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BorgWarner Turbo Systems announced today, in a joint ceremony with representatives of Buncombe County, the North Carolina Department of Commerce, Progress Energy, and the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce, plans to invest in a $40 million turbocharger production line at its existing operations in Asheville. This expansion project involves the investment of approximately $40 million in new equipment and plant renovation, and is expected to add 111 more highly skilled technical positions to the workforce over the next three years, which now numbers around 700. Candidates with technology and/or manufacturing backgrounds should apply in person at the local Employment Security Commission for potential job openings as they occur within BorgWarner Turbo Systems. BorgWarner Turbo Systems occupies a state-of-the-art facility on Brevard Road established in 1980. With a highly skilled production team, BorgWarner Turbo Systems effectively employs the latest technology to ensure that customers realize the greatest value from their investment. �BorgWarner Turbo Systems would like to thank Buncombe County, the North Carolina Department of Commerce, Progress Energy, and the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce, for their support of this expansion project. We look forward to future significant growth,� stated Brad Norton, Vice President and General Manager BorgWarner Turbo Systems � Americas.� �The Economic Development Coalition for Asheville-Buncombe County is committed to supporting capital intensive, high technology industry such as BorgWarner Turbo Systems,� said Coalition chair, Bob Roberts. �We are pleased that they have found the business climate here conducive to meeting their goals.� Auburn Hills, Michigan-based BorgWarner Inc., (NYSE: BWA) is a product leader in highly engineered components and systems for vehicle powertrain applications worldwide. The company operates manufacturing and technical facilities in 62 locations in 17 countries. Customers include Ford, DaimlerChrysler, General Motors, VW/Audi, Toyota, Hyundai/Kia, Honda, Renault/Nissan, Caterpillar, Navistar International, Peugeot and BMW. The Internet address for BorgWarner is: http://www.borgwarner.com. The Economic Development Coalition for Asheville-Buncombe County is a public/private partnership between the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce, Buncombe County and the City of Asheville and has been involved in projects creating more than 4,000 jobs during the past five years for the region. BorgWarner's local presence includes a BorgWarner Turbo Systems operation in Asheville, a BorgWarner Cooling Systems facility in Fletcher, and a BorgWarner TorqTransfer Systems plant in Seneca, South Carolina. Chicago-based BorgWarner is a product leader in highly engineered components and systems for vehicle powertrain applications worldwide. The company operates manufacturing and technical facilities in 46 locations in 13 countries. Customers include Ford, DaimlerChrysler, General Motors, Toyota, Caterpillar, Navistar International and VW Group.