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Does Eating Healthy Have to Cost You More?

More often than not, people are resistant to following a new healthy way of life because they think it will cost more money. The word that especially scares people and sometimes gets them running in the opposite direction is the word "Organic", as if they might go broke just by saying it. Don't worry, you're not the only one who can't spend heaps of money each week buying luxury grocery items.

Here are some great strategies that you can use to consistently eat healthy without breaking the bank:

1. Stop buying crappy "non foods" (and, yes, crappy is a scientific term). Most protein shakes, "health" bars, and processed foods are actually pretty expensive and when you completely eliminate them from your grocery list, you will save hundreds of dollars. Stop supporting cereal, cookie and frozen food companies and start supporting the produce aisle or your local farmer. The fruits and veggies will be cheaper!

2. Start eating reasonable portions, and the food will not be that expensive. It's very easy to to calculate how much should be earting. Many people have portiondistortion to say the least and eating less means spending less!

3. Seek out the local farmers markets in your area. The prices are so much better and you will be able to get fresh food in season. Honestly, if the price of cherries is the equivalent of diamond earrings, just choose a different fruit that week. Go for the apples, pears, or bananas. Variety is good anyway so choose the fruits and veggies without the diamond prices.

4. Transition your kitchen and cupboards slowly. Rome wasn't built in a day and you cannot expect to make the complete switch over night. Do the best you can, start with a few items and then go from there.

5. Curb the "out to dinner" habit. Everyone is busy and sometimes take out is just so easy. Save the take out for those instances where there really is no other choice and embrace "leftovers". If you cook more than you need for a meal, quickly save half for the next day (Don't serve it as chances are you and your family may overeat on the increased portion). It's great to know you have healthy food waiting for you in your fridge when you're driving home from work with a growling stomach. Not to mention the fact that you will be saving loads of money at the same time. The same steak you can grill at home can cost you 3-4 x's more at any restaurant and that is almost always for lower quality meat.

Your new healthy eating plan does not have to break your bank account. Just begin by implementing a few of the steps above and you will see how easily you can keep your new way of eating within your current budget and easy to follow at the same time.

Now go on and get that steak on the grill...

(Image provided by Wikipedia.)

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