Following candidate requests, a second primary will be held for the Republican nominations for the offices of Lieutenant Governor and State Auditor, where no candidate received the 30 percent of votes required to avoid the possibility of a runoff. The second primary will take place on May 14, 2024.
Who is Eligible to Vote in a Second Primary?
All voters who live in the district for which a second primary is conducted and are registered with the political party of the candidates are eligible to vote in the second primary. For example, if a second primary is held for the Republican primary in a congressional district, then all registered Republicans who live in that congressional district would be eligible.
Unaffiliated voters who live in that district and either didn’t vote in the primary, or who voted the ballot of the party for which the second primary is being held, would also be eligible. For the example above, unaffiliated voters who voted a nonpartisan, Democratic, or Libertarian ballot in the first primary would not be eligible to vote in a second primary for Republican Party candidates.
In counties where second primaries are held, new registration of voters is not permitted between the first and second primaries. This means same-day registration is not available during early voting for the second primary. However, individuals who become eligible to vote between the primary and second primary and who are otherwise eligible to vote in the second primary may register and vote in the second primary.
In Buncombe County for this election eligibility is as follows:
- All registered Republicans
- Unaffiliated voters who voted Republican in the March 5 Primary
- Unaffiliated voters who did not vote in the March 5 Primary
What election contests will be on the ballot?
A second primary will take place on May 14, 2024, for the following contests:
- Republican nomination for lieutenant governor:
- Hal Weatherman
- Jim O’Neill
- Republican nomination for state auditor:
Important dates and deadlines
Here are voter dates and deadlines for the 2024 second primary election in North Carolina:
- April 2, 2024: Absentee ballots in the mail
- April 25, 2024: In-person Early Voting begins
- May 7, 2024: Absentee ballot request deadline (5 p.m.)
- May 11, 2024: In-person early voting ends (3 p.m.)
- May 14, 2024: Election Day (6:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.)
- May 14, 2024: Absentee ballot return deadline (7:30 p.m.)
Find your sample ballot and voting location
To look up your sample ballot, along with your precinct, voting location, and other details, visit the State Board of Elections voter lookup tool or click the Voter Information button at
3 ways to vote in NC
1. Early Voting
For the Second Primary Election, Early Voting will run April 25-May 11 from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. during business hours and on Saturday May 4th 8am – 3 p.m. Early voting will take place at the Election Services Office at 59 Woodfin Place, Asheville 28801.
2. Absentee ballots by mail
You can request an absentee ballot now by completing an Absentee Ballot Request form. The deadline to submit an Absentee Ballot Request Form is May 7 at 5 p.m. Absentee ballots will be mailed out beginning April 2. Please note, the deadline to return completed domestic absentee ballots is now 7:30 p.m. on Election Day, which is May 14.
Any North Carolina registered voter who is eligible for the election may request, receive, and vote an absentee ballot by mail. No special circumstance or reason is needed. Registered voters in North Carolina must request an absentee ballot with an official N.C. Absentee Ballot Request Form. There are two ways to access and submit the form:
Online – Request an Absentee Ballot at the N.C. Absentee Ballot Portal.
On paper – print the online N.C. Absentee Ballot Request Form for 2024 currently available on our website. A Spanish Absentee Ballot request form is also available by clicking here.
If you don’t have a printer, you may complete an absentee ballot request form at the Election Services office at 59 Woodfin Place, Asheville, 28801, or call (828) 250-4200 and one will be mailed to you.
For active-duty military, their family members, and U.S. citizens living abroad, click here. If you have questions about that process, you may call us at (828) 250-4200 or visit
You may return the request in one of the following ways:
Mail it to:
P.O. Box 7468, Asheville, NC 28802
Hand deliver it to:
Our office at 59 Woodfin Place, Asheville, NC 28801
Note: The Absentee Ballot Request Form may not be emailed or faxed. Request forms that are hand delivered to the office must be returned only by the voter or the voter’s near relative or legal guardian or, if you are not the voter or the voter’s near relative or legal guardian, the voter requested your assistance returning their request due to disability.
Returning an Absentee Ballot:
The deadline to return the completed absentee ballot is Tuesday, May 14 at 7:30 p.m. However, voters are encouraged to return the ballot as early as possible. In addition, voters will now be required to provide a copy of an acceptable photo ID when they return their absentee ballot. Specific instructions provided on the return envelope. You may return your ballot to us in one of the following ways:
By mail: Absentee ballots may be mailed to P.O. Box 7468 Asheville, NC 28802. Ballots must be received by May 14 at 7:30 p.m.
At the Early Voting site (Board of Elections Office at 59 Woodfin Place, Asheville 28801): Absentee ballots may be returned to the Early Voting site during the Early Voting period, but not at a voting location on Election Day. Voters will be directed to the Early Voting Help Desk to return an absentee ballot.
In person: Absentee ballots may be returned in person to our office at 59 Woodfin Place, Monday – Friday, from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Absentee ballots may only be returned by the voter or the voter’s near relative or legal guardian or, if you are not the voter or the voter’s near relative or legal guardian, the voter requested their assistance returning their ballot due to disability.
For more information about absentee voting, visit the North Carolina Board of Elections website.
3. Second Primary Election Day, Tuesday, May 14
On May 14, polls are open 6:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. As long as you are in line by 7:30 p.m., you will have the chance to vote.
Make sure you know your assigned voting location if you are casting a ballot on Election Day. Remember: During Early Voting, anyone can vote at the Early Voting location (Board of Elections Office at 59 Woodfin Place, Asheville 28801), but on Election Day you must vote at your assigned location. If you need help finding your voting location, enter your name at the Voter Search Tool. And lastly, wait numbers will also be available on Election Day. Check it out before you head out the door.
What’s new?
Voter ID: A new state law means new changes to how you vote. For 2024, you will be required to present photo identification when you go to the polls. Please review this information so that your ability to vote will not be affected. Below you will find information from the State Board of Elections on what IDs will be accepted, how to get a photo ID, how to vote without a photo ID, and more.
Quick links to useful information
Curbside voting
Curbside voting is available in North Carolina for those who are unable to go inside the voting location due to age or disability. Just pull up to the curbside voting sign, and an election official will come out and assist you. Curbside voting is available during Early Voting and on Election Day at all voting locations. Anyone voting curbside will also be asked to provide an acceptable photo ID.
ExpressVote: ExpressVote ballot marking machines will be in use at all Early Voting locations. Watch the voter experience video.
Helpful resources
Absentee Ballot Portal (N.C)
Absentee Ballot Request Form
Discover Buncombe Election and Property Information
Early Voting locations, times, and more
Election Services Website
Military and Overseas Voting Information
N.C. Board of Elections Website
Poll Worker Application
Register to Vote/Update Voter Information
Registering to Vote as a Person in the Criminal Justice System
Voter Search Tool
Voter Registration Application
Email [email protected]
Call (828) 250-4200