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Lowe�s Charitable and Educational Foundation has awarded a $5,000 Toolbox for Education grant to Glen Arden Elementary School for the school�s outdoor renovation project. �This grant represents Lowe�s commitment to education,� said Larry D. Stone, chairman of Lowe�s Charitable and Educational Foundation. �By supporting local schools like Glen Arden Elementary, we believe we are not only investing in community projects that are important to our customers and employees, but we�re also helping schools build a stronger foundation for the children who will be tomorrow�s employees, homeowners and community leaders.� Glen Arden�s staff and PTA collaborated to complete the grant application. The funds will assist the school to make its playground area more user-friendly, especially to wheelchair-bound students. Launched in partnership with PTO Today, a leading organization serving parent-teacher groups, Toolbox for Education grants of up to $5,000 are available for the school year for a wide range of improvement projects at up to 1,000 schools nationwide. Parent groups may apply by visiting All K-12 schools in the United States are eligible. (Image provided by Glen Arden Elementary.)