Upcoming events and things to do in Asheville, NC. Below is a list of events for festivals, concerts, art exhibitions, group meetups and more.

Interested in adding an event to our calendar? Please click the green “Post Your Event” button below.

Friday, October 14, 2022
2022 Asheville Holiday Parade Applications Now Available
Oct 14 all-day
Applications for the 76th Annual Asheville Holiday Parade, presented by Bojangles, are now available. The parade rolls, dances and marches through Downtown Asheville on Saturday, November 19 beginning at 11am.

Before applying please read the detailed rules and information for participants here. The parade only runs smoothly if everyone follows the rules and direction from Parade organizers.

Application available here.

The deadline to apply is Friday, October 14 at 5pm.

Sponsors and Partners make the Parade possible. Thanks to Bojangles, Explore Asheville, Ingles Markets, City of Asheville, Go Mini’s Portable Storage, Winter Lights at the NC Arboretum, Apple Tree Honda, Deerfield, Sun Soo Martial Arts, WLOS, Star 104.3, 99.9 Kiss Country, Kudzu Brands, Kimpton Hotel Arras, Aloft Asheville Downtown, Asheville Color & Imaging.

2022 Leiman Match Opportunity for Flatrock Playhouse
Oct 14 all-day

Did you know that monthly donations sustain the arts at Flat Rock Playhouse? Recurring, monthly donations ensure immediate support while sowing seeds for the future. Today, you can make an even greater impact through the Leiman Matching Gift Opportunity! Thanks to generous supporters, David & Sharon Leiman, your gift will be matched at $1.80 for every $1.00 contributed. To qualify, simply sign up for a monthly donation of $18.00 or more through the end of 2022. Today is your last chance to qualify for four months of support!
The donation amount of $18.00 truly gives life and vitality to the arts at Flat Rock Playhouse. In Judaism, it is common to give and receive gifts in multiples of $18 or “Chai”, which signifies a good omen for life. As we near the end of our first full season in two years, we’ll hope you’ll join us in giving life to the theater!

Applications Open Now for Potential Bond Oversight Committee
Oct 14 all-day

greenway at Alexander River Park

Buncombe County voters will have the opportunity to vote on two bonds in the upcoming election for open space and housing. If approved, the bonds would generate $30 million and $40 million respectively. With an eye toward oversight and transparency, the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners approved a resolution at its Aug. 16 regular meeting establishing a general obligation bonds community oversight committee to monitor the investment of those bond dollars.

The Community Oversight Committee will review the investments made from the bond revenues to confirm that 100% of bond funds are invested in accordance with law and for the purposes indicated on the ballots. Committee members will serve until all bond funds have been committed.

The application process for the Community Oversight Committee is now open, although creation of this Committee is contingent on the bonds passing during the Nov. 8 election.

Community Oversight Committee Description: The Committee shall have five members comprised of one person with an accounting background, one person with a banking background, one representative of the affordable housing community, one representative from the conservation/greenways community, each to be appointed by the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners, and one member to be appointed by the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce. The Committee members will serve until all bond funds have been committed.

Positions: 5

Term Length: Until all bond funds have been committed.

Artist Support Grant
Oct 14 all-day

The Artist Support Grant provides funding emerging or established artists to create work, improve their business operations, or bring their work to new audiences. Grants range from $500-3,000.

Arts Build Community Grant
Oct 14 all-day

Apply by October 15 | The Arts Build Community grant supports innovative, arts-based projects that inspire diverse groups of participants to be more active, involved, and civically-engaged by creating together. Grants range from $1,000-2,500.

Asheville Art Museum Brings its Collection to Life Online
Oct 14 all-day

The Asheville Art Museum is pleased to announce that people world-wide can now explore more of the Museum’s diverse Collection of 20th- and 21st-century American art online from the comfort of their homes, on the go with their smart phones, or from their favorite coffee shop.

“This was a massive undertaking, and it’s a tremendous accomplishment,” says Executive Director Pamela Myers. “I cannot express my gratitude to the Museum’s talented curatorial team. They’ve dedicated so much time, energy, and thought to enable these artworks to be experienced and enjoyed on an easily accessible, international platform.”

To date, the curatorial team has meticulously digitized approximately 20 percent of the Museum’s Collection and uploaded it to the online database. “Our evolving Collection has grown to nearly 7,500 works, with 1,500 of them already available online,” says Associate Registrar and Project Lead Chris Whitten. “We’ve already devoted several years to reach this point in the process,” he says, “and plan on regularly adding hundreds more each quarter until the entire Collection is online.”

