Upcoming events and things to do in Asheville, NC. Below is a list of events for festivals, concerts, art exhibitions, group meetups and more.

Interested in adding an event to our calendar? Please click the green “Post Your Event” button below.

Friday, January 13, 2023
2023 Food Vendor Application for ADA Events Now Available
Jan 13 all-day

The application to be a food vendor at our events is now available. We’re seeking vendors for Downtown After 5, the Independence Day Celebration and Asheville Oktoberfest.

Click here to fill out the application. Application deadline is Friday, February 10.

2023 Property Listing Period Runs Jan. 3-31. Who Should List?
Jan 13 all-day

The property listing period for 2023 begins Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2023, and Buncombe County Property Assessment wants to make sure you have all the information you need. Buncombe property owners who have requested a listing form or filed a listing previously will be mailed listing forms in December. Questions about who should file? Please see the information below.

 Real Estate

Anyone who owns real estate must list any new additions, changes, or deletions that have been made since Jan. 1, 2022. For example, if you have had permitted work done to your home, built additions, or completed renovations to your home, those should all be updated on your property record. You can do that online at tax.buncombecounty.org or contact the Property Assessment office at (828) 250-4940.

Personal Property 

According to the North Carolina General Statutes, all property that is not defined or taxed as “real estate” or “real property” is considered to be “personal property.”  If you own personal property such as un-tagged motor vehicles, permanently tagged trailers, manufactured homes, boats and boat motors, airplanes, rental personal property or farm machinery used for income purposes, you must file a listing form annually. Download a listing form at buncombecounty.org/personallistingform.

Business Personal Property 

Business personal property is taxable whether it is owned, leased, rented, loaned, or otherwise made available to the business. All businesses are required to file a business personal property listing form annually during the listing period.

Business personal property includes:

  • machinery and equipment
  • furniture and fixtures
  • computers
  • improvements to leased property
  • manufactured homes
  • aircraft
  • international registration plan (IRP) plated vehicles
  • supplies, etc.

Download a listing form at buncombecounty.org/businesslistingform.

Rental Property

Did you know business personal property also includes all furnishings within a dwelling that is used as a long- or short-term rental? Download a Rental Listing form at buncombecounty.org/rentallistingform.


Listing extensions may be granted upon request and for good cause shown. The listing extension request must be filed with Property Assessment no later than Jan. 31, 2023. File an extension online at businessextensions.buncombecounty.org.

Extensions will not be granted beyond March 15, 2023. If you are a new business for 2023, and have not filed a previous listing form, please contact our office for information at (828) 250-4930.

Tax Relief 

Property tax relief may be available for Veterans, anyone 65 and older, or anyone permanently disabled under NCGS 105-277. Call (828) 250-4915 to see if you qualify or download an application at buncombecounty.org/taxrelief. The application period for tax exemptions or exclusions opens Jan. 1 and runs through June 30, 2023.

Don’t let the listing period slip by. Listing forms will be accepted January 3-31, 2023. Property Assessment is located at 155 Hilliard Ave, Asheville, NC 28801, and is open Monday – Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., except for holidays. Call (828) 250-4920 for more information.

Instructions and forms are always available at: buncombecounty.org/propertyassessment.

Still have questions? Contact the Property Assessment office at (828) 250-4920.

2023 Rental Listing Form Frequently Asked Questions

If you have received a letter from Buncombe County Property Assessment with a Rental Property Listing Form here’s what you need to know.

Why am I receiving this?

January is the listing period for 2023. The Buncombe County Property Assessor is contacting property owners who may have unlisted business personal property to make sure that we have the most accurate data on all Buncombe County properties. This mailing went to all property owners whose mailing address was different from the property location.

I don’t rent this property what should I do?

Please mark the form indicating primary use of the property and send it back so we can update our files.

Who files a listing and what do I list?

Any individual or business in North Carolina owning or possessing personal property used or connected with a business or other income producing property on Jan. 1, must list the property for taxation. Examples include, but are not limited to:

1. Income producing personal property
2. Household Rental Property (homes you rent to others that you the landlord furnishes)
I own rental property that I furnish. What should I do?

If you own property that is used for long- or short-term rentals, you must list the personal property you provide as part of that rental. Business personal property includes anything the renter would use, such as furniture, appliances (oven/stove, washer, dryer, refrigerator), silverware, towels, bedding, etc. The cost, date of purchase and description of the items should be entered on the list sheet.

What if I purchased the property furnished and I don’t have the year purchased or purchase price?

If the personal property was included with the purchase of the real property, please enter a description of the property and your best opinion of market value.

Why is this the first time I am receiving this form?

Our office is committed to improving the data we have on personal property assets to ensure that all accommodation providers are taxed fairly. It is the taxpayer’s responsibility to list property for taxation and our office would like to make sure property owners have all of the information needed to complete the forms correctly.

What happens next?

After the Property Assessment office receives your listing form, staff will determine the assessed value and mail that back to you. Property owners have 30 days from that mailing to appeal that value.

2023 School Garden Grants
Jan 13 all-day

Extension Master GardenerSM Volunteers of Buncombe County are happy to announce for the sixteenth year we are offering School Garden Grants to Asheville City and Buncombe County public schools, including state charter schools.

