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You never know when your trash is going to be someone else's treasure, and there has never been a better example of this than Freecycle. Got a broken TV that you were going to throw away? Freecycle it! People have found lots of creative and inventive ways to use and reuse things that some of us might consider junk! The Freecycle Network is made up of 4,834 groups with 7,341,000 members across the globe. People who belong to this network, �freecyclers,� are part of local, online communities devoted to one thing � keeping stuff out of landfills by giving it away. Freecycle is a nonprofit network of people giving away (and getting) stuff in their own towns. Each Freecycle group is local and independent, but all groups follow a few simple guidelines � everything offered or accepted must be free, legal, and appropriate for all ages. Membership in local groups is free, and it is easy to join, usually just requiring an email or two to get started. Members can post items that they would like to receive (Wanted) or items they would like to give away (Offer). An email alerts all members of these postings. People give away and get office and school supplies, clothes and shoes, sports equipment, books and magazines, toys and games, home decorating items, furniture, computer accessories, sheets and towels, CDs, DVDs, and so much more. To join the local Freecycle group, go to (Image provided by freecycle.)
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