Upcoming events and things to do in Asheville, NC. Below is a list of events for festivals, concerts, art exhibitions, group meetups and more.

Interested in adding an event to our calendar? Please click the green “Post Your Event” button below.

Monday, February 12, 2024
Help Buncombe County Vote: Become a Poll Worker
Feb 12 all-day
Buncombe County NC

Are you interested in earning money while helping support the democratic process? If so, Buncombe County Election Services is looking for poll workers to help with the 2024 Primary and General Elections. It’s a rewarding way to help our community while supplementing your income. If this sounds interesting, read on to learn more about the perks of working the polls, eligibility requirements, pay rates, and more.

Perks of working the polls:

  • Meaningful work
  • No prior experience needed
  • Option to work one full day or shifts for two weeks
  • Earn extra money
  • Great team atmosphere
  • Build highly transferrable skills
  • Doesn’t impact unemployment benefits (Per Session Law 2020-71, any person that is receiving unemployment may work as a poll worker without any effect on their unemployment benefits)
  • Opportunities for students, people looking for supplemental incomes, and retirees with flexible schedules

Representation from both parties is an important part of the process and is statutorily required. “Our poll workers are the backbone of safe and fair elections,” said Election Services Director Corinne Duncan. “Without them, we wouldn’t be able to offer our Buncombe County voters the best experience at the polls, regardless of if they vote early or on Election Day.”

Election Services is staffed up for Early Voting during the primary, but we are currently hiring for the Primary Election Day, especially registered Republicans, and creating a roster of people interested in working the general election in November.

To be eligible you must:

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Be a registered voter of Buncombe County (Unaffiliated voters are welcome to apply)
  • Be comfortable and confident using a laptop
  • Be able to sit or stand for long periods of time while working with voters
  • Be able to put aside all political activity and conversation on social media and in person for a two-week period over Early Voting and Election Day
  • Be able to lift 25 lbs.

Through the Student Assistant Program, students who will be at least 17 years old by Election Day (March 5, 2024) can work as assistants. Student Assistant 101.

Early Voting 
During Early Voting (Oct. 17-Nov. 2) each location is staffed with a Captain and a team of workers. Captains earn $16/hour and workers earn $14/hour. Working during Early Voting requires a minimum commitment of 15 of 17 days, including weekend shifts and mandatory paid training. The captain carries the most responsibility with duties including voting location access, task delegation, reconciliation, equipment troubleshooting, and voting process/election law familiarity.

For more information about working Early Voting, contact Karen Rae at (828) 250-4224.

Election Day
On Election Day (March 5), each of our 80 precincts is staffed with three judges and several assistants. Election Day workers receive a lump sum payment (see below) which includes payment to attend the mandatory four-hour training session. Everyone is required to work the entirety of Election Day on March 5, 2024, which typically runs from 6 a.m-9 p.m. Precincts are located throughout the county, and we do our best to assign you to a precinct near your home.

Chief Judge – $300

Party Judge – $225

Assistant – $200

The Chief Judge carries the most responsibility with duties including collecting precinct supplies, officially opening, and closing the polls, voting location access, task delegation, close of polls audit processes, and voting process/election law familiarity. Party Judges are also required to participate in the official work of opening, and closing the polls, as well as the close of polls audit process.

For more information about working Buncombe County elections, contact Karen Rae at (828) 250-4224 or visit buncombecounty.org/pollworker.

Feb 12 all-day
Asheville Area

There is no better way to DISCOVER and EXPLORE Asheville!  Hop-on board one of Gray Line’s nostalgic trolleys for a fully narrated day tour, highlighting the history, homes, hang-outs and hot spots of this “city of surprises.”

Tour Highlights include  .  .  .  Downtown Asheville  |  Montford Historic District  |  The Grove Park Inn and Grove Park Historic District  |  Thomas Wolfe District  |  Pack Square and Asheville Art Museum  |  Grove Arcade  |  River Arts District  |  Biltmore Village

Hop-On and hear the story of a city rich in architecture, history and the arts  . . .

Hop-Off and experience its eclectic shops and galleries; its world class culinary and craft brew scenes.

Tour Duration:  The complete tour (one loop) lasts approximately 90 to 100 minutes.  There is an additional 15 minute stop at the Asheville Visitor Center.  The Hop-On/Hop-Off Tour ticket is valid for TWO consecutive days.

Departure Points: Join the Hop-On/Hop-Off Tour at any of the 10 stops.  If you’re driving in to join the tour, Stop 1, the Asheville Visitor Center may be your best option.  The Visitor Center, located at 36 Montford Ave. just off I-240 at Exit 4C, offers free parking (on a first come-first served basis) and restrooms. The Asheville Visitor Center is the ONLY place to join the Overview Tour.