A Robust, Expanding Collection 
Associate Curator Whitney Richardson says the Museum’s Collection has experienced dramatic growth in the past five years. In fact, it has almost doubled in size and keeps expanding. “Like most museums, we have more art in our Collection than we can show at any one time. With the Collection growing at the rate that it is, this digital platform allows us to share more of what is in our holdings.

Bearfootin’ Public Art Walk + Auction
Oct 14 all-day
Hendersonville nc

ince 2003, the Bearfootin’ Art Walk has helped raise funding for Downtown Hendersonville and a variety of local non-profits. In addition to raising funds, the bears offer a window into good work being done by community organizations in Henderson County.

The Bearfootin’ Bears arrive as blank slates before local artists transform each in a spectacular fashion, with creative themes ranging from Mona Lisa to Blue Ridge Mountain scenery. After the “Reveal” event in early May, the bears then take up residence in downtown Hendersonville for the duration of the summer and fall, up until auction. Participants bid during the auction to raise funds for local non-profits and Downtown Hendersonville. Winning bids up to $3,000 are split evenly between the downtown program and the nonprofit chosen by the sponsor, while bid amounts exceeding $3,000 are directed entirely to the non-profit. In 2021, the Bears raised more than $100,000, and in 2022 we hope to continue the tradition of giving.


Brevard Music Center Car Raffle
Oct 14 all-day
online w/ Brevard Music Center

Official 2022 Raffle RulesAudi Asheville


This raffle is a fundraising event, and all net proceeds benefit the Brevard Music Center (BMC). Brevard Music Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. EIN# 56-0729350


The drawing will take place on Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 3:00pm EDT. All mail, phone, and internet orders must be received by 11:59pm EDT on Monday, November 14, 2022.


The cost to purchase a single entry (“Ticket”) for the Raffle is $125 (U.S. Funds only) and is not tax deductible.


  1. By entering this raffle, entrants accept and agree to be bound by all the rules, limitations and restrictions set forth here and that their names and/or likenesses may be disclosed to and used by the news media and may otherwise be used by BMC for publicity purposes.
  2. The winner may choose a new 2022 Volvo, Subaru, or Hyundai prize vehicle from Hunter Automotive Group of Fletcher, NC with an MSRP up to $50,000.
  3. Vehicle choice will be subject to the current available inventory of the dealer. BMC reserves the right to substitute a Volvo, Subaru, or Hyundai model of equal value.
  4. The winner is responsible for all taxes, delivery costs, dealer fees, and any options he or she may choose above the vehicle’s manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP) greater than $50,000.
  5. The gross winnings of the raffle will be reported to the federal and state tax authorities at the MSRP and the winner is responsible for income tax withholding prior to taking title to the prize.
  6. Individuals may purchase as many tickets as they wish; however, only 1,500 tickets will be sold.
  7. Participants must be 18 years old or older.
  8. BMC employees, faculty, and students 18 or older are eligible to participate.
  9. Winnings are not redeemable for cash.
  10. If a minimum of 600 tickets is not sold, all ticket holders will receive a full refund and the raffle will not occur.
  11. BMC does not make or provide any representation, guarantee or warranty, expressed or implied, in connection with the car and accepts no liability or responsibility regarding the construction or condition of the car.


Once the winner has selected a prize vehicle, the Dealer will notify BMC of the award vehicle’s MSRP. BMC will calculate the required federal income taxes due. The raffle winner is responsible for remitting the funds to BMC for the federal income tax. Brevard Music Center is required by law to report the base MSRP of the vehicle the winner chooses as gaming income to federal and state authorities and to withhold and deposit federal income taxes equal to 25% of the MSRP less the wager (raffle ticket). The winner’s payment of the federal taxes to BMC will be deposited with the US Federal Treasury and the winner will receive credit for the taxes remitted. In order for the dealer to release the winner’s vehicle, the winner will need to provide the following to BMC:

  1. A completed form W-9.
  2. Payment to BMC of the appropriate amount of federal tax withholding in cash or certified check.

Once both of these are received, BMC will authorize the dealer to release the vehicle. The winner will receive a Form W-2G by January 31, 2023 to use in preparing their 2022 income tax return.

