Calendar of Events
Upcoming events and things to do in Asheville, NC. Below is a list of events for festivals, concerts, art exhibitions, group meetups and more.
Interested in adding an event to our calendar? Please click the green “Post Your Event” button below.
Carl Sandburg wrote countless words in an array of different genres, including poetry, children’s stories, journal articles, as well as a biography and autobiography! He wrote of love and nature, dreams and struggles. This year’s theme of “Memory” is echoed in much of his works. ““Under the summer roses, when the flagrant crimson, lurks in the dusk, Of the wild red leaves, Love, with little hands, comes and touches you with a thousand memories, and asks you beautiful, unanswerable questions.” Carl Sandburg
Poems submitted for the 2024 contest should reflect the theme of “Memory.” By definition, “the process or power of recallling something learned or experienced from the past” Note: Poems do NOT need to be titled Memory, as long as the poem itself relates to the theme.
Students are invited to submit a poem to Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site’s annual Student Poetry Contest. The contest encourages youth to explore writing their own poetry and is open to students nationwide!
- Submissions are accepted from grades 3-12 and must be submitted by email by Monday March 4, 2024. See below for submission rules.
- Winners will be notified by April 7, 2024, and will be invited to participate in a virtual celebration program on Sunday, April 28.
Property Tax Listing forms must be completed and returned by
5 p.m. on January 31, 2024 to avoid late listing penalty.
Notice is hereby given, that all persons who own personal or business property subject to taxation in Buncombe County on January 1, 2024, must list such property no later than January 31, 2024. Any person who fails to do so will be subject to penalties prescribed by law. Per North Carolina General Statute 105-296(c), the regular listing period is January 1 through January 31. If the regular listing period begins or ends on a day other than a business day, the period for such filing shall be extended through the next business day.
The listing period for 2024 will begin Tuesday, January 2, 2024, and end Friday, January 31, 2024, at 5 p.m. Listing forms will be mailed in December 2023 to persons or businesses who have requested a listing form or filed a listing last year. Download a listing form at or contact the Property Assessment office at (828) 250-4920.
Real Property
*All persons who own real estate must list any new additions, changes, or deletions that have been made since January 1, 2023. Please contact the Property Assessment office at (828) 250-4940.
*According to the North Carolina General Statutes, all property that is not defined or taxed as “real estate” or “real property” is considered to be “personal property.”
Personal Property
*All persons who own personal property such as un-tagged motor vehicles, permanently tagged trailers, manufactured homes, boats and boat motors, airplanes, rental personal property or farm machinery used for income purposes, must file a listing form annually. Download a listing form at
Business Personal Property
*Business personal property is taxable whether it is owned, leased, rented, loaned, or otherwise made available to the business.
*All businesses are required to file a business personal property listing form annually during the listing period stated above, which includes: machinery and equipment; furniture and fixtures; computers; improvements to leased property; manufactured homes; aircraft; international registration plan (IRP) plated vehicles, supplies, etc. used in connection with the business. Download a listing form at This also includes all furnishings within a dwelling that is used as a long- or short-term rental. Download a Rental Listing form at
*Listing extensions may be granted on request and for good cause shown. Extensions must be requested no later than January 31, 2024. Request an extension at If you are a new businesses that has not listed before, email [email protected] to request an extension prior to January 31, 2024.
*Extensions cannot be granted beyond March 15, 2024. If you are a new business for 2024, and have not filed a previous listing form, please contact our office for information at (828) 250-4930.
Tax Relief
*Property tax relief may be available for Veterans, anyone 65 and older, or anyone permanently disabled under NCGS 105-277.1. Call (828) 250-4915 to see if you qualify or download an application at
Reminder: Listing forms will be accepted January 2-31, 2024. Property Assessment is located at 155 Hilliard Ave, Asheville, NC 28801, and is open Monday – Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. except for holidays. Call (828) 250-4920 for more information. Instructions and forms are available at:
The County of Buncombe does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, handicap, or disability in admission or access to, or treatment or employment, in its services, programs, and activities, in compliance with applicable federal and state laws.