Neighborhood Matching Grants
Feb 12 all-day

The City’s Neighborhood Matching Grant program is now accepting applications for the 2024 calendar year. Neighborhood organizations can apply for up to $5,000 in funds to be matched with volunteer time, fundraising and in-kind donations.

The biggest change to the program in 2024 is a transition to rolling applications. Previously, neighborhoods had to meet a hard application deadline. Now, applications will be accepted throughout the calendar year or until a maximum of 14 projects are awarded.


What kinds of projects can the Neighborhood Matching Grant program fund?

The program supports a wide range of imaginative projects, giving neighborhood organizations an opportunity to improve the quality of life in their community in ways that are most important to them. Projects that address a neighborhood issue or need in one of the following categories are eligible. This list is not exhaustive.

  • Physical improvement 

  • Neighborhood identity 

  • Community building events

  • Public safety 

  • Marketing and branding

  • Organizational development and capacity building

  • Programming (cannot be programming that is currently ongoing)

  • Kickstart funding for new neighborhood organizations

A snapshot of past projects is available in the Spotlight Projects Guide.

“The grant-funded improvements to our park have really improved our neighborhood’s sense of community,” says Rob Patete of Kenilworth Forest.

Want to learn more?

The City will host a drop-in workshop:

  • February 19, 2024
  • 4-6 p.m.
  • Dr. Wesley Grant Sr. Southside Center. 



Established in 2021 by City Council, the Neighborhood Matching Grant program is designed to strengthen relationships between neighbors, cultivate the spirit of volunteerism, and help communities accomplish self-determined goals. The program has so far awarded 36 projects, resulting in $159,110 in City funds and an estimated 2,500 volunteer hours invested in Asheville’s neighborhoods.

The City’s Neighborhood Services Specialist, Meredith Friedheim, hopes to continue this impact with a few minor improvements in 2024. “We’ve had three years to see the potential that can be reached with this program as well as to understand how best to manage it on the back-end. Our neighborhoods have shown us that they are ready and willing to invest their time and resources in projects that are important to them. For me, there is exciting momentum going into this fourth year.”

The Neighborhood Matching Grant program is administered by the Community Engagement Division of the Communication and Public Engagement Department. To find out more about the Neighborhood Matching Grant Program and to apply, visit the program webpage.

Nominations Open: 2024 Governor’s Volunteer Service Awards
Feb 12 all-day

Every year Buncombe County honors community volunteers through the Governor’s Volunteer Service Award program.

The Governor’s Volunteer Service Award honors the true spirit of volunteerism by recognizing individuals, groups, and businesses that make significant contributions to their community through volunteer service. The awards program, created by the Office of the Governor in 1979, recognizes North Carolina’s most dedicated volunteers. Through the years, the award honors thousands who have shown concern and compassion for their neighbors by volunteering in their local community.

Do you know someone who goes above and beyond? Governor’s Volunteer Service Award nominations can be submitted for volunteers who have provided service in a variety of different areas, including:

  • Veteran/Military: providing volunteer services to military families and/or veterans
  • Serving Youth: demonstrating an outstanding commitment to mentoring or educating youth
  • Disaster: providing volunteer service in disaster preparedness, response, recovery, or mitigation
  • Animals: demonstrating an outstanding commitment to volunteering with or for animals
  • Environmental: providing an exceptional commitment to environmental stewardship
  • Historically Marginalized Populations: providing a noteworthy dedication to assisting members of marginalized populations
  • North Carolina Preservation: demonstrating a remarkable devotion to restoring or preserving the state’s history, culture, or the arts
  • Health and Human Services: showing a remarkable dedication to individuals or groups in need
  • Lifetime Achievement: exhibiting a lifelong commitment of 20-plus years to volunteerism and community service

Nominators can also select one of several different categories for the type of volunteer being nominated, including family, youth, senior, Latino, faith-based entity, corporate/business, group/team, national service member, director of volunteers (paid staff) and perseverance in volunteerism (an individual or team who has overcome significant personal obstacles and/or a mental or physical disability).

Nominees can be nominated for more than one category, and nominators are encouraged to check all categories that apply to their nominees. However, only one individual and/or one company/group/team/family should be nominated. Self-nominations are not permitted, and previous award winners from the past 10 years are not eligible.

Each county will select up to ten individuals, businesses, groups/teams, and one paid Director of Volunteers to be recognized for their outstanding contributions to their communities. Buncombe County is seeking nominations from the public through Feb. 15, 2024. Any person, group, or entity from the public, nonprofit, and private sector may be nominated for an award, and one of the nominees will be nominated for the Governor’s Medallion Award for Volunteer service, awarded to the top 20 volunteers in the state.

