Upcoming events and things to do in Asheville, NC. Below is a list of events for festivals, concerts, art exhibitions, group meetups and more.

Interested in adding an event to our calendar? Please click the green “Post Your Event” button below.

Tuesday, June 10, 2025
55th Annual Brevard AAUW Book Sale
Jun 10 @ 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Brevard College Boshamer Gym

The Brevard Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) is sponsoring its 55th Annual Book Sale, the largest and best book sale in North Carolina. Net proceeds support local STEM and educational scholarships for girls (5th-12th grades) and women at Brevard College and Blue Ridge Community College.

Book donations are collected in Yellow Boxes at numerous community locations from early February to late May 2025. Walk-in donations are accepted each Thursday until May 22 from 10am-2pm at The Book Book, 170 S. Broad St., Brevard, NC.

Fairy Tea Party
Jun 10 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Bullington Gardens

Join the magical fairies at Bullington Gardens for a special Fairy Tea Party. Start your journey with a guided walk through the Fairy Trail. Your child will make their own wand followed by tea and cookies in the pavilion. This event is for children ages 7 and up. Each child must be accompanied by an adult.

Three different dates to choose from!

June 10th, June 24th, or July 12th at 10:00AM, $28.00/per child, $21 for Friends of Bullington Gardens. Limit of 12 children per event.

Gardening and Planting for Pollinators 2025
Jun 10 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Bullington Gardens

By cultivating and protecting healthy diverse habitats for pollinators, for wildlife, for healthy flora and fauna, we benefit the individuals who live in and enjoy these spaces and for our community, as a whole. By creating natural areas in your yard and leaving the leaves each fall you can benefit many kinds of insects, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals which depend on the native plants and their fallen leaves and seeds for shelter, food and habitat.

Join Steve Pettis, Henderson County Commercial and Consumer Horticulture Agent and host of the Gardening in the Mountains Radio Show and Podcast to learn how we can do things better!

Tuesday June 10,  1:00 – 3:00

Wednesday, June 11, 2025
55th Annual Brevard AAUW Book Sale
Jun 11 @ 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Brevard College Boshamer Gym

The Brevard Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) is sponsoring its 55th Annual Book Sale, the largest and best book sale in North Carolina. Net proceeds support local STEM and educational scholarships for girls (5th-12th grades) and women at Brevard College and Blue Ridge Community College.

Book donations are collected in Yellow Boxes at numerous community locations from early February to late May 2025. Walk-in donations are accepted each Thursday until May 22 from 10am-2pm at The Book Book, 170 S. Broad St., Brevard, NC.

Tuesday, June 24, 2025
Fairy Tea Party
Jun 24 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Bullington Gardens

Join the magical fairies at Bullington Gardens for a special Fairy Tea Party. Start your journey with a guided walk through the Fairy Trail. Your child will make their own wand followed by tea and cookies in the pavilion. This event is for children ages 7 and up. Each child must be accompanied by an adult.

Three different dates to choose from!

June 10th, June 24th, or July 12th at 10:00AM, $28.00/per child, $21 for Friends of Bullington Gardens. Limit of 12 children per event.

Thursday, June 26, 2025
 Courage in Bloom
Jun 26 @ 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Highland Brewing
Save the date for Courage in Bloom , Our Voice’s first annual celebration of resilience, community, and hope. This special event honors the strength of survivors, the dedication of our community partners, and the collective effort to end sexual violence and human trafficking.
When: Thursday, June 26, 2025
Where: Highland Brewing, 6–9 PM
Enjoy a delicious dinner, refreshing drinks, live entertainment, a silent auction, and a heartfelt awards ceremony.
Early bird tickets go on sale March 2025. Stay tuned for event updates and news!
Want to make a difference? Learn about sponsorship and silent auction opportunities by emailing [email protected] .
Together, we can uplift survivors, prevent violence, and create a future where compassion and safety thrive.
Monday, July 7, 2025
PARI Summer Camps Above and Beyond
Jul 7 – Jul 18 all-day
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute

Best for students entering 9th-12th grade.
Above and Beyond is PARI’s signature camping experience designed to immerse high school students in the world of space science and research while building confidence and critical thinking skills.
Originally developed in partnership with Duke University and refined for nearly two decades, this space camp explores the universe through astronomy, physics, and astrobiology, while also providing time for adventure and fun.
The process followed by scientists and researchers who’ve made space science their career is modeled to show how new discoveries are made about the universe. Campers are provided the tools and guided through the process by professionals who have made space their life’s work.
This year’s camp will focus on the unique challenges of human space exploration, near and far. From the impact of stars on the planets in their systems, to the composition of atmospheres and regolith, we’ll present the tools to answer a myriad of questions that could one day help humanity spread beyond Earth.
How do we find water or breathable atmosphere, or can they be made? How do we measure radiation from a star or classify exoplanets? Can a cave or lava tube on Mars provide adequate shelter for humans? What resources can be harvested from asteroids? Maybe you’ll help answer a question like these.

Saturday, July 12, 2025
Fairy Tea Party
Jul 12 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Bullington Gardens

Join the magical fairies at Bullington Gardens for a special Fairy Tea Party. Start your journey with a guided walk through the Fairy Trail. Your child will make their own wand followed by tea and cookies in the pavilion. This event is for children ages 7 and up. Each child must be accompanied by an adult.

Three different dates to choose from!

June 10th, June 24th, or July 12th at 10:00AM, $28.00/per child, $21 for Friends of Bullington Gardens. Limit of 12 children per event.

Saturday, August 23, 2025
HarvestFest Supporting ASAP
Aug 23 @ 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Olivette Riverside Community and Farm

Join us at Olivette’s Riverside Park on Saturday August 23rd for a very special benefit show in support of ASAP’s Double SNAP for Fruits and Vegetables program. HarvestFest is a celebration of local farmers, community and music. Doors open at 3pm with family games and activities and live music.
In honor of our local farmers and all they do to sustain our community, all farmers and their families will have free entry to the event. All ticket proceeds will go towards the ASAP Double SNAP for Fruits and Vegetables program.