Upcoming events and things to do in Asheville, NC. Below is a list of events for festivals, concerts, art exhibitions, group meetups and more.

Interested in adding an event to our calendar? Please click the green “Post Your Event” button below.

Monday, July 8, 2024
ASAP Consumer Survey
Jul 8 @ 8:30 am

ASAP is conducting research on why people in our community choose the food they do. We want to know where you shop, what you value most when purchasing food, and what factors motivate or discourage you from purchasing locally grown food. Whether you buy locally grown food or not, you can help farmers understand and connect with consumers—which creates a stronger local food system!

The survey can be completed online or by calling ASAP at 828-236-1282. It should take 8–12 minutes to complete and will be open until Oct. 31, 2024. You must be over the age of 18 and a resident of Western North Carolina.

Please share with families, friends, and co-workers!

NC Arboretum Hiking Trails
Jul 8 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
NC Arboretum

Located within the wildly-popular and botanically beautiful Southern Appalachian Mountains, The North Carolina Arboretum offers more than 10 miles of hiking trails that connect to many other area attractions such as Lake Powhatan, the Pisgah National Forest and the Blue Ridge Parkway. Visitors of all ages and abilities can enjoy their hiking experience at the Arboretum as trail options include easy, moderate, and difficult challenge levels. All trails are dog-friendly and visitors are asked to adhere to the proper waste disposing procedures for pets.

Part of a running group that would like to use the Arboretum as a starting point or parking location? Please review our Running Group Guidance and email [email protected] with any questions.

ON EXHIBIT—- Bugs: Outside the Box
Jul 8 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
NC Arboretum

Baker Exhibit Center

Where can you see a butterfly with a five foot wingspan, or a longhorn beetle with antennae more than twelve feet across? The answers can be found amongst the enormous sculptures on display in BUGS: Outside the Box!

Scientifically exact, with a keen attention to detail, the exhibit features a virtual army of giant bugs with one aim in mind – educating the public and shining a light on museum collections, taxonomy, and the power of magnification.

Among the highlights of the exhibit is a rarely seen long-arm beetle more than ten feet in height, a collection of heavily armored stag beetles with impressive jaws and horns as long as your arm, and an insight into the amazing intricacy of the physiology of each insect on display. Alongside these impressive works of art is the insect in question represented at life size,  and detailed information on the life habits, location, and other facts unique to each insect and its family.


Outdoor Bonsai Exhibition Garden
Jul 8 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
NC Arboretum

What is Bonsai?

Bonsai is a challenging and rewarding horticultural activity, in which ordinary plants are grown in an extraordinary way. Through rigorously applied cultivation techniques, trees, shrubs, vines and even herbaceous plants are kept in a miniaturized state, developed into artistic shapes and then displayed in special containers.

What makes the Arboretum’s bonsai endeavor unique among all other public collections in the United States? Regional Interpretation. Visitors will find the Arboretum’s bonsai collection of more than 100 specimens carefully cultivated with a Southern Appalachian accent. The collection draws inspiration from the traditional roots of bonsai, but takes the form of a contemporary, Southern Appalachian influenced American garden. Plantings in the landscape include species and cultivars of American, European and Asian origin.


The Bonsai Exhibition Garden

Established in October 2005, The North Carolina Arboretum’s Bonsai Exhibition Garden is a world renowned garden that displays up to 50 bonsai specimens at a time. Represented are traditional Asian bonsai subjects such as Japanese maple and Chinese elm, tropical plants such as willow-leaf fig and bougainvillea, and American species such as bald cypress and limber pine. Of particular importance are the plants native to the Blue Ridge region, such as American hornbeam and eastern white pine, which enable the Arboretum to bring the thousand-year tradition of bonsai home to the mountains of Western North Carolina. Interpretive signage throughout the garden conveys information about the art and history of bonsai, and the Arboretum’s own creative approach to it.


