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They are a pain in the arm, and they are coming to us a bit later in the month than usual, but flu shots sure do help us sidestep a lot of misery as a result of the flu by the time December and January roll around – the awful muscle aches, headaches, fever, and congestion that seem to last for weeks can all be avoided with the momentary sting of an influenza vaccination. Flu shots for anyone 5 years of age and above will be available at the Asheville Mall (near Sears and Cinnabon). Shots will be offered:
For those without insurance, the cost for a flu shot will be $28, and may be paid by cash, check, debit card, Master Card or VISA. Anyone 5 years and above is encouraged to go to the Mall for their flu shot this year. Shots for this age group will not be given at the Health Center because of limited parking. Flu shots for children under 5 years and children 5 – 18 years of age who are at high risk and/or live in a household with a high risk person (see below) may receive their flu shot at the Buncombe County Health Center:
High Risk Individuals: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that the following people get a flu shot every year:
The Flu Vaccine Hotline at 250-5300 is always available for the most current information about Health Center flu clinics. (Images provided by the