Upcoming events and things to do in Asheville, NC. Below is a list of events for festivals, concerts, art exhibitions, group meetups and more.

Interested in adding an event to our calendar? Please click the green “Post Your Event” button below.

Thursday, September 28, 2023
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library: International Literacy Month
Sep 28 all-day
We are currently celebrating Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library gifting 200 million books globally since 1995. In honor of this milestone, seven magical Dolly bookmarks will be hidden in Imagination Library books for enrolled children and families during September’s International Literacy Month.
Lucky recipients who discover the bookmarks will have the chance to receive a video chat, a personalized letter, autographed photo from Dolly, and four Dollywood Theme Park tickets. Additionally, the Dollywood Foundation will donate $2000 on behalf of each chosen child to their local Imagination Library partner, recognizing them as the true heroes of the program.

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library impacts the pre­-literacy skills and school readiness of children under the age of 5 in Buncombe County. The program mails a new, free, age-appropriate book to registered children each month until they turn five years old. Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library creates a home library of up to 60 books and instills a love of books and reading from an early age. If you have any questions about the program, please send an email to [email protected].

A national panel of educators selects the Imagination Library titles, which include: The Little Engine that Could, Last Stop on Market Street, Violet the Pilot, As an Oak Tree Grows, The Tale of Peter Rabbit, Llama Llama Red Pajama, Look Out Kindergarten, here I come, and many more (take a look at all the titles).

Register your child now!

Program Launch and Expansions

Literacy Together became a Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library affiliate in November 2015 with support from the Buncombe Partnership for Children. Through this program, registered children in Buncombe County receive a free book in the mail each month. Their parents also have the opportunity to attend workshops to learn how to build their children’s early literacy skills. Parents in need of literacy assistance are encouraged to receive tutoring through Literacy Together’s adult programming.

The program served 200 children during the 2015/16 fiscal year. The program expanded to serve 400 children in July 2016, and 600 in August 2017. In July 2018, capacity increased to 1,900 thanks to a special allocation in the North Carolina state budget. We’re now serving 4,600 kids in Buncombe County.  

Employer Registration Open for WNC Career Expo
Sep 28 all-day
WNC Ag. Center

Plan to join us Wednesday, October 25, 2023 from 11 AM – 4 PM at the Davis Event Center at the WNC Agricultural Center, located at 761 Boylston Highway in Fletcher.

Presented by the Mountain Area Workforce Board and the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce.

Western North Carolina businesses and organizations are ready to promote career opportunities for job seekers in advanced manufacturing, technology, health care, tourism, professional services, and other high-growth industries. All job seekers are encouraged to attend this one-stop opportunity to meet directly with representatives from companies hiring now.



Thank you to our Sponsors!

A-B Tech • Bojangles • iHeart Media • FASTSIGNS of Asheville  • Advanced Business Equipment

Food Drive for MANNA FoodBank
Sep 28 all-day
Buncombe County Public Libraries


Did you know MANNA FoodBank provides more than 58,000 meals a day in Western North Carolina? MANNA works in partnership with the Buncombe County Community Connectors to provide much-needed food to 12 locations in under-resourced areas throughout our community. Donations will be collected for two weeks at area libraries and select public-facing County buildings beginning September 25 and ending on October 7.

MANNA served over 155,000 people in June 2023, which was another alarming high in a months-long trend of tens of thousands of people across the mountains needing food support each week. March 2023 marked the end of the pandemic-era SNAP benefit expansion, resulting in a new peak that has since continued to climb.

Buncombe County is asking the community to pitch in to help meet this need by dropping food items by one of our 12 Buncombe County Public Libraries or public-facing buildings.

You can drop off donations at the following locations around Buncombe County (look for the collection bins and signs):

  • Public libraries
    • Black Mountain
    • East Asheville
    • Enka Candler
    • Fairview
    • Leicester
    • North Asheville
    • Oakley/South Asheville
    • Pack Memorial
    • Skyland/South Buncombe
    • Swannanoa
    • Weaverville
    • West Asheville
  • Register of Deeds at 205 College St.
  • Tax at 94 Cox Ave.
  • HHS building at 40 Coxe Ave.
  • Elections at 59 Woodfin
  • Family Justice Center at 35 Woodfin
  • Permits and Inspections at 30 Valley St.
  • County administration building at 200 College St.

MANNA’s most-needed items include: 

  • Canned meats (beef, chicken, tuna)
  • Peanut butter (plastic jars only)
  • Dried/canned beans (pork and beans, pinto, kidney, black)
  • Hearty soups (pop-top cans preferred)
  • Meals in a box or can (beef stew, chili, mac & cheese)
  • Canned fruit (fruit cocktail, raisins, apple sauce)
  • Canned vegetables (green beans, carrots, greens)
  • Cereals and grains (rice, pasta, cereal in a box or bag)
  • Fruit and vegetable juices
  • Dry milk (instant non-fat)

Thank you to everyone for helping us with this initiative to support children and families throughout our community.