Growing Vegetables at Childcare Centers_photo by NC State Extension
Learning to plant veggie seeds

We provide a notice of the application period along with instructions to all school principals, elementary through senior high. Additional information is available on our websitebuncombemastergardener.org, where you can learn more about the guidelines for receiving a grant and get online access to the 2023 School Garden Grants Application.

All applications must be completed online. Completed applications will be accepted beginning January 9, 2023, and must be submitted no later than 9 p.m. on February 3, 2023. If you have any questions, please call the Extension Office at 828-255-5522.

We are proud of our partnership with Asheville City and Buncombe County Schools. Since 2007, we have awarded 52 School Garden Grants totaling over $45,000. These grants have involved more than 16,500 students and hundreds of teachers, parents, and community volunteers.

School gardens grow more than plants. They grow imagination and creativity. They make math and science come alive, and they build community. We hope your school will join us in 2023.

Click on the link below to review the guidelines for school garden grants:
Guidelines for 2023 School Garden Grants

Affordable Parking Program: Application Window extened
Jan 13 all-day


Do you work in downtown Asheville? If so, Buncombe County’s new affordable parking program could save you hundreds of your hard-earned dollars. The program will offer 150 spots at the Coxe Ave. parking deck (located at 11 Sears Alley) for $40 per month. This new initiative, focused on service industry and retail workers, is now taking applications for people who meet some basic eligibility requirements.

The application window will remain open for three weeks and closes on Friday, Jan. 13. After applying, a lottery system will determine who gets the 150 reduced-cost parking spots. Everyone else will be put on a waitlist with a chance to get spots based on attrition.

Eligibility requirements

  • You must work in the downtown Asheville area (within one mile of Pack Square)
  • You must earn less than 80% area median income (see application for income limits)
  • Have a valid driver license
  • Have a credit card or bank account to link for payment
  • Applicants must be age 18 or older

If you think you meet the following requirements, please fill out an application here. The deadline to apply for the lottery is Friday, Jan. 13. If you are not able to submit an application online or need assistance completing the application, call (828) 250-5060.

Apply here

Fine print

This is a pilot program and it might be expanded in the future as the County evaluates data from this initial offering. Buncombe County is administering the application and lottery process. Preferred Parking (the County’s parking vendor) will be responsible for selling the tickets and contacting those on the waitlist.


Beginner Youth Tennis Classes
Jan 13 all-day
Hendersonville Racquet Club


Registration is now open for the next session of youth tennis classes starting January 13th at Hendersonville Racquet Club.  Kids are put in groups based on age and ability with seven levels available.

“Our youth tennis program has something for any child who wants to play.  From beginner to high performance player, we put them into situations where they will be challenged and can succeed while having a fun time doing it.” stated HRC Junior Tennis Academy Tennis Pro Cre Still.

Age 4-7 (RED) Beginners meet Fridays 4:15-5, Saturdays 12:15-1:00pm, Sunday 3:15-4pm

Age 7-10 (ORANGE) Beginners meet Fri 5-6, Sat 1-2, Sun 4-5

Age 9-15 (GREEN) Beginners meet Fri 6-7, Sat 2-3, Sun 5-6

Age 9-15 (YELLOW) Intermediates meet Sat 2-3, Sun 5-6

HRC Youth Performance Elite (HYPE) Intermediates and Advanced ages 8-18 meet Monday through Thursday 4-7pm

· Classes for all ages and ability!  Open to the public. Call for advanced and tournament/elite class session times.  All classes taught by certified tennis professionals

Hendersonville Racquet Club is a six acre complex that includes 6 outdoor tennis courts, 3 arena tennis courts, four racquetball courts, 7 pickleball courts, an outdoor swimming pool, fitness center, group fitness room and outdoor leisure area by Shaw’s Creek and pond.

Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) Survey
Jan 13 all-day

The Buncombe County Health Promotions Team requests feedback from residents to help inform strategies to improve our health priorities. Over the summer, Buncombe County’s latest Community Health Assessment was released. With the help of key informant surveys, community listening sessions, and existing data, the following health conditions were selected as a focus priority for the next three years: Birth Outcomes, Mental Health and Substance Misuse, and Chronic Conditions (Heart Disease and Diabetes).

We are now requesting community input to inform strategic planning for the upcoming Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP). The survey results will be used to determine how and what our community can do to address and improve Buncombe County’s health priorities. Let your voice be heard by taking the One Key Question Survey! All responses are anonymous.

We need participation from residents of Buncombe County to help us create a healthier community for everyone. Your response to the One Key Question Survey is essential to make Buncombe County a better place to call home.

So here’s the One Key Question:

What is the most important thing for you and your family’s health and well-being?


Once you are finished answering our survey, spend a few minutes exploring the many functions of the page. You can track responses from other locals, read about our assessment process, and learn how we use your answers to create community change. Be sure to check the page regularly to stay current on our new surveys, meeting schedules, process updates, and more.

Get Your Go Local Card
Jan 13 all-day

The Go Local Card celebrates the interdependence of our businesses to each other, public education and to the youth in our community.

