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Asheville Local News
Local news for Asheville, North Carolina and the surrounding Western North Carolina communities. Includes coverage on the Biltmore, Asheville Tourists, local beer, and local food.
It’s the evening, you’re settled in, and you’ve got everything you need except for entertainment. Good news, you can stay in your pajamas and browse thousands of e-books, movies, audiobooks, and more via the North Carolina Digital Library.
Soils in our humid southern climate are naturally acidic and some old-timers often referred to soil needing to be “sweet” for good plant growth. This expression most often relates to the use of lime to correct our acidic soils.
Are you “recycling right?” We’ve all had that moment when we’ve gotten confused on what the City of Asheville accepts and does not accept in the Big Blue recycling bins.
Every January 1, people all over the world make New Year’s resolutions. If you’re one of the nearly 7 in 10 U.S. smokers who want to quit, why not make a resolution to get started?
Whether you’re buying for a friend in the city or shipping a present out of town, Asheville has a countless number of local goods and products which make for great gifts.
The Internal Revenue Service is reminded disaster-area taxpayers who received extensions to file their 2023 returns that, depending upon their location, their returns are due on Feb. 3, 2025, or May 1, 2025.
Asheville’s Urban Trail, an entertaining, informative, and artistic walk through Asheville history, is 1.7-miles of architecture and memories from earlier times in this engaging mountain city.
If you’ve never see the end result of a dog or cat investigating a porcupine, a quick Internet search will pull up a cornucopia of photos featuring animals covered in quills.
Asheville is known for its beautiful scenery and fresh mountain air. Yet, while the historic Biltmore Estate brings people to Asheville from around the country, there are plenty of family activities that don’t cost a dime.