CALL Your Representatives TODAY: Support for Bipartisan Child Tax Credit Proposal
As you may know, MANNA is serving the highest need for food in our 40-year history, and many of the people turning to our network are families with children. We have seen a staggering increase in the number of working families in our region who cannot afford enough food and other basic needs. A bipartisan expansion of the Child Tax Credit (CTC) would help offset these families’ rising costs with additional economic resources. This proposal would significantly reduce child poverty, benefiting 80% of the 19 million children whose families currently receive partial or no credit due to their income being too low.
MANNA and our dedicated partner network saw firsthand the dramatic reduction in child hunger achieved by an expanded CTC during the pandemic. And we saw the enormous spike in the need for food when it lapsed.
Please CALL your representatives in Congress TODAY to encourage support for this important and impactful bipartisan legislation! A phone call is very meaningful to our elected officials, and they track each call carefully.
Our WNC children need your voice today.
On behalf of everyone at MANNA, you have our deep thanks for your commitment to engaging with our elected officials.
(202) 224-3154
(202) 224-6342
(202) 225-6401
Thank you for being an advocate for our neighbors here in Western North Carolina, and across the state!
Explore the Rich Heritage of Black Communities in Asheville
The Asheville Black Cultural Heritage Trail leads visitors through three areas of Asheville: Downtown, Southside, and the River Area. The entire trail takes approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes to walk and read.
Reflecting on Community Resolve
Did you know that Black people helped create this region’s first non-Indigenous households? Did you know that Black people helped build Asheville and connected Asheville globally? Black entrepreneurs created thriving business districts. Black families cultivated close-knit neighborhoods. Black people from all backgrounds built resilient communities and fostered social change.
Immerse yourself in the history and heroism of Black Ashevillians by walking the Asheville Black Cultural Heritage Trail. Deepen your understanding with articles, videos, and more resources available here on the trail’s website.
Follow the Trail
Experience this trail in pieces as you explore Asheville or start at one of our three introduction kiosks to learn more about how Black people in Asheville negotiated landscapes of unequal power to build resilient communities and foster social change.
Sign up for BCAlerts today
Here is what you need to know.
What is CodeRED?
Along with emergency and critical messages, the CodeRED notification system will also enhance community engagement via the release of important but non-emergency information such as vaccine site notifications, inclement weather closures and schedule changes, and other county service information.
Sign up for BC Alerts by texting BCAlert(not case sensitive) to 99411 or visit to sign up for the new system. If residents have previously signed up for Nixle BC Alerts, they will need to re-register in order to continue receiving notifications after June 30.
Alerts to choose from:
- Emergency
- General
- Recreation Services
- Election Reminders
- Governing
- Weather
NOTICE: For CodeRED support, please call 1-866-939-0911. For all other questions email [email protected].
Completely separate from the Casino Night event tickets we are excited to announce the addition of a 50/50 CASH RAFFLE to our event!
- This optional $100 ticket enters you for your chance to win up to $10,000 with two cash out prizes, one at $10,000 and one at $5,000.
- With only 300 tickets sold, and two chances to win, the odds are ever in your favor!
- The Cash Raffle winners will be announced at Casino Night on 2/23/24, but you do not need to be present to win.
- Your event ticket DOES NOT enter you into the CASH RAFFLE – these are two separate tickets, one for the event and one for the CASH RAFFLE.
- Both ticket prices are $100/per.
Whenever you want!
Supplies available at
2 Sulphur Springs Road
If you need to request supplies for the same or next day, please call 828-254-1776.
Organizing a litter cleanup with your friends, neighbors, co-workers, or other community members is easier than you may think! Asheville GreenWorks provides cleanup supplies and safety information, and will coordinate trash pick up as needed. Available supplies include safety vests, gloves, trash grabbers, trash bags, and SHARPs containers (upon request).
Review the attached guides for instructions and safety information.
Need to know
Please review the attached documents and contact [email protected] with any questions. Your supplies will be available for pickup on the date you’ve requested at Asheville GreenWorks’ office at 2 Sulphur Springs Road, Asheville, NC 28806.
All cleanups should be reported using the online form and supplies should be returned after your cleanup.