Our community values equitable educational opportunities for everyone and the Go Local Card is an annual fundraiser for Asheville’s city public schools.

Since inception, we have raised nearly $220,000 for our schools. This program connects 4,000 children and their families to a healthy local economy and locally owned businesses that support their school.

… and cards are available for purchase at any one of these businesses through Aug. 2023

Help Buncombe County Improve Broadband: Review the FCC Broadband Map
Jan 13 all-day

Have you been told you’re not eligible for internet service? Review the FCC’s National Broadband Map and file a formal complaint if you believe your home is incorrectly listed as not eligible for service. Please note: all challenges must be received by Friday, Jan. 13, 2023. If you have questions, click here for assistance from the FCC.

Additional information from the FCC:

What can be challenged?

Service is considered available at a location if the provider has, or previously had, a connection in service to the location, or if the provider could initiate service through a routine installation within 10 business days of a request with no extraordinary monetary charges or delays attributable to the extension of the provider’s network. You can submit a challenge based on the following reasons:

  • Provider failed to schedule a service installation within 10 business days of a request.
  • Provider did not install the service at the agreed-upon time.
  • Provider requested more than the standard installation fee to connect this location.
  • Provider denied the request for service.
  • Provider does not offer the technology reported to be available at this location.
  • Provider does not offer the speeds(s) reported to be available at this location.
  • Subscribed Speed Not Achievable (Your internet service is not providing the speeds you expect.) These challenges will be treated by the FCC as a consumer complaint.
  • No wireless or satellite signal is available at this location.
  • Provider needed to construct new equipment at this location.

How to submit an individual availably challenge

Go to the FCC’s National Broadband Map and type your address in the search bar to begin. Then, determine if you need to first submit a Location Challenge by seeing if your address is displayed on the map at all, is incorrectly shown as a business, has the incorrect address or unit count, or has incorrect geographic coordinates. If so, click “Location Challenge” (upper right) to complete the form. Then, proceed the following steps for the Availability Challenge.

  • Select the Fixed Broadband tab and then click the Availability Challenge link (mid-right).
  • In the window that opens, click “Select” next to the provider whose service you want to challenge.
  • Select either (1) “Send my challenge to the selected provider,” which will initiate a challenge against the provider, or (2) “I’m giving feedback about the information above but not submitting a challenge.”
  • Enter your contact information – your name and email are required – and your phone number is optional.
  • Select the reason code for your challenge. The remaining fields will update based on the type of challenge you select.
  • Enter a description and upload any supporting documents or screenshots.
  • Check the certification box.
  • Click “Submit.”

If you have questions, click here for FCC assistance.

Henderson County Tourism Grant Program Now Open
Jan 13 all-day


The Henderson County Tourism Development Authority (HCTDA) offers an annual grant program to benefit tourism-related businesses and non-profit organizations as a way to build Henderson County into an even stronger tourist destination — the better you are, the better we are! The yearly grant program accepts applications from December through January, with selections and disbursements being made in the spring (see timeline below for exact dates).

4 info sessions were held leading up to the grant request period.

1) Watch a recording of the General Info Meeting
2) Watch a recording of the Destination Enhancement Grant Info Meeting
3) Watch a recording of the Marketing Grant Info Meeting
4) Watch a recording of the Event Grant Info Meeting

Grants are awarded in 3 categories: Marketing Grants, to promote your business or event; Event Grants, to support the operations budget of the event; and Destination Enhancement Grants, which includes building new or improving existing assets.

The HCTDA is empowered to award grant funding through state tax legislation using occupancy tax collection monies, and decisions on grant recipients are made by a Grants Committee that is comprised of HCTDA Board members and representatives from the community.

Find out if your organization or project is eligible for funding at the links below. With additional questions, please contact the Asset & Event Development Coordinator, Amy Boswell.

Hendersonville Theatre’s 2023 Season
Jan 13 all-day

Photo Caption: Hendersonville Theatre’s 2023 Season, Reader’s Theatre

Nantahala Outdoor Center 2023 Adventure travel trips
Jan 13 all-day
Nantahala Outdoor Center

Adventure is what we do.

Nantahala Outdoor Center has a long history of venturing where many haven’t, pioneering new adventures, and bringing opportunities to experience the outdoors to millions of guests over five decades. Our International Adventure Tours offer unique destinations, exciting adventures and activities, experienced guides, and world-class hospitality. These all-inclusive, small group excursions will redefine how you travel. Experience some of the most breathtaking places in the world without feeling like a tourist.

If your idea of fun is a rafting trip on the Chilko, a quiet lake paddle in Argentina, surf lessons in Ecuador, or trekking in Iceland, our trips have something for every adventure and skill level. Enjoy kayaking, hiking, fishing, horseback riding, yoga, surfing, ziplining, wine tastings, or cultural experiences, along with the flexibility to customize your own adventure. Settle in after your travels in some of the most unique accommodations in the world; from cozy lodges and five star resorts, with local cuisine and tastings, every detail is meticulously planned so you can soak up every moment.

