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UNC Asheville Announces May Graduates
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More than 4,000 family and friends gathered on UNC Asheville's Quadrangle recently to celebrate UNC Asheville's 2008 graduating class, the largest in University history. Some 715 students were honored during the 80th annual Commencement Ceremony, including 467 spring graduates, 215 winter graduates and 33 summer graduates.
Megan Emily Graham, an atmospheric science major from Wyckoff, N.J., received the William and Ida Friday Award for Community Service. Graham was active in volunteerism across the campus and the community, bringing students together to work for the local and national organizations. For nearly three years, she served as president of the UNC Asheville Chapter of Habitat for Humanity where she founded the group's Alternative Spring Break Program, which takes students to New Orleans to help with hurricane recovery efforts. In addition, Graham, who is seeking work in the field of emergency management and preparedness, has already begun training with the Red Cross' Disaster Action Teams.
The A.C. Reynolds Award and the Thomas D. Reynolds Prize for Leadership and Campus Service was presented to political science major David Chamberlin Cox. The Greensboro, N.C., native has worked tirelessly to promote and serve UNC Asheville, including serving as a University Ambassador, host to special campus guests and one of the founders of a new student-alumni association. Additionally, Cox's personal commitment to the study and improvement of race relations has been instrumental in the creation of one of the University's most significant community outreach programs, the annual State of Black Asheville Conference.
Jessica Lynn Wallace, a double major in history and literature from Fletcher, N.C., was named the recipient of the Manly E. Wright Award, which is presented to the student first in scholarship. Wallace spent a summer doing research in Oxford and came back to New York City to participate in a research program as a Gilder Lehrman History Scholar. She chaired a session at the 2006 National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) and presented papers at two additional NCUR meetings. Wallace was an active member of Humanities Student Association, the History Student Association and the University's Quiz Bowl Team.
The following students received bachelor degrees from UNC Asheville in May 2008:
Whitney Helen Abbott,
Daniel Dalton Abide,
Walid Samir Aboulhosn,
Stacey Corrin Adam,
Tara Jean Adinolfi,
Omar Hakeem Ahmad,
Tahda Alexandra Ahtone,
Andrew Robert Allen,
Ingrid Kathleen Allstaedt,
Matthew Sean Anderson,
Marielle Luena Angell,
Anne Carrington Asplin,
Paul Rousseau Atkins-Davis,
Marissa Caroline Aubrey, Michele Lynnette Austin,
Lilyan Angelica Avery,
Matthew McCahill Bailey,
Lauren Elizabeth Baird,
Shelley Spencer Baker,
Erin Whitney Ball,
Elias Saied Banikazemi,
Joshua Michael Barber,
Jonathan Alan Barnes,
Lauren Ann Barnett,
Alexander Wilson Barnett-Howell,
Nicholas Jordan Barrier,
Anna Catherine Bartlett,
Ashton Elizabeth Barton,
Charles Hampton Bauer,
Graham Tissar Baughn,
Rachael Renee Beach,
Halley Gamble Morse Beard,
Lauren Elizabeth Bellard,
Kara Leigh Bender,
Sarah Kimberly Benson,
Kristen Tyler Berger,
Kylie Christine Black,
Philip David Bober,
Emily Jacqueline Boone,
Katharine Elise Bosworth,
