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Annual Kids Wildlife Art Competition Announced by Magazine

Wildlife in North Carolina magazine is sponsoring an art contest for children to encourage them to observe and appreciate native wildlife as an inspiration for art and science.

Students attending kindergarten through eighth grade in North Carolina are eligible to enter an original work of a wild fish, bird, mammal, reptile, amphibian or invertebrate native to the state. The 12 winners will receive $100 each, have their work published in a 2010 calendar, which will be for sale to the public, and get free copies of the calendar.

�Inspiration can be found while looking out a window, on a walk with your parents, or from a favorite book or magazine,� said Greg Jenkins, editor of Wildlife in North Carolina magazine. �An artist, no matter how young, wants to capture an image, and that requires knowledge. Creativity is a great way to spark learning.�

Entry requirements:

  • An original composition on 8�- x11-inch paper, viewed horizontally. High-quality color copies will be accepted.
  • The child�s name, age, address, phone number, grade in school, school name and the image subject listed on the back of the artwork.
  • Entries must be received by March 2, 2009.
  • Mail to Kids Wildlife Art Competition, P.O. Box 12089, Raleigh, N.C. 27605.
  • Entries will not be returned except for winners.
Submissions will be judged and winners contacted by May 1, 2009. For more information, e-mail [email protected].

(Images provided by

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