We hope these guided, off-the-beaten-path expeditions will foster the same spirit of adventure we encourage in our Southeastern locations, while giving you the opportunity to explore beyond your own backyard.


We have officially announced our new 2023 Adventure travel trips for you to explore new destinations, try new adventures, and experience new cultures! Our trips are small groups, offer world-class hospitality, unique lodging and the most diverse activity options for you to try! We’re giving “revenge travel” new meaning.

Non-Profit Wristband Partner Program Grant
Jan 13 all-day

The Asheville Downtown Association’s (ADA) Wristband Partner Program provides an opportunity for local nonprofits to sell wristbands at ADA events. The selected nonprofit receives a grant of $2,000, as well as the opportunity to share their program of work with the large audiences at these events. Deadline to apply is Friday, February 24, 2023.

SAHC 3rd Annual Winter Hiking Challenge: January 1 to March 1, 2023 – 60 miles in 60 days!
Jan 13 all-day
Hikers in winter
January 1 to March 1, 2023 – 60 miles in 60 days!

Do you need a little inspiration to get moving after the holiday season? Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy is starting off 2023 with a challenge to get folks out and about – hiking or walking to enjoy the great outdoors!

The SAHC Winter Hiking Challenge sets a goal of 60 miles in 60 days, to be completed in your own time and at your own speed. Those can be miles you’ve walked, run or hiked – in your neighborhood, on a flat walking track, up a rugged mountain trail, or meandering in fields and forests. Whatever works for your comfort and skill level – just make it 60 miles within the 60-day challenge time period (January 1 to March 1, 2023). Sign up early to have more time to complete the Challenge. Registration ends on February 1.

All participants will receive informative emails with suggestions for some of our favorite places to hike across the mountains of NC and TN. This special email series will include recommendations to enjoy places that SAHC has protected as well other favorite trails and excursions. We all know that some of our favorite hiking places are experiencing overuse and suffering impacts from their popularity. We will try to share tidbits about some of the lesser-known trails and places to enjoy the great outdoors, so you can help alleviate stress on fragile trail ecosystems. Those who complete the Winter Hiking Challenge will receive a commemorative SAHC patch after the end of the challenge (after March 1).  Proceeds from the Challenge sign-ups support conservation work in the Southern Appalachians.

Time spent outdoors and in nature can help with both mental and physical health. We hope this Challenge will make it interesting for folks to explore places you may not have hiked before, and/or to rediscover the joy of nature in your own backyard. Please note, the Challenge signup fee is a fundraiser to help support conservation efforts; you DO NOT have to pay to hike public trails.

Are you a little unsure about hiking in winter? We will share helpful Winter Hiking Tips, for those who haven’t hiked during the winter months. Feel free to enter miles at any date during the 60 days, as long as they are all entered before March 1. You can even enter your miles at the end of a certain time period (e.g, entering your miles for the week on Friday, all under one entry).

Take the Challenge by yourself, or with friends and family. Please just be safe while doing so!

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at [email protected]
Tax Collections + Property Assessment Launch Redesigned Website
Jan 13 all-day

Everything you need to know about your property is now in one easy-to-navigate location. Buncombe County Tax Collections and Property Assessment have teamed up to launch the newly redesigned website at tax.buncombecounty.org. The new site is live as of Dec. 12.

Following a community survey and feedback from the Ad Hoc Reappraisal Committee, staff has taken suggestions and made changes to Buncombe County’s most-visited webpage, tax.buncombecounty.org. Searching for information about your property value, property record card, and property tax bill is as easy as entering your address. “Our Tax Lookup site has gone through a significant overhaul,” says Tax Collector Jennifer Pike. “Thanks to our custom dev team, we have been able to design around the user experience. By entering search criteria and choosing a property, the property details now flow to most actions or information the user is interested in, without needing to reenter property information or initiate another search.”

Consider this site your homeowner’s toolkit with popular tax resources now in one easy-to-find place. Use Discover Buncombe to find a variety of other information like where to vote, your closest parks, and even crime data for neighborhoods close to you. Explore GIS maps, start a property value appeal, pay your tax bill, or apply for an exemption all from one starting place.

“Buncombe County residents, that’s what it’s all about,” stresses Property Assessor Keith Miller. “We continue to look for new and innovative ways to serve our residents. Our goal is to provide data transparency along with an educational component so residents can better understand property assessment.”

Explore your property today.

Volunteer with the YWCA MLK Day of Service
Jan 13 all-day
YWCA Asheville

January 16 is Martin Luther King day, a day to both honor the fight for racial justice and focus on building strong communities. MLK holiday has become an opportunity all across the country to highlight service to the community and put the spotlight on volunteers. Although the YWCA will be closed in observance of MLK day, we offer several volunteer opportunities for those who would like to get involved.

At the YWCA of Asheville, we eliminate racism and empower women by providing programs and advocacy for over 3,000 community members annually in Western North Carolina with services that support families, promote holistic wellness, and advance racial justice.

Thank you for wanting to share your time and talents with the YWCA! As a volunteer, you are integral to the YWCA fulfilling our mission, and we simply couldn’t do it without your help and support.

