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Asheville Local News
Local news for Asheville, North Carolina and the surrounding Western North Carolina communities. Includes coverage on the Biltmore, Asheville Tourists, local beer, and local food.
The beautiful scenery of the mountains offers a unique experience for golfers of all skill levels. Whether you’re interested in beginner classes, improving your game, or relaxing during a casual Saturday outing, the driving range is an excellent choice which won’t break the bank.
Each year, more deaths occur due to flooding than any other hazard related to hurricanes and thunderstorms. The most common flood deaths occur when a vehicle is driven into hazardous flood water.
A collection of North Carolina military installation camp newsletters and newspapers from World War II are now available online as part of the State Archives of North Carolina’s Military Collection.
There are first dates, second dates, and third dates. There are also dates which are more than a number, they’re an occasion to celebrate long-lasting affection.
Asheville is widely known as a unique, lovely, giddy little city. There’s never been anything quite like it, and there’s never been anything anywhere like the multiple award-winning LaZoom Comedy Tours!
During warm weather, it’s not unusual for thousands of locals and visitors to hit the French Broad River using an assemblage of tubes, kayaks, canoes, and SUPs. It’s a fun, inexpensive way to enjoy one of our greatest natural spaces.
Whether you’re a traveler in need of a bite to eat or a college student studying late, knowing the late-night places to stop for some good food is a must.
Our Voice, a leading organization dedicated to supporting survivors of sexual violence and human trafficking, has announced an open call for new board members from Buncombe, McDowell, and Transylvania counties.
Asheville may be known for its healthy lifestyle, but that doesn’t stop the city from offering some of the best burgers in the South. No longer a reliably monotonous choice, the burger has become the standout item at dozens of restaurants around town.
Tiny, iridescent hummingbirds are an exciting addition to your habitat. Hummingbirds visit the Carolinas from March through November and you can attract them by planting red, tubular flowers.
One out of every three bites of food we eat relies on pollinators, mostly insects, to reproduce. Unfortunately, bees (colony and solitary), butterflies, moths, bats, birds, and beetles are facing challenges due to habitat loss, disease, parasites, and pesticides.