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You don�t have to own a farm just to be able to see farm animals up close and in person. Farm animals and livestock representative of the breeds you can find in western North Carolina will be on display on the fair grounds in barns B, C, and D at this year�s Mountain State Fair. What does a cow say? Parents, let your children hear those farm animal sounds live and in person. This will be a great opportunity for them see some of the animals they have only seen in books or from the car as they pass by a farm. Animals such as turkeys, chickens, goats, horses, cows, rabbits, sheep and llamas will be on display for all to see. The display livestock barns are also a great opportunity to see some of the same animals that will be competing daily in the livestock competitions. Local farmers will be on hand to talk about how to raise these animals, and some farmers may even give a demonstration on how to do things like churn butter or spin wool. The NC Mountain State Fair will be held this year through September 14 at the WNC Agricultural Center in Fletcher. To learn more about the 2008 NC Mountain State Fair or to see a schedule of events, visit or call 828-687-1414. (Image provided by N.C. Mountain State Fair.)