YWCA Asheville has volunteer opportunities for individuals and groups. We can design volunteer assignments to fit your schedule, experience, and team-building goals.

For more information about volunteering, contact:

[email protected]

828-254-7206 x 227

Pop Legends Weekend at The Omni Grove Park Inn
Jan 13 @ 7:30 pm – Jan 14 @ 12:00 am
The Omni Grove Park Inn

The Omni Grove Park Inn is hosting an epic musical throwback weekend featuring the transcendent sounds of “DANCING DREAM: The Tribute to ABBA” on Friday, January 13 and the unmistakable brilliance of “Who’s Bad: The Ultimate Michael Jackson Experience” on Saturday, January 14. Individual tickets are available for purchase at $85/person plus sales taxes & fees. Will call and coat check begin at 7pm; doors open at 7:30pm; and performances begin at 8pm. For those looking for overnight accommodations, The Omni Grove Park Inn is also offering a Pop Legends Weekend Package, which can be booked separately via the hotel’s website.

Saturday, January 14, 2023
2023 Food Vendor Application for ADA Events Now Available
Jan 14 all-day

The application to be a food vendor at our events is now available. We’re seeking vendors for Downtown After 5, the Independence Day Celebration and Asheville Oktoberfest.

Click here to fill out the application. Application deadline is Friday, February 10.

2023 Property Listing Period Runs Jan. 3-31. Who Should List?
Jan 14 all-day

The property listing period for 2023 begins Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2023, and Buncombe County Property Assessment wants to make sure you have all the information you need. Buncombe property owners who have requested a listing form or filed a listing previously will be mailed listing forms in December. Questions about who should file? Please see the information below.

 Real Estate

Anyone who owns real estate must list any new additions, changes, or deletions that have been made since Jan. 1, 2022. For example, if you have had permitted work done to your home, built additions, or completed renovations to your home, those should all be updated on your property record. You can do that online at tax.buncombecounty.org or contact the Property Assessment office at (828) 250-4940.

Personal Property 

According to the North Carolina General Statutes, all property that is not defined or taxed as “real estate” or “real property” is considered to be “personal property.”  If you own personal property such as un-tagged motor vehicles, permanently tagged trailers, manufactured homes, boats and boat motors, airplanes, rental personal property or farm machinery used for income purposes, you must file a listing form annually. Download a listing form at buncombecounty.org/personallistingform.

Business Personal Property 

Business personal property is taxable whether it is owned, leased, rented, loaned, or otherwise made available to the business. All businesses are required to file a business personal property listing form annually during the listing period.

Business personal property includes:

  • machinery and equipment
  • furniture and fixtures
  • computers
  • improvements to leased property
  • manufactured homes
  • aircraft
  • international registration plan (IRP) plated vehicles
  • supplies, etc.

Download a listing form at buncombecounty.org/businesslistingform.

Rental Property

Did you know business personal property also includes all furnishings within a dwelling that is used as a long- or short-term rental? Download a Rental Listing form at buncombecounty.org/rentallistingform.


Listing extensions may be granted upon request and for good cause shown. The listing extension request must be filed with Property Assessment no later than Jan. 31, 2023. File an extension online at businessextensions.buncombecounty.org.

Extensions will not be granted beyond March 15, 2023. If you are a new business for 2023, and have not filed a previous listing form, please contact our office for information at (828) 250-4930.

Tax Relief 

Property tax relief may be available for Veterans, anyone 65 and older, or anyone permanently disabled under NCGS 105-277. Call (828) 250-4915 to see if you qualify or download an application at buncombecounty.org/taxrelief. The application period for tax exemptions or exclusions opens Jan. 1 and runs through June 30, 2023.

Don’t let the listing period slip by. Listing forms will be accepted January 3-31, 2023. Property Assessment is located at 155 Hilliard Ave, Asheville, NC 28801, and is open Monday – Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., except for holidays. Call (828) 250-4920 for more information.

Instructions and forms are always available at: buncombecounty.org/propertyassessment.

Still have questions? Contact the Property Assessment office at (828) 250-4920.

2023 Rental Listing Form Frequently Asked Questions

If you have received a letter from Buncombe County Property Assessment with a Rental Property Listing Form here’s what you need to know.

Why am I receiving this?

January is the listing period for 2023. The Buncombe County Property Assessor is contacting property owners who may have unlisted business personal property to make sure that we have the most accurate data on all Buncombe County properties. This mailing went to all property owners whose mailing address was different from the property location.

I don’t rent this property what should I do?

Please mark the form indicating primary use of the property and send it back so we can update our files.

Who files a listing and what do I list?

Any individual or business in North Carolina owning or possessing personal property used or connected with a business or other income producing property on Jan. 1, must list the property for taxation. Examples include, but are not limited to:

1. Income producing personal property
2. Household Rental Property (homes you rent to others that you the landlord furnishes)
I own rental property that I furnish. What should I do?

If you own property that is used for long- or short-term rentals, you must list the personal property you provide as part of that rental. Business personal property includes anything the renter would use, such as furniture, appliances (oven/stove, washer, dryer, refrigerator), silverware, towels, bedding, etc. The cost, date of purchase and description of the items should be entered on the list sheet.

