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Upcoming events and things to do in Asheville, NC. Below is a list of events for festivals, concerts, art exhibitions, group meetups and more.

Interested in adding an event to our calendar? Please click the green “Post Your Event” button below.

Thursday, March 21, 2024
Asheville Fringe Arts Festival
Mar 21 all-day
Asheville Area- various locations
The BeBe Theatre
20 Commerce St | Downtown
LEAF Global Arts
19 Eagle St. Ste 120 | Downtown
Citizen Vinyl
14 O’Henry Ave | Downtown
Story Parlor
227 Haywood Rd | West Asheville
One World West
520 Haywood Rd | West Ashevile
Art Garden
191 Lyman St #316 | River Arts District
Cloud Room (Wedge)
5 Foundy St Ste 10 | River Arts District
BRING ON SPRING w/ Nantahala Outdoor Center
Mar 21 all-day
Nantahala Outdoor Center


Buncombe Extension Master GardenerSM Helpline Opens for 2024 Gardening Season
Mar 21 all-day
NC Cooperative Extension Master Gardener

Have your garden and plant questions answered. There are three ways to contact the Master Gardener Helpline:

Call 828-255-5522

Email questions and photos to [email protected] or stop by the extension office hours:

Mondays – 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Tuesdays – 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Thursdays – 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Comedian Tammy Pescatelli presented by Asheville Comedy Festival and Highland Brewing
Mar 21 all-day
Highland Brewing Co.

Asheville Comedy Festival and Highland Brewing Co. Join Forces to Present Comedy Great Tammy Pescatelli in a Special Event, One Night Only on March 21st, 2024, at Highland Brewing’s Event Center.

Tammy Pescatelli, a seasoned and acclaimed comedian, is no stranger to the spotlight. With multiple appearances on The Tonight Show and a notable role in the highly praised Showtime Comedy Special, “Women Of A Certain Age 2,” Pescatelli’s comedic prowess is well-established. Her extensive list of accolades includes co-creating, executive producing, writing, and starring in her own reality show, “A Stand-Up Mother,” on the WeTV Network.

Pescatelli’s comedic journey has taken her to the sets of various television shows, showcasing her talent and versatility. She has graced A&E’s “Donnie Loves Jenny” not once but twice, made a memorable appearance on Bravo’s “Rocco’s Dinner Party,” shared her humor on CBS’s “The Talk,” and earned her place on NBC’s “Last Comic Standing: The Best of the Best.” Her Comedy Central Presents Special clinched victory in that year’s Comedy Central’s Stand-Up Showdown, solidifying her as a comedic force to be reckoned with.

Evan Kafka: Trophies and Billboards
Mar 21 all-day
Ramsey Library Blowers Gallery

An exhibit featuring photographer Evan Kafka, “Trophies & Billboards Selfies” is on display at the Blowers Gallery in Ramsey Library until March 31.

A reception will be held March 21 from 5 to 7 p.m. in the gallery.

Kafka has over 25 years of commercial photography experience shooting advertising and numerous magazine covers and stories. Kafka has a BFA from Rochester Institute of Technology’s College of Arts and Imaging Science.

This exhibit features two of Kafka’s series: the Trophies series, in which he creates portraits of live animals, ingeniously captured so that they appear as taxidermy heads, and his Billboard Selfies series, where takes images of himself in the vicinity of “Shot on iPhone” billboard ads he created for Apple.

Help Buncombe County Vote: Become a Poll Worker
Mar 21 all-day
Buncombe County NC

Are you interested in earning money while helping support the democratic process? If so, Buncombe County Election Services is looking for poll workers to help with the 2024 Primary and General Elections. It’s a rewarding way to help our community while supplementing your income. If this sounds interesting, read on to learn more about the perks of working the polls, eligibility requirements, pay rates, and more.

Perks of working the polls:

  • Meaningful work
  • No prior experience needed
  • Option to work one full day or shifts for two weeks
  • Earn extra money
  • Great team atmosphere
  • Build highly transferrable skills
  • Doesn’t impact unemployment benefits (Per Session Law 2020-71, any person that is receiving unemployment may work as a poll worker without any effect on their unemployment benefits)
  • Opportunities for students, people looking for supplemental incomes, and retirees with flexible schedules

Representation from both parties is an important part of the process and is statutorily required. “Our poll workers are the backbone of safe and fair elections,” said Election Services Director Corinne Duncan. “Without them, we wouldn’t be able to offer our Buncombe County voters the best experience at the polls, regardless of if they vote early or on Election Day.”

Election Services is staffed up for Early Voting during the primary, but we are currently hiring for the Primary Election Day, especially registered Republicans, and creating a roster of people interested in working the general election in November.

