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November is Diabetes Awareness Month

It's common to feel overwhelmed, sad, or angry when you are living with a chronic disease such as diabetes. Many people know WHAT to do to improve their health; it's figuring out HOW to do it and fit it into their daily routine that's challenging.

For example, people know that being physically active can help them lose weight. But do they know how to take the necessary steps to become more physically active and keep it up over time?

In observance of National Diabetes Month, NDEP and its partners are Changing the Way Diabetes Is Treated by working together to help people better understand HOW to make the necessary changes in their day-to-day life in order to prevent type 2 diabetes, manage their diabetes to prevent complications, and live healthier lives.

Visit the NDEP website to make a plan today.

(Image provided by Austin Food and Ankle.)

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