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Viscotec Automotive Products Announces $20 Million Expansion in Burke Country; Creating 140 New JOBS

Viscotec Automotive Products announced a $20 million plant expansion for its operations in Morganton that will create 140 jobs.

Viscotec Automotive Products, a subsidiary of Seiren Company in Japan, manufactures textile fabrics by using a digital dyeing system ViscotecsTM to produce fabrics to sell to the Japanese automotive industry. Viscotec supplies companies that manufacture seats for Japanese automobiles including Nissan, Toyota and Honda. In the next few months, the company will also supply Mitsubishi and Mazda.

''We recently secured a big business program for one of the best-selling cars in the United States,'' said Tatsuo Kawada, president of Seiren. ''This is for the 2006 model. Accordingly, we are very pleased to announce an additional investment of $20 million, which will amount to $74 million in total investment. Also, additional employment of 140 people is expected, which will increase total employment to 300 people within the next two years.''

Governor Easley commented on the announced expansion, ''More than two years ago, Viscotec set up its first manufacturing facility in North Carolina and has been an important corporate citizen since. Viscotec�s decision to expand their production facility shows that our commitment to fostering the knowledge, talent and skill of our workforce is reaping dividends. We are aggressively working to ensure that we have the best business climate, not only in the country, but in the world.''

In the past seven years, the automotive industry has invested more than $1.4 billion into our state�s economy. Viscotec occupies a 260,000 square-foot facility in Morganton. This facility has already created 165 jobs and an investment of $50 million. By 2005, Viscotec expects to employ more than 300 people.

Many partners played a key role in this project including the North Carolina Department of Commerce, Burke Partnership for Economic Development, Burke County, town of Morganton and Western Piedmont Community College.

(Image provided by ViscotecViscotec)

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