Jennifer Hui Boun,
Louis Maurice Bouvier,
Lynnda Marie Bowers,
Mark Edward Bowers,
Seth Layton Bowman,
Alexander Jon Bowser,
Jennifer Lynn Bracone,
Evan Charles Bradford,
Sarah Claire Bradley,
Latasha Joy Branch,
Laura Margaret Brandt,
Michael Galen Bremer,
Katherine Tansey Bridgman,
Jacob Alton Brintle,
Crysta Jean Brock,
Tiffany Jo Brock,
Rachel Iris Brommer,
Holly Michaela Brookshire,
Carolyn Neal Brown,
Jamie Erin Brown,
Dylan Halley Bruce,
Ryan Matthew Buckingham,
Warren Micah Buckner,
Nicholle Marie Bulow,
Jordanna Hager Burgess,
Christopher David Burn,
Cale Lee Burrell,
Jana Elizabeth Busbin,
Jennifer Lynn Bush,
Ruth Nicole Caldwell,
Alexis Jaixen Campbell,
Sandra Searcy Capps,
Tristyn LeVon Card,
Jennifer Lindsay Carlberg,
Jacob Richard Carley,
Grant William Carlisle,
Cade Cameron Carlson,
Isabel Wysor Carson,
Arielle Lynn Casale,
Stephanie Nicole Casey,
Anna Trilling Castelaz,
Kathryn Lee Causey,
Sarah Lynn Cavalieri,
Amber Diane Chapman,
Christa Lynn Chappelle,
Lindis Kyle Chetwynd,
Leela Jasmine Cheyne,
Tina Young Choi,
Jae Chul Chung,
Eloiza Claire,
Carla Mary Louise Clark,
Sarah Katherine Clarke,
Christian Walter Clasen,
Christy-Lynn Nichole Clevenger,
Natalie Michele Clontz,
Jefri Ann Cobb,
Cameron David Colburn,
Michael Henderson Cole,
Kathren Young Combs,
Daniel Silas Conner,
Patrick James Conner,
Aarika June Converse,
Margaret Kelley Conway,
Chadwicke Cooper,
Jonathan Charles Corbin,
Marcus Clarence Coward,
David Chamberlin Cox,
Jason Nicholas Crawford,
Jacquelyn Lindsay Cress,
Kristen Nicole Crews,
Jonathan Kelly Crissman,
Dustin Merritt Crosson,
Tawana Lenyon Cunningham,
Alyson Rae Curley,
Kate Elizabeth Currie,
Gregory Justin Cutrell,
Kendra Anne-Masako Dagg,
Naomi Hollis Dale,
Maggie Christine D'Angelo,
Matthew Allan Day,
Jeffrey Douglas Decristofaro,
April Joy Dennis,
Carley Jayne Dergins,
Andrea Desky,
Erica Kathleen Diamant,
Susan Elizabeth Dockery,
Brandon Alexander Dohy,
Ashley Elizabeth Donald,
Stephanie Lynn Doughan,
Gina Anne Douthat,
Devon Shaye Dow,
Chad Ryan Downing,
Kimberly Howard Drown,
Jonathan Ireland Druce,
Lindsey Ann Duchac,
Elizabeth Colton Duncan,
Tara Lane Duvall,
Andrew David Eckenrode,
Melody Joy Edmonds,
Stephen Anthony Eggett,
Erica Lynn Eidt,
Cheri Ann Ems,
Lauren Michele Engle,
Yvonne Michelle Engler,
Erin Claire Enstice,
Ashley Elizabeth Epley,
Laura Marie Eshelman,
Amy Colleen Fahey,
Lisa Marie Feagin,
Mary Elizabeth Fetters,
Bonnie Doris Findley,
Olivia Rose Fisher,
Jeremy Martin Fitzpatrick,
Mark Russell Forster,
Leigh Ann Fox,
Kaylen Mackenzie Francies,
Olivia Jade Frank,
Katherine Sara Franklin,
Adam Thomas Fricke,
Shoshana Fried,
Elyse Fuller,
Kathryne Elizabeth Fuller,
Kimberly Adrienne Fulmer,
Carmen Carina Gann,
Kedrick Renard Garland,
Ian Matthew Garst,
Troy Dean Gehrke,
Sarah Grace Giavedoni,
Eleanor Sims Gibert,
George Douglas Gillette,
Timothy Michael Gillikin,
Amanda LeighAnn Goodman,
Alexander Edward Graettinger,
Megan Emily Graham,
Thomas James Albert Graham,
Amber Leigh Green,
Bryan Braxton Greene,
Amanda Marie Gresham,
Emmy Elizabeth Griffin,
Lee Ann Griffin,
Leah Shea Gross,
Elizabeth Archa Guthrie,
Bethany Lauren Haagsma,
Aja Kalila Hamden,
Amy Catherine Hamilton,
John Brandon Hamilton,
Sarah Burns Harden,
Amy Rebecca Harless,
Jonathan Andrew Harmon,
Jason David Harpster,
Danielle Elizabeth Hartman,
Vanessa Lynn Hartzog,
Kendra Elaine Harvey,
Caleb Lawrence Hawkins,