To be eligible you must:

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Be a registered voter of Buncombe County (Unaffiliated voters are welcome to apply)
  • Be comfortable and confident using a laptop
  • Be able to sit or stand for long periods of time while working with voters
  • Be able to put aside all political activity and conversation on social media and in person for a two-week period over Early Voting and Election Day
  • Be able to lift 25 lbs.

Through the Student Assistant Program, students who will be at least 17 years old by Election Day (March 5, 2024) can work as assistants. Student Assistant 101.

Early Voting 
During Early Voting (Oct. 17-Nov. 2) each location is staffed with a Captain and a team of workers. Captains earn $16/hour and workers earn $14/hour. Working during Early Voting requires a minimum commitment of 15 of 17 days, including weekend shifts and mandatory paid training. The captain carries the most responsibility with duties including voting location access, task delegation, reconciliation, equipment troubleshooting, and voting process/election law familiarity.

For more information about working Early Voting, contact Karen Rae at (828) 250-4224.

Election Day
On Election Day (March 5), each of our 80 precincts is staffed with three judges and several assistants. Election Day workers receive a lump sum payment (see below) which includes payment to attend the mandatory four-hour training session. Everyone is required to work the entirety of Election Day on March 5, 2024, which typically runs from 6 a.m-9 p.m. Precincts are located throughout the county, and we do our best to assign you to a precinct near your home.

Chief Judge – $300

Party Judge – $225

Assistant – $200

The Chief Judge carries the most responsibility with duties including collecting precinct supplies, officially opening, and closing the polls, voting location access, task delegation, close of polls audit processes, and voting process/election law familiarity. Party Judges are also required to participate in the official work of opening, and closing the polls, as well as the close of polls audit process.

For more information about working Buncombe County elections, contact Karen Rae at (828) 250-4224 or visit

Mar 21 all-day
NC Arboretum

Plants Connect Us in Place

Throughout Southern Appalachia this month, the first spring ephemerals — floral harbingers of the colorful season to come — begin their journey toward the light. Trillium, Trout Lily, Bloodroot, Dicentra: All appear the most delicate of flowers, yet they are mighty enough to push through heavy layers of damp leaf duff to reach the sun’s rays. Usher in the brightening days like these first flowers with courses that extend the Arboretum’s mission to connect people with plants and learn more about what roots us in our special place in nature.

Eco Gardening: Principles in Practice | In Person Version – ONSITE, Three Sessions: Wednesdays, March 6, 20 & April 3, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Or  Asynchronous Version – Open March 6 through May 31.

Emergence: Spring Wildflower Walk | ONSITE | Saturday, March 9, 1 – 3 p.m. or Saturday, March 16, 1 – 3 p.m.

Lifelong Gardening | ONSITE | Wednesday, March 13, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Free! Lunch & Learn: Previewing the Cullowhee Native Plants Conference | ONSITE | Thursday, March 14, 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Native Plants for the Vegetable Garden | ONSITE | Thursday, March 14, 1:30 – 3:30 p.m.

Botany Basics | In Person Version – ONSITE, Six Sessions: Tuesdays & Thursdays, March 19 – April 4, 1 – 3 p.m. Or Asynchronous Version – Open April 4 through June 30.

Soil Health Check Up | ONSITE | Wednesday, March 27, 1:30 – 4 p.m.

Free! Arboretum Reads Nature’s Best Hope by Doug Tallamy | ONSITE | Two Sessions: Thursday, April 4 & 18, 3:30 – 5 p.m.

Registration is also open for our signature plant-based core classes in April. Join us for Spring Native Flora ID (field and blended field/online sections), Spring Native Tree ID (online, field and intensive versions). Plan ahead in April to learn about exotics at the Orchid Festival, April 12 – 14, held at the Arboretum, then return to learn about our native azaleas at the Native Azalea Day, April 27. 

Registration for Tanglewood Youth Theatre Classes
Mar 21 all-day
online w/ Asheville Community Theatre

Tanglewood Summer has long been a successful and inspirational part of children’s creative education in Western North Carolina. Our theatre camp has been extremely popular and is well-suited for any young person interested in exploring the exciting world of theatre. Our faculty represents some of the finest talent in the area, and we are thrilled to have them at Tanglewood Summer.

We have something for every kid this summer – whether it’s your first or one-hundred-and-first time trying theatre, Tanglewood Summer is the place for YOU!