Food Scraps Drop Off: Oakley Community Center
Sep 28 all-day
Murphy Oakley Community Center and Library

Food Scraps Drop Off

The City of Asheville, in partnership with Buncombe County and the Natural Resources Defense Council, is offering a FREE Food Scrap Drop-Off program in two locations for all Buncombe County residents.  This organic matter will be collected and turned into good clean compost, keeping it OUT of our landfill and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


Register for Food Scraps Drop Off








Need a handy kitchen countertop food scrap bin?  Let us know on the registration form! We’ll be having bin giveaways at city and county facilities and would love to give you one.



Murphy Oakley Community Center and Library – “Food Scrap Bin Shelters” on the east side of the parking lot

749 Fairview Road, Asheville

    • Dawn – Dusk

Stephens-Lee Recreation Center “Food Scrap Shed” next to the Community Garden on the North side of the parking lot

30 Washington Carver Avenue, Asheville

    • Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 6 p.m.
    • Saturday, 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.
    • Sunday, 12 – 4 p.m.

West Asheville Library – “Food Scrap Bin Shelters” on the south side of the building

942 Haywood Road, Asheville

    • Library open hours
    • Buncombe County Landfill – Convenience Center

      85 Panther Branch Road, Alexander

        • Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
        • Saturday, 8 a.m. – 12:30 pm
Homeowner Grant Program Inquiry Process Open
Sep 28 all-day


Buncombe County is excited to announce the inquiry process for the 2023 Homeowner Grant Program opens Aug. 1. This program is officially in its third year, and qualified homeowners will have an opportunity to receive financial assistance for housing-related costs. The website buncombecounty.org/homeownergrant will start accepting inquiries Aug. 1-Sept. 30, or homeowners can call (828) 250-5500. You must call or submit an inquiry to determine eligibility.

You may qualify for up to $300 in unincorporated Buncombe County, and up to $500 in City of Asheville. Please note that applicants who received grants last year will need to re-apply.

Through this program, residents who own residential property in Buncombe County that they have lived in as their primary residence for at least five years and who earn at or less than 80% of Area Median Income (AMI) as a household may be eligible to participate.

If eligible, grantees may choose to have grant funds applied to their property tax bill and/or paid and applied to other housing-related obligations such as housing costs, mortgage, or homeowner’s insurance. Payments are made directly to the source of the approved bill. Payments will not be made directly to individuals. There are several new aspects to this year’s program including new eligibility requirements, and now mobile-home owners may receive the grants.

  • You must have owned and lived in your home for 5 years or more
  • Your home must by your primary and only residence
  • Your household income is at or below 80% of area median income (AMI)
  • Your household cannot already be receiving tax deferment assistance like elderly/disabled, or Veterans exemptions.
  • You must not have more than $60,000 in liquid resources (for example: your cash on hand, checking & savings accounts combined, or other investments available to you within 7 days)

The inquiry process will be open through Sept. 30. Eligible homeowners can submit an inquiry at buncombecounty.org/homeownergrant after Aug. 1 or call (828) 250-5500 to start the application process. Phone support is available in any language. Please note that we anticipate a high volume of calls and inquiries at the onset, and it may take a few weeks for a case manager to get back with you.

“If you think you may qualify, but you aren’t sure, please give our team a call,” says Economic Services Director Phillip Hardin. “We know there are a number of unique circumstances, and our staff will work with homeowners to help find solutions.”

Hops for Hunger w/ 12 Bones Brewing and Appalachian Mountain Brewing
Sep 28 all-day
12 Bones Brewing and Appalachian Mountain Brewing

This month, you can make a difference for someone needing food by enjoying a local beer! Our friends at 12 Bones Brewing and Appalachian Mountain Brewing are designating one of their delicious beers as their Pint with Purpose, where every beer sold in September helps provide FOUR MEALS we can get to our neighbors right now!

12 Bones Brewing will be donating $1 of every pint of Coastal Grandmother Kölsch, and Appalachian Mountain Brewery is donating $1 for every pint of their Spoaty Oaty Pale Ale!

Thank you to these Hops for Hunger brewery partners for taking action in September to help feed WNC families!


12 Bones Brewing   5 Foundy St Ste 10, Asheville, NC 28801

Appalachian Mountain Brewing 46 N Mills River Rd, Mills River, Nc 28759

LEAF Fall Festival, ‘Legends of The Americas’: Full schedule announcement
Sep 28 all-day
Lake Eden, Black Mountain, NC


LEAF Global Arts is here for ALL the arts, from music and dance to visual and performance art. Add to that list Healing Arts, which allow us to more deeply experience LEAF Festival — and ourselves! (Look for a reveal of Handcraft Artists & Vendors next week.)

