The 15th West Asheville Garden Stroll is Saturday, September 14th from 11 AM to 4 PM, with a family-friendly kickoff program at 10:30. It features 15 diverse gardens in the Horney Heights neighborhood, on both sides of Sulphur Springs Road from Lucy Herring School westward. Stroll Guides with a map and garden descriptions will be available at the school from 11:00 until 3:30. Local organizations will be on hand in the morning with resources for gardeners and possibly some items for sale.
The Garden Stroll is FREE, and all are welcome to join in this community event, rain or shine. However, leave your four-footed friends at home — dogs are not allowed in the gardens.
While there is street parking throughout the neighborhood, we encourage you to park at the school or at Abernethy United Methodist Church (1418 Patton Ave) and walk or bike the 3 mile route. (Regardless of where you park, come by the school first to pick up a Stroll Guide.)
This year’s gardens showcase many alternatives to conventional lawns as well as all kinds of edibles, ornamentals, medicinal plants, permaculture designs, and a wide variety of native plants. Water features, eclectic art, trellises, and quirky garden sheds provide focal points. You’ll see new and mature gardens as well as works-in-progress, all offering the chance to chat with friendly and enthusiastic gardeners.
With the theme “If You Grow It, They Will Come,” we encourage stroll-goers to observe how these gardens provide safety, nourishment, & love for birds, bees, and so many others of nature’s families.