Buncombe Residents Encouraged To Prepare for Severe Weather
Oct 14 all-day

Buncombe County and the NC Department of Health and Human Services are urging residents to properly prepare for severe weather!

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
People are cautioned against using gasoline-powered generators or tools, outdoor grills and camp stoves in enclosed spaces. These devices should be used outside only and at least 20 feet away from windows, doors and air vents to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.

Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless gas produced whenever fuel is burned. In an enclosed space, such as a home, garage, car or camper, carbon monoxide can quickly build up to deadly levels within minutes — especially for children, pregnant women, older adults and/or those with chronic illness.

Even low levels of carbon monoxide can cause dizziness, fatigue, nausea, headaches, confusion or fainting. If you experience these symptoms, get to fresh air immediately and seek medical attention.

To protect yourself and your family, follow the guidelines at:

Preparing Private Wells and Septic Tanks for Floods
Excessive rains and flooding can cause water in your private well to become contaminated, which can cause illness if it is consumed or comes into contact with the skin. Flooding can also cause problems with septic tanks leading to contamination with human sewage.

Proper steps to prepare your well and septic tank ahead of time can be found at https://ehs.dph.ncdhhs.gov/oswp/docs/Septicsystems-and-wellinfloodingCondition-FACTSHEETS.pdf

Avoiding Storm Hazards
Take steps to avoid injuries from wind or flooding, including the following:

  • Do not walk in, play in or drive through flooded areas (Turn around. Don’t drown). Flood water contains hidden hazards and may be deeper and faster moving than it appears. Wear shoes at all times.
  • Stay away from downed power lines.
  • If you get a cut or puncture wound, get a tetanus booster shot if you have not had one in the past 5 years.
  • Standing waters are breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Use insect repellant, long sleeves, pants, socks and shoes, if possible. Empty standing water from containers inside and outside the home.

Stay Informed- Be Buncombe Ready!

If there’s one thing the pandemic has taught us, information and knowledge can evolve as quickly as the event or disaster. It’s important to stay on top of new developments and information.

CodeRED Alerts allow Buncombe County officials to send emergency alerts to residents in real-time using email, phone, and text. All residents are encouraged to visit buncombecounty.org/codered or text BCAlert to 99411 to enroll in the CodeRED system.

Further information and resources to safely prepare for storms and for recovery after storms can be found at www.ncdhhs.gov/disaster-recovery.

una lista de articulos para reponer sus suminstros

Buncombe Voter Guides
Oct 14 all-day

 2022 Buncombe voter guide is published online & in paper!

These handy non-partisan guides provide you with important election dates, tips on how to make sure your vote counts, and responses from your local candidates with their stances on important issues heading into the midterm.

Click here to view the digital version and share it with your friends & family.

If you’re interested in distributing paper voter guides to your neighbors or community members, please reply back to me here.

Voting details for the 2022 General Election:

  • Early voting runs Thursday, October 20 through Saturday, November 5 (at 3 PM)
  • Election Day is Tuesday, November 8.

Find early voting sites by selecting your county on the lookup tool at demnc.co/voteearly.

You can also check your voter registration status, Election Day polling place, and possible sample ballot at demnc.co/poll.

Caribbean Herbal Medicine Course with Brandon Ruiz
Oct 14 all-day
image (1)

Caribbean Herbal Medicine Course with Brandon Ruiz

Join Brandon Ruiz for a 5-week, 20-hour online course consisting of ten 2-hour classes on Caribbean Herbalism. Participants will cover the basics of plant medicine in the Caribbean as well as tropical ecology, history, recipes, religious healing, and more! Students will also receive a bundle of freshly dried Caribbean plants for hands-on medicine making, alongside access to a digital database of Caribbean plant medicine information.

Find out more and sign up by emailing [email protected]

Oct 14 all-day

Food Makes a House a Home

Every October, Asheville-area REALTORS® join together on a month-long campaign to help feed thousands of families that face hunger everyday across Western North Carolina. With each house closing in October, a participating REALTOR® will make a $100 donation to MANNA FoodBank in honor of their client, in lieu of a traditional closing gift, providing 400 meals to our WNC Community. Participation in this campaign elevates the REALTOR® within industry by demonstrating the appreciation for their client in a way that has a tangible impact in their community. Realty firms may match their REALTORS® donation, stretching the impact of the gift even further. Every dollar raised in this campaign helps provide food for 4 meals to our WNC community.

