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New Morning Gallery and Bellagio are pleased to sponsor the Village Art and Craft Fair on the grounds of the Cathedral of all Souls in Biltmore Village on Saturday and Sunday of this week. In its 36nd year, the VACF continued a long tradition of bringing high-quality crafts to Biltmore Village. The fair hosted 125 artists from 18 states, representing the full spectrum of craft media - jewelry, ceramic, wood, fiber, metals, two-dimensional art and more. The craft fair is a great opportunity to encounter new artists (34 are first-time exhibitors) and to talk with crafters one-on-one. Most exhibitors are not represented at New Morning Gallery, so visitors are sure to find new treasures along with a few old favorites. Over the years, the reputation of the Village Art and Craft Fair as one of the finest craft fairs in the area has spread (along with the ubiquitous cat posters and T-shirts). Thousands of shoppers from all over the southeast arrive to stroll through the fair, discovering unique gifts for friends, family and themselves! (Images provided by the Annual Village Art and Craft Fair.)