 16 @ 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
East Asheville Public Library

In 2014, a group of Vietnam combat veterans began meeting at the Charles George VA Hospital in Asheville to participate in a unique creative writing program. The focus was capturing their stories through essays and poetry to find the voices war had taken from them. The hope was to reclaim a sense of their shared humanity, build camaraderie and find some degree of healing.

To continue this work, the NC Veterans Writing Alliance Foundation will be offering free creative writing classes at the East Asheville Library in June and July. The goal is to provide healing through the art of creative writing to all veterans in our community.

Join other veterans for this series of classes on Tuesdays at 4:30 p.m. from June 11-July 30 at the East Asheville library. To sign up, please e-mail Ron Toler at [email protected].

Pritchard Park Arts and Culture Series: Hoop Jam
Jul 16 @ 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm

The Asheville Downtown Association is thrilled to announce the return of the beloved Pritchard Park Arts and Culture Series, made possible through a generous partnership with the Trina Mullen Foundation, City of Asheville Parks and Recreation, ArtsAVL, and Explore Asheville. This summer series will run from May 28 through August 30, featuring exciting activations every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM.

Tuesdays: Hoop Jam

Join the fun with hula hoops and a live DJ. Whether you’re a seasoned hooper or a beginner, this vibrant event invites everyone to dance, spin, and groove to the music in a welcoming and energetic atmosphere.

Dark City Poets Society Open Mic Night
Jul 16 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Oak & Grist Distilling Company

Sign up to read a short poem or just listen under the stars.
A percentage of drink sales support the Friends of the Black Mountain Public Library

Poetry Night
Jul 16 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Oak and Grist Distilling Company


Come on by for night of spoken word presented by Dark City Poets Society at Oak and Grist Distilling Company. Everyone is welcome to share a few poems or just sit back and drink for a good cause.

The event is free and $1 from every classic cocktail will be donated to Friends of the Black Mountain Library.

gn-ups to share will begin 15 minutes prior to the start of the event. We look forward to seeing you there!

Can’t make it to this one? This event happens the third tuesday of every month!

Pritchard Park Summer Series: Hoop Jam
Jul 16 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Pritchard Park

We are honored to host the Asheville Community Hoop and Flow Arts Jam in Pritchard Park, located in the heart of our beloved city. This event began in 2008 and we are honored and thrilled to bring you this FREE event open to all ages and all levels of experience! Asheville Hoops provides jammin’ tunes, demo props for all to use and a positive event that promotes movement, creativity, dance and FUN!

Asia: The Heat Of The Moment Tour
Jul 16 @ 7:00 pm
Spartanburg Memorial Auditorium

2024 is the Year Of The Dragon

In 1982 John Wetton, Geoff Downes, Carl Palmer and Steve Howe became the founding fathers of super group Asia, responsible for a string of multi-million selling albums and chart-topping hits across the globe. Asia’s self-titled1982 debut album was the biggest selling album in the world. The band dominated the airwaves and for many “Heat Of The Moment”, “Only Time Will Tell” and “Sole Survivor”, amongst others, were the soundtrack to their youth. Another multi-million seller, “Alpha” followed in 1983 and in 1986 “Astra” competed the trio of MTV era hits.  Greg Lake briefly joined the band for a Japanese tour where Asia’s show from the fabled Budokan was the first inter-continental simulcast.  In 2006, the founder members reformed and released several new albums before John Wetton’s untimely passing in 2017.  Since John’s passing, Geoff and Carl have toured with Sam Coulson, Billy Sherwood, Ron Bumblefoot Thal and Steve Howe guesting, and had a tour planned with Marc Bonilla on vocal duties that did not materialize due to Covid.

In the Summer of 2023, Geoff Downes spear-headed a memorial concert to remember and celebrate the life of his late, much-loved friend and Asia co-founder member, the great John Wetton.  At the concert, he invited rock n roll veteran John Mitchell – who had played with both Wetton and Downes in Icon and in Wetton’s own band – to join him on stage, taking on lead guitar duties.  The duo were joined by new-comer Harry Whitley, who Downes had discovered and whose vocal talents so closely resembled that of Wetton’s it was nothing short of spine-tingling.  Together they played a number of Asia’s chart-topping hits.  The reception was uproarious and It became clear that something magical was happening.  Perhaps, thought Downes, it was time to bring the songs of Asia to a whole new audience? The dragon began to stir once more. Busy touring the globe, the great Carl Palmer is immersed in a project very dear to his heart, the Return Of Emerson Lake & Palmer.  The legendary Steve Howe remains at the helm of progressive rock legends, Yes.   So it was that Geoff made the decision to take a fresh, new-look Asia back out on the road, recruiting Mitchell and Whitley as new members and bringing in the drumming excellence of the incomparable Virgil Donati, who had played with Wetton in UK. Asia has entertained and delighted a multitude of audiences and millions of people over the last 40 years.  Some of the world’s greatest musicians have taken up the Asia baton during that time.  However, Geoff Downes believes that the time is right to bring a fresh, new-look Asia out into the light. The Year of the Dragon foretells good fortune, abundance and prosperity.  The Dragon blessed 1982, the year Asia was first unleashed into the world – and here we are again.  The journey has come full-circle.  Time for the dragon to take flight once more.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024
ASAP: How Does Western North Carolina Shop for Food SURVEY
Jul 17 all-day

ASAP (Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project) has released a survey to learn more about how people in Western North Carolina shop for food and why they choose the food they do. The survey, part of a three-year project by ASAP’s Local Food Research Center, is for any resident of Western North Carolina over the age of 18, no matter where or how they shop for food. It can be completed online at surveymonkey.com/r/WNCFoodASAP or over the phone by calling ASAP at 828-236-1282. It should take approximately 8 to 12 minutes to complete and will be open through Oct. 31, 2024. Respondents are encouraged to share the survey widely with families, friends, and co-workers.