Outdoor Bonsai Exhibition Garden

  • Bonsai on Display Mid May – November; 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. daily
  • Garden Open Year Round
  • Parking Fees
    • Personal/Standard Vehicle (up to 20′ long): $20
    • Large vehicles (21′-29′ long): $60
    • Busses and Oversize Vehicles (30′ long+): $125
    • Members: Free

    Apart from the parking fee, there is no other admission charge to enter the Arboretum or our facilities, except in the case of advertised ticketed events.

Summer Splash Water Days
Jul 8 @ 9:00 am – 8:30 pm
Pack Square Park


Splasheville is located in Pack Square Park on 80 Court Plaza. The free splash pad’s regular daily hours are 9.m-8:30pm, but may close for special events or during inclement weather. Check the calendar for scheduled closures.

The Art League of Henderson County announces: “Red, White and Blue”
Jul 8 @ 9:00 am
Henderson County Library

Artists are invited to create artworks with the theme of “Red, White and Blue.“  Apply these patriotic colors at the center of your subjects, however there are no limits to your creativity, your artworks don’t need to be primarily patriotic theme, but viewers should be able to spot the use of recognizable amount of red, white and blue colors.

Appalachian Brooms Demo
Jul 8 @ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Folk Art Center

Peter Werner will be demonstrating traditional Appalachian broom-tying techniques in the lobby of the Folk Art Center on the Blue Ridge Parkway from 10am-4pm. Visitors are encouraged to watch and ask questions while the demonstrators work and talk about their creative process! Call ahead for the latest updates: 828-298-7928.

Art Exhibition: Hammer and Hope
Jul 8 @ 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Center for Craft

Historians estimate that skilled Black artisans outnumbered their white counterparts in the antebellum South by a margin of five to one. However, despite their presence and prevalence in all corners of the pre-industrial trade and craft fields, the stories of these skilled workers go largely unacknowledged.

Borrowing its title from a Black culture and politics magazine of the same name, Hammer and Hope celebrates the life and labor of Black chairmakers in early America. Featuring the work of two contemporary furniture makers – Robell Awake and Charlie Ryland – the pieces in this exhibition are based on the artists’ research into ladderback chairs created by the Poynors, a multigenerational family of free and enslaved craftspeople working in central Tennessee between the early nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

Through the objects featured in Hammer and Hope, Awake and Ryland explore, reinterpret, and reimagine what the field of furniture-making today would look like had the history and legacy of the Poynors – and countless others that have been subject to a similar pattern of erasure – been celebrated rather than hidden. Hammer and Hope represents Awake and Ryland’s attempts, in their own words,  “at fighting erasure by making objects that engage with these long-suppressed stories.”

Robell Awake and Charlie Ryland are recipients of the Center for Craft’s 2022 Craft Research Fund Artist Fellowship. This substantial mid-career grant is awarded to two artists to support research projects that advance, expand, and support the creation of new research and knowledge through craft practice.

BCDP Phone Banking
Jul 8 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Buncombe County Democratic Party HQ

This year’s election will be won by mobilizing voters who want to preserve our democracy and protect the rights of our citizens. Our phone bankers will be reaching out to likely supporters in your precincts who don’t vote on a regular basis. We will also be making separate calls in your precincts to recruit more volunteers for our efforts.

IF YOU HAVE A LAPTOP, PLEASE BE SURE TO BRING IT TO THE PHONE BANK. If you don’t have one, just be sure you bring your personal email login information (User ID & password) and you can use one of our Chromebooks. If you’ve canvassed or phone banked for Democrats in the past, you likely have an Action ID account, so please be sure to bring that login information as well. Of course, you will also need your cell phone.

Phone banking remains one of the best practices for winning elections and our phone banks are designed to reach those voters who rarely pick up their calls. We’ll leave a message on their voice mail, then also text them the same message. When someone does pick up their call, you’ll possibly have a lively conversation because we are targeting supporters!

Buncombe County Democratic Party Phone Banking
Jul 8 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Buncombe County Democratic Party HQ

This year’s election will be won by mobilizing voters who want to preserve our democracy and protect the rights of our citizens. Our phone bankers will be reaching out to likely supporters in your precincts who don’t vote on a regular basis. We will also be making separate calls in your precincts to recruit more volunteers for our efforts.