Expand your LEAF weekend with Healing Arts, Movement, and Earth Skills workshops, all with the intention of helping you flow with whatever comes your way. Enjoy flow yoga to live music, nature hikes, dance, music workshops, sound healing, meditation, and more.

“Incredibly excited for the Fall healing arts and earth skills workshop offerings. There is something for everyone, including various types of yoga, meditation, kudzu basket weaving, sound healing, dance,

forest bathing, exploring your personal strengths, and more.

Fill your weekend with self care for your mind, body, and soul.

We are grateful for all the artists coming to LEAF Festival.”

~ Madison, LEAF Vendor Coordinator 

Buy Tickets & Lodging



“We are beyond thrilled to unveil our meticulously crafted schedule for LEAF’s Fall Festival, ‘Legends of The Americas,’ October 19-22, complete with TIMES and all the latest updates. Every moment has been designed with you in mind, forging connections that transcend borders and ignite the spirit. We call to every soul, near and far, to dive deep into the enchantment that awaits. Let the rhythm of these magical cultures enthrall you, let the melodies tell stories that resonate with the heart.

The world of LEAF beckons — are you ready to witness the magic?

Dive in now!”

~ Otto Vazquez, Artistic Curator

Membership with the Organic Growers School
Sep 28 all-day
Text (4)@300x

OGS has kicked off its membership opportunities for donors. We depend on the community and members like you.  Become a member and help the Organic Growers School transform the food system to serve the needs of all people.


Donate at the $120 level or more, once annually or in monthly increments, to receive an OGS gift! Plus, you’ll receive discounts to OGS special events, 10% off select OGS programs such as the Gardening Series, Homegrown Dream, Farm Dreams, and the annual Spring Conference, and discounts from our partners listed below:

  • Chelsea Green Publishing – 35% off
  • Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine- 10% off
  • Fifth Season Gardening Company – 10% orders of $50 or more
  • Mountain Rose Herbs  – 10% off
  • New Society Publishers – 35% off
  • Seven Springs Farm Supply – 7% off
  • And many more to come!

Becoming a member is as simple as making a contribution as mentioned above, and we’ll handle everything else for you!

Pollinator Raffle benefit: Asheville City and Buncombe County School teachers
Sep 28 all-day

Only 200 tickets will be sold! Deadline to purchase tickets is September 30, drawing will be held October 2, 2023. The winner receives a site consultation followed by a fully-installed up to 10ft X 10ft native pollinator garden located in Buncombe or adjoining county.  Skilled “Pollenteers” will provide complete site preparation, soil conditioning, and a detailed management plan for your new garden.

Your raffle ticket will support Asheville City and Buncombe County School teacher registrations for the educational Symbolic Monarch Migration program.

Sep 28 all-day

What!!! Rahzel from the original Roots is coming to LEAF! The Human Beatbox aka the Grammy-winning Rapper/MC from the original, world-renowned Roots lineup, has been added to the Saturday night lineup of the October Festival.

Famous for his jaw-dropping vocal percussion and beatboxing prowess, Rahzel is not just a performer, he’s an experience. Dive deep into the pulse and rhythm of hip-hop (on the 50th anniversary of the genre) with this masterful artist who blurs the line between voice and instrument. It’s more than a show: it’s musical genius live onstage.

Aaaand … there will be a Beatbox Play-Shop for all ages. Don’t miss it! 🔥🔥🔥

Rahzel is one of the biggest names in beatboxing today, and continues to redefine the limits of the human voice. Known as “The Godfather of Noyze,” he was growing up in Queens when hip-hop blew up. LEAF is thrilled to welcome Rahzel to the fall Festival on the 50th anniversary of hip-hop.

Rahzel’s cousin Rahiem was an original member of the Furious Five, and Rahzel recalls sneaking into their shows, “watching Grand Master Flash before I could even see over the gate.” Rahzel embraced the philosophy that “not having’ was never an excuse for ‘not doing. … To me, [beatboxing] saves lives and I’m a prime example of it. It inspires kids to be creative and motivated.”

Through both his solo work and his stint with the live-music hip-hop group The Roots, Rahzel is credited with bringing beatboxing back to the fore of hip-hop in the 1990s. Rahzel can sing a chorus and beatbox the back-up simultaneously, a skill showcased on his signature song, “If Your Mother Only Knew,” from his groundbreaking first album, Make the Music 2000. Rahzel has worked with artists from Björk to Branford Marsalis.

LEAF Global Arts is on a mission CONNECTING CULTURES and CREATING COMMUNITY through world music, arts education, preservation and experiences. The closest distance between two people is a story, a song, or a dance.

Join us at LEAF Festival October 19-22, 2023 at Lake Eden

ReStore ReUse Contest
Sep 28 all-day

The local ReStore ReUse Contest is officially open for
submissions. Now through September 30, residents can show off their creativity and talent for
a chance to win in the 12 th annual contest. Fabulous furniture make-overs, remarkable
renovations, or unique yard art…if you recently took on a DIY project using predominantly
reused building materials, the Asheville Habitat ReStore wants to know. There are five
categories this year plus Best in Show, and all entries must be submitted electronically. For
guidelines and entry form, visit ashevillehabitat.org/restore .