Spring REI Classes to Get You Outside
Mar 21 all-day
REI Asheville
3/27: How to Pack a Backpack Workshop
4/3: Hiking the Pilgrim’s Way: A Presentation with the WNC Camino Group
4/6: Backpacking Basics Presentation
4/11: Trailside Bike Maintenace Workshop
4/24: In-Store Map and Compass Workshop
5/1: Hiking the Camino de Santiago: An Introduction
Friday, March 22, 2024
2024 Drive For A Cause Car Raffle
Mar 22 all-day


Mosaic Realty and United Way invite you to take the wheel
and win big while doing good in the 2024 Drive For A Cause Car Raffle


AAAOne lucky winner will walk away with the keys to a new 2024 Volkswagen Electric ID.4 (or its cash equivalent). Your purchase is both transactional and transformative with each ticket purchase going to support the work of 15 high-impact local nonprofits.

Don’t miss this opportunity to fuel community change! Purchase your ticket today (or come back and purchase additional tickets, you can purchase as many as you want up until the date of the drawing).


Benefiting Nonprofits


Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity

Asheville Art Museum

Asheville on Bikes

Asheville City Schools Foundation

Asheville Humane Society

Beloved Asheville

Blue Ridge Orchestra

Bountiful Cities

LEAF Global Arts

MANNA Food Bank

Mountain Housing Opportunities

Sparc Foundation

Thrive Asheville

United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County

YMI Cultural Center



The drawing for the winner of the Volkswagen Electric ID.4 (or its cash equivalent) will be held at Mosaic Realty’s Art Walk & Benefit event on Thursday, May 2, 2024, at the Asheville Art Museum at 9:00 PM. Raffle ticket purchasers do not have to be present to win. For more information about the Art Walk & Benefit, visit Mosaic Realty’s event page.


2024 Flex Passes Parkway Playhouse
Mar 22 all-day
online w/ Parkway Playhouse
22nd Asheville Fringe ART Festival
Mar 22 all-day
Asheville Area
The BeBe Theatre
20 Commerce St | Downtown
LEAF Global Arts
19 Eagle St. Ste 120 | Downtown
Noir Collective
39 S Market St | Downtown
Non-traditional Venues
76 Biltmore Ave | 17 Foundy St
Story Parlor
227 Haywood Rd | West Asheville
496 Haywood Rd | West Asheville
One World West
520 Haywood Rd | West Ashevile
Art Garden
191 Lyman St #316 | River Arts District
Accepting Nominations for Clean Air Excellence Awards
Mar 22 all-day

The Asheville-Buncombe Air Quality Agency (AB Air Quality) is now accepting nominations for our twentieth annual air quality awards program. The goal of the Clean Air Excellence Awards is to recognize businesses and organizations that have truly gone above and beyond regulatory requirements to improve air quality for the residents of our area. Past years’ award recipients have included Dynamite Roasting Company, Eaton Corporation, and Western North Carolina Veterans Affairs Health Care System; each initiated voluntary efforts that improved air quality in the Asheville-Buncombe County Area.

Award guidelines explain the criteria for the awards and different categories of awards apply to different types of permitted facilities, organizations, and individuals that would like to nominate themselves or another entity for consideration.

To submit a nomination for a Clean Air Excellence Award, please download the application form online and include a brief summary describing what was done to improve air quality for Buncombe County.  Examples of voluntary pollution prevention measures include:  significant energy efficiency upgrades, switching to more environmentally friendly and lower-emitting solvents and cleaners, installing renewable energy systems, and upgrading fleet vehicles to more fuel-efficient or lower-emitting models. We ask that nominations be submitted to our Agency by April 12, 2024. We encourage you to submit any and all efforts your company (or another company or organization) has undertaken to reduce emissions. Agency staff are available to assist with emissions-related questions.

More information and the application form are available at Please contact Ashley Featherstone at 828-250-6777 or [email protected] with questions.

Adult Classes at the Wortham Center
Mar 22 all-day
Diana Wortham Theatre

Classes at the Wortham

Prioritize your health and wellness with a revolving series of ongoing classes for lifelong learners in yoga, dance, theatre, and more.

Classes are held in the Henry LaBrun Studio at the Wortham Center at 18 Biltmore Ave. Please access the front courtyard from the breezeway by White Duck Taco. Signs will then direct you to the studio door to the left. Parking information can be found here.

2024 Classes

Gentle Yoga - Open Level
Open Level Contemporary with Stewart/Owen Dance. Wednesdays, January 10–April 24, 8:15–9:30 a.m.
Intermediate Contemporary with Stewart/Owen Dance. Wednesdays, January 10–April 24, 6–7:30 p.m.
Affordable Parking Program: 60 Spots Still Available
Mar 22 all-day

Do you work in downtown Asheville? If so, Buncombe County’s expanded affordable parking program could save you hundreds of your hard-earned dollars. The Affordable Parking Program includes 200 parking spaces at two locations in downtown Asheville. Of those 200, the County currently has 57 openings with 30 spots available at Coxe Avenue and 27 at College Street.