IF YOU HAVE A LAPTOP, PLEASE BE SURE TO BRING IT TO THE PHONE BANK. If you don’t have one, just be sure you bring your personal email login information (User ID & password) and you can use one of our Chromebooks. If you’ve canvassed or phone banked for Democrats in the past, you likely have an Action ID account, so please be sure to bring that login information as well. Of course, you will also need your cell phone.

Phone banking remains one of the best practices for winning elections and our phone banks are designed to reach those voters who rarely pick up their calls. We’ll leave a message on their voice mail, then also text them the same message. When someone does pick up their call, you’ll possibly have a lively conversation because we are targeting supporters!

Exhibition on Display: Class of 2024 – Haywood Community College’s Professional Crafts Program
Jul 8 @ 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Folk Art Center

Located on the second floor until September 18th, the show continues the historical relationship between the Southern Highland Craft Guild and Haywood, an educational center of the Guild. This new generation of craft is led by instructors Amy Putansu in fiber, Brian Wurst in wood, Emily Reason in clay, and Robert Blanton in metals & jewelry. Students of the Haywood program come from all over, with or without prior experience of craft, and sometimes pursuing it as a second or third career. The course of study is challenging, combining craft concentrations with supplemental classes in design, drawing, craft history, business, marketing and photography.

Haywood Community College and the Southern Highland Craft Guild share a history that documents the role of craft education in preserving traditional culture, creating economic opportunity and fostering professional practice. All of the artists represent the vitality and creativity of craft practice today, which is the ultimate purpose of both institutions. Many Haywood graduates have become individual members of the Southern Highland Craft Guild and have served the Guild in various capacities.

Instructor Brian Wurst of the Professional Crafts Wood program says, “Our programs have thrived for nearly five decades, and our relationship with the Craft Guild has been a key part of that. We’re always thrilled to have work showcased at the Folk Art Center, and in turn scores of our alumni have gone on to become active Guild members. The Graduate Show is the capstone of two hard years by these students, and it’s a delight to share it in this beautiful space.”

Haywood Community College is located in Clyde, North Carolina, just west of Asheville. The college’s Professional Crafts Program began in recognition of the region’s strong craft heritage. It was envisioned that students would learn the basics of craft media and how to transform that craft into a business. The clay studio was the first to open in 1974. With the addition of jewelry, wood and fiber studios, a comprehensive curriculum was in place by 1977.

Anyone interested in taking courses at Haywood Community College can contact the success coach, Farrah Rodriguez [email protected] 828.627.4505.

The Haywood Community College Professional Crafts Program, Graduate Show, Class of 2024 is a free exhibit at the Folk Art Center on the Blue Ridge Parkway in East Asheville. For more information, visit www.craftguild.org or call 828-523-4110. For more information about the Professional Crafts Program, call 828-627-4674 or visit creativearts.haywood.edu.

Exhibition on Display: Hand Over Matter
Jul 8 @ 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Folk Art Center

Focus Gallery Exhibition featuring five members of the Southern Highland Craft Guild, located upstairs at the Folk Art Center. May 24-August 19, 2024.

Featured Artists:

  1. Billy Bernstein  – glass
  2. Christine Smith – wood
  3. Tamela Wells – jewelry
  4. Robert Milnes – clay
  5. Pam Grainger Gale – fiber

The Focus Gallery is located on the second level of the Folk Art Center. The Folk Art Center is located at Milepost 382 of the Blue Ridge Parkway, just north of the Highway 70 entrance in east Asheville, NC. Admission is free. Open Daily 10am-5pm. 

This exhibition is hosted by the Southern Highland Craft Guild. The Guild is a non-profit, educational organization established in 1930 to cultivate the crafts and makers of the Southern Highlands for shared resources, education, marketing, and conservation. The Southern Highland Craft Guild is an authorized concessioner of the National Park Service, Department of the Interior. 

Li’l Boogers: Kids Comedy Tour
Jul 8 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
LaZoom Room Bar & Gorilla

Explore Asheville with the whole family!