The creativity of this community never ceases to amaze. Past projects have included a fence
fashioned from doors, a potting bench built from pallets, a wine bar made from a vintage
console radio, a chair constructed from an oil drum, and so much more. To see photos from
2022, click here.
A panel of five judges will select winners in the following categories: Furniture, Homesteading,
Live/Work Space, Home Décor, Art + Best in Show. Winners will be announced in mid-

Septic Repair Assistance Program
Sep 28 all-day

If you’ve been struggling to complete a septic system repair at your home, Buncombe County may be able to help homeowners with the cost of the project through a unique grant opportunity. The Septic Repair Assistance Program (SRP) provides financial assistance to repair failing septic systems for qualifying homeowners who do not meet the income limit of 80% of Buncombe County Area Median Income ($64,250 for a family of four). Applications are accepted continuously until further notice.

Previous program participants report that the application process is easy and agree that the program benefits are important as it can be expensive to repair septic systems. If you think you may qualify, please call our staff at (828) 250-5360 to learn more about this opportunity and to see if you qualify.

To apply for financial assistance, you must:

  • Be a resident of Buncombe County and own and occupy your home.
  • Obtain a septic system repair permit from Buncombe County Environmental Health. To request a repair permit, you must submit an application to Environmental Health. Once the application is received, an Environmental Health Specialist will make a site visit and evaluate the existing system, determine repair options, and issue a repair permit.
  • Obtain bids from at least three septic system contractors. Once the repair permit has been issued, you are responsible for obtaining bids from at least three contractors. A bid is an estimate of how much the repair will cost. We recommend that you request bids from more than three contractors to ensure that you receive at least three of the bids in a timely manner.
  • Complete a Grant Application form. This form requests specific information needed to determine grant eligibility, including verification of income.
  • Submit the Grant Application and copies of three contractor bids to Buncombe County Permits & Inspections, 30 Valley St., Asheville, NC 28801 or [email protected].

For more information, please see the attached document. Applications will be accepted until further notice.

Special Olympics Fall Sports Registration is OPEN
Sep 28 all-day

Special Olympics Fall sports registration is now OPEN!

Choose your sport and join the fun! Athletes can pick from soccer, bocce, basketball, and tennis. For any questions, please email [email protected]!

Register here!    

Special Olympics Fall Sports Interest Form (office.com)

The Berkshires Land: Fall Fishing Destinations
Sep 28 all-day
The Berkshires

As the summer is waning and the leaves change colors, anglers across the country eagerly await the start of fall fishing season in some of America’s most attractive locations. To help anglers plan their ideal adventure, FishingBooker has created a list of the 9 Best Fall Fishing Destinations for 2023. The Berkshires have been named at the top of the list. Here’s why:

Fall foliage is the perfect setting for chasing that trophy-sized catch while enjoying the scenic beauty of the landscapes along the way, and the Berkshires encompass it all. Comprised of extensive forests, breathtaking Appalachian trails, and numerous rivers and lakes, this region is beyond wonderful. If you’re an angler, hearing about mountain rivers and fall fishing probably tells you a lot about the species you can target in this region. The cold waters that run through the Berkshires are a fly fishing heaven.

To provide readers with an immersive experience of the beauty and excitement the Berkshires offer, here is a custom-made video we have created specifically for this destination. This video showcases the finest fishing spots, expert insights, and professional narration that will capture the attention of your audience.

The full unranked list of 9 best fall fishing destinations includes:

  • Berkshires, MA

  • San Diego, CA

  • Casper, WY

  • Lake of the Ozarks, MO

  • Grayling, MI

  • Buffalo, NY

  • Virginia Beach, VA

  • Asheville, NC

  • Kissimmee, FL

About FishingBooker:

With an offer of more than 42,000 fishing trips spanning over 2,000 cities across 110 countries, FishingBooker has gained the trust of countless fishing enthusiasts. Our platform has enabled hundreds of thousands of anglers to embark on fishing trips and create long-lasting memories with friends and family across the US – and beyond. By connecting anglers with skilled captains and the best fishing locations, we are committed to making fishing accessible and enjoyable for everyone.


Here is a Dropbox folder that contains a long-form video of all destinations, as well as an additional image you may need if you decide to cover the story. Please feel free to use any of the materials included in the link, and do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance.

Time Traveling Gala Volunteer Opportunities
Sep 28 all-day
Preservation Society of Asheville and Buncombe County

We count on your help to throw this amazing party! We still need docents and bartenders to make this night a success.