Parking spaces are located at the Coxe Avenue parking deck (located at 11 Sears Alley) and the College Street parking deck (located at 164 College Street, across from the judicial complex) for a discounted price of $40 per month. This initiative, focused on service industry and retail workers, is now taking applications for the remaining spots.

To be eligible, you need to work in Downtown Asheville and make 80% area median income (AMI), which is less than $22.88 per hour or $3,967 per month. Applications are now open for the program. If you think you’re eligible, then please go ahead and apply.

Apply here

Art Walk + Benefit RAFFLE
Mar 22 all-day


Mosaic Realty and United Way invite you to take the wheel
and win big while doing good in the 2024 Drive For A Cause Car Raffle


AAAOne lucky winner will walk away with the keys to a new 2024 Volkswagen Electric ID.4 (or its cash equivalent). Your purchase is both transactional and transformative with each ticket purchase going to support the work of 15 high-impact local nonprofits.

Don’t miss this opportunity to fuel community change! Purchase your ticket today (or come back and purchase additional tickets, you can purchase as many as you want up until the date of the drawing).


Benefiting Nonprofits


Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity

Asheville Art Museum

Asheville on Bikes

Asheville City Schools Foundation

Asheville Humane Society

Beloved Asheville

Blue Ridge Orchestra

Bountiful Cities

LEAF Global Arts

MANNA Food Bank

Mountain Housing Opportunities

Sparc Foundation

Thrive Asheville

United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County

YMI Cultural Center



The drawing for the winner of the Volkswagen Electric ID.4 (or its cash equivalent) will be held at Mosaic Realty’s Art Walk & Benefit event on Thursday, May 2, 2024, at the Asheville Art Museum at 9:00 PM. Raffle ticket purchasers do not have to be present to win. For more information about the Art Walk & Benefit, visit Mosaic Realty’s event page.

Brevard Music Center’s 2024 Summer Festival Subscriptions
Mar 22 all-day

2024 Subscription Packages

One of America’s premier music festivals, Brevard Music Center’s 2024 summer lineup features a diverse offering of symphony, opera, chamber, jazz, bluegrass, and Broadway performances. The season will be highlighted by Legendary Artist Wynton Marsalis, who will appear with The Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra in three extraordinary concerts in late June. Additional festival highlights include classical masterpieces Prokofiev 5Gershwin’s Piano Concerto in FStrauss’s Ein Heldenleben, and world premiere concertos by two of today’s top composers; Janiec Opera Company productions of The Threepenny OperaFlightLa Bohème, and An Evening of Jerome Kern and Friends; a family-friendly film with live orchestra presentation of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back™ in Concertand BMC Presents lighter concert fare featuring Bryan SuttonDavid SanbornAoife O’Donovan, and Béla Fleck.

Led by Artistic Director Keith Lockhart, Brevard’s hallmark is the powerful sense of community that re-emerges every June as faculty and students work together to present over 100 performances and events to more than 40,000 enthusiastic fans from across the country. Primary BMC performance venues include the 1800-seat, open-air Whittington-Pfohl Auditorium and the 400-seat Parker Concert Hall.

Package List

  • Golden Ticket (Thursday)

    Description: Receive one ticket to all performances included in the Symphony Series, Opera Lovers Series (Thursday), and the Parker Concert Hall Summer Series. Also includes Opening Night and Season Finale.

    Save 25% on single ticket prices.

    BMC Presents and Legendary Artists Series are not included.

  • Golden Ticket (Saturday)

    Description: Receive one ticket to all performances included in the Symphony Series, Opera Lovers Series (Saturday), and the Parker Concert Hall Summer Series. Also includes Opening Night and Season Finale.

    Save 25% on single ticket prices.

    BMC Presents and Legendary Artists Series are not included.

  • Symphony Series

    Description: Receive all sixteen (16) symphony events at Whittington-Pfohl Auditorium.

    Save 20% on single ticket prices.

    BMC Presents and Legendary Artists Series are not included.

  • Compose Your Own

    Description: Purchase at least eight (8) eligible* events from our summer season.

    Save 15% on single ticket prices.

    *Opening Night, Season Finale, BMC Presents, and Legendary Artists Series are not eligible for inclusion.

  • Opera Lovers (Thursday)

    Description: Receive one (1) ticket to each of the following Thursday night events: FlightLa BohèmeThe Threepenny Opera, and An Evening of Jerome Kern & Friends.

