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Pamela M. Turner, local legendary philanthropist who has earned a reputation for strong leadership within charitable organizations, was honored recently at the United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County's annual meeting with their Lifetime of Dedication to Charity and Volunteerism Award. This annual award is given to an individual who has served the community through volunteerism with United Way and other non-profit organizations. Past recipients include Jim Glenn, John Daniel, Charles Dyson, Ray Dean, Dick Wynne, Cary Owen, Glenn Wilcox, John Teeter, Walt Gladding, and Charlotte Lunsford Berry. Mrs. Turner has served on the boards of the Arts Alliance, the Preservation Society of Asheville and Buncombe County, The Health Adventure, Carolina Day School, RiverLink, the American Red Cross, and the United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County. Her awards include the Outstanding Philanthropist Award, presented by Western North Carolina Association of Fundraising Professionals; the Tam Award (Outstanding Volunteer), presented by The Health Adventure; the Gertrude S. Carraway Award of Merit, presented by the Historical Preservation Foundation of North Carolina, Inc; the Woman's Leadership Award, presented by the National Women's Political Caucus of Western North Carolina; and the Humanitarian Achievement Award, presented by the Land of Sky Regional Council.