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NC Gets a New Online Building Materials Exchange

Do you have surplus building materials? Are there materials that you need? Those items can be listed on NC C & D website for free.

In honor of the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day, the Reuse Alliance announced the launch of a new materials exchange, North Carolina C & D Material Trader. This statewide virtual marketplace, which is managed by the Reuse Alliance, allows the public to source or market used, salvage and surplus building materials for free.

Construction & demolition (C & D) debris accounts for a significant part of the state�s waste stream. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, C & D debris totals more than 136 million tons per year, or nearly 40% of the solid waste stream. NC C & D Material Trader helps divert reusable building materials from the waste stream, and is an effective materials management strategy for any green building and deconstruction project. The exchange services are free, and the website is easy to use.

Newcomers can quickly create an account and post listings for materials they want to dispose of (�available�), or the materials they need to acquire (�wanted�). Materials can be sold, bartered or donated.

Users can also receive customizable emails detailing new materials and can access reports specifying the greenhouse gases avoided by using this service. A website moderator ensures the accuracy of listings and can assist users with their accounts; however the exchanges are managed by the interested parties in order to make the process faster. Check out the website.

Bill Gault of Habitat ReStore of Greater Greensboro added �We're happy to further the cause of reuse through this new outlet, and look forward to using the website to market our inventory of used and surplus building supplies, furniture and other household items.�

To ensure NC C&D Material Trader met the needs of the marketplace, Reuse Alliance obtained feedback from general contractors, designers, government officials, artists, and green building consultants. As a result of their input, the website will be a hub for green builders, designers and artists, a place to share success stories and ways of creatively reusing materials, as well as featuring the latest reuse-related news. It also offers business directories for products and services related to green building and deconstruction.

�This website is a great resource for property-owners, green builders, interior designers and artists. From conventional to creative reuse, the possibilities for ways to repurpose building materials are endless,� says MaryEllen Etienne of Reuse Alliance.

Unique among other online trading websites, NC C & D Material Trader provides users with reports specifying the greenhouse gases avoided and material diversion rates once data from a successful �match� has been inputted.

By using this service, you can reduce your carbon footprint and have a measurable impact in your community. �In Orange County, NC, our C & D Ordinance gives us an opportunity to ensure materials are being salvaged from every demolition project. Because our purpose is to connect these reclaimed materials to an end-user, we�re interested in using C & D Material Trader, especially its reporting capabilities,� says Grant Gale, Orange County Solid Waste Management. C & D Material Trader Network

(Images provided by Buncombe County.)

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