If you would like to nominate a deserving volunteer, group, or organization there are two ways. Find a link to the online submission or download a form below. If using the form attached below, please email your nomination forms to [email protected] by Feb. 15, 2024.


In 2023 Asheville-Area Habitat for Humanity volunteers Tricia and Charlie Franck were recognized with a Medallion Award. The pair have been volunteering with the local nonprofit for more than 15 years. During that time, they helped develop and implement the Student Build program. Over six years, this initiative has grown to include six schools that have collectively helped raise $55,000 to sponsor a Habitat home with the students helping build it. Charlie has also helped with building homes, working in Habitat’s Restore, and more. Tricia has also been instrumental working with the Women Build program and serves on the Board of Directors.

Congratulations to the 2023 Governor’s Service Award recipients for Buncombe County:

  • Land of the Sky REALTORS Association
  • Medallion Award winners Tricia & Charlie Franck
Registration for Tanglewood Youth Theatre Classes
Feb 12 all-day
online w/ Asheville Community Theatre

Tanglewood Summer has long been a successful and inspirational part of children’s creative education in Western North Carolina. Our theatre camp has been extremely popular and is well-suited for any young person interested in exploring the exciting world of theatre. Our faculty represents some of the finest talent in the area, and we are thrilled to have them at Tanglewood Summer.

We have something for every kid this summer – whether it’s your first or one-hundred-and-first time trying theatre, Tanglewood Summer is the place for YOU!

SAHC Winter Hiking Challenge
Feb 12 all-day

Do you need a little inspiration to get moving after the holiday season? Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy is proud to announce our 4th annual Winter Hiking Challenge to get folks out and about – no matter your background or ability this is a project designed to get folks outside to enjoy the great outdoors!

The 2024 Winter Hiking Challenge sets a goal of 60 miles in 60 days, to be completed in your own time and at your own speed. Those can be miles you’ve walked, run or hiked – in your neighborhood, around the block, up a rugged mountain trail, or through the forest. Whatever works for your comfort and skill level – just make it 60 miles within the 60-day challenge time period (January 1st to March 1st, 2024). Sign up early to have more time to complete the Challenge. Registration ends on February 25th. Please note, this is a challenge you set with yourself, it is not a competition. Registration for this challenge is $25 per person and your registration fee directly supports conservation work in the Southern Appalachians. If you cannot afford the registration fee at this time, please use the coupon code: SAHC2024.

All participants will receive informative emails with suggestions for some of our favorite places to hike across the mountains of NC and TN. This special email series will include recommendations to enjoy places that SAHC has protected as well other favorite trails and destinations. Due to overuse of popular trails in the area we will try to share tidbits about some of the lesser-known trails and places to enjoy the great outdoors. Are you a little unsure about hiking in winter? We will share helpful Winter Hiking Tips, for those who haven’t hiked during the winter months. Lastly, those who complete the Winter Hiking Challenge will receive a commemorative SAHC patch after the end of the challenge.

Please note, the Challenge signup fee is a fundraiser to help support conservation efforts; you DO NOT have to pay to hike public trails. Feel free to enter miles at any date during the 60 days, as long as they are all entered before March 1. You can even enter your miles at the end of a certain time period (e.g, entering your miles for the week on Friday, all under one entry).

Time spent outdoors and in nature can help with both mental and physical health. We hope this Challenge will make it interesting for folks to explore places you may not have hiked before, and/or to rediscover the joy of nature in your own backyard.Take the Challenge by yourself, or with friends and family. Please just be safe while doing so!

School Garden Grants
Feb 12 all-day

Extension Master GardenerSM Volunteers of Buncombe County are happy to announce for the seventeenth year we are offering School Garden Grants to Asheville City and Buncombe County public schools, including state charter schools.

We provide a notice of the application period along with instructions to all school principals, elementary through senior high. Additional information is available on our websitebuncombemastergardener.org where you can learn more about the guidelines for receiving a grant and get access to the online 2024 School Garden Grants Application.

All applications must be completed online. Completed applications will be accepted beginning January 12, 2024, and must be submitted no later than 9 p.m. on February 15, 2024. If you have any questions, please call the Extension Office at 828-255-5522.

We are proud of our partnership with Asheville City and Buncombe County public schools. Since 2007, we have awarded 60 School Garden Grants totaling over $47,000. These grants have involved more than 17,500 students and hundreds of teachers, parents, and community volunteers.

School gardens grow more than plants. They grow imagination and creativity. They make math and science come alive, and they build community. We hope your school will join us in 2024.

Click on the link below to review the guidelines for school garden grants:
Guidelines for 2024 School Garden Grants


Stormwater: TAKE ACTION
Feb 12 all-day

Introducing RiverLink’s year-long campaign to recruit absolutely everyone to help restore the health of the French Broad River.