Age Restrictions

All Ages Welcome!
(Content is geared towards ages 5-12 years old)
Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Children 3 and under do not need a ticket if they are sitting in an adults lap.


60 Minutes

What’s Included

Crazy funny guide
Off-bus characters
Fun facts about Asheville
Age-appropriate jokes


Now’s your chance to bring the whole family on the big purple bus! Educational and entertaining, LaZoom’s Kids’ Comedy tour features a perfect blend of Asheville information and kid-centric comedy. Geared specifically towards the 5-12 year old crowd, you’ll learn about our city’s history and see the sights in true LaZoom style – complete with our famously outlandish tour guides, hilarious comedy skits, and all sorts of special appearances! Perfect for birthday parties or school field trips, it’s the best thing to do with your kids in Asheville. It’s a show on wheels!

The tour is 60 minutes long and includes no stops. The tour is hosted by a zany tour guide, and along the way other characters will hop on the bus and perform kid-centric sketches (Candy Pirate, Ninja, and a Levitator) The tour is not only fun – it’s educational! Kids and adults will learn new and interesting facts about Asheville along the way. There must be 1 adult for every 4 children. We do not allow any unaccompanied children. Children 3 and under do not need a ticket if they are sitting in an adults lap.


If your desired time and availability is full, then please give us a call to be added to the waitlist.

Needle Felting Demo
Jul 8 @ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Folk Art Center

Lorraine Cathey will be demonstrating how she “paints” landscapes using colored wool roving and a barbed felting needle. She will be in the lobby of the Folk Art Center on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Visitors are encouraged to watch and ask questions while the demonstrators work and talk about their creative process! Call ahead for the latest updates: 828-298-7928.

Preservers, Innovators, and Rescuers of Culture in Chiapas
Jul 8 @ 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Center for Craft

Preservers, Innovators, and Rescuers of Culture in Chiapas features eleven textiles by acclaimed Indigenous artisanas  (artists) from Chiapas, Mexico commissioned by US-based fiber artists and activist Aram Han Sifuentes. As part of their 2022 Craft Research Fund Artist Fellowship, Han Sifuentes traveled to Chiapas to understand the function of garments and textiles within the social and cultural context of the area and to learn the traditional practice of backstrap weaving. Through the works on view, combined with a series of interviews Han Sifuentes conducted during her research, visitors learn about the artisanas and their role as preservers, rescuers, and innovators of culture and as protectors of Mayan ancestral knowledge. Together, these works present an approach to connecting and learning about culture through craft practices

Han Sifuentes is interested in backstrap weaving because it is one of the oldest forms used across cultures. The vibrant hues and elaborate designs of each textile express the artisanas identities and medium to tell their stories. To understand how these values manifested in textiles made in Chiapas, Han Sifuentes invited the artisanas to create whatever weaving they desired over the course of three months.  This is unique because most textiles in the area are created to meet tourist-driven and marketplace demands. Incorporating traditional backstrap weaving and natural dye techniques, some artisans created textiles to rescue or reintroduce weaving practices that are almost or completely lost in their communities, while others were created through material and conceptual experimentation. This range of approaches reflects how artistanas are constantly innovating while at the same time honoring and keeping to tradition.

Preservers, Innovators, and Rescuers of Culture in Chiapas is on view from November 17, 2023 to July 13, 2024.

Aram Han Sifuentes is a recipient of the Center for Craft’s 2022 Craft Research Fund Artist Fellowship. This substantial mid-career grant is awarded to two artists to support research projects that advance, expand, and support the creation of new research and knowledge through craft practice.

The featured artisanas include: Juana Victoria Hernandez Gomez from San Juan Cancuc, Maria Josefina Gómez Sanchez and Maria de Jesus Gómez Sanchez from Oxchujk (Oxchuc), Marcela Gómez Diaz and Cecilia Gómez Diaz from San Andrés Larráinzar, Rosa Margarita Enríquez Bolóm from Huixtán, Cristina García Pérez from Chalchihuitán, Susana Maria Gómez Gonzalez, Maria Gonzalez Guillén, and Anastacia Juana Gómez Gonzalez from Zinacantán, Angelica Leticia Gómez Santiz from Pantelhó, and Susana Guadalupe Méndez Santiz from Aldama


Honoring Nature: Early Southern Appalachian Landscape Painting
Jul 8 @ 11:00 am – 6:00 pm
Asheville Art Museum

In the early 1900s, travel by train and automobile became more accessible in the United States, leading to an increase in tourism and a revitalized interest in landscape painting. The relative ease of transportation, as well as the creation of National Parks, allowed people to experience the breathtaking landscapes of the United States in new ways. Artists traveled along popular routes, recording the terrain they encountered.