    Save 10% on single ticket prices.

    Please note that seating assignments for An Evening of Jerome Kern & Friends are on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • Opera Lovers (Saturday)

    Description: Receive one (1) ticket to each of the following Saturday afternoon events: FlightLa BohèmeThe Threepenny Opera. Includes one (1) ticket to the following Thursday evening event: An Evening of Jerome Kern & Friends.

    Save 10% on single ticket prices.

    Please note that seating assignments for An Evening of Jerome Kern & Friends are on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • Parker Concert Hall Summer Series

    Description: Receive all twelve (12) Parker Concert Hall Summer Series events.

    Save 15% on single ticket prices.

    BMC Presents and Legendary Artists Series are not included.

  • Flex

    Description: Purchase at least three (3) eligible* events, and receive a 5% discount off single ticket prices.

    Flex tickets cannot be purchased during the subscription renewal/purchase phase and will be available during the donor presale to qualifying purchasers.

    *Opening Night, Season Finale, BMC Presents, Legendary Artist Series are ineligible for this discount package.

    This discount will activate automatically once you add the required number of eligible events to your cart.
BRING ON SPRING w/ Nantahala Outdoor Center
Mar 22 all-day
Nantahala Outdoor Center


Code Purple: Emergency Weather Program
Mar 22 all-day
Code Purple illustration
code purple

As cold weather moves into the region, many in our community turn their thoughts to the unhoused population and the additional hardships they face during winter months.

One of the most immediately responsive assets is the Code Purple program.

Driven by community organizations, this effort provides emergency shelter to people experiencing homelessness during freezing weather.


The Code Purple program kicks off this year on October 15, 2023 and runs through April 30, 2024. During that time members of the Homeless Coalition will determine when a Code Purple will go into effect. You can find details about the program in the Code Purple Manual


Exciting news about the expansion of services this year.


When a Code Purple Can be called. 

Code Purple emergency shelters and services are typically available at 32 degrees or below. A Code Purple may also be enacted this year when temperatures are 33-40 degrees with precipitation.


Additional Beds

ABCCM has 75 beds available between their Veterans Restoration Quarters and Transformation Village sites.

The Salvation Army will also participate this year, adding 16 new Code Purple beds for  people who are unhoused to seek shelter in extreme weather

A recorded message will be available at 828.398.6011 confirming that Code Purple is operational and providing information about shelter locations.

How is the City continuing to support this community-driven initiative?

  • The City of Asheville, once again, agreed to fund 50-thousand dollars of the Code Purple from this year in their annual budget.
  • ART buses will continue to over free rides to shelters for those in needs
  • Community Responders will assist in the transport of individuals on an “as needed” basis
  • The marquee at the Harrah’s Cherokee Center will post messaging indicating when a Code Purple will be or is in effect.


Stay Connected

To join the Homeless Coalition’s distribution list to receive notifications about when Code Purple is called, email [email protected].

Community Recreation Grants
Mar 22 all-day

Buncombe County Parks & Recreation will open its Community Recreation Grants application on February 5, 2024. The application window will remain open until March 29, 2024. The project application and supporting guidelines will be posted on the Buncombe County Grants webpage, located at

Eligible projects must:

  • Belong to a nonprofit organization.
  • Improve the quality of life within our community through the promotion of recreational initiatives that emphasize health and wellness, outdoor recreation, environmental education, athletics, and/or cultural experiences.
  • Operate in Buncombe County serving primarily Buncombe residents.

Preferred applications will:

  • Foster an atmosphere of inclusivity by extending recreation opportunities to underserved or underrepresented populations such as BIPOC and rural communities.
  • Promote goals highlighted within the Buncombe County Strategic Plan.
  • Promote recreational opportunities that emphasize health and wellness, outdoor recreation, environmental education, athletics, and/or cultural experiences.

For any questions, email [email protected].

Farmers: Appalachian Grown Cost Share Available
Mar 22 all-day

ASAP, through support from the North Carolina Tobacco Trust Fund Commission, has funds available for Appalachian Grown certified farms and farm groups in North Carolina to promote locally grown food in 2024. These funds can be used for design and production of labels, packaging, or promotional materials featuring the Appalachian Grown logo. The promotion must reach the public and support farmers within one or more of the Appalachian Grown counties in North Carolina. Appalachian Grown Cost Share operates on a reimbursement basis, for up to 75% of total project costs. Find out more about project eligibility and guidelines and apply.