Download Ebooks and Audio Books from Hoopla
Oct 14 all-day

There are two ways to download ebooks and audiobooks from Buncombe County Public Libraries.

All library card holders can download books from the North Carolina Digital Library with the Libby app. In addition, you can now download the Hoopla digital mobile app or visit Hoopla from our web page to begin enjoying thousands more items available to borrow 24/7. Your User ID is your library card number with no spaces, and your PIN is the last four digits of your phone number.

If you don’t have a library card, you can contact your library to get one free of charge. Use your library anytime, anywhere with our digital resources.

Entries for the 30th Annual National Gingerbread House Competition™ are now being accepted!
Oct 14 all-day


The Omni Grove Park Inn, an award-winning, 513-room resort set in the idyllic Blue Ridge Mountains just minutes from downtown Asheville, N.C., is celebrating The 30th National Gingerbread House Competition™, which is the nation’s largest, hosted at the resort annually. Beginning July 6, 2022 the competition registration is officially now open here through November 14, 2022. The competition will be held and winners will be announced on November 21, 2022.


New elements for The 30th National Gingerbread House Competition™ include:

  • Introduction of 10th Judge, Ashleigh Shanti, chef/owner of Good Hot Fish & 2020 James Beard finalist.
  • Addition of six brand-new specialty awards and increased prizes (60% increase to years past) across the four age categories, which include Best Use of Sprinkles, Most Unique Ingredient, Longest Standing Competitor, Best Use of Color, Pop Culture Star, Most Innovative Structure, and Best Use of Spice.
  • All registered competitors will have the opportunity to vote on their favorite piece of the entire competition to determine the winner of the new People’s Choice: Best in Show award.


The full press release announcing the official rules and entry forms can be found here and below, and a highlight reel and hi-res imagery from last year’s competition can be found here. Please let me know if you will consider the news on behalf of The Omni Grove Park Inn!

Fall at Biltmore
Oct 14 all-day
Biltmore Estate

October 1 – November 3, 2022

To witness autumn’s colorful transformation of the Blue Ridge Mountains is truly magical. Experience it at Biltmore, located in Asheville, NC, a one-of-a-kind fall destination for an overnight stay or day trip. America’s Largest Home®, 8,000 acres of gardens and grounds, an award-winning Winery, a variety of overnight accommodations, and so much more await.

Purchase your tickets now to enjoy Fall at Biltmore… before it’s gone.

FEAST Fall Fund Drive
Oct 14 all-day


Join our FEAST Fall Fund Drive!

Our FEAST program reaches over 1,150 students a year in Asheville, Buncombe County, and Madison County with hands-on cooking and gardening classes in schools and afterschool programs. Help us fully fund this important program this fall!


Bountiful Cities FEAST teachers work within Asheville City and Buncombe County schools, Hot Springs Elementary and Francine Delany New School to give students  hands on experience. We are not funded by the school systems, and yet we integrate with the grade level curriculum to provide history, science, reading, math, and art education in addition to gardening and cooking. Our goal is to give students tools that will last a lifetime. If they have seeds they will know how to have food.


Help us reach our goal of $30,000 to fully fund our FEAST program this fall! Donate today!

Help Make a Child Smile this Holiday Season!
Oct 14 all-day
Elida Homes

Eliada works hard to make the holidays a special time for the children in our care. You can help bring a smile to their face by fulfilling their holiday wishes!
Sponsor a Child:
When you sign up to sponsor a child for the holidays, you’ll receive a Wish List that a young person created. Wish Lists include their favorite things, clothing sizes, and most needed and wanted items. The value of a Wish List is around $150. You can divide that cost with friends, or even sponsor several children.
For most of Eliada’s children and youth, the gifts they receive from sponsors are the only gifts they will get during the holiday season.
To sign up to sponsor, please contact Rebecca Boline by email at [email protected].
Sponsor Multiple Children:
We also have Wish Lists which include items that children will need here at Eliada depending on what program they are in.
Cottage wish lists for youth living at Eliada, for example, include toiletries, bedding and towels, books, games, art supplies, suitcases and kitchen utensils. Many children come to Eliada with a few clothes in a garbage bag. Together we can provide them things that every home should have!
Other wish lists are for our Child Development programs, Foster Care program, Farm program, Summer Camp program, and Recreation programs. Our Equine Therapy program also has some needs this holiday season! We never know when we’ll get a call for a child in Foster Care who needs a home immediately. Let’s help Foster Parents provide these children everything they deserve!
Sponsor a last minute wish:
Some youth living at Eliada won’t arrive until right before the holidays! We won’t receive their wish lists until mid-late November. Can you sign up to help one of these teens at the last minute?
If you don’t have time to shop, Eliada will use your donation to purchase gifts for children who may arrive at Eliada very close to Christmas or right after Christmas. It shouldn’t matter when you arrive at Eliada–your wishes should be fulfilled! You can make a donation here. In the comment field, write “holiday wishes.”
To sign up to sponsor multiple children or a teen at the last minute, please contact Rebecca Boline by email at rboline@eliada.org or by phone at (828) 254-5356, ext. 306.
Hispanic Heritage Month: Julia de Burgos Display
Oct 14 all-day
Pack Memorial Library

