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Folks in Asheville might not be the best ice skaters around � and we certainly don�t get as much practice as others with year-round rinks in other parts of the country � but there probably aren�t many people who enjoy the public skating sessions at the Asheville Civic Center more than we do. The laughter, the shrieks and spills of first-time skaters, and the look of satisfaction on the faces of those who have figured out how to get around the rink without taking a fall all combine to provide some great winter fun for all ages � at least, for those willing to run the risk of a few bruises or sore muscles. Asheville first got its head turned by ice hockey and figure skating several years ago when both sports were new to town. A recreational ice hockey league and several small figure skating clubs sprang up and lots of kids started learning to skate. Even though professional ice hockey and amateur figure skating clubs and competitions haven�t quite found their place in town just yet, public ice skating sessions remain a very popular activity, particularly during the holidays. Listed below is the 2009 schedule for the Asheville Civic Center. Cost is $5/person, rental skates are $1.50.
(Image provided by John Coutlakis.)