Untreated rainwater (also known as stormwater) flows off hard surfaces such as parking lots and roofs, and carries sediment, pollutants and bacteria with it, negatively impacting water quality. The sheer volume and velocity of rain runoff is the biggest threat today to the French Broad River.
Our campaign includes educational resources and action steps everyone can take to protect our rivers and streams here in Western North Carolina. You’ll also find real-life stories of local people taking action to reduce rain runoff at their homes and businesses. We want YOU to join us!

As a resident or business owner in WNC, you can be part of the solution. Here are four ways to take action to reduce rain runoff and protect our rivers and streams:

  • Disconnecting Your Downspout
  • Installing Rain Barrels
  • Implementing Rain Gardens
  • Other Green Infrastructure

Rain Garden Guide

Interested in creating an eco-friendly oasis? Read more about the benefits and steps to set up your rain garden.

Downspout Disconnect Guide

Learn how to disconnect your downspout and its benefits for sustainable stormwater management.

Rain Barrel Guide

Discover an affordable and easy-to-install solution for collecting rooftop runoff.

WaterRICH Guide

The FREE WaterRICH Guide will teach you how to harvest rainwater, create garden features which promote water seeping into the soil (stormwater features), and reduce outside water needs.

Ready to spread the word about river health and reducing rain runoff?
Student Soil + Water Scholarship
Feb 12 all-day

Buncombe County students interested in entering the field of conservation, agriculture or another natural resource program can win a $1,000 scholarship from The Buncombe Soil & Water Conservation District.

The William Hamilton Memorial Scholarship will provide a student with money to go towards their studies. Eligible students must attend or plan to attend an accredited college or university and must submit a proposal for a volunteer conservation project in Buncombe County.

One winner will be selected by a committee of Buncombe Soil & Water Conservation District staff and Supervisors and the funds will be dispersed directly to the institution upon completion of the volunteer project.

Scholarship Timeline:

February 28, 2024 – Deadline to apply

April 11, 2024 – Winning applicant announced

June 30, 2024 – Deadline to complete volunteer project

July 11, 2024 – Presentation to the Board, award dispersed

The winner is also expected to attend a Buncombe County Soil and Water Conservation District Board meeting to present the results of their project and accept their scholarship.

Find the application below. Completed applications and questions can be sent to [email protected].

The application can also be mailed to:
Buncombe Soil & Water Conservation District
Attn: Jen Knight and Rose Wall
49 Mount Carmel Road
Asheville NC, 28806

Systemwide Parks + Recreation Master Plan Survey
Feb 12 all-day

The online survey for our Systemwide Parks & Recreation Master Plan is now available, and we want to hear from you! Your input is the cornerstone of this planning process. Click the button below to take the 10 minute survey!

This systemwide plan aims to define how we will continue to provide high-quality options for our residents as our community continues to grow and diversify. Your insight will help create the roadmap for Buncombe County Parks & Recreation to follow for the next 20 years

Buncombe County Emergency Energy Assistance Programs
Feb 12 @ 6:30 am
Buncombe County Government

Buncombe County’s residents, especially those living in and at the edge of poverty, have been able to access valuable, life-saving emergency assistance benefits through Eblen Charities. For many years now, Eblen Charities has partnered with Buncombe County Health and Human Services (BCHHS) to administer the Emergency Assistance, Crisis Intervention, and Low Income Energy Assistance programs. Due to an increase in need from our neighbors and challenges with processing benefits between state and partner agency systems, BCHHS transitioned the administration of these programs from Eblen Charities to the County on November 13, 2023.

We recognize that this a change for our community as Eblen Charities has provided this assistance for many years and has been a vital resource for our neighbors in crisis. BCHHS began answering calls and processing online applications on November 13, 2023. Beginning December 1, 2023, with the start of Low Income Energy Assistance application processing, BCHHS will start taking in-person requests at 40 Coxe Ave. in downtown Asheville.

Low Income Energy Assistance provides a one-time annual vendor payment to help eligible families pay their heating expense. Households containing a person age 60 or older or disabled receiving services can apply starting December 1, 2023. All households can apply starting January 1, 2024. Low Income Energy Assistance applications are accepted until March 31, 2024 or until funds are exhausted.

To qualify for the Low Income Energy Assistance Program, households that meet the following criteria may be eligible:

  • Have at least one U.S. citizen or non-citizen who meets the eligibility criteria.
  • Meet income requirements.
  • Be responsible for its heating costs.

The Crisis Intervention Program serves individuals and families who are experiencing or are in danger of experiencing a heating- or cooling-related crisis.

To qualify for the Crisis Intervention Program, households that meet the following criteria may be eligible:

  • Have at least one U.S. citizen or non-citizen who meets the eligibility criteria.
  • Meet the income requirements.
  • Have an energy related crisis.
  • Have a utility statement that shows how much is owed to alleviate the crisis.

