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Apple Wedge Packers Offers “Fall into Apples” Production Tour Through Oct. 28

Late summer and early fall in Western North Carolina’s Henderson County means apple time – the fragrant fruit that has grown and ripened since early spring is now ready for harvest. Apple Wedge Packers, one of larger local growers in Henderson County, will offer their “Fall into Apples” production tour through October 28, 2005, and the tours will be an ideal way for both visitors and area residents to learn more about the process of delivering apples from the field to neighborhood grocers.

Last season was the first time the tours were offered. Apple Wedge owner, Greg Nix, said, “The goal of our tour is to educate folks about the apple industry because it is important to me that our rich apple heritage in Henderson County continues. Guests will have the opportunity to view our modern grading and packing equipment, including an electronic sorter that photographs each apple four times to determine the best color quality.”

From an elevated catwalk that was built just for the tours, visitors will see apples make their way down the production line to be washed, sorted, graded, and packed for shipping to local grocery stores and retail merchants. Visitors may also take a wagon ride into the orchard to learn about the harvest process and sample different apple varieties and homemade apple cider.

Apple Wedge Packers, a fifth-generation, family-owned apple wholesale business, is the largest volume shipper of fresh packed apples in the state of North Carolina, according to the NC Assessment Program. Since 1979, Apple Wedge has grown from 30 acres to 150 acres.

Production tours are available Monday through Friday, from 10 AM – 12 PM and 1 – 5 PM. Wagon rides begin on the hour at 10 AM and 11 AM, and again from 1 – 4 PM. The cost is $6 per person for the combined production tour and wagon ride. Children ages 5 and under are admitted free with a paying adult. Group rates are available for groups of 20 or more.

Apple Wedge Packers is located at 1273 Bearwallow Road in Edneyville. For more information, reservations, or directions, please call 828-685-8349 or visit their web site,

(Images provided by Apple Wedge.)

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