What if I purchased the property furnished and I don’t have the year purchased or purchase price?

If the personal property was included with the purchase of the real property, please enter a description of the property and your best opinion of market value.

Why is this the first time I am receiving this form?

Our office is committed to improving the data we have on personal property assets to ensure that all accommodation providers are taxed fairly. It is the taxpayer’s responsibility to list property for taxation and our office would like to make sure property owners have all of the information needed to complete the forms correctly.

What happens next?

After the Property Assessment office receives your listing form, staff will determine the assessed value and mail that back to you. Property owners have 30 days from that mailing to appeal that value.

2023 School Garden Grants
Jan 14 all-day

Extension Master GardenerSM Volunteers of Buncombe County are happy to announce for the sixteenth year we are offering School Garden Grants to Asheville City and Buncombe County public schools, including state charter schools.

Growing Vegetables at Childcare Centers_photo by NC State Extension
Learning to plant veggie seeds

We provide a notice of the application period along with instructions to all school principals, elementary through senior high. Additional information is available on our websitebuncombemastergardener.org, where you can learn more about the guidelines for receiving a grant and get online access to the 2023 School Garden Grants Application.

All applications must be completed online. Completed applications will be accepted beginning January 9, 2023, and must be submitted no later than 9 p.m. on February 3, 2023. If you have any questions, please call the Extension Office at 828-255-5522.

We are proud of our partnership with Asheville City and Buncombe County Schools. Since 2007, we have awarded 52 School Garden Grants totaling over $45,000. These grants have involved more than 16,500 students and hundreds of teachers, parents, and community volunteers.

School gardens grow more than plants. They grow imagination and creativity. They make math and science come alive, and they build community. We hope your school will join us in 2023.

Click on the link below to review the guidelines for school garden grants:
Guidelines for 2023 School Garden Grants

Affordable Parking Program: Application Window extened
Jan 14 all-day


Do you work in downtown Asheville? If so, Buncombe County’s new affordable parking program could save you hundreds of your hard-earned dollars. The program will offer 150 spots at the Coxe Ave. parking deck (located at 11 Sears Alley) for $40 per month. This new initiative, focused on service industry and retail workers, is now taking applications for people who meet some basic eligibility requirements.

The application window will remain open for three weeks and closes on Friday, Jan. 13. After applying, a lottery system will determine who gets the 150 reduced-cost parking spots. Everyone else will be put on a waitlist with a chance to get spots based on attrition.

Eligibility requirements

  • You must work in the downtown Asheville area (within one mile of Pack Square)
  • You must earn less than 80% area median income (see application for income limits)
  • Have a valid driver license
  • Have a credit card or bank account to link for payment
  • Applicants must be age 18 or older

If you think you meet the following requirements, please fill out an application here. The deadline to apply for the lottery is Friday, Jan. 13. If you are not able to submit an application online or need assistance completing the application, call (828) 250-5060.

Apply here

Fine print

This is a pilot program and it might be expanded in the future as the County evaluates data from this initial offering. Buncombe County is administering the application and lottery process. Preferred Parking (the County’s parking vendor) will be responsible for selling the tickets and contacting those on the waitlist.


Beginner Youth Tennis Classes
Jan 14 all-day
Hendersonville Racquet Club


Registration is now open for the next session of youth tennis classes starting January 13th at Hendersonville Racquet Club.  Kids are put in groups based on age and ability with seven levels available.

“Our youth tennis program has something for any child who wants to play.  From beginner to high performance player, we put them into situations where they will be challenged and can succeed while having a fun time doing it.” stated HRC Junior Tennis Academy Tennis Pro Cre Still.

Age 4-7 (RED) Beginners meet Fridays 4:15-5, Saturdays 12:15-1:00pm, Sunday 3:15-4pm

Age 7-10 (ORANGE) Beginners meet Fri 5-6, Sat 1-2, Sun 4-5

Age 9-15 (GREEN) Beginners meet Fri 6-7, Sat 2-3, Sun 5-6

Age 9-15 (YELLOW) Intermediates meet Sat 2-3, Sun 5-6

HRC Youth Performance Elite (HYPE) Intermediates and Advanced ages 8-18 meet Monday through Thursday 4-7pm

· Classes for all ages and ability!  Open to the public. Call for advanced and tournament/elite class session times.  All classes taught by certified tennis professionals

Hendersonville Racquet Club is a six acre complex that includes 6 outdoor tennis courts, 3 arena tennis courts, four racquetball courts, 7 pickleball courts, an outdoor swimming pool, fitness center, group fitness room and outdoor leisure area by Shaw’s Creek and pond.

Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) Survey
Jan 14 all-day

The Buncombe County Health Promotions Team requests feedback from residents to help inform strategies to improve our health priorities. Over the summer, Buncombe County’s latest Community Health Assessment was released. With the help of key informant surveys, community listening sessions, and existing data, the following health conditions were selected as a focus priority for the next three years: Birth Outcomes, Mental Health and Substance Misuse, and Chronic Conditions (Heart Disease and Diabetes).