“By completing this survey, you are helping local farmers understand and connect with consumers,” said Amy Marion, ASAP Associate Director and lead researcher. “The challenges of our food system are constantly evolving. Improving it requires active participation from all community members. With this research we can better understand consumer values and the barriers they face, and help farmers and food producers improve communications with their customers and their communities.”


The survey is part of a three-year research project, “Connections in Direct Markets: Assessing the feedback loop between consumer values and farmers’ marketing strategies,” which will examine and improve communication and alignment between farmers and consumers in Western North Carolina. The research phase will also employ consumer focus groups, farmer interviews and case studies, and more targeted surveying. The broad consumer survey provides an update to the last consumer survey conducted by the Local Food Research Center in 2014. Results from the current research project will be shared in 2025.


ASAP founded the Local Food Research Center in 2011 to study the economic, environmental, and social impacts of localizing food systems. From its inception, ASAP’s programs and services have been grounded in research and evaluation, adjusting based on a strong feedback loop and observation of current conditions in the food system.


This project is supported in part by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, under award number 2022-38640-37488 through the Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program under subaward number LS23-382. USDA is an equal opportunity employer and service provider.

Jul 17 all-day
Sierra Nevada Brewing

Whether you’re just getting into craft beer or we’re on your brewery bucket list, a Mills River tour is for you — so we recommend you reserve a spot! Our interactive tours offer everything from hop handling to nature hikes to — what you really came for — beer sampling.

Space on each tour is limited, and reservations are strongly encouraged. Make yours below. Looking to book a private tour? Fill out the private tour form, and we’ll get it organized. See you soon!

Calling All Artists
Jul 17 all-day
Artists Collective | Spartanburg

Calling All Artists in SC, NC, GA, TN, & VA

DIY River + Road Cleanups
Jul 17 all-day
Asheville Area

Whenever you want!


Supplies available at

2 Sulphur Springs Road

If you need to request supplies for the same or next day, please call 828-254-1776.

Organizing a litter cleanup with your friends, neighbors, co-workers, or other community members is easier than you may think! Asheville GreenWorks provides cleanup supplies and safety information, and will coordinate trash pick up as needed. Available supplies include safety vests, gloves, trash grabbers, trash bags, and SHARPs containers (upon request).

Review the attached guides for instructions and safety information.

Need to know

Please review the attached documents and contact [email protected] with any questions. Your supplies will be available for pickup on the date you’ve requested at Asheville GreenWorks’ office at 2 Sulphur Springs Road, Asheville, NC 28806.

All cleanups should be reported using the online form and supplies should be returned after your cleanup.

Fall for Art, Open Studio Tour – 2024 Call for Artists
Jul 17 all-day
Art Place Studios Gallery
THE ART LEAGUE  hosts exhibits of throughout the year at Art Place Gallery, the Henderson County Library and other venues throughout the county.  Some exhibits are open only to members.  Each call will include information on eligibility.  The on-line registration for each call will require that you enter your artwork title, size, and price.  You will need to enter an artwork category and these may vary for each call for artists.  You will also pay on-line via credit card.  Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the registration screens and hit submit.  You will receive a confirmation email.  If you do not receive a confirmation email, you are not registered for the call.


About the Art League of Henderson County

The Art League of Henderson County is – like art itself – for everyone, and our membership is open to both artists and art lovers. Since its founding in 1972, members of the Art League have believed in the value of the visual arts to our community. The Art League offers diverse opportunities to enrich the cultural life of Henderson County through public programs and art projects throughout the year.

For artists, the League provides opportunities to exhibit their art and improve their skills. These include workshops, artist open studio tours, lectures and demonstrations.  Program events offer an opportunity for members and visitors to interact and learn.  Small, informal groups gather to share ideas, offer advice, and build camaraderie. Field trips to museums and special exhibits are scheduled to a variety of venues.

Adult classes and workshops, open to the public, are offered in a variety of two- and three-dimensional media. Our experienced instructors are experts in their fields, and limits on class size permit ample individual attention to students.

The annual Fabulous Fakes exhibit in April provides an opportunity for artists to create their own fun versions of master works which are exhibited in a variety of gallery venues. Throughout the year, the Henderson County Library hosts exhibits of member works, often featuring a theme or an art medium.

Every spring, the League’s ArtScape Project hangs a new collection of colorful banners in downtown Hendersonville. ArtScape is supported by sponsors from local businesses, artists, and art lovers.  A brochure is available at the Henderson County Visitor Center and in locations around town. Throughout the year, visitors are invited to take a walking tour of this public showcase for our talented artists.

October provides an opportunity to see artists at work and learn about their inspiration and some of their secrets at the Art League’s Open Studio Weekend Tour.  Brochures and maps are available at the Visitor Center for this popular event.

The Art League of Henderson County continues to be committed to the vital role that the arts play in building a strong, vibrant, and diverse community.

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