What are Neighborhood Matching Grants?
The Neighborhood Matching Grants Program (NMG) helps Asheville’s neighborhood-based organizations fund various improvement projects by providing a dollar-for-dollar matching grant of up to $5,000. The program is designed to strengthen relationships between neighbors, cultivate the spirit of volunteerism, and create projects for the benefit of their communities.
The City of Asheville’s goal is to:
- Build neighborhood capacity and increase civic participation
- Empower neighborhoods to self-determine improvement projects
- Create and strengthen partnerships between the City and community groups
Who can apply?
Eligible recipients of NMG funds must meet the following requirements:
- Must represent a specific geographic location within Asheville city limits
- Completed or in the process of completing their “Neighborhood Registration Form”
- Are a neighborhood-based organization (Neighborhood Associations, Homeowners Associations, Neighborhood Coalition, and Resident Organizations in Tax Credit Funded Communities)
What types of projects can be funded?
Asheville’s Neighborhood Matching Grants program aims to fund projects or programs that produce shared benefits with the goal of improving the neighborhood’s quality of life. Any project that is submitted must meet the following criteria:
- Be achievable within 12 months on contract execution
- Occur within Asheville’s city limits
- Provide a public benefit and be accessible to all members of the community
- Be planned, organized and implemented by community members
- Must provide a dollar-for-dollar match
- At least 50% of the match must be matched in volunteer hours
- Cash, in-kind donation of goods or services can be used to make up the other 50% match
Neighborhoods are encouraged to submit creative project ideas. There are a variety of projects that can be supported with NMG including: landscaping, murals. community art, cultural festivals, traffic calming, public safety, marketing and branding, organizational development and more.
How can your neighborhood apply?
Applications will be open for submission March 27 – May 27, 2023.
You can apply for a Neighborhood Matching Grant by following these steps:
- Confirm your neighborhood’s eligibility.
- Review the NMG Program Policies.
- Select your neighborhood’s project.
- Submit a completed application.
- Register as a Vendor with the City of Asheville.
Have questions?
eer hours, in-kind donation of goods or services)\
White Squirrel 2023 will kick off downtown Friday evening and run through Sunday afternoon in the heart of downtown.
In addition to the live music, the weekend event features a smattering of delicious local food vendors and a beer garden featuring all of Brevard’s local craft breweries and wine. Craft, artisan and nonprofit vendors add to the weekend’s street offerings.