2023 Time Traveling Gala Volunteer Opportunities
  • Sept 28th – Setup
    We will be working at all three houses to meet crews for tent setup and rental drop offs.  We will also be running last minute errands, transporting supplies, folding programs etc!  This is going to be a catch all day for all the little stuff we haven’t done yet and we will need help!  We don’t have a schedule for the day but let us know if you have some availability to help and we will be in touch!
  • Sept 29th – Setup
    More setup!  We will be pre-mixing cocktails, moving tables, running last minute errands and transporting supplies.  We don’t have a schedule for the day but let us know if you have some availability to help and we will be in touch!
  • Sept 30th – House Docent
    House docents are responsible for keeping guests and the home safe.  You will get a room assignment and be trained to answer questions and assist guests.  Please note, the schedule is different for each of the homes so make sure you are able to work the entire shift for the home you select.
  • Sept 30th – Bartender
    Bartenders will pour pre-mixed cocktails, beer and wine for guests.  Please note, the schedule is different for each of the homes so make sure you are able to work the entire shift for the home you select.
VOTE FOR Appalachian Wild: Animal, Wildlife and Marine Welfare Award
Sep 28 all-day







Wilderness Medicine + Survival Skills at Nantahala Outdoor Center
Sep 28 all-day
Nantahala Outdoor Center


Brush up on your wilderness medicine or learn new survival skills! SOLO Southeast & NOC are offering over 200 courses in 2023 and classes in locations across the southeast.

  • Atlanta, GA
  • Bryson City, NC
  • Chattanooga, TN
  • Collegedale, TN
  • Greenville, SC

Find your next course with SOLO Southeast and be prepared for the unexpected!

Wildlife Husbandry ​Fall Internships
Sep 28 all-day

Fall internships have a minimum requirement of 12 hours per week that will be completed within a weekly schedule determined prior to beginning the internship. Interns are required to commit to a 4-5 month internship period. Hour commitments are based on seasonal needs.

No two days in wildlife rehabilitation are the same. Interns must be flexible, dedicated, dependable, and comfortable working as part of a team with fellow interns and volunteers. As well as communicating with the public as needed, interns will carry out a weekly set schedule that they are accountable for during the entirety of their internship.

Wildlife Husbandry Interns (12 hours/week) As a Wildlife Husbandry Intern, you will play a vital role in all aspects of our wildlife rehabilitation operations. This internship offers a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in wildlife care, rehabilitation processes, and facility management while contributing to the well-being of injured and orphaned wildlife in Western North Carolina. This internship provides an immersive experience in various aspects of wildlife care and rehabilitation, based on the intern’s interest.


  • Wildlife Rehabilitation: Participate in the full rehabilitation process, including feeding, cleaning, record-keeping, and monitoring the progress of wildlife patients. Assist in the medical treatment and documentation as directed by staff. Observe and learn how to safely handle, feed, and care for various species of wildlife.
  • Daily Animal Care: Provide attentive and compassionate care to injured and orphaned wildlife and their enclosures. Ensure enclosures are clean, safe, and appropriately equipped for the animals’ needs. Assist with feeding schedules and dietary preparations.
  • Animal Husbandry: Learn and practice proper animal husbandry techniques to ensure the well-being of the wildlife in our care. Assist with environmental enrichment activities to stimulate natural behaviors.
  • Wildlife Transport and Communication: Support wildlife transport efforts as needed, ensuring the safe and secure transfer of animals. Collaborate with the wildlife rehabilitation network in Western North Carolina to facilitate seamless communication and animal transfers.
  • Facility Upkeep and Maintenance: Contribute to the cleanliness and organization of the rehabilitation facility. Assist in facility maintenance tasks to ensure a safe and efficient work environment.


  • The internship requires a commitment of at least 5 months.
  • Start and end dates are flexible to accommodate academic schedules.
  • The intern will work approximately 12 hours per week at the wildlife rehabilitation facility in Candler, NC.


  • Flexibility and adaptability.
  • Dedication and reliability.
  • Attention to detail.
  • Willingness to learn.
  • Ability to work collaboratively in a team setting with fellow interns and volunteers.
  • Passion for the rescue and rehabilitation of injured wildlife.


  • Gain invaluable hands-on experience in wildlife rehabilitation and animal care.
  • Learn from experienced professionals in the field of wildlife rescue and rehabilitation.
  • Develop critical skills in animal husbandry, medical care, and facility management.
  • Contribute to the conservation efforts of a respected wildlife refuge.
  • Opportunity to explore various aspects of a non-profit organization.
Youth Memberships for teens 13 – 17
Sep 28 all-day
YWCA of Asheville

Youth Memberships


There’s a new youth membership available now for teens 13 – 17. It’s only $10 a month, and an adult must be present to sign up. Contact [email protected] for more information.

