community news
Asheville and Buncombe County's Newest Playground Needs Volunteers!
Asheville and Buncombe County will soon have a new playground for kids that is going to be built at the new Royal Pines Park in South Asheville. However, the construction of the large wooden playground structure is going to be done by volunteers from the community in a six-day, good old-fashioned "barn raising" style from November 14-19.
Jeff Muller, Marketing Coordinator for Asheville Parks and Recreation, says, "Over 600 volunteers are needed to help with a variety of jobs, from actual construction to childcare and food service. Most of the funds and materials, and all of the labor, tools, supplies, and food will be donated. The playground is a volunteer effort to bring about community spirit and cooperation to give the kids and families of Asheville a wholesome place to play and have fun together."
The Royal Pines' playground is the second playground that will contain large wooden play-structures planned for the Asheville area. The first playground is located at Jones Elementary School in North Asheville, and can easily be seen from Ottari Road. It is a wonderful playground filled with large wooden play-structures consisting of forts, bridges and swings.
To complete the construction of the new playground, 200 volunteers are needed each day for three shifts beginning at 8:30 a.m.- 2 p.m., 12:30-5:00 p.m., and 5:30 p.m.- 9:00 p.m. Flexible shifts will also be available. Volunteers will be available to provide childcare and to prepare and serve food for the work shifts.
People of all skill levels are needed. People are needed from skilled to unskilled construction labor, to childcare providers, to cooks and food servers on each work shift. Donations of cash or materials are welcomed as well as loaning hand and power tools for each of the six workdays.
The Royal Pines playground-building sessions are being co-sponsored by the Asheville Parks and Recreation Department, Quality Forward and the over 600 volunteers who will help to build the new playground. If you want to be one of the 600 volunteers, contact Lewis Isaac at 259-5759.
This is a wonderful opportunity to volunteer for your community. The six-day work schedule and broad selection of jobs should make it possible for everyone to find time and a job to do for this "community barn raising." So, come on, folks, let's get involved. You are what make Asheville and WNC a special place.....hard-working, community-minded volunteers.
Pick your own apples at Stepp's Hillcrest Orchard in Hendersonville.
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