Growing Minds has published “I Tried Local…” a Toolkit for Engaging Kids with Local Food and Farms. This resource—intended for early care and education through second grade classrooms—offers an immersive curriculum designed around 10 crops grown in North Carolina. The print toolkit is currently available to educators in North Carolina who participate in a virtual training with Growing Minds. A free digital version is also available to anyone on the Growing Minds website.
Sit back if you dare as we illuminate Asheville’s darkest history with astonishing stories of spirits & spies, ghosts & goblins, hauntings & hoodlums and mountain-made murder & mayhem.
Hear stories of . . .
The legendary PINK LADY at the Grove Park Inn
The GHOST of Church Street
The 1936 UNSOLVED MURDER that shook Asheville
The CHILD SPIRITS at the haunted hospital
The architect walled into his own church!
NAZI AGENTS based in Asheville
ARSON at hospital that claimed Zelda Fitzgerald
The Asheville-Buncombe Air Quality Agency is encouraging residents to get their homes tested for Radon during National Radon Action Month.
Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S. after smoking and the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers. Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that is invisible, odorless, and tasteless. Radon is released harmlessly from the ground into outdoor air, but it can accumulate and reach harmful levels when trapped in homes and buildings.
Testing is the only way to know if a home has an elevated level of radon. EPA and the U.S. Surgeon General recommend taking action to fix your home if the radon level is 4 picocuries per liter (pCi/L) of air or more. Most homes can be fixed for about the same cost as other common home repairs. Taking action to reduce your exposure to radon is a long-term investment in your family’s health and your home.
The NC Radon Program has a limited amount of free short-term radon test kits for residents of North Carolina. Short-term radon test kits can also be purchased online for as little as $12.95 and are available at most home improvement and hardware stores. Additional information can be found at
The City’s Neighborhood Matching Grant program is now accepting applications for the 2024 calendar year. Neighborhood organizations can apply for up to $5,000 in funds to be matched with volunteer time, fundraising and in-kind donations.
The biggest change to the program in 2024 is a transition to rolling applications. Previously, neighborhoods had to meet a hard application deadline. Now, applications will be accepted throughout the calendar year or until a maximum of 14 projects are awarded.
What kinds of projects can the Neighborhood Matching Grant program fund?
The program supports a wide range of imaginative projects, giving neighborhood organizations an opportunity to improve the quality of life in their community in ways that are most important to them. Projects that address a neighborhood issue or need in one of the following categories are eligible. This list is not exhaustive.
Physical improvement
Neighborhood identity
Community building events
Public safety
Marketing and branding
Organizational development and capacity building
Programming (cannot be programming that is currently ongoing)
Kickstart funding for new neighborhood organizations
A snapshot of past projects is available in the Spotlight Projects Guide.
“The grant-funded improvements to our park have really improved our neighborhood’s sense of community,” says Rob Patete of Kenilworth Forest.
Want to learn more?
The City will host a drop-in workshop:
- February 19, 2024
- 4-6 p.m.
- Dr. Wesley Grant Sr. Southside Center.
Established in 2021 by City Council, the Neighborhood Matching Grant program is designed to strengthen relationships between neighbors, cultivate the spirit of volunteerism, and help communities accomplish self-determined goals. The program has so far awarded 36 projects, resulting in $159,110 in City funds and an estimated 2,500 volunteer hours invested in Asheville’s neighborhoods.
The City’s Neighborhood Services Specialist, Meredith Friedheim, hopes to continue this impact with a few minor improvements in 2024. “We’ve had three years to see the potential that can be reached with this program as well as to understand how best to manage it on the back-end. Our neighborhoods have shown us that they are ready and willing to invest their time and resources in projects that are important to them. For me, there is exciting momentum going into this fourth year.”
The Neighborhood Matching Grant program is administered by the Community Engagement Division of the Communication and Public Engagement Department. To find out more about the Neighborhood Matching Grant Program and to apply, visit the program webpage.
Every year Buncombe County honors community volunteers through the Governor’s Volunteer Service Award program.
The Governor’s Volunteer Service Award honors the true spirit of volunteerism by recognizing individuals, groups, and businesses that make significant contributions to their community through volunteer service. The awards program, created by the Office of the Governor in 1979, recognizes North Carolina’s most dedicated volunteers. Through the years, the award honors thousands who have shown concern and compassion for their neighbors by volunteering in their local community.