Asheville Parks + Recreation Adult fall athletic programs + sports leagues
Sep 28 @ 7:00 am
Various Locations

With multiple parks featuring ballfields and volleyball, pickleball, tennis, and basketball courts, Asheville has plenty of opportunities to join pick-up games or play with organized sports leagues. Asheville Parks & Recreation (APR) offers a broad line-up of youth athletics programs, adult sports leagues, and special events throughout the year with an emphasis on fair play and enjoyment for any level of experience, including the fall opportunities below.

Search Current Asheville Sports and Athletics

Limited spots available, so advance registration at AVLREC.com required. Some activities offer discounted registration for early sign ups. Most team sports also offer “looking for a team” options for free agents. Some activities charge a higher rate for participants who do not live in Asheville.


6v6 Indoor Volleyball League, $200 per team

Registration opens November 27, games begin January 16 for winter season

Upper, middle, and lower divisions play at Tempie Avery Montford Community Center.

Over 40 Basketball League, $60 per player

Registration ends August 24, games begin September 12

Asheville’s newest team sports league provides an opportunity for community members over 40 who want to get back into the game or prefer to play with others around the same age. Sign up as an individual to be placed on a team based on height, position, and skill level for games played at Linwood Crump Shiloh Community Center.

Flag Football League, $600 per team

Registration opens August 30, games begin October 17

Upper, middle, and lower divisions play at Asheville Middle School on 211 South French Broad Avenue.

Winter Basketball League, $600 per team

Registration opens October 10, games begin November 27

Upper and lower divisions play at Linwood Crump Shiloh Community Center. Middle division plays at Stephens-Lee Community Center.

Clinics and Tournaments

Tennis Clinic, $20 per player

Registration ends September 6, clinics held each Tuesday and Thursday from September 12-21

Instructional clinics for beginners and intermediate players teach the basics and build on skills each class at Murphy-Oakley Park.

Doubles Grass Volleyball Tournament, $20 per team

Registration ends September 5, tournament on September 16

Six sets to 21 in pool play for advance and intermediate divisions in which all teams advance to the playoffs on a day of music, fun, and volleyball at Carrier Park.

Intro to Golf, $10 for series with players responsible for their own green fees

Registration ends September 28, games played each Wednesday from October 4-25

Travel to a different golf course each week for one-on-one coaching to learn the game. For more info, contact Colt Miller at [email protected] or (828) 707-2376.

Pumpkin Ball Softball Bash Tournament, $150 per team

Registration ends September 30, tournament on October 7

All players hit a 16-inch softball in games played on a 200-foot distance field with unlimited home runs with a three-game guarantee. Winning teams receive prizes and trophies. For more info, contact Zack Stewart at [email protected] or (828) 545-1644.

Late Night Wiffleball Tournament, $5 per team

Registration ends November 9, tournament on November 16

Five-player teams play in this two-game guarantee tournament at Tempie Avery Montford Community Center. For more info, contact Kiley Pritchard at [email protected] or (828) 507-3357.


Food Scraps Drop Off: Stephens-Lee Recreation Center
Sep 28 @ 7:00 am – 6:00 pm
Stephens-Lee Recreation Center

Food Scraps Drop Off

The City of Asheville, in partnership with Buncombe County and the Natural Resources Defense Council, is offering a FREE Food Scrap Drop-Off program in

two locations for all Buncombe County residents.  This organic matter will be collected and turned into good clean compost, keeping it OUT of our landfill and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


Register for Food Scraps Drop Off








Need a handy kitchen countertop food scrap bin?  Let us know on the registration form! We’ll be having bin giveaways at city and county facilities and would love to give you one.



Stephens-Lee Recreation Center “Food Scrap Shed” next to the Community Garden on the North side of the parking lot

30 Washington Carver Avenue, Asheville

    • Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 6 p.m.
    • Saturday, 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.
    • Sunday, 12 – 4 p.m.

Murphy Oakley Community Center and Library – “Food Scrap Bin Shelters” on the east side of the parking lot

749 Fairview Road, Asheville

    • Dawn – Dusk

West Asheville Library – “Food Scrap Bin Shelters” on the south side of the building

942 Haywood Road, Asheville

    • Library open hours
    • Buncombe County Landfill – Convenience Center85 Panther Branch Road, Alexander
        • Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
        • Saturday, 8 a.m. – 12:30 pm
Asheville Parks + Recreation Youth Fall + Winter athletic programs + sports leagues
Sep 28 @ 8:00 am
Various Locations

Flag Football, $15 per player

Registration ends August 30, games begin September 9

Teams divided by ages 6-8, 9-10, 11-12, and 14-16 practice drills for 30 minutes prior to weekly games with two 20 minute halves at Asheville Middle School on 211 South French Broad Avenue.

Softball Clinic, $10 per player

Registration ends September 3, clinics begin September 11

Instructional five-week clinic with divisions for 6-8, 9-10, and 11-12 year-olds teaches fundamentals through drills and scrimmages at Asheville Middle School on 211 South French Broad Avenue with the intent of building a youth softball program in the future.