Growing Minds Farm to School Mini-Grant
Mar 22 all-day

Farm to School Funding

Growing Minds Farm to School Funding Opportunities

We want to help fund your farm to school project in Western North Carolina! Mini-grants are available for schools to engage children in the following farm to school experiences:

  • Local food taste tests & cooking demonstrations
  • Incorporating local food into meals or snacks
  • Farm field trips or farmer visits to preschools and classrooms
  • Growing edible gardens

Funding can be used to start new projects, or to expand upon existing activities.

Pre-k through 12 schools and homeschool groups are eligible to apply. Schools must be located throughout our 23 westernmost counties of North Carolina. 

  • Smoky Mountains, NC: Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Haywood, Jackson, Macon, Swain
  • Southern Mountains, NC: Henderson, Polk, Transylvania
  • Central Mountains, NC: Buncombe, Madison, Yancey
  • Foothills, NC: Burke, Caldwell, McDowell, Rutherford
  • High Country, NC: Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Mitchell, Watauga, Wilkes

Growing Minds 2023-24 Farm to School / Preschool Funding

Applications are due by: March 31, 2024 and recipients will be selected by April 15, 2024.       

ASAP’s Growing Minds mini-grants help early childhood education (ECE) centers and K-12 schools provide children positive experiences with healthy local foods through these components of farm to school: school gardens, farm field trips and farmer classroom visits, and local foods served in meals, snacks, and/or taste tests.

Mini-grant applications are available three times during the 2023-2024 school year. You may apply one time during this cycle. Receive up to $500! The amount awarded will be based on availability of funding, number of applicants, and the scope of your project. Mini-grants must be used within a year after receiving the funding.

If you have questions about your eligibility to apply for funding, please email us at [email protected] before submitting your application. We are unable to provide mini-grants to schools located outside of our 23-county service area or to folks who have received a grant from us within the past year. 

Haunted History + Murder MYstery Tour
Mar 22 all-day
Gray Line Trolley Tours of Asheville

Sit back if you dare as we illuminate Asheville’s darkest history with astonishing stories of spirits & spies, ghosts & goblins, hauntings & hoodlums and mountain-made murder & mayhem.

Hear stories of . . .

  The legendary PINK LADY at the Grove Park Inn
  The GHOST of Church Street
  The 1936 UNSOLVED MURDER that shook Asheville
  The CHILD SPIRITS at the haunted hospital
  The architect walled into his own church!
  The KILLING SPREE of 1906
  NAZI AGENTS based in Asheville
  ARSON at hospital that claimed Zelda Fitzgerald

Hearth + Anvil: An Open-Flame Dinner with John Wilson
Mar 22 all-day
Tryon Arts & Crafts School

Tryon Arts & Crafts School (TACS) is delighted to announce “Hearth & Anvil”, an open-flame dinner with acclaimed chef John Wilson, scheduled for Friday, March 22, 2024, 6:00-8:30 pm. This ticketed outdoor event invites members of the community to embrace the rich traditions of Western North Carolina and Appalachian open-flame cooking. Combining the laid-back atmosphere of a casual mountain picnic with a touch of sophistication, the event will take place at TACS, offering attendees a unique and memorable experience.

Set against the backdrop of the scenic outdoors, long tables adorned with rustic linens will create the perfect setting for a communal feast. Renowned chef John Wilson, from Rural Seed Restaurant, will showcase his culinary expertise with a curated menu featuring locally sourced ingredients, including both meat and vegetable dishes. Notably, John will demonstrate open-flame cooking methods on TACS’ newly unveiled, custom-designed grill—crafted in the school’s forge and welding studios exclusively for this event.

As guests dine beneath the open sky, skilled artisans will captivate with live craft demonstrations, showcasing the intricacies of blacksmithing and flame-based crafts. Renowned bladesmith Gerry Drew from G. L. Drew Knives will share his forging techniques, while TACS instructor Jim Cullen will showcase the fiery processes of live raku pottery. The ambient tunes of traditional music, presented by the Will Trakas Trio, will elevate the overall experience, and complemented nicely with the fine wines from event sponsor, Biltmore Wines, and locally sourced craft beer.

Combining casual elegance with the picturesque backdrop of the Blue Ridge foothills, guests are invited to immerse themselves in a perfect blend of culinary delight and artistic craftsmanship. Tickets for this exceptional event are priced at $75 for members and $95 for nonmembers.

TACS extends its gratitude to local farms and purveyors, including Caitlyn Farms, Anson Mills, and Twisted Fork, with more partners to be announced soon.

For enthusiasts of local farms, fresh food, and crafts, reservations for this unique experience can be made by visiting or by contacting Tryon Arts & Crafts School at [email protected] or 828-859-8323. Join us for a celebration of community, culture, and creativity at Hearth & Anvil.