Do you know someone who goes above and beyond? Governor’s Volunteer Service Award nominations can be submitted for volunteers who have provided service in a variety of different areas, including:
- Veteran/Military: providing volunteer services to military families and/or veterans
- Serving Youth: demonstrating an outstanding commitment to mentoring or educating youth
- Disaster: providing volunteer service in disaster preparedness, response, recovery, or mitigation
- Animals: demonstrating an outstanding commitment to volunteering with or for animals
- Environmental: providing an exceptional commitment to environmental stewardship
- Historically Marginalized Populations: providing a noteworthy dedication to assisting members of marginalized populations
- North Carolina Preservation: demonstrating a remarkable devotion to restoring or preserving the state’s history, culture, or the arts
- Health and Human Services: showing a remarkable dedication to individuals or groups in need
- Lifetime Achievement: exhibiting a lifelong commitment of 20-plus years to volunteerism and community service
Nominators can also select one of several different categories for the type of volunteer being nominated, including family, youth, senior, Latino, faith-based entity, corporate/business, group/team, national service member, director of volunteers (paid staff) and perseverance in volunteerism (an individual or team who has overcome significant personal obstacles and/or a mental or physical disability).
Nominees can be nominated for more than one category, and nominators are encouraged to check all categories that apply to their nominees. However, only one individual and/or one company/group/team/family should be nominated. Self-nominations are not permitted, and previous award winners from the past 10 years are not eligible.
Each county will select up to ten individuals, businesses, groups/teams, and one paid Director of Volunteers to be recognized for their outstanding contributions to their communities. Buncombe County is seeking nominations from the public through Feb. 15, 2024. Any person, group, or entity from the public, nonprofit, and private sector may be nominated for an award, and one of the nominees will be nominated for the Governor’s Medallion Award for Volunteer service, awarded to the top 20 volunteers in the state.
If you would like to nominate a deserving volunteer, group, or organization there are two ways. Find a link to the online submission or download a form below. If using the form attached below, please email your nomination forms to [email protected] by Feb. 15, 2024.
In 2023 Asheville-Area Habitat for Humanity volunteers Tricia and Charlie Franck were recognized with a Medallion Award. The pair have been volunteering with the local nonprofit for more than 15 years. During that time, they helped develop and implement the Student Build program. Over six years, this initiative has grown to include six schools that have collectively helped raise $55,000 to sponsor a Habitat home with the students helping build it. Charlie has also helped with building homes, working in Habitat’s Restore, and more. Tricia has also been instrumental working with the Women Build program and serves on the Board of Directors.
Congratulations to the 2023 Governor’s Service Award recipients for Buncombe County:
- Land of the Sky REALTORS Association
- Medallion Award winners Tricia & Charlie Franck
More than 14,000 women in the United States are diagnosed with invasive cervical cancer each year, but the disease is preventable with vaccination and appropriate screening.
January is Cervical Health Awareness Month, a time to learn more about cervical health and cervical cancer prevention and take steps to help eliminate this preventable cancer.
The two most important tools to remember when it comes to cervical health are vaccination and testing.
The HPV vaccine has been around since 2006. In that time, rates of cervical cancer incidence have dropped significantly among vaccinated women. One study from Sweden looked at 11 years (2006 through 2017) and found 90% reduction in cervical cancer incidence compared with the incidence in women who had not been vaccinated.
HPV vaccines help prevent infection from both high-risk HPV types that can lead to cervical cancer and low-risk types that cause genital warts.
The CDC recommends all boys and girls get HPV vaccine at age 11 or 12. The vaccine produces a stronger immune response when taken during the preteen years. For this reason, up until age 14, only two doses are the vaccine are required. Women and men can get the vaccine up to age 45 but for those 15 and older, a full three-dose series is needed.
You can get the vaccine at your doctor’s office or the Buncombe County Health and Human Services Department at 40 Coxe Avenue in Asheville.
Learn more about the HPV vaccine here.
The goal of cervical cancer screening—Pap tests and HPV tests—is to find problems, like cell changes, so they can be treated before they turn into cancer.
