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Asheville Local News
Local news for Asheville, North Carolina and the surrounding Western North Carolina communities. Includes coverage on the Biltmore, Asheville Tourists, local beer, and local food.
The sprawling two-story retail building at 10 Brook St. in historic Biltmore Village was built in 2007 specifically to withstand flooding, with the remnants of 2004’s Hurricane Frances still fresh in memory.
The Asheville Art Museum is proud to present Asheville Strong: Celebrating Art and Community After Hurricane Helene, a poignant and inspiring exhibition on view February 13 through May 5, 2025.
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services’ Low Income Household Energy Assistance Program is accepting applications from the general public for the Low Income Energy Assistance Program.
On Tuesday, January 14, the Asheville City Council voted 5-to-1 to authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with the Asheville Downtown Community Improvement District for delivery of downtown Business Improvement District services.
Warren Wilson College received an anonymous $1 million gift to support its academic programs, further strengthening the institution’s position as a leader in environmental and climate studies.
“Stars Servin’ Up Love” presented by Explore Asheville has announced additional sponsors for the celebrity tennis benefit on Sunday, February 2 at Harrah’s Cherokee Center – Asheville.