Pictured above is Rafael Jimenez, nephew of Julia de Burgos.

Buncombe County is excited to announce it is honoring Puerto Rican poet Julia de Burgos with a display at Pack Memorial Library. This is a great opportunity to learn more about this influential writer and her continued impact on Puerto Rico. Another exciting aspect of Julia de Burgos is her connection to Buncombe County. Her nephew, Rafael Jimenez works for our Sheriff’s Office and is excited about the opportunity for more people to learn about her legacy.

“This collaboration is very meaningful for my family. Julia is very important to Puerto Rican culture and continues to be celebrated as one of Puerto Rico’s greatest writers,” explains Rafael. “We are truly honored to see this local exhibit showcasing her work. Homages are very meaningful as they allow me to continue to learn more about her even after her passing. I hope this is an opportunity for our community to learn more about her writing and poetry and also more about Puerto Rican and Hispanic culture. My hope is that you can take the time to continue the legacy of honoring and recognizing her wonderful work.”

Stop by Pack Memorial Library through Oct. 15 to see books, poems, and additional resources about this important Hispanic poet.

Julia de Burgos biography

In 1953, a young woman of mixed Hispanic-African ancestry collapsed on a Harlem street. Without identification or a family to claim her, the woman was given a pauper’s burial. Weeks later, her friends traced her whereabouts and returned her remains to Puerto Rico, where Julia de Burgos was given a funeral befitting the national hero she was.

De Burgos (1914-53) lived life with passion. A poet, civil rights activist, and Puerto Rican nationalist, de Burgos defied convention before feminism was accepted in her culture. De Burgos was fiery and independent, yet the pain she suffered in three broken marriages is revealed in her verse.

Considered one of Latin America’s greatest poets, de Burgos’ works also reflect her love of Puerto Rico – and her mounting anguish as she battled depression and alcoholism. Among her most important works are Poema para mi Muerte (My Death Poem) and Yo Misma Fui Mi Ruta (I Was My Own Path). De Burgos published two books during her lifetime, which she promoted and distributed herself. A third volume of her work was published after her death.

Respected for her literary accomplishments, de Burgos is also greatly admired by Hispanics and Latin Americans, who have named many schools, women’s shelters, landmarks, and cultural centers in her honor.

JourneyPerson Farmer Program Applications open!
Oct 14 all-day

The Journeyperson Program is designed for farmers who have been independently farming for three or more years and are serious about operating farm businesses in the Southern Appalachian region. This program will give you the space and time to work on your business while making connections that deepen your peer-to-peer support.

Early bird discount: $100 off if you apply by September 1st, 2022.

journeyperson program insgtagram
Oct 14 all-day


Have you ever wondered how the team at Flat Rock Playhouse creates our unique productions like

West Side Story or Million Dollar Quartet?

Did you know that Flat Rock Playhouse provides arts education experiences to thousands of local students?

Would it surprise you that we maintain 12 acres of property and 12 working buildings?

Check out our Gift Registry for a back-stage sneak-peek of what goes into
building a show from scratch.

Our registry includes everything from hair products to lumber, class supplies to monthly utilities, laundry detergent to airline

tickets. We hope you’ll consider making a one-time, 100% tax-deductible donation to support these resources that truly make the magic happen. As a non-profit organization, Flat Rock Playhouse depends on ticket sales and meaningful gifts to bring you the thrill and joy of live theater.

Your unrestricted gift supports these example expenses as well as many, many more!

We couldn’t do it without you!