The traditional test for early detection has been the Pap test. For women aged 30 and over, an HPV test is also recommended. HPV tests can find any of the high-risk types of HPV that are commonly found in cervical cancer.
Women should start screening with the Pap test at age 21, according to current guidelines for cervical cancer screening.
Starting at age 30, women have three options available for screening:
- A Pap test alone every three years.
- Co-testing with a Pap and HPV test, every five years.
- An HPV test alone, every five years.
Depending on the results of the Pap and/or HPV tests, a healthcare provider may recommend additional screening or procedures, so some women may be screened more often.
After age 65, women older than 65 who have had adequate prior screening and are not otherwise at high risk can stop screening. Women who have had a hysterectomy (with removal of the cervix) also do not need to be screened, unless they have a have a history of a high-grade precancerous lesions.
To learn more about each type of screening, click here.
Breast And Cervical Cancer Control Program (BCCCP)
The Buncombe County Health and Human Services BCCCP is a program serving women and transgender people providing free chest and cervical exams, pap smears and HPV testing, and mammograms. This program is open to those:
- Between the ages of 40-64.
- Who have no insurance.
- Income below 250% of the federal poverty level.
- A Buncombe County resident. Local NC BCCCP contact information can be found here.
- Other women and transgender people ages 21 to 39 may be eligible.
To learn more about eligibility or schedule an appointment, call (828) 250-6006.
Extension Master GardenerSM Volunteers of Buncombe County are happy to announce for the seventeenth year we are offering School Garden Grants to Asheville City and Buncombe County public schools, including state charter schools.
We provide a notice of the application period along with instructions to all school principals, elementary through senior high. Additional information is available on our website, where you can learn more about the guidelines for receiving a grant and get access to the online 2024 School Garden Grants Application.
All applications must be completed online. Completed applications will be accepted beginning January 12, 2024, and must be submitted no later than 9 p.m. on February 15, 2024. If you have any questions, please call the Extension Office at 828-255-5522.
We are proud of our partnership with Asheville City and Buncombe County public schools. Since 2007, we have awarded 60 School Garden Grants totaling over $47,000. These grants have involved more than 17,500 students and hundreds of teachers, parents, and community volunteers.
School gardens grow more than plants. They grow imagination and creativity. They make math and science come alive, and they build community. We hope your school will join us in 2024.
Click on the link below to review the guidelines for school garden grants:
Guidelines for 2024 School Garden Grants
As a resident or business owner in WNC, you can be part of the solution. Here are four ways to take action to reduce rain runoff and protect our rivers and streams:
- Disconnecting Your Downspout
- Installing Rain Barrels
- Implementing Rain Gardens
- Other Green Infrastructure
Rain Garden Guide
Interested in creating an eco-friendly oasis? Read more about the benefits and steps to set up your rain garden.
Downspout Disconnect Guide
Learn how to disconnect your downspout and its benefits for sustainable stormwater management.
Rain Barrel Guide
Discover an affordable and easy-to-install solution for collecting rooftop runoff.
WaterRICH Guide
The FREE WaterRICH Guide will teach you how to harvest rainwater, create garden features which promote water seeping into the soil (stormwater features), and reduce outside water needs.
Ready to spread the word about river health and reducing rain runoff?
Buncombe County students interested in entering the field of conservation, agriculture or another natural resource program can win a $1,000 scholarship from The Buncombe Soil & Water Conservation District.
The William Hamilton Memorial Scholarship will provide a student with money to go towards their studies. Eligible students must attend or plan to attend an accredited college or university and must submit a proposal for a volunteer conservation project in Buncombe County.
One winner will be selected by a committee of Buncombe Soil & Water Conservation District staff and Supervisors and the funds will be dispersed directly to the institution upon completion of the volunteer project.
Scholarship Timeline:
February 28, 2024 – Deadline to apply
April 11, 2024 – Winning applicant announced
June 30, 2024 – Deadline to complete volunteer project
July 11, 2024 – Presentation to the Board, award dispersed
The winner is also expected to attend a Buncombe County Soil and Water Conservation District Board meeting to present the results of their project and accept their scholarship.