Sarah Elizabeth Hayden,
Madison Layne Hayes,
Amaris Joy Haynes,
Jennifer Ashley Heaton,
Luella Moon Heetderks,
Nicholas John Heling,
Margaret Adele Henderson,
Mary-Gardner Henry,
Loic Xavier Hereson,
Grayson William Herrmann,
Kristal Denise Hess,
Cassie Lynn Hettler,
Jeffrey Martin Hicks,
Michael Bryan Higgins,
Jennifer Ann Hilbert,
Kathryn Elizabeth Hildreth,
Joshua Ryan Hill,
Adam Ryan Hillberry,
John Thomas Hillman,
Ben Lee Hollifield,
Curtis Wright Holsinger,
Caroline Twelves Holt,
Catherine Elizabeth Holt,
Justin Veazey Holt,
Benjamin Williams Horn,
Ashley Elizabeth Horne,
Phillip Channing Horner,
Jennifer Lynn Horrow,
Caleb Kirkland House,
Ashley Ann Hoyle,
Matthew William Hutchins,
Amanda Leigh Israel,
Alexandria Ann Ivers,
Cheryl Rae Jarrett,
Erik Christopher Jarvis,
Daniel Calhoun Johnson,
Harry Carl Johnson,
Jeremy Warren Johnson,
Joseph Andrew Johnson,
Danielle Nikkole Jolley,
Mary-Josette Jones,
Rachel Anne Jones,
Carrie Alexandra Jordan,
Christian Ellington Kaltreider,
Cynthia Carol Kaminski,
Matthew Steven Kanoy,
Victoria Leigh Kay,
Katherine Francis Ketz,
Elizabeth Erin King,
Amy Catherine Kinsella,
Caroline Jean Kiser,
Mary Gwendolyn Kistler,
Shana Fay Kitchen,
Amanda Catherine Klepper,
Elizabeth Reed Knauth,
Lauren Lee Kortas,
Virginia Anne Kowal,
Kelli Elizabeth Kuhn,
Sandra Gene LaCorte,
David Van De Velde Lambe,
Jason Edward Lambert,
Andrew Carroll Lance,
Briana Christine Langford,
Courtney Gray Langston,
Georgiana Carmen Lanius,
Clinton Joseph Lathinghouse,
Clifford Benjamin Lawless,
Halley Rosetta Lawrence,
Brent Carlie Laws,
Hilda Dulin Lee,
Roy Legaard,
Leslie Anne Lehner,
Catherine Drew Leonard,
Hiu-Sang Leung,
Peter Christopher Lewis,
Alicia Claire Link,
Brittany Gray Lippard,
Andrew David Lydick,
Jonathan Trent MacAlpine,
Alison Leigh Machles,
Luke Jerome Maddux,
Jonathan Andrew Marbois-Segall,
Kristen Nicole Marshall,
Michael David Martin,
Ryan Patrick Martin,
Emily Linnae Mase,
Kristen Masi,
Forrest Rader Mason,
Justin William Massey,
Aubrey Cara Mast,
Catherine Lee Matoian,
Bryson Douglas Mayes,
Richard James McCormick,
Daphne Yvonne McDougle,
Galen Timothy McGee,
Lisa Mazzonetto McHugh,
Matthew Hamilton McIlhenny,
Kelly Ujcic McIntyre,
Ian Andrew McKee,
Elizabeth Combs McKemie,
Kelly Lianne McNeely,
Sharee Hope McPeters,
Elizabeth Ann Meads,
Tiffany Nicole Means,
Adam Daniel Merritt,
Andrea Leigh Metzke,
Silvia Alexandra Meyer,
Christopher James Michael,
Noel Brooke Miles,
Andrew Gray Miller,
Kelli Marie Church Miller,
Jamie Lee Milliser,
Mary Catherine Mills,
Alexander Hunter Mitchell,
Tasha Yvette Mitchell,
Kathryn Lindsay Mlay,
Garrett Tyler Moles,
Emily McRay Mollish,
Ray Montalvo,
Catherine Anjuli Mosley,
Amina Joy Moss,
Alice Elizabeth Murphy,
Erik Nabi,
John Paul Nagle,
Caitlin Anne Nelligan,
Regan Christine Nellor,
Devon Annalise Nemire-Pepe,
Jacob Anthony Nix,
Diane Lynn Norgan,
Andrew Jeffrey Norman,
Gregory Duval Norris,
Kari Amanda O'Dell,
Calla Marie Olson,
Marcella Ann Ownbey,
Carly Louise Painter,
Jordan Lindsey Parker,
Michael William Patterson,
Laura Beth Payne,
Tina Takoma Payne,
Morgan Aleece Pearson,
Joshua Edward Peller,
Michael Anthony Pereira,
Albert Bernon Perkins,
Pamela Renee Philyaw,
Jennifer Michelle Pietila,
Brigette Anne Pinard,
Nicole Kristen Poplar,
Graylin Sample Porter,
John Thomas Post,
Charles Eugene Pyron,
Joel David Quirk,
Ali Ardavan Rahimzadeh,
Alyssa Suzanne Ray,
Nicholas Andrew Recktenwald.