This exhibition explores the sublime natural landscapes of the Smokey Mountains of Western North Carolina and Tennessee. While there were several regional schools of painting around this time, this group is largely from the Midwest and many of the artists trained at the Art Institute of Chicago or in New York City. Through their travels, they captured waterfalls, sunsets, thunderstorms, autumn foliage, lush green summers, and snow-covered mountains—elements that were novel for viewers from cities and rural areas. Though some of these paintings include people, they are usually used for scale and painted with little to no detail, highlighting the magnificence of nature.

Rudolph F. Ingerle, Mirrored Mountain, not dated, oil on canvas, 28 × 32 inches. Courtesy of Allen & Barry Huffman, Asheville Art Museum.

Shifting Perceptions: Photographs from the Collection
Jul 8 @ 11:00 am – 6:00 pm
Asheville Art Museum
Shifting Perceptions: Photographs from the Collection, on view through May 17—September 23, 2024. Shifting Perceptions is guest-curated by Katherine Ware, curator of photography at the New Mexico Museum of Art, and continues the Museum’s 75th-anniversary celebration and highlights its expanding Collection.
Featuring over 125 photographs, the exhibition showcases works by 20th-century masters such as Ruth Bernhard, Bruce Davidson, Donna Ferrato, Carrie Mae Weems, and Jerry Uelsmann, alongside contemporary images by Jess T. Dugan, Matthew Pillsbury, and Cara Romero, among others. While some photographs offer a distinct point of view, many invite contemplation of the intersections and contradictions within each category. Recent acquisitions and longtime favorites are presented in new juxtapositions, providing fresh insights into the evolving landscape of photography.
The New Salon: A Contemporary View
Jul 8 @ 11:00 am – 6:00 pm
Asheville Art Museum
Bender Gallery Artists

Featured in

Asheville Art Museum Exhibition

The New Salon: A Contemporary View

The Asheville Art Museum will be opening their exhibit, The New Salon: A Contemporary View, on March 8 and it will run until August 19, 2024. The New Salon offers a modern take on the prestigious tradition of the Parisian Salon with the diversity and innovation of today’s art world. Guest-curated by Gabriel Shaffer, the show will include works from Pop Surrealism, Outsider Art, Street Art, and Graffiti genres.


Bender Gallery has been collaborating with the Asheville Art Museum to loan four paintings from three of our artists. The artists are Laine Bachman, Kukula, and Yui Sakamoto. Be sure to check out this special exhibition in downtown Asheville.

Learn More

Kukula, Impossible Voyage, oil on board, 48 x 24 inches

Kukula (b. 1980, Israel)

Nataly Abramovitch, better known in the art world as, Kukula, paints imagined worlds filled with elaborately dressed women in fanciful settings. The artist does extensive research on the layouts of paintings from the Renaissance and Rococo periods. Kukula subverts these images by depicting women characters in place of traditionally male positions and settings. Her characters are powerful, commanding, and have an air of indifference.

Available Work

Yui Sakamoto, Self Portrait, oil on canvas, 63 x 63 inches

Yui Sakamoto (b. 1981, Japan)

Our surrealist artist, Yui Sakamoto, will have two paintings featured including My Soul and Self Portrait. Self Portrait is still available from his recent solo exhibition at Bender Gallery. Standing in front of Self Portrait, one is immersed in the dual-worlds of Sakamoto’s Japanese and Mexican cultures. There is a sense of calm reflected in the repeating rose pattern, mixed with the uneasy realization that the coral, fungi, and otherworldly forms are what makeup the figure.