Find the application below. Completed applications and questions can be sent to [email protected].
The application can also be mailed to:
Buncombe Soil & Water Conservation District
Attn: Jen Knight and Rose Wall
49 Mount Carmel Road
Asheville NC, 28806
The online survey for our Systemwide Parks & Recreation Master Plan is now available, and we want to hear from you! Your input is the cornerstone of this planning process. Click the button below to take the 10 minute survey!
This systemwide plan aims to define how we will continue to provide high-quality options for our residents as our community continues to grow and diversify. Your insight will help create the roadmap for Buncombe County Parks & Recreation to follow for the next 20 years
A special prix fixe dinner for two is now available for preorder online until Feb. 12 or while supplies last. Pickup is 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Feb. 14. Orders will be picked up chilled with complete reheating instructions included. The meal features lobster bisque with creme fraiche and brown butter croutons, port wine-braised beef short ribs, truffle risotto, dark chocolate lava cake with blueberry-lavender whipped cream.
Come pick up a bingo card and do the many HARD tasks (like taking a nap or reading a book). One row gets you a fun sticker. Three rows and you’re entered for our grand prize drawing.
Do you need a little inspiration to get moving after the holiday season? Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy is proud to announce our 4th annual Winter Hiking Challenge to get folks out and about – no matter your background or ability this is a project designed to get folks outside to enjoy the great outdoors!
The 2024 Winter Hiking Challenge sets a goal of 60 miles in 60 days, to be completed in your own time and at your own speed. Those can be miles you’ve walked, run or hiked – in your neighborhood, around the block, up a rugged mountain trail, or through the forest. Whatever works for your comfort and skill level – just make it 60 miles within the 60-day challenge time period (January 1st to March 1st, 2024). Sign up early to have more time to complete the Challenge. Registration ends on February 25th. Please note, this is a challenge you set with yourself, it is not a competition. Registration for this challenge is $25 per person and your registration fee directly supports conservation work in the Southern Appalachians. If you cannot afford the registration fee at this time, please use the coupon code: SAHC2024.
All participants will receive informative emails with suggestions for some of our favorite places to hike across the mountains of NC and TN. This special email series will include recommendations to enjoy places that SAHC has protected as well other favorite trails and destinations. Due to overuse of popular trails in the area we will try to share tidbits about some of the lesser-known trails and places to enjoy the great outdoors. Are you a little unsure about hiking in winter? We will share helpful Winter Hiking Tips, for those who haven’t hiked during the winter months. Lastly, those who complete the Winter Hiking Challenge will receive a commemorative SAHC patch after the end of the challenge.
Please note, the Challenge signup fee is a fundraiser to help support conservation efforts; you DO NOT have to pay to hike public trails. Feel free to enter miles at any date during the 60 days, as long as they are all entered before March 1. You can even enter your miles at the end of a certain time period (e.g, entering your miles for the week on Friday, all under one entry).
Time spent outdoors and in nature can help with both mental and physical health. We hope this Challenge will make it interesting for folks to explore places you may not have hiked before, and/or to rediscover the joy of nature in your own backyard.Take the Challenge by yourself, or with friends and family. Please just be safe while doing so!
Challenge Contact Info
Join us for a night of disco, synth-pop, indie-electro, and electro-house – featuring a killer lineup of local DJs! Nothing but dancy, synthy stuff all night (9:00 pm – 2:00 am). Great way to shake off those late winter blues!
January 26, 2024
The White Rabbit at Water Street
116 N Lexington Ave.
Asheville, NC
$10 Cover
Doors at 9:00
Interstellar Noise
Carl Sandburg wrote countless words in an array of different genres, including poetry, children’s stories, journal articles, as well as a biography and autobiography! He wrote of love and nature, dreams and struggles. This year’s theme of “Memory” is echoed in much of his works. ““Under the summer roses, when the flagrant crimson, lurks in the dusk, Of the wild red leaves, Love, with little hands, comes and touches you with a thousand memories, and asks you beautiful, unanswerable questions.” Carl Sandburg
Poems submitted for the 2024 contest should reflect the theme of “Memory.” By definition, “the process or power of recallling something learned or experienced from the past” Note: Poems do NOT need to be titled Memory, as long as the poem itself relates to the theme.
