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Soft drinks are the first source of added sugar in the American diet. The United States ranks FIRST among other countries in soft drink consumption. The average American consumes 22 teaspoons of added sugar a day while the recommended amount of added sugar a day is only 5 - 9 teaspoons. That�s 200 - 400% more than recommended! The average American consumption of soft drinks is about 50 gallons per year. SOFT DRINKS include soda, lemonade, sweet tea, sports drinks and any beverage sweetened with sugar or sugar substitute. How much sugar do you think is in the beverages you consume? Look at how much sugar is in a few of these popular choices:
20 oz. bottle of Coke 17 teaspoons Some soft drinks may have added vitamin C, calcium or other nutrients, but they are basically flavored sugar water. You must look at the nutrition facts label to see how many servings are in each container and how much sugar is in each serving. The major problem with consuming toomuch sugar is the extra calories. Another problem is children are consuming soft drinks at an earlier age. How many soft drinks do you consume? If you were to drink 1 can of sugar sweetened soft drink every day and not cut back in calories anywhere else, you could gain up to 15 pounds in a year. Soft drinks were once thought to be a treat. Now they are a part of our regular diet. Recently, soft drinks have come under scrutiny for their contributions to the rise of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and other chronic conditions. To calculate how much sugar is in your beverage:
Step 1. Look at the �Nutrition Facts� panel. Ideas for consuming less sugar:
Choose soft drinks every once in a while and use smaller portions Bottom line: The evidence is strong that cutting back on sugary drinks or eliminating them altogether may help with weight control and lower the risk of diabetes. For more information, call Buncombe County Cooperative Extension at 828-255-5522. (Images provided by Buncombe County.)
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