For those who have previously received Low Income Energy Assistance Program assistance, the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services will begin notifying eligible households by mail beginning November 19, 2023. Households will have 10 days to report any changes to their household. Applicants can report changes by contacting the BCHHS office or by making changes to the form that was mailed to you and return it to BCHHS, located at 40 Coxe Ave. in Downtown Asheville. If no changes are reported, the information from last year will be used to process this year’s automated Low Income Energy Assistance payment.

If you are interested in applying for these Energy Assistance benefits, you can quickly apply online at www.epass.nc.gov. If you would like to apply over the phone, have general questions about energy assistance, or need to check on the status of your case, please call us at (828) 250-6330. Beginning December 1, 2023, you may also visit us in person at 40 Coxe Ave. in downtown Asheville. Please bring your parking ticket with you inside of the building for free parking.

Buncombe County also will administer Emergency Assistance, which Buncombe County Social Work Services distributes as funds become available to our community. To apply for Emergency Assistance, go online to epass.nc.gov, call Buncombe County at 828-250-6330, or apply in person at 40 Coxe Ave.

BCHHS will continue to partner with Eblen Charities to assist families and individuals in our community during times of crisis and hardship. For more information on the services that are available in our community, visit www.buncombecounty.org/hhs.

Weaverville Elementary School – Spring Musical Finding Nemo Kids
Feb 12 @ 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Weaverville Elementary School

Spring Musical

Finding Nemo KIDS

2nd-4th Grades



2/5, 2/12, 2/19, 2/26, 3/4, 3/11, 3/18, 3/25, 4/8, 4/15, 4/22, 4/29

*No Class 4/1/2024

Dress Rehearsal: 4/22 2:30-4:00pm

Performance: 4/29/2024 3:30pm

Tuition: $270

Students will learn all about teamwork as they work together with their classmates and a professional Teaching Artist to perform scenes and songs from a short musical. Each actor will receive their own part with lines and songs to learn. Class time will be used for rehearsal and a performance complete with costumes and props will take place on the final class day.

In Person at Weaverville Elementary School

129 S Main St, Weaverville, NC 28787


BCDP Phone Banking
Feb 12 @ 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Buncombe County Democratic Party HQ

Bring your laptops and fully-charged cellphones for this in-person phone bank session! We will be making calls to increase voter participation throughout Buncombe County during these regularly scheduled phone banks on Monday evenings and Tuesday mornings.

If you don’t have a laptop, we have several at HQ, so just be sure to bring your email login information so we can get you started. If you already have an Action ID User ID & password, bring those as well. (If you don’t have one, we’ll help you get set up with one after you arrive.)

After making calls at HQ, you’ll be encouraged to continue making calls from the comfort of your home afterwards.

We will have plenty of refreshments on hand, and we hope you’ll keep coming back, because this phone banking community is growing and having lots of fun!

Who should attend: Democrats and left-leaning unaffiliated voters welcome!

Mean Girls
Feb 12 @ 7:30 pm
Spartanburg Memorial Auditorium

Direct from Broadway, MEAN GIRLS is the hilarious hit musical from book writer TINA FEY (“30 Rock”), composer JEFF RICHMOND (“Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt”), lyricist NELL BENJAMIN (Legally Blonde), and original director and choreographer CASEY NICHOLAW (The Book of Mormon). The story of a naïve newbie who falls prey to a trio of lionized frenemies, MEAN GIRLS “delivers with immense energy, a wicked sense of humor and joyful inside-jokery.” USA Today says, “We’ll let you in on a little secret, because we’re such good friends: GET YOUR TICKETS NOW!”

Tuesday, February 13, 2024
Registration open:The Summer Family Musical theatre camp style production
Feb 13 all-day

Dads, Moms, Grandparents, Cousins, Aunts, Uncles, Siblings of all ages are invited to participate in this family theatre camp style production! There are roles for kids, teenagers and adults of all ages. Current, past, and new Playground Stage Families are invited to join!

Show Title: To be revealed at the 5 Year Birthday Celebration!
Dates and Times
Info Sessions & Auditions:

(Participants must choose one date to attend an info session) (Speaking role auditions are optional)

June 12, 2024 – Summer Family Musical Info Session & Speaking Role Auditions


June 19, 2024 – Summer Family Musical Info Session & Speaking Role Auditions


Evenings July 22nd – August 2nd

Located at Avery’s Creek Community Center

899 Glenn Bridge Rd SE, Arden, NC

Evenings August 5th-8th

Located at Asheville High School Theatre

Performances: August 9th & 10th

Asheville High School Theatre

Optional music learning rehearsals will take place every Wednesday from 6:00-7:30pm throughout the summer starting June 26th 2024

Buncombe County Emergency Energy Assistance Programs
Feb 13 @ 6:30 am
Buncombe County Government

Buncombe County’s residents, especially those living in and at the edge of poverty, have been able to access valuable, life-saving emergency assistance benefits through Eblen Charities. For many years now, Eblen Charities has partnered with Buncombe County Health and Human Services (BCHHS) to administer the Emergency Assistance, Crisis Intervention, and Low Income Energy Assistance programs. Due to an increase in need from our neighbors and challenges with processing benefits between state and partner agency systems, BCHHS transitioned the administration of these programs from Eblen Charities to the County on November 13, 2023.