Youth Archery Class, $25 per archer

Registration ends October 10, class held each Thursday from October 26-November 16

This introductory course teaches individuals 9-12 years-old range safety and proper shooting techniques.

Winter Basketball League, $35 per player

Registration ends October 31, evaluations begin November 6

Age divisions include 5-6 (instructional), 9-10, 11-12, and 13-15.

Fling the Fletch Junior Disc Golf Open, $5 for beginner and $20 for advanced competitive

A local pro teaches a clinic followed by a nine-hole family fun tournament for beginners ages 8-18 and an 18-hole competitive round for advanced players ages 12-16.

Turkey Tee Off Family Mini Golf Tournament, free

Registration ends November 10, tournament on November 18

Enjoy friendly competition with friends and family at Lakeview Putt and Play on 2245 Hendersonville Road.


Food Scraps Drop Off: Buncombe County Landfill
Sep 28 @ 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
Buncombe County Landfill – Convenience Center

Food Scraps Drop Off

The City of Asheville, in partnership with Buncombe County and the Natural Resources Defense Council, is offering a FREE Food Scrap Drop-Off program in two locations for all Buncombe County residents.  This organic matter will be collected and turned into good clean compost, keeping it OUT of our landfill and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


Register for Food Scraps Drop Off








Need a handy kitchen countertop food scrap bin?  Let us know on the registration form! We’ll be having bin giveaways at city and county facilities and would love to give you one.


Locations Holidays call for hours

Buncombe County Landfill – Convenience Center

85 Panther Branch Road, Alexander

    • Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
    • Saturday, 8 a.m. – 12:30 pm

Murphy Oakley Community Center and Library – “Food Scrap Bin Shelters” on the east side of the parking lot

749 Fairview Road, Asheville

    • Dawn – Dusk

Stephens-Lee Recreation Center “Food Scrap Shed” next to the Community Garden on the North side of the parking lot

30 Washington Carver Avenue, Asheville

    • Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 6 p.m.
    • Saturday, 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.
    • Sunday, 12 – 4 p.m.

West Asheville Library – “Food Scrap Bin Shelters” on the south side of the building

942 Haywood Road, Asheville

    • Library open hours
Journeyperson Program w/ Organic Growers School
Sep 28 @ 8:00 am
Organic Growers School

The Journeyperson Program is designed for farmers who have been independently farming for three or more years and are serious about operating farm businesses in the Southern Appalachian region. This program will give you the space and time to work on your business’s scale, viability, and long-term direction while making connections that deepen peer-to-peer support.

Limited spots are available for the full program, and those who want to be eligible for our Savings Incentive Program and the professional development funds must commit to participating in all aspects of the program.

Participants can use this program as a tangible step toward achieving their farm goals, and make significant contributions to the agricultural community and economy.

This program is designed to give tailored guidance and support for your farm business to answer questions of:

  • Scale

  • Market access

  • Land access

  • Risk management

  • Understanding cash flow

  • Enterprise innovation

The 2023 Buncombe County Parks and Recreation Scarecrow Contest
Sep 28 @ 8:00 am – 11:30 pm
Lake Julian Park


Build your own scarecrow and set at up in Lake Julian Park. Scarecrows can be made of recycled materials, household items, traditional farm materials, repurposed wood, various items found in nature, etc. We just ask scarecrows are not made of any food items.

Registration is open now! Scarecrows can be set up in the park from October 14th-21st. On October 21st Lake Julian will hold its annual Fall-o-ween Festival where Scarecrows will be judged and awarded a 1st, 2nd or 3rd place trophy!

This is a fun family friendly activity for all ages! Great for families, couples, school groups, clubs, offices, teams, and more! We welcome all to celebrate the autumn season and get crafty with the agricultural tradition of making a unique personified sculpture!

WNC Farmers Market
Sep 28 @ 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
WNC Farmers Market

NCDA&CS - Marketing Division - Western North Carolina Farmers Market

The WNC Farmers Market is the premier destination for buying and selling the region’s best agriculture products directly from farmers & food producers to household & wholesale customers in an environment that celebrates the region’s diverse culture, food & heritage.

House of Operation:

WNC Farmers Market: 24/7, 361 days a year market access for farmers
Office: Monday- Friday, 8am-5pm
Market Shops: 7 days a week, 8 am-5 pm
Wholesale and Truck Sheds: 7 days a week

Biltmore Estate: Ciao! From Italy Sculptural Postcard Display
Sep 28 @ 8:30 am
Biltmore Estate

Included with admission

Embark on a scenic journey across George Vanderbilt’s Italy with a large-scale outdoor display that combines brilliant botanical designs with authentic messages written by Vanderbilt himself.

Beautifully handcrafted of natural elements, each sculptural postcard depicts a location or landmark Vanderbilt visited more than a century ago. This captivating complement to Biltmore’s Italian Renaissance Alive exhibition reveals Vanderbilt’s passions for travel, culture, architecture, and art as well as his personal experience of such renowned Italian cities as Milan, Florence, Venice, Pisa, and Vatican City.