Available Work

Laine Bachman, Night Bloomers, acrylic on canvas, 18 x 24 inches

Laine Bachman (b. 1974, USA)

Our prolific Magical Realism artist, Laine Bachman, makes a feature in the exhibition with her painting, Night Bloomers. She has been hard at work making 17 new pieces for her solo exhibition at the Canton Art Museum in Canton, Ohio. The Canton show opens on April 28 and continues through to July 28, 2024.

Available Work
Summer Reading Program: Books + Free Ice Cream
Jul 8 @ 12:00 pm – 9:00 pm
The Hop Ice Cream 

Buncombe County Public Library is thrilled to announce The Hop Ice Cream as a proud supporting partner of this year’s Summer Reading Program to encourage youth literacy in our community. The Hop will provide free ice cream at the Summer Library Fest on Saturday, June 8 from 10 a.m.-noon at East Asheville Library. For added fun, The Hop owner Greg Garrison will collaborate with Secret Agent 23 Skidoo to provide a special dance performance to families in attendance.

Any kid or teen who visits a Buncombe County library to pick up their summer reading activity sheet will also receive a 10 percent off coupon redeemable at any Hop location or at Pop Bubble Tea. Return your completed activity sheet to any branch and receive a bookmark for a free kiddie scoop of ice cream at any Hop location. You must complete 10 or more activities on your sheet to be eligible for ice cream – and you can also select a free book of your choice!

Summer Reading runs from June 1 to  August 31 and is open to anyone from birth to age 18.  If you have any questions, just contact your friendly neighborhood library.

The Hop Ice Cream  OUR LOCATIONS

North Asheville

640 Merrimon Ave
Asheville, NC 28804


More Info »

West Asheville

721 Haywood Rd
Asheville, NC 28806


More Info »

Downtown Asheville

56 Patton Ave
Asheville, NC 28801

Inside the S&W Building

More Info »

Black Mountain

114 Cherry Street
Black Mountain, NC 28711


More Info »

The Creamery

167 Haywood Road
Asheville, NC 28806


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Pop Bubble Tea

640 Merrimon Ave
Asheville, NC 28804

More Info »

Pritchard Park Arts and Culture Series: Pickin’ in the Park
Jul 8 @ 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Pritchard Park

The Asheville Downtown Association is thrilled to announce the return of the beloved Pritchard Park Arts and Culture Series, made possible through a generous partnership with the Trina Mullen Foundation, City of Asheville Parks and Recreation, ArtsAVL, and Explore Asheville. This summer series will run from May 28 through August 30, featuring exciting activations every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM.


Mondays: Pickin’ in the Park

Enjoy performances by local singer-songwriters in an intimate and relaxed setting. Experience the rich musical heritage of Asheville as talented musicians share their stories and songs.

“Music Movie Mondays” :THIS IS SPINAL TAP
Jul 8 @ 7:00 pm
Grail Movie House

“These go to eleven.” “It’s such a fine line between stupid
and clever.” “None more black.”
Those and countless other quotes from the 1984
“mockumentary” This is Spin̈al Tap have long since entered
popular culture. The misadventures of Britain’s Loudest
Band™ were chronicled by director Marty DiBergi (Rob
Reiner) in the uproarious cult classic. The fictitious heavy
metal group featured Nigel Tufnel (Christopher Guest),
David St. Hubbins (Michael McKean) and Derek Smalls
(Harry Shearer). The hapless musicians endure countless hilarious misadventures in the classic
film. This is Spin̈al Tap was a critical smash and an extremely influential motion picture. A sequel
is set for release next year.
Sure, interested parties can view This is Spinal Tap at home. But some movies were designed to
be enjoyed as part of an engaged audience. And this film is most definitely one of those. And the
film has been out of theatrical circulation for years, so opportunities are few. Described as
“culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant” by the Library of Congress and was selected for
preservation in the United States National Film Registry. But the main thing is that it’s really, really
funny and on-target.
Don’t miss this fun and rare opportunity. Black t-shirt optional.
As part of the Music Movie Mondays series, Grail Moviehouse in Asheville hosts a special one-
night-only showing of the film. Presented by Asheville-based speaker, author, music journalist (and
hardcore Spinal Tap fan) Bill Kopp, the evening will include a screening of the
film followed by an interactive discussion.