We recognize that this a change for our community as Eblen Charities has provided this assistance for many years and has been a vital resource for our neighbors in crisis. BCHHS began answering calls and processing online applications on November 13, 2023. Beginning December 1, 2023, with the start of Low Income Energy Assistance application processing, BCHHS will start taking in-person requests at 40 Coxe Ave. in downtown Asheville.

Low Income Energy Assistance provides a one-time annual vendor payment to help eligible families pay their heating expense. Households containing a person age 60 or older or disabled receiving services can apply starting December 1, 2023. All households can apply starting January 1, 2024. Low Income Energy Assistance applications are accepted until March 31, 2024 or until funds are exhausted.

To qualify for the Low Income Energy Assistance Program, households that meet the following criteria may be eligible:

  • Have at least one U.S. citizen or non-citizen who meets the eligibility criteria.
  • Meet income requirements.
  • Be responsible for its heating costs.

The Crisis Intervention Program serves individuals and families who are experiencing or are in danger of experiencing a heating- or cooling-related crisis.

To qualify for the Crisis Intervention Program, households that meet the following criteria may be eligible:

  • Have at least one U.S. citizen or non-citizen who meets the eligibility criteria.
  • Meet the income requirements.
  • Have an energy related crisis.
  • Have a utility statement that shows how much is owed to alleviate the crisis.

For those who have previously received Low Income Energy Assistance Program assistance, the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services will begin notifying eligible households by mail beginning November 19, 2023. Households will have 10 days to report any changes to their household. Applicants can report changes by contacting the BCHHS office or by making changes to the form that was mailed to you and return it to BCHHS, located at 40 Coxe Ave. in Downtown Asheville. If no changes are reported, the information from last year will be used to process this year’s automated Low Income Energy Assistance payment.

If you are interested in applying for these Energy Assistance benefits, you can quickly apply online at www.epass.nc.gov. If you would like to apply over the phone, have general questions about energy assistance, or need to check on the status of your case, please call us at (828) 250-6330. Beginning December 1, 2023, you may also visit us in person at 40 Coxe Ave. in downtown Asheville. Please bring your parking ticket with you inside of the building for free parking.

Buncombe County also will administer Emergency Assistance, which Buncombe County Social Work Services distributes as funds become available to our community. To apply for Emergency Assistance, go online to epass.nc.gov, call Buncombe County at 828-250-6330, or apply in person at 40 Coxe Ave.

BCHHS will continue to partner with Eblen Charities to assist families and individuals in our community during times of crisis and hardship. For more information on the services that are available in our community, visit www.buncombecounty.org/hhs.

Growing Minds Farm to School Mini-Grant
Feb 13 @ 6:30 am
ASAP’s Growing Minds mini-grants help early childhood education (ECE) centers and K-12 schools throughout the 23 westernmost counties of North Carolina provide children positive experiences with healthy local foods through these components of farm to school: school gardens, farm field trips and farmer classroom visits, and local foods served in meals, snacks, and/or taste tests.

Mini-grant applications are available three times during the 2023-2024 school year. You may apply one time during this cycle. Mini-grants must be used within a year after receiving the funding. 

Applications due by:

  • November 30, 2023
  • January 30, 2024
  • March 30, 2024

If you have questions about your eligibility to apply for funding, please email us at [email protected] before submitting your application. We are unable to provide mini-grants to schools located outside of our 23-county service area or to folks who have received a grant from us within the past year. Learn more and apply here!

Homelessness Learning Series
Feb 13 @ 9:30 am – 10:30 am
Goodwill Career Center

We’re glad you asked! This series has been so popular with the community – we keep adding more.


Right now, The City of Asheville Homelessness Division is hosting the February series. Debbie Alford Homeless Strategy Specialist – Training and Development, leads us through the 3-part community education sessions addressing issues surrounding the experience of homelessness.

Session 1: Understanding Homelessness – causes and local landscape

Session 2: Understanding Solutions to Homelessness – community response, present & future

Session 3: Personal Response to Homelessness – how to partner with local agencies and take action

These are progressive educational sessions, so while we recommend taking all three, it is not required to take them in any particular order. You can sign up and attend as it works for you.