Hey Asheville: City Comedy Tour • Ages 13+ Only
Mar 22 all-day
LaZoom Room Bar & Gorilla

Come enjoy our most popular Asheville tour!


1 hour and 30 minutes


Bachelorette/Bachelor Parties are not permitted on this tour. The Fender Bender Bus is bachelorette/bachelor friendly!

Historical and hysterical, The Hey Asheville tour features outrageously entertaining tour guides, outlandish comedy skits complete with special appearances and loads of Asheville information. You’ll get to see the best of downtown Asheville and the rarely seen but stunningly beautiful Montford neighborhood, not to mention the burgeoning River Arts District! You’ve never had a ride like this. It’s like a vaudeville show on wheels!

Find out what makes Asheville so unique on LaZoom’s City Comedy Tour. It’s the perfect mix of history, comedy, and entertainment. Our guides are trained professional actors working with an original script. It’s like a theatre on wheels! The tour highlights downtown Asheville, historic neighborhoods, the South Slope, and the River Arts District.

Age Restrictions

13 and up. No exceptions.


10 minute beer & bathroom break at Green Man Brewery

What’s Included

Guided tour of Asheville on a Purple Bus
Funny actors, fun bits
Actual History about Asheville
Green Man Brewery Stop

What’s Not Included

Beer/Wine (Must be purchased from LaZoom or the Brewery Stop)
Cash! You’ll want to tip the guides for changing your life for the better.

Mar 22 all-day
Asheville Area

There is no better way to DISCOVER and EXPLORE Asheville!  Hop-on board one of Gray Line’s nostalgic trolleys for a fully narrated day tour, highlighting the history, homes, hang-outs and hot spots of this “city of surprises.”

Tour Highlights include  .  .  .  Downtown Asheville  |  Montford Historic District  |  The Grove Park Inn and Grove Park Historic District  |  Thomas Wolfe District  |  Pack Square and Asheville Art Museum  |  Grove Arcade  |  River Arts District  |  Biltmore Village

Hop-On and hear the story of a city rich in architecture, history and the arts  . . .

Hop-Off and experience its eclectic shops and galleries; its world class culinary and craft brew scenes.

Tour Duration:  The complete tour (one loop) lasts approximately 90 to 100 minutes.  There is an additional 15 minute stop at the Asheville Visitor Center.  The Hop-On/Hop-Off Tour ticket is valid for TWO consecutive days.

Departure Points: Join the Hop-On/Hop-Off Tour at any of the 10 stops.  If you’re driving in to join the tour, Stop 1, the Asheville Visitor Center may be your best option.  The Visitor Center, located at 36 Montford Ave. just off I-240 at Exit 4C, offers free parking (on a first come-first served basis) and restrooms. The Asheville Visitor Center is the ONLY place to join the Overview Tour.

LEAF SUMMER CAMPS registration open
Mar 22 – Mar 21 all-day
LEAF Global Arts

LEAF Schools & Streets invites your students to join us at LEAF Global Arts for summer camps, which run June 17-August 23 at 19 Eagle Street downtown. Registration is open!

Most camps are for rising first-graders through rising sixth-graders, with the addition of the ‘Making a Music Video’ and ‘Songwriting and Recording’ camps for middleschoolers and highschoolers.


• June 17-21 – World Dance

• June 24-28 – West African Culture: Drumming, Dance, Clothing & Food

• July 8-12 – Blues

• July 15-19 – LEAF International Haiti

• July 22-25 – Making a Music Video: Songwriting, Recording, and Film-Making*

• July 29-August 2 – Stop Motion Animation

• August 12-15 – Songwriting and Recording*

• August 19-23 – World-Changing Visual Art

*middle and high school, all others are rising 1st-6th

Mar 22 all-day
NC Arboretum

Plants Connect Us in Place

Throughout Southern Appalachia this month, the first spring ephemerals — floral harbingers of the colorful season to come — begin their journey toward the light. Trillium, Trout Lily, Bloodroot, Dicentra: All appear the most delicate of flowers, yet they are mighty enough to push through heavy layers of damp leaf duff to reach the sun’s rays. Usher in the brightening days like these first flowers with courses that extend the Arboretum’s mission to connect people with plants and learn more about what roots us in our special place in nature.

Eco Gardening: Principles in Practice | In Person Version – ONSITE, Three Sessions: Wednesdays, March 6, 20 & April 3, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Or  Asynchronous Version – Open March 6 through May 31.

Emergence: Spring Wildflower Walk | ONSITE | Saturday, March 9, 1 – 3 p.m. or Saturday, March 16, 1 – 3 p.m.

