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Imagine you are at the grocery store, and the cashier notices that you�ve got a certain product and that it is buy one get one free. She tells you to go and get your free product while she finishes ringing you up. Sweet! Elizabeth asked John if he had applied for food stamps yet. He hadn�t. He had actually planned to go that day but his treatment lasted longer than expected, and he missed the opportunity. 2-1-1 Referral Specialists can now take certain food stamp applications by phone, so she was able to get him signed up right there � while he sat in his own kitchen. Next, Elizabeth made a call to find someone to help John with the appeals process for disability and was successful. John is thrilled to have made that connection since this is all so new to him. Without 2-1-1 he wouldn't have known what to do next. Looking for more happenings in the area? Check out's comprehensive visitor center.