Adding to the charm and visual appeal of Ciao! From Italy—sure to be a hit among kids of all ages—is the G-scale model train that travels in and out of each postcard in this enlightening display!

Therapeutic Recreation: Tennis + Bowling
Sep 28 @ 9:00 am

Therapeutic Recreation (TR)

For more info, contact Lori Long at [email protected] or (828) 232-4529. TR sports are designed for kids, teens, and adults who may excel with additional support. For TR social opportunities and movement, hiking, cooking, and crafting classes, check out more programs online.

TR Tennis Clinic, free

Registration ends September 5, clinics held each Saturday from September 9-30

Open to individuals ages 8 and older, Asheville Tennis Association and Abilities Tennis pros teach basics and players practice skills on the courts at Omni Grove Park Inn on 290 Macon Avenue.

TR Bowling, $35 per player

Registration ends September 30, games played each Saturday from October 7-November 4

Strikers 6 years-old and over play games adapted with ramps and bumpers in this five-week league at Sky Lanes on 1477 Patton Avenue.

For more info, contact Lori Long at [email protected] or (828) 232-4529. TR sports are designed for kids, teens, and adults who may excel with additional support. For TR social opportunities and movement, hiking, cooking, and crafting classes, check out more programs online.

Verner Center for Early Learning needs volunteers
Sep 28 @ 9:00 am
 Verner Center for Early

Verner Center for Early Learning needs volunteers!

For over 20 years, Verner Center is a local nonprofit in Asheville that primarily serves children ages 0-5 years who are living in high-risk vulnerable situations. They have a variety of needs – ranging from holding babies, helping with clerical duties, keeping their library tidy and up to date with books donated, teaching the children in the garden they have planted, general upkeep and maintenance of the garden, and reading with the children.

They have two locations – one in Swannanoa and one in West Asheville.

Creekside Play @ Hickory Nut Gap Farm
Sep 28 @ 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Hickory Nut Gap Farm

STATIONARY FUN – Creekside play area has a treehouse and wee slide ➤ The Big Barn has our Sound Silo full of instruments to play on and make noise, trikes on the trike track around a REAL tractor and cornhole boards(ask the staff for bags) ➤ On the grassy slope behind the Big Barn we’ve got our famous and fast culvert tunnel slides for all ages, hammocks on the hill and tetherball!

Availability: All stationary fun is available every day during business hours of 10-5, starting September 2nd, through the rest of the season- tetherball will be back in action starting September 6th!

ANIMALS TO SEE – We will have a brooder house full of chicks in various ages and stages all season, there will typically be mama pigs and piglets in agritourism pens on the hill, more rarely there will be grazing cattle in a nearby field.


9/2 Sat  11-4 Fern Leaf CCS Food Truck

9/16 Sat 11-4 Milk & Honey Food Truck – they will be serving HNG beef for their all-American burger!

9/24 Sun 11-4 *Big Barn Market* Root Down Farm Food Truck

9/30 Sat 11-4 Milk & Honey Food Truck

10/7 Sat 11-4 Fern Leaf CCS Food Truck

10/14 Sat 11-4 Milk & Honey Food Truck

10/15 Sun 11-4 El Bodegon Food Truck

10/22 Sun 11-4 El Bodegon Food Truck

10/29 Sun 11-4 *Big Barn Market* Grush’s Cajun Dino Grill Food Truck

11/4 Sat 11-4 Fern Leaf CCS Food Truck


APPLES – Our partners in Edneyville, NC, Lyda Farms, bring some of the best in the region. Local and low spray, folks come every year to get the best of fall in NC by the bag to bake, stew, butter, sauce and of course, crunch into while sitting on the farm.

Availability: Apples will be available to buy starting September 9th, they will typically run out Mid to late October.

FRESH PRESSED CIDER – We press fresh apple cider every year, comprised of our historical orchard apples on the Old Sherrill’s Inn property and apples from our partner Lyda Farms. This is a raw, unpasteurized product – delicious and changeable as the season, no added sugar or seasonings.

Availability: 1st pressing September 13th, bottled cider will be in the store for purchase September 14th!

JACKOLANTERN PUMPKINS – We work with several WNC veggie farmers in the area, including Hawkins Farms. We’ll have pumpkins arranged all around the Farm Store to display their beauty AND make sure you get *just the right one*. The seeds are dynamite when roasted, too…

Availability: Coming Mid-September, they will typically run out by end of October so make sure you get yours! 

EDIBLE SQUASH & DECORATIVE GOURDS – From Mr. Anthony Cole’s farms, we have some long-lasting festive gourds to decoarate for the season, and a broad variety of edible squashes and pumpkins perfect for pies, soups and pasta.

Availability: Coming Mid-September.