February sessions underway

Our February 2024 sessions are already underway, but don’t let that stop you. You can sign up for the remaining sessions and start your learning experience today.

  • Session 2: February  13, 2024
    • Understanding Solutions to Homelessness – community response, present and future
  • Session 3: February 20, 2024
    • Personal Response to Homelessness – how to partner with local agencies and take action

All February sessions will be held at the Goodwill Career Center from 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.


More on for March

Want to kick your learning curve into high gear by attending all 3 sessions? Sign up for March 2024

  • Session 1: March 8, 2024
    • Understanding Homelessness – causes and local landscape
  • Session 2: March 15, 2024
    • Understanding Solutions to Homelessness – community response, present and future
  • Session 3: March 22, 2024
    • Personal Response to Homelessness – how to partner with local agencies and take action

All March sessions will be held at the Skyland/South Buncombe Library from noon – 1:00 p.m.

BCDP Phone Banking
Feb 13 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Buncombe County Democratic Party HQ

Bring your laptops and fully-charged cellphones for this in-person phone bank session! We will be making calls to increase voter participation throughout Buncombe County during these regularly scheduled phone banks on Monday evenings and Tuesday mornings.

If you don’t have a laptop, we have several at HQ, so just be sure to bring your email login information so we can get you started. If you already have an Action ID User ID & password, bring those as well. (If you don’t have one, we’ll help you get set up with one after you arrive.)

After making calls at HQ, you’ll be encouraged to continue making calls from the comfort of your home afterwards.

We will have plenty of refreshments on hand, and we hope you’ll keep coming back, because this phone banking community is growing and having lots of fun!

Who should attend: Democrats and left-leaning unaffiliated voters welcome!

Glen Arden ES – Spring Musical Finding Nemo Kids
Feb 13 @ 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Glen Arden Elementary School

Spring Musical

Finding Nemo KIDS




2/6, 2/13, 2/20. 2/27, 3/5, 3/12, 3/19, 3/26, 4/9, 4/16, 4/30, 5/7, 5/14

No Class: 4/2 Spring Break, 4/23 Early Release

Dress Rehearsal: 5/7 2:30-4:00pm

Performance: 5/14/2024 3:30pm

Tuition: $300

Students will learn all about teamwork as they work together with their classmates and a professional Teaching Artist to perform scenes and songs from a short musical. Each actor will receive their own part with lines and songs to learn. Class time will be used for rehearsal and a performance complete with costumes and props will take place on the final class day.

In Person at Glen Arden Elementary School

50 Pinehurst Cir, Arden, NC 28704

Volunteers needed: Buncombe County Board of Elections board meetings
Feb 13 @ 3:30 pm
Buncombe County Election Services Office

Volunteers are needed to attend all Buncombe County Board of Elections board meetings. Our presence demonstrates our support for the board, reduces the likelihood of intimidation by election deniers and will insure the board proceedings are documented in a timely manner.

We have a number of members attending these meetings, and they alternate who will be taking notes. Please sign up if you’re willing to attend and take a turn with note-taking.

As the March 5th primary nears, you’ll see that the hours of board meetings are long and we are not expecting anyone to stay beyond 2 hours. We are encouraging our attendees to coordinate shifts with each other. Please sign up for the days you can attend and plan for some flexibility please.

This is such an important contribution to protecting our democracy and honoring Buncombe County’s excellent Board of Elections!

Asheville City Council Meeting
Feb 13 @ 5:00 pm
City Hall – 70 Court Plaza

Tuesday, February 13, 2024 – 5:00 p.m.
Council Chamber – City Hall – 70 Court Plaza

Orden del día en español

Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute § 143-318.10 this will be an in-person meeting which the public can access by any of the following means found at  https://publicinput.com/s7312

Hearing Loop technology for assistive listening is available in Council Chambers.

Friends of the Leicester Library Meeting
Feb 13 @ 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Leicester Library

The next Friends of the Leicester Library meeting will be held at 5:30pm in the Community Room at the library.  Join us for updates on library programs and garden events. All are welcome.

Spanish Language Conversation Group
Feb 13 @ 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Pack Memorial Library

Spanish Conversation Practice Group
Our friendly and welcoming Spanish conversation practice group is geared towards people with Intermediate level Spanish skills who are looking for a supportive chance to practice and sharpen their skills. We use discussion prompts, ice breaker games, and guest speakers to help enhance everyone’s comprehension and comfort level.
Come give it a try!

Hybrid | Dixon, Descending: Karen Outen in conversation with Elizabeth Kostova
Feb 13 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Malaprop's Bookstore/Café

This is a hybrid event with limited in-store seating and the option to attend online.

