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Blue Ridge Motion Pictures Brings Hollywood to the Blue Ridge.

If all goes according to schedule, Asheville will be home to the biggest sound stage on the East Coast by sometime in January 2002. That is the anticipated date of the grand opening of Blue Ridge Motion Pictures, Asheville's latest, and biggest, entr�e into the world of entertainment.

What an entr�e it is - Blue Ridge Motion Pictures carries with it some pretty impressive credentials. Technically, it appears they have left no stone unturned. Their camera department offers the most advanced 35mm and video/DVD equipment, with a full range of Arriflex and Anton motion picture cameras, along with Sony and Cannon Video, Beta and HDTV cameras. Not only can their equipment handle studio shooting, but location shooting as well; they also have the trucks, generators and industry know-how to pull it all together.

Blue Ridge Motion Pictures offers numerous clear-spanned sound stages, all of which are completely soundproofed. The sound stages are different sizes, but all offer baffled heating and air conditioning ("Quiet on the set, please!") and the necessary electrical connections.

The studio also offers a true state-of-the-art recording studio, with four individual stages that are outfitted for recording, dubbing Foley and ADR work. Their equipment includes Pro Tools and SSL Avant Digital Mixing consoles, among the best in the business.

If you are interested in doing a remake of "Sphere" or "Flipper" or something of your own creation, Blue Ridge Motion Pictures has just what you'll need for those underwater shots. Located on their 40-acre site is a 64' x 32' x 12' Wet Stage (see middle photo), complete with dump capabilities and view ports for underwater shots. The wet stage holds an impressive 180,000 gallons of water.

If you're in need of rain or some other water effect, again, Blue Ridge Motion Pictures can fill the need with their 400,000-gallon water tank.

How about a drive through the country or some other pastoral (or menacing) outdoor scene? That will be no problem with Blue Ridge's 18-acre outdoor set, located right on their property. They also have a terrific New York/New England back lot (see bottom photo) that is 40 feet high and 600 feet long; it can be changed with different first floor facades, and has a steel frame that makes lighting, special effects and set dressing a breeze. They also have an industrial building fa�ade as well as an industrial roof, fully capable of providing the necessary ingredients for a successful film shoot.

As if all the above is not enough to attract film producers to this incredible new facility, add to it the abundance of creative talent that already exists in Asheville for wardrobe, hair and makeup, not to mention on-screen talent, ready to be discovered.

Of course, this area is also very "industry-friendly," with Asheville City Council already having provided Blue Ridge Motion Pictures with a tax incentive program that will aid them as they work their way through their first year of operation.

Blue Ridge Motion Pictures can be reached by calling 828-296-1499; they are located on the Internet at www.blueridgemotionpictures.com.

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