Lifelong Gardening | ONSITE | Wednesday, March 13, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Free! Lunch & Learn: Previewing the Cullowhee Native Plants Conference | ONSITE | Thursday, March 14, 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Native Plants for the Vegetable Garden | ONSITE | Thursday, March 14, 1:30 – 3:30 p.m.

Botany Basics | In Person Version – ONSITE, Six Sessions: Tuesdays & Thursdays, March 19 – April 4, 1 – 3 p.m. Or Asynchronous Version – Open April 4 through June 30.

Soil Health Check Up | ONSITE | Wednesday, March 27, 1:30 – 4 p.m.

Free! Arboretum Reads Nature’s Best Hope by Doug Tallamy | ONSITE | Two Sessions: Thursday, April 4 & 18, 3:30 – 5 p.m.

Registration is also open for our signature plant-based core classes in April. Join us for Spring Native Flora ID (field and blended field/online sections), Spring Native Tree ID (online, field and intensive versions). Plan ahead in April to learn about exotics at the Orchid Festival, April 12 – 14, held at the Arboretum, then return to learn about our native azaleas at the Native Azalea Day, April 27. 

Parkway Playhouse 2024 Season Tickets
Mar 22 all-day

2024 Flex Pass

The 2024 Flex Pass gets you 4 tickets to use as you’d like for the 2024 Mainstage Season.

2024 Flex Pass Plus

The 2024 Flex Pass gets you 5 tickets to use as you’d like for the 2024 Mainstage Season.


2024 Mainstage Season


Minister of Sorrow
Written by Pam Kingsley
Directed by Noah Stout
Showing May 17-19, 2024

It is 1937. Emma is a pack-saddle librarian who came to her calling by way of a painful route. We learn of her life as she shares some of her favorite people in stories. Our 2023 Appalachian Playwriting Festival Winner.


Little Women
Written by Kate Hamill
Adapted From the Novel by Louisa May Alcott
Directed by Erika Tyner
Showing June 7-16, 2024

Based on the literary classic, this play explores what it means to be a woman, a daughter, a sister, and a friend. We follow the story of Jo March and her reckoning with society, growing older, and finding her way as a writer with her sisters by her side. Each one exploring similar but different struggles and wins. Set to a backdrop of the Civil War, this play is a reflection of the waves of change that bookmarked author Louisa May Alcott’s life.

Almost, Maine
Written by John Cariani
Directed by Michael Lilly
Showing June 28-July 7, 2024

One night, a place that’s not a place, and six actors collide for this heartwarming play. A collection of vignettes, Almost, Maine shows us a story of falling in and out of love, bearing through life, and the magic of the unknown. Northern lights shine on these nine short plays and show us the beauty of Almost.

Ordinary Days
Written by Adam Gwon
Directed by Jeff Catanese
Music Direction by Lynda Shuler
Showing August 9-18, 2024

Connections are all around us in this impactful play. Lost items, missed taxis, tragedy, they’re all red strings that tie us to one another. Comedic at times, poignant at others, this musical features four characters whose stories are just a handful in the 8.3 million others that create the vibrance of the New York City landscape.

Written by Jack Heifner
Directed by Marci Bernstein
Showing September 6-15, 2024

Chronicling the lives of three best friends from Texas, this show follows our cast from girlhood to adulthood and explores their differentiating opinions on life, experiences, and the future. Beginning in 1963 Texas and landing in New York in 1974 this play is an honest and real reflection of the impact of a changing world through a bittersweet comedic lens.



Adults: $24
Seniors (60+), Students (18+ with ID), Military (active or retired): $22
Children (under 17): $12


Adults: $26
Seniors (60+), Students (18+ with ID), Military (active or retired): $24
Children (under 17): $15

Junior Productions

Adults: $15
Children (under 17): $10

Playground Stage Summer Theatre Camp registration open
Mar 22 all-day


Registration Opens February 1st

 is the young performer’s chance to experience all aspects of putting on a show! Every student has a chance to set design, costume design, and act in a musical with help from some professional Teaching Artists! Each day includes theatre related crafts, acting. singing, and dancing lessons, as well as many behind the scenes activities. On the last day of camp the students will perform a play for friends and family in an outdoor performance complete with set, costumes, and props.

2024 Camp Dates

Session 1: Tuesday June 11 – Friday June 21 (9 day camp)

Session 2: Monday June 24 – Wednesday July 3 (8 day camp)

Session 3: Monday July 8 – Friday July 19 (10 day camp)

Session 4: Monday July 22 – Friday August 2 (10 day camp)

*Registration begins Thursday February 1st