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Asheville Transit recently introduced its new generation of buses at the Asheville Transit Center, 49 Coxe Ave. The new buses are low-floor buses, with only one step up needed to get on the bus, making it easier for everyone to board. While the buses are more spacious, they still seat 29 passengers as do the buses currently in use. Mayor Terry Bellamy, City Council members and representatives of the Mayor's Committee for Citizens with Disabilities were on hand to welcome the first low-floor bus into service. Asheville Transit will take delivery of five of these buses over the next few weeks, replacing buses in service since 1996. The new buses will be put into service as soon as equipment such as bike racks and radios is added. As they are added to the fleet, the low-floor buses will join the regular rotation of vehicles, so that people on all routes may experience the new buses. The public is welcome at Monday's event to see the future of Asheville Transit. Remember, bus service is free until November 11! The Asheville Mayor's Committee for Citizens with Disabilities promotes and advocates for equal and inclusive opportunities for people with disabilities in all aspects of society, and recognizes people and organizations that contribute to this cause. For schedule and route information, visit (Image provided by asheville Transit.)