The event is free but registration is required for both in-person and virtual attendance.

A powerful, heart-wrenching debut novel about ambition, survival, and our responsibility toward one another

Dixon was once an Olympic-level runner. But he missed the team by two-tenths of a second, and ever since that pain decades ago, he hasn’t allowed a goal to consume him. But when his charming older brother, Nate, suggests that they attempt to be the first Black American men to summit Mount Everest, Dixon can’t refuse. The brothers are determined to prove something—to themselves and to each other.

Dixon interrupts his orderly life as a school psychologist, leaving behind disapproving friends, family, and one particularly fragile student, Marcus. Once on the mountain, they are met with extreme weather conditions, oxygen deprivation, and precarious terrain. But as much as they’ve prepared for this, Mt. Everest is always fickle. And in one devastating moment, Dixon’s world is upended.

Dixon returns home and attempts to resume his job, but things have shifted: for him and for the students he left behind when he chose Mt. Everest. Ultimately, Dixon must confront the truth of what happened on the mountain and come to terms with who can and cannot be saved. DIXON, DESCENDING offers us a captivating, shattering portrait of the ways we’re reshaped by our decisions—and what it takes to angle ourselves, once again, toward hope.

Karen Outen’s fiction has appeared in Glimmer Train, The North American Review, Essence, and elsewhere. She is a 2018 recipient of the Rona Jaffe Foundation Writers Award and has been a fellow at both the Institute for the Humanities at the University of Michigan and the Pew Fellowships in the Arts. She received an MFA from the University of Michigan. She lives in Maryland. Dixon, Descending is her debut novel.

Fairview Library Fiber Arts Club: An Evening of Crafting and Conversation
Feb 13 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Fairview Library

A monthly gathering of those who enjoy knitting, crocheting, and hanging out with friends!

This is not an instructional group, but newcomers are most welcome. Come ready to meet fun people!

Stitch n’ Bitch
Feb 13 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Join us for a stitch n’ bitch fiber arts group! Featured in Bold Life Magazine, Alicia Borga owner of @linen_circus, is knowledgeable in knitting, crochet, embroidery, and historical fiber techniques including spinning yarn and traditional darning. Ideal for beginners that need guidance or for the seasoned professionally looking for a social group to craft with!
*potluck snacks and beverages always welcome!

Fairview Library Fiber Arts Club: An Evening of Crafting and Conversation
Feb 13 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Fairview Library

A monthly gathering of those who enjoy knitting, crocheting, and hanging out with new friends!

This is not an instructional group, but newcomers are most welcome. Come ready to meet fun people!

Fat Tuesday Fiesta ft Tuxedo Junction
Feb 13 @ 7:00 pm
The Grey Eagle
Doors Open: 6:00 PM


Calling all music lovers, dancers, and supporters of a worthy cause! Celebrate Mardi Gras during a singular evening benefitting the Asheville Breakfast Rotary Foundation! Tuxedo Junction covers a HUGE variety of danceable hits from Swing Jazz to Classic Rock, Pop, Funk, Motown, Beach, Country, and Rockabilly! All proceeds go back into the community for charitable organizations and scholarships.

Feb 13 @ 7:30 pm
Peace Concert Hall

Founded in 1994 by C. Brian Williams, Step Afrika! is the first professional company dedicated to the tradition of stepping—a polyrhythmic, percussive dance form that uses the body as an instrument. Under Mr. Williams’ leadership, stepping has evolved into one of America’s cultural exports, touring more than 50 countries across the globe. Step Afrika! is one of the top 10 African American dance companies in the world.  Step Afrika! promotes stepping as a contemporary dance genre through critically acclaimed performances and arts education programs. Creatively engaging audiences in this nascent art form, the Company creates full-length productions that expand on stepping’s unique American history.

Step Afrika! blends percussive dance styles practiced by historically African American fraternities and sororities; traditional West and Southern African dances; and an array of contemporary dance and art forms into a cohesive, compelling artistic experience. Performances are much more than dance shows; they integrate songs, storytelling, humor, and audience participation. The blend of technique, agility, and pure energy makes each performance unique and leaves the audience with their hearts pounding.

The Company reaches tens of thousands of Americans each year through a 50-city tour of colleges and theatres and performs globally as Washington, DC’s one and only Cultural Ambassador. Step Afrika! has earned Mayor’s Arts Awards for Outstanding Contribution to Arts Education (2005); Innovation in the Arts (2008); and Excellence in an Artistic Discipline (2012); and performed at the White House for President Barack Obama and the First Lady.

Critically Acclaimed works, such as The Migration: Reflections on Jacob Lawrence and Drumfolk, tour major U.S. cities. Step Afrika! is prominently featured at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History & Culture with an interactive exhibit on the art form of stepping.