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Asheville Middle School has received the coveted School Lighthouse Award from the North Carolina Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD). The award was presented in Pinehurst recently by ASCD president Steve Mozingo. Superintendent Robert Logan joined principal Pam Cocke and AMS staff members Barbara Groome, Melissa Hedt, Sarah Cain and Susan Allman to receive the award. Schools are nominated on the basis of creative and innovative practices which have increased student achievement. This year of 30 nominees, only six schools received the award. Asheville Middle School was cited for their Advancement Via Individual Determination program (AVID) and consecutive designations as an AVID National Demonstration Site as well as for the integrated use of the Paideia philosophy and for the achievements of a diverse student population. ASCD is an internationally known and recognized educational organization which researches and seeks best practices for schools at primarily secondary levels. Asheville City Schools administrators Allen Johnson and Michael Lodico hold state and regional leadership positions with the NCASCD. For more information, visit (Images provided by Asheville City Schools.)