We are now requesting community input to inform strategic planning for the upcoming Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP). The survey results will be used to determine how and what our community can do to address and improve Buncombe County’s health priorities. Let your voice be heard by taking the One Key Question Survey! All responses are anonymous.

We need participation from residents of Buncombe County to help us create a healthier community for everyone. Your response to the One Key Question Survey is essential to make Buncombe County a better place to call home.

So here’s the One Key Question:

What is the most important thing for you and your family’s health and well-being?


Once you are finished answering our survey, spend a few minutes exploring the many functions of the page. You can track responses from other locals, read about our assessment process, and learn how we use your answers to create community change. Be sure to check the page regularly to stay current on our new surveys, meeting schedules, process updates, and more.

Get Your Go Local Card
Jan 14 all-day

The Go Local Card celebrates the interdependence of our businesses to each other, public education and to the youth in our community.

Our community values equitable educational opportunities for everyone and the Go Local Card is an annual fundraiser for Asheville’s city public schools.

Since inception, we have raised nearly $220,000 for our schools. This program connects 4,000 children and their families to a healthy local economy and locally owned businesses that support their school.

… and cards are available for purchase at any one of these businesses through Aug. 2023

Help Buncombe County Improve Broadband: Review the FCC Broadband Map
Jan 14 all-day

Have you been told you’re not eligible for internet service? Review the FCC’s National Broadband Map and file a formal complaint if you believe your home is incorrectly listed as not eligible for service. Please note: all challenges must be received by Friday, Jan. 13, 2023. If you have questions, click here for assistance from the FCC.

Additional information from the FCC:

What can be challenged?

Service is considered available at a location if the provider has, or previously had, a connection in service to the location, or if the provider could initiate service through a routine installation within 10 business days of a request with no extraordinary monetary charges or delays attributable to the extension of the provider’s network. You can submit a challenge based on the following reasons:

  • Provider failed to schedule a service installation within 10 business days of a request.
  • Provider did not install the service at the agreed-upon time.
  • Provider requested more than the standard installation fee to connect this location.
  • Provider denied the request for service.
  • Provider does not offer the technology reported to be available at this location.
  • Provider does not offer the speeds(s) reported to be available at this location.
  • Subscribed Speed Not Achievable (Your internet service is not providing the speeds you expect.) These challenges will be treated by the FCC as a consumer complaint.
  • No wireless or satellite signal is available at this location.
  • Provider needed to construct new equipment at this location.

How to submit an individual availably challenge

Go to the FCC’s National Broadband Map and type your address in the search bar to begin. Then, determine if you need to first submit a Location Challenge by seeing if your address is displayed on the map at all, is incorrectly shown as a business, has the incorrect address or unit count, or has incorrect geographic coordinates. If so, click “Location Challenge” (upper right) to complete the form. Then, proceed the following steps for the Availability Challenge.

  • Select the Fixed Broadband tab and then click the Availability Challenge link (mid-right).
  • In the window that opens, click “Select” next to the provider whose service you want to challenge.
  • Select either (1) “Send my challenge to the selected provider,” which will initiate a challenge against the provider, or (2) “I’m giving feedback about the information above but not submitting a challenge.”
  • Enter your contact information – your name and email are required – and your phone number is optional.
  • Select the reason code for your challenge. The remaining fields will update based on the type of challenge you select.
  • Enter a description and upload any supporting documents or screenshots.
  • Check the certification box.
  • Click “Submit.”

If you have questions, click here for FCC assistance.

Henderson County Tourism Grant Program Now Open
Jan 14 all-day


The Henderson County Tourism Development Authority (HCTDA) offers an annual grant program to benefit tourism-related businesses and non-profit organizations as a way to build Henderson County into an even stronger tourist destination — the better you are, the better we are! The yearly grant program accepts applications from December through January, with selections and disbursements being made in the spring (see timeline below for exact dates).

4 info sessions were held leading up to the grant request period.

1) Watch a recording of the General Info Meeting
2) Watch a recording of the Destination Enhancement Grant Info Meeting
3) Watch a recording of the Marketing Grant Info Meeting
4) Watch a recording of the Event Grant Info Meeting

Grants are awarded in 3 categories: Marketing Grants, to promote your business or event; Event Grants, to support the operations budget of the event; and Destination Enhancement Grants, which includes building new or improving existing assets.

The HCTDA is empowered to award grant funding through state tax legislation using occupancy tax collection monies, and decisions on grant recipients are made by a Grants Committee that is comprised of HCTDA Board members and representatives from the community.

Find out if your organization or project is eligible for funding at the links below. With additional questions, please contact the Asset & Event Development Coordinator, Amy Boswell.

Hendersonville Theatre’s 2023 Season
Jan 14 all-day

Photo Caption: Hendersonville Theatre’s 2023 Season, Reader’s Theatre

Journeyperson Program NOW FREE! 12-Month Farm Support Cohort
Jan 14 all-day
Organic Growers School

The upcoming Journeyperson course is now available AT NO COST! Due to some timely grant funding, we can offer this in-depth farmer training for farmers in years 3-7 with no associated tuition fee! The course consists of monthly cohort meet-ups and 2-3 in-depth workshops, plus mentorship!