Students are invited to submit a poem to Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site’s annual Student Poetry Contest. The contest encourages youth to explore writing their own poetry and is open to students nationwide!
- Submissions are accepted from grades 3-12 and must be submitted by email by Monday March 4, 2024. See below for submission rules.
- Winners will be notified by April 7, 2024, and will be invited to participate in a virtual celebration program on Sunday, April 28.
Property Tax Listing forms must be completed and returned by
5 p.m. on January 31, 2024 to avoid late listing penalty.
Notice is hereby given, that all persons who own personal or business property subject to taxation in Buncombe County on January 1, 2024, must list such property no later than January 31, 2024. Any person who fails to do so will be subject to penalties prescribed by law. Per North Carolina General Statute 105-296(c), the regular listing period is January 1 through January 31. If the regular listing period begins or ends on a day other than a business day, the period for such filing shall be extended through the next business day.
The listing period for 2024 will begin Tuesday, January 2, 2024, and end Friday, January 31, 2024, at 5 p.m. Listing forms will be mailed in December 2023 to persons or businesses who have requested a listing form or filed a listing last year. Download a listing form at or contact the Property Assessment office at (828) 250-4920.
Real Property
*All persons who own real estate must list any new additions, changes, or deletions that have been made since January 1, 2023. Please contact the Property Assessment office at (828) 250-4940.
*According to the North Carolina General Statutes, all property that is not defined or taxed as “real estate” or “real property” is considered to be “personal property.”
Personal Property
*All persons who own personal property such as un-tagged motor vehicles, permanently tagged trailers, manufactured homes, boats and boat motors, airplanes, rental personal property or farm machinery used for income purposes, must file a listing form annually. Download a listing form at
Business Personal Property
*Business personal property is taxable whether it is owned, leased, rented, loaned, or otherwise made available to the business.
*All businesses are required to file a business personal property listing form annually during the listing period stated above, which includes: machinery and equipment; furniture and fixtures; computers; improvements to leased property; manufactured homes; aircraft; international registration plan (IRP) plated vehicles, supplies, etc. used in connection with the business. Download a listing form at This also includes all furnishings within a dwelling that is used as a long- or short-term rental. Download a Rental Listing form at
*Listing extensions may be granted on request and for good cause shown. Extensions must be requested no later than January 31, 2024. Request an extension at If you are a new businesses that has not listed before, email [email protected] to request an extension prior to January 31, 2024.
*Extensions cannot be granted beyond March 15, 2024. If you are a new business for 2024, and have not filed a previous listing form, please contact our office for information at (828) 250-4930.
Tax Relief
*Property tax relief may be available for Veterans, anyone 65 and older, or anyone permanently disabled under NCGS 105-277.1. Call (828) 250-4915 to see if you qualify or download an application at
Reminder: Listing forms will be accepted January 2-31, 2024. Property Assessment is located at 155 Hilliard Ave, Asheville, NC 28801, and is open Monday – Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. except for holidays. Call (828) 250-4920 for more information. Instructions and forms are available at:
The County of Buncombe does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, handicap, or disability in admission or access to, or treatment or employment, in its services, programs, and activities, in compliance with applicable federal and state laws.
CALL Your Representatives TODAY: Support for Bipartisan Child Tax Credit Proposal
As you may know, MANNA is serving the highest need for food in our 40-year history, and many of the people turning to our network are families with children. We have seen a staggering increase in the number of working families in our region who cannot afford enough food and other basic needs. A bipartisan expansion of the Child Tax Credit (CTC) would help offset these families’ rising costs with additional economic resources. This proposal would significantly reduce child poverty, benefiting 80% of the 19 million children whose families currently receive partial or no credit due to their income being too low.
MANNA and our dedicated partner network saw firsthand the dramatic reduction in child hunger achieved by an expanded CTC during the pandemic. And we saw the enormous spike in the need for food when it lapsed.
Please CALL your representatives in Congress TODAY to encourage support for this important and impactful bipartisan legislation! A phone call is very meaningful to our elected officials, and they track each call carefully.