Jason Brian Reed,
Amanda Faith Reid,
Paige Ann Reinhard,
Emily Elizabeth Renfroe,
Ashley Bowman Rhoades,
Jeremy Keith Rice,
Meghann Noel Rice,
James Randall Riddle,
Andrew Steven Ritchie,
Sydney Elyse Roberson,
Wessley Paul Roberts,
Brett Lee Robinson,
Darlene Marie Rogalski,
Kenneth Roger Rosander,
Zachary Ruina Rosenberg,
William James Ross,
Stephanie Kay Royal,
Shannon Jacqueline Rupert,
Jessica Leah Russell,
Samantha Rose Russell,
Nicole Christine Sabourin,
Gwendolyn Rene Saltz,
Courtney Grace Salzer,
Sandra Anne Sawyer,
Aubrey Paige Schierbeek,
Suzanne Rae Scully,
Carla Elaine Self,
Alexander Wetherington Sell,
Tracy Diane Sellers,
Andrew Willis Serri,
Laura Elizabeth Shaffer,
Mitesh K Shah,
Mark Wesley Shell,
Cara Beth Shelton,
Stacy Marie Shepard,
Angela Hill Sherman,
Nina Stewart Shirkey,
Adrienne Denise Shuford,
Paige Cherelle Shy,
Molly Amanda Siddall,
Emily Grace Sigmon,
Helen Elisha Sigmon,
Morgan Francesca Silverman,
Kimberly Carleen Skipper,
Shay Elizabeth Slifko,
Lauren Elizabeth Sloan,
Heather Nicole Smart,
Abigail Marie Smith,Health and Wellness Promotion.
Julia Southworth Smith,
Kyle Timothy Smith,
Bryan Timothy Smithson,
Larry Alvin Spear,
Whitney Lyn Stahl,
Gregory Austin Stamper,
Rachael Victoria Stanfield,
Matthew Jordan Stein,
Stephanie Barbara Steinbach,
Christopher Wade Stephens,
Emily Vaughn Stephens,
Shelley Brooke Stevens,
Charles Jefferson Stewart,
Megan Meredith Stone,
Nora Leigh Stoney,
Paul Eric Stroebel,
Christine Hope Stroud,
Elizabeth Anne Sullivan,
Matthew Stephen Swain,
Laura Lee Tamea,
Clary Lucretia Tedford,
Teresa Marie Teeple,
Valerie Jo Thelen,
Nathaniel Biering Thomas,
Owen Samuel Thomas,
Nicholas Charles Thuell,
Robert Wilson Thulman,
Gregory Michael Thuotte,
Jame Charlea Tierney,
Kevin Ryan Timp,
Lindsay Brooke Timp,
Brittany Alexis Tinkler,
Caitlin Elizabeth Tolbert,
Catherine Eileen Trumpis,
Robin Ashley Tugwell,
Kaitlin Patricia Uhland,
Brandi Christine Veltri,
David James Joseph Verga,
Benjamin James Wadhams,
Joan Madison Walker,
Jennifer Lynn Ward,
Nathan Paul Watkins,
Bonnie Faye Watson,
Tammy Michelle Cox Webb,
Richard Abrams Weidemann,
Brenda Lynn Weigel,
Michael Scott Wells,
Molly Elizabeth Wells,
Lauren Joy Wheeler,
John Kenneth Whited,
Rebecca Sarah Wiegand,
Jesse Daniel Wilensky,
Cassie Lynne Wilkie,
Suzanne Elaine Wilkie,
Molly Marie Wilkins,
Jeffrey Andrew Willison,
Noah Rouse Wilson,
Sarah Elizabeth Wilson,
Bryan Keith Witcher,
Matthew Ryan Woodward,
Michael Brett Woody,
Lindsay Eva Wootten,
Ashley Elizabeth Wrightenberry,.
Amber Lauren Wyatt,
Chun Xu,
Chase Nicole York,
Sarah Elizabeth Young,
Amy Christine Zarbock,
Lydia Anne Zimmer,
(Image provided by UNCA.)
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