In addition, a select number of participants will also receive matched FUNDS for your farm savings account (Savings Incentive Program) and money to spend on a professional development opportunity of your choosing! Want to attend a workshop on livestock management? OGS will contribute towards that fee! Are you saving money for a farm asset? OGS will contribute up to a certain amount to that investment.


The Journeyperson Program is for farmers who have been independently farming for three or more years and are serious about operating farm businesses in the Southern Appalachian region.

Join the Journeyperson Info Session on Zoom!

November 15th at 7:00 pm

Sign up here

Nantahala Outdoor Center 2023 Adventure travel trips
Jan 14 all-day
Nantahala Outdoor Center

Adventure is what we do.

Nantahala Outdoor Center has a long history of venturing where many haven’t, pioneering new adventures, and bringing opportunities to experience the outdoors to millions of guests over five decades. Our International Adventure Tours offer unique destinations, exciting adventures and activities, experienced guides, and world-class hospitality. These all-inclusive, small group excursions will redefine how you travel. Experience some of the most breathtaking places in the world without feeling like a tourist.

If your idea of fun is a rafting trip on the Chilko, a quiet lake paddle in Argentina, surf lessons in Ecuador, or trekking in Iceland, our trips have something for every adventure and skill level. Enjoy kayaking, hiking, fishing, horseback riding, yoga, surfing, ziplining, wine tastings, or cultural experiences, along with the flexibility to customize your own adventure. Settle in after your travels in some of the most unique accommodations in the world; from cozy lodges and five star resorts, with local cuisine and tastings, every detail is meticulously planned so you can soak up every moment.

We hope these guided, off-the-beaten-path expeditions will foster the same spirit of adventure we encourage in our Southeastern locations, while giving you the opportunity to explore beyond your own backyard.


We have officially announced our new 2023 Adventure travel trips for you to explore new destinations, try new adventures, and experience new cultures! Our trips are small groups, offer world-class hospitality, unique lodging and the most diverse activity options for you to try! We’re giving “revenge travel” new meaning.

Need Help With Water Bills? New Water Assistance Program Could Offer Help.
Jan 14 all-day

If you’re behind on your water bill or afraid your water might get cut off, a new resource might be able to help you. On Jan. 4, the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners approved more than $450,000 in federal funding for the Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP). The initiative is aimed at preventing water disconnections and helping reconnect drinking and wastewater services.

The LIHWAP will be administered by Buncombe County-based Eblen Charities. The nonprofit will make payments directly to utilities on behalf of qualifying households. The program is slated to run through Sept. 30, 2023 or until funds are exhausted.

Eligibility requirements

Households that currently receive Food and Nutrition Services (FNS), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or Work First services, or those that received Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) services from Oct. 1, 2020-Sept. 30, 2021, are automatically eligible to receive this benefit if their water services have been cut off or are in danger of being cut off.

For additional eligibility information or to apply, please contact Eblen Charities at (828) 255-3066.

SAHC 3rd Annual Winter Hiking Challenge: January 1 to March 1, 2023 – 60 miles in 60 days!
Jan 14 all-day
Hikers in winter
January 1 to March 1, 2023 – 60 miles in 60 days!

Do you need a little inspiration to get moving after the holiday season? Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy is starting off 2023 with a challenge to get folks out and about – hiking or walking to enjoy the great outdoors!

The SAHC Winter Hiking Challenge sets a goal of 60 miles in 60 days, to be completed in your own time and at your own speed. Those can be miles you’ve walked, run or hiked – in your neighborhood, on a flat walking track, up a rugged mountain trail, or meandering in fields and forests. Whatever works for your comfort and skill level – just make it 60 miles within the 60-day challenge time period (January 1 to March 1, 2023). Sign up early to have more time to complete the Challenge. Registration ends on February 1.

All participants will receive informative emails with suggestions for some of our favorite places to hike across the mountains of NC and TN. This special email series will include recommendations to enjoy places that SAHC has protected as well other favorite trails and excursions. We all know that some of our favorite hiking places are experiencing overuse and suffering impacts from their popularity. We will try to share tidbits about some of the lesser-known trails and places to enjoy the great outdoors, so you can help alleviate stress on fragile trail ecosystems. Those who complete the Winter Hiking Challenge will receive a commemorative SAHC patch after the end of the challenge (after March 1).  Proceeds from the Challenge sign-ups support conservation work in the Southern Appalachians.

Time spent outdoors and in nature can help with both mental and physical health. We hope this Challenge will make it interesting for folks to explore places you may not have hiked before, and/or to rediscover the joy of nature in your own backyard. Please note, the Challenge signup fee is a fundraiser to help support conservation efforts; you DO NOT have to pay to hike public trails.

Are you a little unsure about hiking in winter? We will share helpful Winter Hiking Tips, for those who haven’t hiked during the winter months. Feel free to enter miles at any date during the 60 days, as long as they are all entered before March 1. You can even enter your miles at the end of a certain time period (e.g, entering your miles for the week on Friday, all under one entry).

Take the Challenge by yourself, or with friends and family. Please just be safe while doing so!

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at [email protected]