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Shutting down computers, turning off lights and changing work schedules. Those are some of the strategies the city of Asheville used to save more than $65,000 in energy costs last year. The city implemented these and other programs by challenging employees to find ways they could save energy on their own. �A little goes a long way. We had hundreds of city employees taking the extra step to conserve energy and participate in our sustainability programs,� said Maggie Ullman, the city�s energy coordinator. The results paid off. Over the last year, the city reduced its municipal energy usage by 867,000 kilowatt hours, which is the same amount of energy it takes to operate City Hall for six months. As a result, the city reduced its municipal carbon footprint by 623 tons. The city points to three key sustainability programs as major contributors to the organization�s success during the last year: the compressed work week, an automatic computer shutdown program, and the employee energy conservation challenge.
Asheville will use a Sustainability Management Plan adopted by City Council in June to guide ongoing efforts to further reduce energy consumption. To view Asheville�s Sustainability Management Plan or for information on other city sustainability programs, visit (Image provided by the City of Asheville.)