MANNA’s 2022 Virtual Turkey Drive A Helping of Hope for the Holidays
Oct 14 all-day

The fall season is a time when many of us gather with our friends, families and loved ones for a variety of holidays and seasonal festivities. Often, these celebrations center around food, making it out of reach for so many people struggling to afford groceries, especially this year, with rising food costs making even a holiday turkey a distant luxury. Right now, MANNA and our partner network are still serving 68% more people than before the pandemic – many who are needing a hand for the first time.

Now more than ever, MANNA FoodBank is dedicated to filling as many holiday tables as possible, and you can help us give thousands of households the gift of a holiday, of one less struggle, and a helping of hope.

Please join our Virtual Turkey Drive – where we can stretch your donation further to get turkeys, hams, and holiday foods of all kinds for our neighbors across 16 western North Carolina counties.

Together, we can make the holidays happen for the people who live and work right here at home, in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains.

Nantahala Outdoor Center 2023 Adventure travel trips
Oct 14 all-day
Nantahala Outdoor Center

Adventure is what we do.

Nantahala Outdoor Center has a long history of venturing where many haven’t, pioneering new adventures, and bringing opportunities to experience the outdoors to millions of guests over five decades. Our International Adventure Tours offer unique destinations, exciting adventures and activities, experienced guides, and world-class hospitality. These all-inclusive, small group excursions will redefine how you travel. Experience some of the most breathtaking places in the world without feeling like a tourist.

If your idea of fun is a rafting trip on the Chilko, a quiet lake paddle in Argentina, surf lessons in Ecuador, or trekking in Iceland, our trips have something for every adventure and skill level. Enjoy kayaking, hiking, fishing, horseback riding, yoga, surfing, ziplining, wine tastings, or cultural experiences, along with the flexibility to customize your own adventure. Settle in after your travels in some of the most unique accommodations in the world; from cozy lodges and five star resorts, with local cuisine and tastings, every detail is meticulously planned so you can soak up every moment.

We hope these guided, off-the-beaten-path expeditions will foster the same spirit of adventure we encourage in our Southeastern locations, while giving you the opportunity to explore beyond your own backyard.


We have officially announced our new 2023 Adventure travel trips for you to explore new destinations, try new adventures, and experience new cultures! Our trips are small groups, offer world-class hospitality, unique lodging and the most diverse activity options for you to try! We’re giving “revenge travel” new meaning.

Oct 14 all-day
various locations


It won’t be long before the temperature starts to drop, the mornings get darker and we dust off coats and gloves before leaving the house. Why grin and bear it, when you can plan an escape! We’ve rounded up some warmer destinations to plan your next adventure. From rafting the Zambezi River to paddle boarding off the coast of Baja, move those summer clothes to a suitcase and pack for these sun-drenched spots across the globe.


With NOC Adventure Travel you can expect small groups, exciting destinations and the best in adventure, gear and guides.

Zambezi River, Africa

Zambezi River, Africa

Located in the tropics, wildlife viewing is a perk of this trip as well as seeing Victoria Falls and rafting the famous Zambezi River.

Learn More >>

Ecuador, South America

A surfer’s paradise! Join us on the coast of Ecuador for great waves, friendly locals, fresh food, and a multitude of activities!

Learn More>>

Baja, Mexico

In Baja you can sip drinks and watch the sun disappear into the Pacific, or enjoy the multi-sport activities like surfing the perfect wave, hiking the coastline or sea kayaking with turtles and sea lions. Learn More>>

Bariloche Region, Argentina

Adventure your way through the charm, natural wonder, and many activities you can find in Argentina. We

Learn More>>

Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

Snorkel, hike, surf and sail around the Galapagos Islands in this catamaran adventure around this volcanic archipelago in the Pacific Ocean.

Learn More>>

Belize, Central America

Explore the rainforest, ancient Mayan ruins, kayak, snorkel, and paddle in the clear blue waters, zip line, hike, and more, while sleeping in safari style tent cabanas with ocean views.

Learn More>>

New ZOOM Pass Adventures
Oct 14 all-day

Have you ZOOMed yet? Buncombe County Public Libraries give library card holders access to free passes for local museums and attractions. It’s called a ZOOM pass, and you can check one out with your library card.

Starting in September, the library has two new and one returning ZOOM pass attractions for library card holders of all ages.