“Going to the movies has always been a kind of
communal experience,” says Kopp, host of Music
Movie Mondays. “Especially in this post-lockdown
era, the opportunity to not only watch a film but then
to discuss it with others is something even more
special. And music-related films lend themselves remarkably well to this
shared, interactive experience.”
Music Movie Mondays is a monthly series moderated by Bill Kopp, hosted by Grail Movie House
and sponsored by AshevilleFM. Music Movie Mondays presents a special screening of This is
Spinal Tap on Monday, July 8 @ 7 pm. The program will feature a brief introduction. Then we’ll
watch the film together; afterward, we’ll engage in a moderated discussion.
The one-night-only screening of This is Spinal Tap is the latest in the ongoing popular series of
Music Movie Mondays at Grail Moviehouse. Every month, we’ll watch and discuss new releases,
classics and cult favorites.

Modelface Comedy presents Kevin McCaffrey
Jul 8 @ 7:00 pm
LaZoom Room Bar & Gorilla

Modelface Comedy brings you the best comedians from all over the country. This week we have Kevin McCaffrey from NYC!

Kevin McCaffrey made his network TV debut on The Late Show with David Letterman in 2013, and was a regular for 7 years on truTV Presents: World’s Dumbest, doing 200 episodes that will rerun until the end of time. He won seasons 2 & 3 on truTV’s Comedy Knockout, and was a featured cast member on VH1’s I Love the 2000s, a series of shows on the WWE Network, and hosted IFC’s Comedy Drop. His videos have over 35 million views on Instagram and TikTok, where he has 200,000 followers.

He hosts Celebrate!, a weekly interview show on Sirius XM channel 99, and the Sex and the Cidiots & The Bridgerton Bros podcasts.

Kevin’s first stand up album “Nice & Drunk” was named Sirius XM Comedy album of the month, was #1 on both iTunes and Amazon comedy charts, and has over 2 million streams. His second album is due out in 2024.

ages 18+
Doors at 8pm, show at 8:30pm

Robert’s Totally Rad Trivia
Jul 8 @ 7:00 pm




Every Monday, at 7:00 PM, come on down

Trivia w/ Billy
Jul 8 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
The River Arts District Brewing Company

Trivia with Billy is Asheville’s best eclectic trivia night. This blend of factoids, music knowledge, and critical thinking is guaranteed to have a little bit for everyone. A diverse team of thinkers is a must if you want to win. There are bonuses prizes on nights with 10+ teams, if your team beats the ever-present brewery team, and for best team name. This trivia takes a lot more than just being good at Jeopardy! This is the perfect way to extend your weekend, or start your week. As a wise man once said, “I drink and I know things,” and this is your chance to prove it!

Trivia with Billy
Jul 8 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
The River Arts District Brewing Company

Trivia with Billy

prizes and more

QUIZZO PUB TRIVIA Hosted by Jason Mencer
Jul 8 @ 7:30 pm
Jack of the Wood

Hosted by the witty & sagacious Jason Mencer, our epic pub trivia night runs every Monday from 7:30-9:30pm! Plus $5.00 well drinks all night!

Come test your brain power with tasty pub fare, an adult beverage or two — and a team of your smartest friends! Win prizes each round and crow a little about what a smarty-pants you are!

Schumann Piano Quintet
Jul 8 @ 7:30 pm
Whittington-Pfohl Auditorium

DARIUS MILHAUD Le boeuf sur le toit
ROBERT SCHUMANN Piano Quintet in E flat major, Op. 44

Tickets go on sale to the general public on May 1. To receive early access to tickets for this event, become a donor today! Donor presale begins March 25.