Our WNC children need your voice today.
On behalf of everyone at MANNA, you have our deep thanks for your commitment to engaging with our elected officials.
(202) 224-3154
(202) 224-6342
(202) 225-6401
Thank you for being an advocate for our neighbors here in Western North Carolina, and across the state!
Explore the Rich Heritage of Black Communities in Asheville
The Asheville Black Cultural Heritage Trail leads visitors through three areas of Asheville: Downtown, Southside, and the River Area. The entire trail takes approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes to walk and read.
Reflecting on Community Resolve
Did you know that Black people helped create this region’s first non-Indigenous households? Did you know that Black people helped build Asheville and connected Asheville globally? Black entrepreneurs created thriving business districts. Black families cultivated close-knit neighborhoods. Black people from all backgrounds built resilient communities and fostered social change.
Immerse yourself in the history and heroism of Black Ashevillians by walking the Asheville Black Cultural Heritage Trail. Deepen your understanding with articles, videos, and more resources available here on the trail’s website.
Follow the Trail
Experience this trail in pieces as you explore Asheville or start at one of our three introduction kiosks to learn more about how Black people in Asheville negotiated landscapes of unequal power to build resilient communities and foster social change.
Sign up for BCAlerts today
Here is what you need to know.
What is CodeRED?
Along with emergency and critical messages, the CodeRED notification system will also enhance community engagement via the release of important but non-emergency information such as vaccine site notifications, inclement weather closures and schedule changes, and other county service information.
Sign up for BC Alerts by texting BCAlert(not case sensitive) to 99411 or visit to sign up for the new system. If residents have previously signed up for Nixle BC Alerts, they will need to re-register in order to continue receiving notifications after June 30.
Alerts to choose from:
- Emergency
- General
- Recreation Services
- Election Reminders
- Governing
- Weather
NOTICE: For CodeRED support, please call 1-866-939-0911. For all other questions email [email protected].
Completely separate from the Casino Night event tickets we are excited to announce the addition of a 50/50 CASH RAFFLE to our event!
- This optional $100 ticket enters you for your chance to win up to $10,000 with two cash out prizes, one at $10,000 and one at $5,000.
- With only 300 tickets sold, and two chances to win, the odds are ever in your favor!
- The Cash Raffle winners will be announced at Casino Night on 2/23/24, but you do not need to be present to win.
- Your event ticket DOES NOT enter you into the CASH RAFFLE – these are two separate tickets, one for the event and one for the CASH RAFFLE.
- Both ticket prices are $100/per.
We have three opportunities for you to help Connect Beyond AND see some music! We need volunteers to assist with wristbands for three shows this summer at Harrah’s Cherokee Center – Asheville in Downtown Asheville, N.C. Shifts are roughly (3) hours and all participating volunteers will also receive (1) free ticket to stay after and watch the show. The following dates and shows are available:
- February 16-18: Billy Strings
- May 16: Amon Amarth
- May 20 & 22: Noah Kahan
- August 30: King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard
Food Scraps Drop Off
The City of Asheville, in partnership with Buncombe County and the Natural Resources Defense Council, is offering a FREE Food Scrap Drop-Off program in two locations for all Buncombe County residents. This organic matter will be collected and turned into good clean compost, keeping it OUT of our landfill and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Register for Food Scraps Drop Off
Need a handy kitchen countertop food scrap bin? Let us know on the registration form! We’ll be having bin giveaways at city and county facilities and would love to give you one.
Murphy Oakley Community Center and Library – “Food Scrap Bin Shelters” on the east side of the parking lot
749 Fairview Road, Asheville
- Dawn – Dusk
Stephens-Lee Recreation Center “Food Scrap Shed” next to the Community Garden on the North side of the parking lot
30 Washington Carver Avenue, Asheville
- Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 6 p.m.
- Saturday, 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.
- Sunday, 12 – 4 p.m.
West Asheville Library – “Food Scrap Bin Shelters” on the south side of the building
942 Haywood Road, Asheville
- Library open hours
- Buncombe County Landfill – Convenience Center
85 Panther Branch Road, Alexander
- Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
- Saturday, 8 a.m. – 12:30 pm