The Asheville Art Museum has returned to ZOOM. We’re excited to add Team ECCO Aquarium and Shark Lab in Hendersonville, and thanks to our partnership with Buncombe Parks & Recreation we are now offering free paddleboat and launch passes for Lake Julian Park. These new partners join the other popular attractions like the Nature Center and the Arboretum on our ZOOM pass team.

We have an online reservation system at the library website you can use to reserve a one-day pass for the location of your choice. Passes may be reserved up to one month in advance and most passes are family passes that will admit several adults and children. You can pick up your pass at any library up to one week before your reservation.

There’s so much to do in Buncombe County and you can now use your library card to do it! If you have any questions, ask at your library.

October is Zero Waste Month
Oct 14 all-day
Are You Ready to Take the Challenge?
Are you looking for a challenge that will build your sustainability skills while helping the world around you? You’re in luck, October is Zero Waste Month!

As defined by the Zero Waste International Alliance (ZWIA), “Zero Waste is the conservation of all resources by means of responsible production, consumption, reuse, and recovery of products, packaging, and materials without burning and with no discharges to land, water, or air that threaten the environment or human health.” These lifestyle changes and policy updates can not be implemented without special regard to social equity and environmental justice issues, so now is our time to fight with compassion and understanding for systemic change.

Here are your three easy steps to take the Zero Waste Challenge:

  • Sign up by joining the challenge
  • Subscribe to the Race to Zero Waste YouTube Channel to get action ideas from our expert interviews
  • Share your zero waste actions on social media using the hashtag #ZeroWasteMonth

PSABC Business Membership Drive 
Oct 14 all-day
We are currently running a Business Membership Drive to boost our corporate support! We believe that the unique historic beauty of Asheville and Buncombe County is an important contributing factor to the economic health of our region. Our Business Membership program is a way for local businesses to participate in protecting not only the historic beauty but also the prosperity of our community.

Participating businesses will receive a number of benefits:

  • Recognition in our Pebbledash Newspaper, reaching 7500 homes twice a year
  • Recognition in our monthly eBlast, reaching 2500 people
  • Listing and link on PSABC website
  • Early invitations and discounts to PSABC events
Most importantly, the Business Membership program supports our ongoing work of preserving and promoting the unique historic resources of Asheville and Buncombe County! We have 3 levels of support to choose from, so there’s an option for everyone. Here is a link to Our Business Members page, and a link to Become a Business Member. Please reach out to Jamie at [email protected] for more information. We’d love to partner with you!
Tuckasegee River Excursion
Oct 14 all-day
Great Smoky Mountains Railroad Depot

Join us for a relaxing ride through quiet countryside on your way to small town life in western North Carolina on the Tuckasegee River Excursion. Departing from Bryson City, this 4 hour excursion travels 32 miles round-trip to Dillsboro and back to the Bryson City Depot. Pass by the famous movie set of The Fugitive starring Harrison Ford!

The Tuckasegee (tuck-uh-SEE-jee) River Excursion includes an 1 hour and 20 minute layover in the historic town of Dillsboro, where you’ll find more than 50 shops, restaurants, a brewery, and country inns. There is time to shop, snack, and visit the many unique shops before returning to Bryson City.

Saturday, October 15, 2022
2022 Leiman Match Opportunity for Flatrock Playhouse
Oct 15 all-day

Did you know that monthly donations sustain the arts at Flat Rock Playhouse? Recurring, monthly donations ensure immediate support while sowing seeds for the future. Today, you can make an even greater impact through the Leiman Matching Gift Opportunity! Thanks to generous supporters, David & Sharon Leiman, your gift will be matched at $1.80 for every $1.00 contributed. To qualify, simply sign up for a monthly donation of $18.00 or more through the end of 2022. Today is your last chance to qualify for four months of support!
The donation amount of $18.00 truly gives life and vitality to the arts at Flat Rock Playhouse. In Judaism, it is common to give and receive gifts in multiples of $18 or “Chai”, which signifies a good omen for life. As we near the end of our first full season in two years, we’ll hope you’ll join us in giving life to the theater!

Artist Support Grant
Oct 15 all-day

The Artist Support Grant provides funding emerging or established artists to create work, improve their business operations, or bring their work to new audiences. Grants range from $500-3,000.

Arts Build Community Grant
Oct 15 all-day

Apply by October 15 | The Arts Build Community grant supports innovative, arts-based projects that inspire diverse groups of participants to be more active, involved, and civically-engaged by creating together. Grants range from $1,000-2,500.