Swannanoa Gathering: Traditional Song Week’s Concert I
Jul 8 @ 7:30 pm
Warren Wilson College-Kittredge Theatre

Traditional Song Week’s Concert I on Monday, July 8, features old-time & blugrass singer Joe Newberry, Appalachian singers Sam Gleaves and Kay Justice, songwriter Susan Cattaneo, gospel singers Pamela English and Shirley Smith, and the week’s Coordinator, Matt Watroba.


All shows begin at 7:30 pm in the college’s Kittredge Theatre. Tickets are $35 per concert (during Old-Time Week, ticket price includes dances following concerts). Children under 12 are $17Limited tickets are available for check or cash only in Asheville at Malaprops Bookstore, and in Black Mountain at Acoustic Corner.

Traditional Song Week’s Concert I
Jul 8 @ 7:30 pm
Warren Wilson College-Kittredge Theatre

Traditional Song Week’s Concert I on Monday, July 8, features old-time & blugrass singer Joe Newberry, Appalachian singers Sam Gleaves and Kay Justice, songwriter Susan Cattaneo, gospel singers Pamela English and Shirley Smith, and the week’s Coordinator, Matt Watroba.


All shows begin at 7:30 pm in the college’s Kittredge Theatre. Tickets are $35 per concert (during Old-Time Week, ticket price includes dances following concerts). Children under 12 are $17Limited tickets are available for check or cash only in Asheville at Malaprops Bookstore, and in Black Mountain at Acoustic Corner.

Monday Night Dance: Community contra dance
Jul 8 @ 8:15 pm – 10:30 pm
St. George's Center for Art and Spirit

Welcome to our weekly community contra dance in West Asheville!  The Monday Night Dance has been around for decades, and we are carrying the torch forward! We are a loving, kind, and safe dance community and highly encourage masking during the dance. No derogatory comments in relation to masking will be tolerated! We encourage non-maskers to mask while partnering with a dancer wearing a mask, or to at least ask if the person would like them to mask while they dance with them.


Time: Contra dancing 8:15–10:30pm, with a beginner lesson starting at 7:45 and a waltz session ending the evening.

Location: St. George’s Center for Art and Spirit, 1 School Rd., Asheville, NC 28806

Cost: $12–$45 sliding scale, CASH ONLY. Please pay as much as you can afford to cover the cost of the wonderful live music, the caller, sound person, rent, and other expenses! ATMs are available at banks on Patton Ave., as well as cash back options at local gas stations and grocery stores.

Requirements: Face masks and sign-in agreeing to the dance’s Safety Guidelines.

Please enter through the front red doors to the sanctuary. Extra parking available in the lots between Moore’s Foot and Ankle and St. George’s (please avoid parking in front of their practice.) This is a scent-free dance. Please bring your own water and water bottle. Beginners are encouraged to attend! Beginner-friendly dances start the contra dancing in lieu of a lesson.

Community Focus

The Monday Night Dance is more than just a dance; the community is deeply rooted. Folks are welcome to sell their wares, like jewelry, dance shoes, dance clothes, pottery, etc. They are also welcome to leave business cards and help wanted or work needed ads. Additionally, the Take Some Leave Some Closet is a new feature of the MND. You can take any clothes, food, produce, feminine products or first aid supplies that we have, and as you are able you can also leave some to replenish. Private times to receive from the closet can also be arranged during the week depending on to the dance organizer’s availability.


We emphasize safety here at the MND. Mask wearing is strongly encouraged, and courtesy to those choosing to mask is required. No discrimination to those wearing masks will be tolerated! In addition, this is a family and LGBTQ-friendly dance and a safe event for ALL races, ethnicities, genders, ages, shapes, and sizes. Accordingly, no discrimination, inappropriate sexually predatory behavior, racist or discriminatory comments, bullying, or verbal or physical abuse of ANY kind will be tolerated. See our Safety Guidelines for more info.

Volunteers and Donations

Ours is a dance built on volunteerism, and we need your help to survive! Please consider volunteering or becoming a patron by giving a monetary gift. Opening, door and closing help are some of the volunteer jobs available. Those completing their entire shift dance free! Email [email protected] for more info and to sign up. 

Finally, please follow, like and join us on Facebook!

Thanks so much and see you on the dance floor!